970 resultados para Weyl, Herman: Symmetria


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In cases of decorative and functional applications, chromium results in protection against wear and corrosion combined with chemical resistance and good lubricity. However, pressure to identify alternatives or to improve conventional chromium electroplating mechanical characteristics has increased in recent years, related to the reduction in the fatigue strength of the base material and to environmental requirements. The high efficiency and fluoride-free hard chromium electroplating is an improvement to the conventional process, considering chemical and physical final properties. One of the most interesting, environmentally safer and cleaner alternatives for the replacement of hard chrome plating is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating, applied by the high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) process. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of the tungsten carbide thermal spray coating applied by the HP/HVOF process and of the high efficiency and fluoride-free hard chromium electroplating (in the present paper called 'accelerated'), in comparison to the conventional hard chromium electroplating on the AISI 4340 high strength steel behaviour in fatigue, corrosion, and abrasive wear tests. The results showed that the coatings were damaging to the AISI 4340 steel behaviour when submitted to fatigue testing, with the tungsten carbide thermal spray coatings showing the better performance. Experimental data from abrasive wear tests were conclusive, indicating better results from the WC coating. Regarding corrosion by salt spray test, both coatings were completely corroded after 72 h exposure. Scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) and optical microscopy were used to observe crack origin sites, thickness and adhesion in all the coatings and microcrack density in hard chromium electroplatings, to aid in the results analysis. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fatigue crack initiation occurs at the surface, although sub surface nucleation has also been reported. Localized imperfections like inclusions close to surface and surface small pits can result in crack sources. Coatings are not always beneficial by fatigue point of view too. Mechanical properties of the covering material can change considerably the fatigue behavior of base metal due to residual surface stresses, to micro cracks or to hydrogen embrittlement. This paper is concerned with analysis of electrolytic etch on the fatigue resistance of a 35NCD16 high strength steel in a mechanical condition of (1760 - 1960) MPa, and analysis of electroplated hard chromium effects on the fatigue resistance in a strength condition of 989 MPa. Hardness impression was used as a reference parameter in case of electrolytic etch. In both cases, experimental data showed that fatigue strength of 35NCD16 steel was considerably reduced. Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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We have described the existence of asymptomatic carriers of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections in native Amazon populations. Most of them had low parasitemias, detected only by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Because they remain symptomless and untreated, we wanted to determine whether they could infect Anopheles darlingi Root, the main Brazilian vector, and act as disease reservoirs. Fifteen adult asymptomatic patients (PCR positive only) were selected, and experimental infections of mosquitoes were performed by direct feeding and by a membrane-feeding system. Seventeen adult symptomatic patients with high parasitemias were used as controls. We found an infection rate in An. darlingi of 1.2% for the asymptomatic carriers and 22% for the symptomatic carriers. Although the asymptomatic group infected mosquitoes at a much lower rate, these patients remain infective longer than treated, symptomatic patients. Also, the prevalence of asymptomatic infections is 4 to 5 times higher than symptomatic infections among natives. These results have implications for the malaria control program in Brazil, which focuses essentially on the treatment of symptomatic patients. © 2005 Entomological Society of America.


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Introduction: The evolution of light curing units can be noticed by the different systems recently introduced. The technology of LED units promises longer lifetime, without heating and with production of specific light for activation of camphorquinone. However, further studies are still required to check the real curing effectiveness of these units. Purpose: This study evaluated the microhardness of 4 shades (B-0.5, B-1, B-2 and B-3) of composite resin Filtek Z-250 (3M ESPE) after light curing with 4 light sources, being one halogen (Ultralux - Dabi Atlante) and three LED (Ultraled - Dabi Atlante, Ultrablue - DMC and Elipar Freelight - 3M ESPE). Methods: 192 specimens were distributed into 16 groups, and materials were inserted in a single increment in cylindrical templates measuring 4mm x 4mm and light cured as recommended by the manufacturer. Then, they were submitted to microhardness test on the top and bottom aspects of the cylinders. Results: The hardness values achieved were submitted to analysis of variance and to Tukey test at 5% confidence level. It was observed that microhardness of specimens varied according to the shade of the material and light sources employed. The LED appliance emitting greater light intensity provided the highest hardness values with shade B-0.5, allowing the best curing. On the other hand, appliances with low light intensity were the least effective. It was also observed that the bottom of specimens was more sensitive to changes in shade. Conclusion: Light intensity of LED light curing units is fundamental for their good functioning, especially when applied in resins with darker shades.


