999 resultados para Weininger, Otto
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Solos, Geologia e Fertilizantes da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", USP, com a finalidade de estudar os efeitos fitotóxicos do biureto, adicionado à uréia, ao sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor L.) (Moench), tanto aplicado no solo como em pulverização foliar. Trata-se de um ensaio em vaso, conduzido em casa de vegetação e em dois tipos de solo: um arenoso-Areia Quartzosa e outro argilo-Terra Roxa. Os tratamentos foram: 1- 1,15 g N/vaso no solo 2- 1,15 g N/vaso + 1% de biureto no solo 3_ 1,15 g N/vaso + 2% de biureto no solo 4- 1,15 g N/vaso + 3% de biureto no solo 5- 1,15 g N/vaso via foliar 6- 1,15 g N/vaso + 1% de biureto via foliar 7- 1,15 g N/vaso + 2% de biureto via foliar 8- 1,15 g N/vaso + 3% de biureto via foliar Os resultados mostraram que os compostos nitrogenados (proteínas e aminoácidos) do sorgo apresentaram metabolismo aparentemente não alterado em presença de biureto, em qualquer dos dois tipos de aplicação enquanto que ocorreram variações nos teores de açúcares redutores e açúcares totais.
The ecology of Eudendrium spp. from the Brazilian coast is poorly known, although it already proved to be useful and important as a tool to solve some taxonomical problems of the genus. The seasonality and reproduction patterns of a population of Eudendrium caraiuru Marques & Oliveira, 2003 were studied. Data were sampled from test panels immersed in the water off Cabelo Gordo de Dentro beach, in São Sebastião Channel, Southeastern Brazil, from July 1999 to July 2000, every three months. Eudendrium caraiuru was active throughout the study period. Reproductive peaks of the species were regulated by cold and low-salinity water, although part of the population always bore mature gonophores. In addition to morphological differences, ecological differences between E. caraiuru and its similar species, E. glomeratum Picard, 1951, especially from well known populations of the Mediterranean Sea, corroborated that these species are diverse lineages of a unique ancestor.
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Aus dem Vorhergehenden ergibt sich, dass das Problem "Bromeliaceen-Kerteszia" hinsichtlich des Bodenreliefs in vier Punkten zusammengefasst werden kann: 1- Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii; das sind die Kontinentalebenen der Niederung des Itapocú im Norden der Region und der des Araranguá im Sueden. Dazu kommen die benachbarten Streifen einschliesslich der Abhaenge der Serra do Mar. 2 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii und bellator; das sind die quartaeren Ebenen mariner Sedimente (Restingas). 3 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, bellator und homunculus; das ist das stark vertikal aufgeteilte Relief der parallel zueinander in EW-Richtung verlaufenden Gebirgszuege. 4 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii und homunculus; das sind die Abhaenge der Gebirgsraender des kristalinen Hochlandes, die tief durch die zum Meer gerichteten Fluesse zerschnitten sind. Ebenfalls erbigt sich, dass in den vier Zonen die Art Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii einen gleichbleibenden Prozentsatz an Larven aufweist, woraus hervorgeht: 1 - Die Art besitzt keine bevorzugte Wohnstaette, in Bezug aur die Eiablage, in der zur Frage stehenden biogeographischen Region. 2- Die grossen Differenzen bezueglich des Prozentsatzes an positiven Brutstaetten in den bearbeiteten Gebieten haengt nicht von dem groesseren oder geringeren vorkommen der entspreschenden Art im biotop ab, sondern von den Wohnstaetten, die fuer das Leben der Arten Anopheles (Kerteszia) bellator und homunculus geeignet sind. Des weiteren ersieht man, dass, im allgemeinen gesehen, eine Abnahmees der Positivitaet der Brutstaetten in der EW-Richtung besteht, dagegen ist die Verringerung in der NS-Richtung weininger akzentuiert.
EA (sheep erythrocytes carrying rabbit antibody) are lysed by toad complement under optimal conditions which include a low concentration of cells (1.54 x 10*8/ml), a low temperature of incubation (30°C) and the same amounts of Ca++ and Mg++ as required for the titration of guinea-pig complement. Kinetic studies of the role of cations mentioned above in immune lysis by toad C have disclosed a fundamental difference as compared to guinea-pig C. In a limited complement system, the lysis by amphibian C is completely blocked by EDTA, even when the chelating agent is added as late as 15 minutes after zero-time. Inhibition by EGTA is only partial and the findings suggest that Mg++ is required not only at the beginning, but also at late stages of the lytic process. It has been speculated that the activation of amphibian complement proceeds mainly by the alternative pathway.
A rational method of search for natural neolignans of desired structures is outlined. This involves consultation of a collection of chemical profiles of plant families. The profiles are assembled considering the biosynthetic class (in the present case lignoids), subclass (neolignans), structural types (neolignan skeleta) and relative frequency of substitutional derivatives belonging to each type (known compounds). The method is of course applicable to ani class of natural products. Its use in the case of neolignans is here selected as an exemple in view of the recently discovered antagonism towards PAF of kadsurenone, a representative of this subclass of phytochemicals. Application of the chemical profiles to phylogenetic studies is illustrated.