779 resultados para Web-based Geographical Information Systems


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The study of Quality of Life (Qol) has been conducted on various scales throughout the years with focus on assessing overall quality of living amongst citizens. The main focus in these studies have been on economic factors, with the purpose of creating a Quality of Life Index (QLI).When it comes down to narrowing the focus to the environment and factors like Urban Green Spaces (UGS) and air quality the topic gets more focused on pointing out how each alternative meets this certain criteria. With the benefits of UGS and a healthy environment in focus a new Environmental Quality of Life Index (EQLI) will be proposed by incorporating Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Working with MCA on complex environmental problems and incorporating it with GIS is a challenging but rewarding task, and has proven to be an efficient approach among environmental scientists. Background information on three MCA methods will be shown: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Regime Analysis and PROMETHEE. A survey based on a previous study conducted on the status of UGS within European cities was sent to 18 municipalities in the study area. The survey consists of evaluating the current status of UGS as well as planning and management of UGS with in municipalities for the purpose of getting criteria material for the selected MCA method. The current situation of UGS is assessed with use of GIS software and change detection is done on a 10 year period using NDVI index for comparison purposes to one of the criteria in the MCA. To add to the criteria, interpolation of nitrogen dioxide levels was performed with ordinary kriging and the results transformed into indicator values. The final outcome is an EQLI map with indicators of environmentally attractive municipalities with ranking based on predefinedMCA criteria using PROMETHEE I pairwise comparison and PROMETHEE II complete ranking of alternatives. The proposed methodology is applied to Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, Portugal.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between faculty perceptions, selected demographics, implementation of elements of transactional distance theory and online web-based course completion rates. This theory posits that the high transactional distance of online courses makes it difficult for students to complete these courses successfully; too often this is associated with low completion rates. Faculty members play an indispensable role in course design, whether online or face-to-face. They also influence course delivery format from design through implementation and ultimately to how students will experience the course. This study used transactional distance theory as the conceptual framework to examine the relationship between teaching and learning strategies used by faculty members to help students complete online courses. Faculty members’ sex, number of years teaching online at the college, and their online course completion rates were considered. A researcher-developed survey was used to collect data from 348 faculty members who teach online at two prominent colleges in the southeastern part of United States. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in six factors related to transactional distance theory. The factors accounted for slightly over 65% of the variance of transactional distance scores as measured by the survey instrument. Results provided support for Moore’s (1993) theory of transactional distance. Female faculty members scored higher in all the factors of transactional distance theory when compared to men. Faculty number of years teaching online at the college level correlated significantly with all the elements of transactional distance theory. Regression analysis was used to determine that two of the factors, instructor interface and instructor-learner interaction, accounted for 12% of the variance in student online course completion rates. In conclusion, of the six factors found, the two with the highest percentage scores were instructor interface and instructor-learner interaction. This finding, while in alignment with the literature concerning the dialogue element of transactional distance theory, brings a special interest to the importance of instructor interface as a factor. Surprisingly, based on the reviewed literature on transactional distance theory, faculty perceptions concerning learner-learner interaction was not an important factor and there was no learner-content interaction factor.


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Introducción: El Cáncer es prevenible en algunos casos, si se evita la exposición a sustancias cancerígenas en el medio ambiente. En Colombia, Cundinamarca es uno de los departamentos con mayores incrementos en la tasa de mortalidad y en el municipio de Sibaté, habitantes han manifestado preocupación por el incremento de la enfermedad. En el campo de la salud ambiental mundial, la georreferenciación aplicada al estudio de fenómenos en salud, ha tenido éxito con resultados válidos. El estudio propuso usar herramientas de información geográfica, para generar análisis de tiempo y espacio que hicieran visible el comportamiento del cáncer en Sibaté y sustentaran hipótesis de influencias ambientales sobre concentraciones de casos. Objetivo: Obtener incidencia y prevalencia de casos de cáncer en habitantes de Sibaté y georreferenciar los casos en un periodo de 5 años, con base en indagación de registros. Metodología: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo de corte transversal,sobre todos los diagnósticos de cáncer entre los años 2010 a 2014, encontrados en los archivos de la Secretaria de Salud municipal. Se incluyeron unicamente quienes tuvieron residencia permanente en el municipio y fueron diagnosticados con cáncer entre los años de 2010 a 2104. Sobre cada caso se obtuvo género, edad, estrato socioeconómico, nivel académico, ocupación y estado civil. Para el análisis de tiempo se usó la fecha de diagnóstico y para el análisis de espacio, la dirección de residencia, tipo de cáncer y coordenada geográfica. Se generaron coordenadas geográficas con un equipo GPS Garmin y se crearon mapas con los puntos de la ubicación de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se proceso la información, con Epi Info 7 Resultados: Se encontraron 107 casos de cáncer registrados en la Secretaria de Salud de Sibaté, 66 mujeres, 41 hombres. Sin división de género, el 30.93% de la población presento cáncer del sistema reproductor, el 18,56% digestivo y el 17,53% tegumentario. Se presentaron 2 grandes casos de agrupaciones espaciales en el territorio estudiado, una en el Barrio Pablo Neruda con 12 (21,05%) casos y en el casco Urbano de Sibaté con 38 (66,67%) casos. Conclusión: Se corroboro que el análisis geográfico con variables espacio temporales y de exposición, puede ser la herramienta para generar hipótesis sobre asociaciones de casos de cáncer con factores ambientales.