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The purpose of this study was to employ photographic evaluation to observe the presence or absence of bubbles in pit and fissure sealants Concise and Prisma Shield, at 7 days, 18 months, 36 months and 11 years after accomplishment of treatment. Methods: A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface at the study periods, which allowed assessment of the sealing material on the surface. All occlusal surfaces were photographed and the photographs corresponding to each period were subjected to photographic evaluation. Results: There was statistically significant difference only at 18 months, with a significantly higher number of specimens with bubbles for the Prisma Shield sealant compared to the Concise, whereas the groups were similar at all other study periods. On the other hand, separate analysis of subsequent periods of the sealants did not reveal any significant difference. Conclusions: According to the results of the present longitudinal investigation, it may be concluded that the sealing materials showed that bubbles came into and went out with time. However, this fact did not interfere with its clinical purpose, provided the remaining material covers the expected region of pits and fissures.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the penetration of an aggressive self-etching adhesive system at refrigerated and room temperatures into ground and unground enamel surfaces. Thirty extracted human teeth were used to measure adhesive penetration into enamel by light microscopy analysis (x400). The unground enamel surfaces were cleaned with pumice and water using a rotary dental brush. For each specimen, part of the unground enamel was manually ground and part was kept intact. A self-etch adhesive was evaluated for its ability to penetrate ground and unground enamel surfaces at room temperature (25 degrees C), at 30 minutes after removal from the refrigerator, and immediately after removal from the refrigerator (6 degrees C). Data were analyzed using variance and the Tukey test, which revealed significant differences in length of penetration of this material when applied on ground and unground enamel surfaces and between the different temperatures used (P > .05). The self-etching system used in this study had significantly lower penetration into unground enamel and at 6 degrees C (P < .05). No statistical difference was found between the interactions of these factors. It was concluded that the self-etching system produced the best penetration into ground enamel surface at room temperature (25 degrees C) and at 30 minutes after removing the specimens from the refrigerator.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the effect of 10% carbamide peroxide on the microhardness of pit and fissure sealant materials. Methods: Fluroshield, Vitroseal Alfa, and one unfilled (Clinpro) sealants were placed in Teflon matrices (4 mm in diameter by 2 mm in height) and polymerized for 40 seconds. A total of 20 specimens were prepared for each material, in which half were assigned as the control group (stored in artificial saliva and no bleaching treatment). For the remaining half, Clarigel Gold bleaching agent (10% carbamide peroxide) was placed over the specimen surface for 4 hours/day during 4 weeks. When specimens were not under bleaching treatment, they were kept in artificial saliva. Afterwards, specimens were subjected to Knoop microhardness testing using a 25-g load for 5 seconds. Five measurements were made on the sealants' surfaces and then calculated in Knoop hardness values. The data were statistically analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's tests with a 5% confidence level. Results: The results of this in vitro study showed that the application of a carbamide peroxide-based bleaching material significantly affected the microhardness values of filled sealant materials. The bleaching agent did not affect the microhardness of the unfilled sealant. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The results of this in vitro study suggest that the bleaching agents altered the surface hardness of filled sealant restorative materials. This could possibly lead to increased wear and surface roughness. © 2006, Copyright the authors.