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The 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management is being held at The University of Evora, Portugal on the 8 /9 September 2016. The Conference Chair is Paulo Silva and the Programme Chairs are Prof. Rui Quaresma and Prof. António Guerreiro. ECISM provides an opportunity for individuals researching and working in the broad field of information systems management, including IT evaluation to come together to exchange ideas and discuss current research in the field. This has developed into a particularly important forum for the present era, where the modern challenges of managing information and evaluating the effectiveness of related technologies are constantly evolving in the world of Big Data and Cloud Computing. We hope that this year’s conference will provide you with plenty of opportunities to share your expertise with colleagues from around the world. The keynote speakers for the Conference are Carlos Zorrinho from the Portuguese Delegation and Isabel Ramos from University of Minho, Portugal. ECISM 2016 received an initial submission of 84 abstracts. After the double blind peer review process 25 aca demic papers, 7 PhD research papers, 3 Masters research paper and 5 work in progress papers have been ac cepted for publication in these Conference Proceedings. These papers represent research from around the world, including Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK and Vietnam.


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En este artículo se muestran los diversos campos de aplicación de los sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIGs), para lo cual se intenta presentar una clasificación de las áreas del conocimiento donde se están llevando a cabo las más importantes aplicaciones. La anterior clasificación no supone que sea única ni estándar, sólo busca ofrecer al lector una forma de conocer las más diversas aplicaciones de esta moderna tecnología. Posteriormente, se presentan dos estudios de casos, los cuales fueron desarrollados en el laboratorio de Sistemas de Información Geográfica de la Escuela de Ciencias Geográficas de la Universidad Nacional (LSIGAE-ECG). Estos dos casos fueron elegidos por tratarse de aplicaciones diferentes, la primera de ellas dirigida a la implementación del SIG en el proceso de Zonificación Agroecológica y la segunda, a la Actualización de la Cartografía 1:10.000, el caso de la región Heredia. ABSTRACT This article shows the diversity of fields applying Geographical Information Systems technologies. A classification of the most known areas implementing these technology is presented. This classification does not pretend to be the only or standard classification. The idea is to offer the reader a format for introducing the most diverse applications of this modern technology. Afterwards, two case studies are presented which were carried out in the Geographical Information Systems Laboratory of the School of Geographical Sciences of the National University of Costa Rica (LSIGAE-ECG). The two case studies were chosen to present different applications; the firs directed to the implementation of GIS in the process of Agro-Ecological Zonification and the second regarding the Actualization of the Cartographic Map Series 1:10.000, Case study of the Region of Heredia.


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Desde hace algunos años los sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (SPG) se están imponiendo como una herramienta interesante e, incluso, imprescindible para el posicionamiento y la navegación – marítima, aérea y terrestre – y con importantes aplicaciones en los campos de la cartografía, la teledetección, los sistemas de información Geográfica, la Topografía, etc. En este artículo realizamos una introducción a los SPG, haciendo un repaso de los componentes, de la forma de calcular la distancia, de la precisión y de la metodología de trabajo con ellos.ABSTRACT For some years now, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have become interesting and indispensable tools for determining geographical positioning for air, land and marine navigation, as well as having important applications in the area on Cartography, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems, Surveying, etc. In this article, we present an introduction to GPS and summarize the necessary components, ways to calculate distance and precision, and methodologies for working with them.