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Longitudinal entomological surveys were performed in Vila Candelária and adjacent rural locality of Bate Estaca concomitantly with a clinical epidemiologic malaria survey. Vila Candelária is a riverside periurban neighborhood of Porto Velho, capital of the state of Rondônia in the Brazilian Amazon. High anopheline densities were found accompanying the peak of rainfall, as reported in rural areas of the region. Moreover, several minor peaks of anophelines were recorded between the end of the dry season and the beginning of the next rainy season. These secondary peaks were related to permanent anopheline breeding sites resulting from human activities. Malaria transmission is, therefore, observed all over the year. In Vila Candelária, the risk of malaria infection both indoors and outdoors was calculated as being 2 and 10/infecting bites per year per inhabitant respectively. Urban malaria in riverside areas was associated with two factors: (1) high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers in a stable human population and (2) high anopheline densities related to human environmental changes. This association is probably found in other Amazonian urban and suburban communities. The implementation of control measures should include environmental sanitation and better characterization of the role of asymptomatic carriers in malaria transmission.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical behavior of 2 pit and fissure sealants through clinical/computerized evaluation. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Occlusal sealants were placed on maxillary and mandibular first and second premolars according to a split-mouth design. All premolars were sealed with either Concise (3M Espe) or Prisma Shield (Caulk/Dentsply) sealant agents. A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied on the occlusal surface 7 days, 18 months, 36 months, and 11 years after occlusal sealing to allow checking of the sealant material on the surface. At each analysis time all occlusal surfaces were photographed, and the photographs corresponding to each time period were analyzed with SigmaScan 4.0 Software. The alterations of the sealed area of each sealant were analyzed with the software and recorded. Next, the measurements of the areas were tabulated and analyzed according to each period. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), with parts subdivided into time, and the t test, with a significance level of 5%, were used. RESULTS: The greatest sealed area was maintained by the sealant Concise. However, over the course of 11 years, all sealants began to show the same level of alteration in sealed area. CONCLUSION: The sealing materials showed alteration in sealed area over time, but they were efficient in controlling caries lesion formation on premolar pits and fissures.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the penetration (tags) of adhesive materials into enamel etched with phosphoric acid or treated with a self-etching adhesive, before application of a pit-and-fissure sealant. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample comprised six study groups with six specimens each. Before pit-and-fissure sealing with the materials Clinpro SealantTM (Groups I and II), Vitro Seal ALPHA (Groups III and IV) and Fuji II LC (Groups V and VI), the teeth in Groups I, III, and V were etched with 35% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds. Teeth in Groups II, IV, and VI received application of the self-etching adhesive Adper Prompt L-Pop. The treated teeth were sectioned buccolingually, ground to 100-microm thickness, decalcified, and analyzed by conventional light microscopy at 400x magnification. RESULTS: The teeth etched with phosphoric acid exhibited significantly greater penetration than specimens treated with self-etching adhesive. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: When compared with enamel treated with a self-etching adhesive, the penetration (tags) of adhesive materials into enamel was greater when applied on enamel etched with phosphoric acid.


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It is well known that the microcrack density is a fundamental parameter in hard chromium electroplating. The chemical and mechanical properties of this coating are widely dependent on its microcrack density. In this paper a simple image analysis procedure to determine microcrack density is presented in order to demonstrate it as a fundamental tool to estimate the fatigue, corrosion and wear behavior, as well as the residual stress field of a coated component. For this purpose, the image analysis procedure was carried out on two kinds of hard chromium plating - one called accelerated (high velocity of deposition and fluoride-free) and the other conventional (with fluoride). The coatings were applied on samples of AISI 4340 aeronautical steel, which is widely used in aircraft landing gear components. To characterize the practical significance of this study, the microcrack density results were related to the fatigue, wear and corrosion behavior from previous study and to the residual stress field in the coatings.


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The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate demineralization around restorations. Class V preparations were made on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each tooth. TPH (Group 1), Fuji II LC (Group 2), Tetric (Group 3), Dyract (Group 4), GS 80 (Group 5) and Chelon Fil (Group 6) were randomly placed in equal numbers of teeth. The teeth were submitted to a pH-cycling model associated with a thermocycling model. Sections were made and the specimens were examined for the presence of demineralization under polarized light microscopy. Demineralization was significantly reduced with Chelon Fil (Group 6). Furthermore, a similar inhibitory effect on the development of demineralization was observed in Groups 2, 4 and 5.


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The study was performed in a greenhouse with the aim of evaluating the production of butterhead lettuce cultivars with and without plastic film mulch in the summer. The cultivars studied were 'Elisa', 'Lídia', 'Herman' and 'Luísa'. The experimental design was a split plot, in which the main plot was plastic film mulch (with or without black polyethylene film) and the subplots were the cultivars, with three repetitions. The seedlings were grown in Styrofoam trays of 288 cells and transplanted 25 days after seeding in a space of 25 × 25 cm. Harvests were carried out 45 days after transplanting and the following variables were determined: fresh and dry weights of the aerial part, number of leaves per plant, plant height and the longitudinal and transverse diameters of the plant. Significant differences were found only among the cultivars for the characteristics studied, with no cover × cultivar interaction. Fresh weight of the aerial part of 'Lídia' (270.9 g) was greater than that of 'Herman' (142.5 g), but did not differ from those of 'Luísa' (229.8 g) or 'Elisa' (204.8). The dry weight of the aerial part of 'Lídia' (12.4 g) differed statistically only with respect to that of 'Herman' (7.9 g). The cultivars 'Luísa' and 'Elisa' had an aerial part dry weight of 11.4 and 11.2 g, respectively. The number of leaves per plant of the cultivars 'Luísa' (45.1) and 'Elisa' (43.0) was higher than for 'Herman' (24.05), but did not differ from that of the cultivar 'Lídia' (39.5). The mean transverse and longitudinal diameters, as well as the mean height of the plants, showed that 'Lídia', 'Elisa' and 'Luísa' had the greatest values. The cultivars 'Lídia', 'Elisa' and 'Luísa' were the most productive and plastic film mulch had no effect on lettuce production under protected cultivation.


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Standard Test Methods (e.g. ASTM, DIN) for materials characterization in general, and for fatigue in particular, do not contemplate specimens with complex geometries, as well as the combination of axial and in-plane bending loads in their methodologies. The present study refers to some patents and the new configuration or configurations of specimens (non-standardized by the status quo of test methods) and a device developed to induce axial and bending combined forces resultants from axial loads applied by any one test equipment (dynamic or monotonic) which possesses such limitation, towards obtaining more realistic results on the fatigue behavior, or even basic mechanical properties, from geometrically complex structures. Motivated by a specific and geometrically complex aeronautic structure (motor-cradle), non-standardized welded tubular specimens made from AISI 4130 steel were fatigue-tested at room temperature, by using a constant amplitude sinusoidal load of 20 Hz frequency, load ratio R = 0.1 with and without the above referred auxiliary fatigue apparatus. The results showed the fatigue apparatus was efficient for introducing higher stress concentration factor at the welded specimen joints, consequently reducing the fatigue strength when compared to other conditions. From the obtained results it is possible to infer that with small modifications the proposed apparatus will be capable to test a great variety of specimen configurations such as: squared tubes and plates with welded or melted junctions, as well as other materials such as aluminum, titanium, composites, polymeric, plastics, etc. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of desensitizing agents on the micro-shear bond strength of adhesive systems to dentin. Forty bovine teeth were divided into 8 groups (n=5): G1--Single Bond (SB); G2--GH.F + SB; G3-- Desensibilize + SB; G4--essensiv + SB; G5 --ingle Bond 2 (SB2); G6--H.E + SB2; G7--esensibilize + SB2; G8--Dessensiv + SB2. In all of the groups, the desensitizing agents were applied after phosphoric acid etching and before the dentin adhesive application. Z250 composite resin tubes were bonded on the treated surface. After 24 hours, the teeth were tested in a universal machine. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The results showed that the groups where Desensibilize and Dessensiv were applied exhibited smaller bond strength values.