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Este articulo tal como reza en su titulo, reúne la aplicación de tres tecnologías diferentes en la geografía actual: Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (SPG), Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y Teledetección, lo cual es importante para los investigadores de estos temas y para el lector común científico o no. Pero la principal finalidad del trabajo es que sus contenidos rigurosos, metodológica y teóricamente tratan de análisis histórico del uso de los recursos naturales y la evolución ecológica en uno de los países mas devastados por todo tipo de calamidad: los desastres naturales, los desastres sociales-guerra- y las enfermedades. Lo anterior lo califica como uno de los países más pobres de Centroamérica y del mundo. El sudeste de Nicaragua es la <<muestra>> de nuestros países expoliados, exportadores de materia prima, endeudados con los entes financieros y con todo tipo de debilidad interna: desempleo, bajos salarios, desigualdad en la repartición de la tierra, dominio empresarial de una <<oligarquía>>, agricultura de subsistencia, factores ambientales negativos. Como se señalará más adelante, <<a los habitantes les gusta decir que llueve trece meses al año>>. Este último factor, constituye una dificultad metodológica porque la cantidad de nubosidad impide realizar trabajos <<óptimos>>. No obstante, el trabajo deja ver las consecuencias de la deforestación para el pastoreo y algunos cultivos (monocultivos y productos para el mercado externo). En conclusión, el estudio lleva a la consecución de la distribución del uso del suelo, la delimitación de la frontera agrícola y la elaboración del mapa respectivo para 1992, elementos que permiten comparar el gran avance de la frontera agrícola observando un mapa del instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) de 1983.  ABSTRACT This article focuses on the application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Remote Sensing to the study of the agricultural frontier of Southeastern Nicaragua in the elaboration of a land use map of this area. The methodology of map elaboration, bases on LANDSAT satellite imagines, is explained. A report on deforestation processes and the agrarian frontier in Nicaragua within the context of Central America is also included.


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The thesis has been carried out within the “SHAPE Project - Predicting Strength Changes in Bridges from Frequency Data Safety, Hazard, and Poly-harmonic Evaluation” (ERA-NET Plus Infravation Call 2014) which dealt with the structural assessment of existing bridges and laboratory structural reproductions through the use of vibration-based monitoring systems, for detecting changes in their natural frequencies and correlating them with the occurrence of damage. The main purpose of this PhD dissertation has been the detection of the variation of the main natural frequencies as a consequence of a previous-established damage configuration provided on a structure. Firstly, the effect of local damage on the modal feature has been discussed mainly concerning a steel frame and a composite steel-concrete bridge. Concerning the variation of the fundamental frequency of the small bridge, the increasing severity of two local damages has been investigated. Moreover, the comparison with a 3D FE model is even presented establishing a link between the dynamic properties and the damage features. Then, moving towards a diffused damage pattern, four concrete beams and a small concrete deck were loaded achieving the yielding of the steel reinforcement. The stiffness deterioration in terms of frequency shifts has been reconsidered by collecting a large set of dynamic experiments on simply supported R.C. beams discussed in the literature. The comparison of the load-frequency curves suggested a significant agreement among all the experiments. Thus, in the framework of damage mechanics, the “breathing cracks” phenomenon has been discussed leading to an analytical formula able to explain the frequency decay observed experimentally. Lastly, some dynamic investigations of two existing bridges and the corresponding FE Models are presented in Chapter 4. Moreover, concerning the bridge in Bologna, two prototypes of a network of accelerometers were installed and the data of a few months of monitoring have been discussed.


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This paper develops an interactive approach for exploratory spatial data analysis. Measures of attribute similarity and spatial proximity are combined in a clustering model to support the identification of patterns in spatial information. Relationships between the developed clustering approach, spatial data mining and choropleth display are discussed. Analysis of property crime rates in Brisbane, Australia is presented. A surprising finding in this research is that there are substantial inconsistencies in standard choropleth display options found in two widely used commercial geographical information systems, both in terms of definition and performance. The comparative results demonstrate the usefulness and appeal of the developed approach in a geographical information system environment for exploratory spatial data analysis.


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Geographical information systems (GIS) coupled to 3D visualisation technology is an emerging tool for urban planning and landscape design applications. The utility of 3D GIS for realistically visualising the built environment and proposed development scenarios is much advocated in the literature. Planners assess the merits of proposed changes using visual impact assessment (VIA). We have used Arcview GIS and visualisation software: called PolyTRIM from the University of Toronto, Centre for Landscape Research (CLR) to create a 3D scene for the entrance to a University campus. The paper investigates the thesis that to facilitate VIA in planning and design requires not only visualisation, but also a structured evaluation technique (Delphi) to arbitrate the decision-making process. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper seeks to understand the use and the consequences of Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in a Mexican local community. A multilevel framework was applied, mainly influenced by two theoretical lenses – structurationist view and social shaping of technology – structured in three dimensions – context, process and content – according to contextualist logic. The results of our study have brought two main contributions. The first is the refinement of the theoretical framework in order to better investigate the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) artifacts by local communities for social and environmental purposes. The second contribution is the extension of existing IS (Information Systems) literature on participatory practices through identification of important conditions for helping the mobilization of ICT as a tool for empowering local communities.


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Em estudos de acessibilidade, e não só, são muito úteis um tipo de estruturas que se podem obter a partir de uma rede, eventualmente multi-modal e parametrizável: as chamadas “áreas de serviço”, as quais são constituídas por polígonos, cada qual correspondente a uma zona situada entre um certo intervalo de custo, relativamente a uma certa “feature” (ponto, multiponto, etc.). Pretende-se neste estudo obter, a partir de áreas de serviço relativas a um universo de features, áreas de serviço relativas a subconjuntos dessas features. Estas técnicas envolvem manipulações relativamente complexas de polígonos e podem ser generalizadas para conjuntos de conjuntos e assim sucessivamente. Convém notar que nem sempre se dispõe da rede, podendo dispor-se das referidas estruturas; eventualmente, no caso de áreas de serviço, sob a forma de imagens (raster) a serem convertidas para formato vectorial.


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Neste artigo é apresentado um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Espacial (SADE) onde os decisores podem facilmente definir diferentes tipos de problemas espaciais recorrendo a diferentes categorias de objetos, pré-definidas ou a definir, associando- lhes características com ou sem dependência espacial, e indicando formas de interferência (impactos) entre essas caracte- rísticas/propriedades. A análise espacial para determinação ou avaliação de configurações alternativas para a localização de diferentes tipos de ocorrências espaciais será feita através da utilização interativa do SADE de acordo com conjuntos de regras intrínsecas aos vários elementos gráficos (objetos, categorias, características, impactos) utilizados na definição dos problemas. O teste à generalidade representativa e analítica do SADE proposto é efectuado recorrendo a um problema concreto, suficientemente específico e complexo, relativo à aplicação de modelos gaussianos para o estudo da dispersão atmosférica de eventuais poluentes resultantes do tratamento de resíduos sólidos. A região em estudo está limitada, neste exemplo, ao município de Coimbra, Portugal. Para este município estão acessíveis, e são utilizados, os dados demográficos ao nível da secção de voto (censos oficiais) e, como tal, é possível a realização de um estudo realístico do impacto com populações humanas.


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The adoption of faster modes of transportation (mainly the private car) has changed profoundly the spatial organisation of cities. The increase in distance covered due to increased speed of travel and to urban sprawl leads to an increase in energy consumption, being the transportation sector a huge consumer responsible for 61.5% of total world oil consumption and a global final energy consumption of 31.6% in EU-27 (2007). Due to unsustainable transportation conditions, many cities suffer from congestion and various other traffic problems. Such situations get worse with solutions mostly seen in the development of new infrastructure for motorized modes of transportation, and construction of car parking structures. The bicycle, considered the most efficient among all modes of transportation including walking, is a travel mode that can be adopted in most cities contributing for urban sustainability given the associated environmental, economic and social advantages. In many nations a large number of policy initiatives have focused on discouraging the use of private cars, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transportation, like public transportation and other forms such as bicycling. Given the importance of developing initiatives that favour the use of bicycle as an urban transportation mode, an analysis of city suitability, including distances and slopes of street network, is crucial in order to help decision-makers to plan the city for bicycle. In this research Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was used for this purpose and some results are presented concerning the city of Coimbra.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais