938 resultados para Water in oil emulsion


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A new methodology has been developed to reduce water soluble and water insoluble organohalides in aqueous medium in high yields using TBTH.


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While the adsorption of dioxygen at a clean Ni(110) surface gives rise to two O(1s) features at 531 and 530 eV assigned to O-(a) and O2-(a) type species respectively, coadsorption of dioxygen and water mixtures result in the additional formation of hydroxyl species characterized by an O(1s) peak at 532.3 eV. The latter is attributed to the oxygen induced dissociation of water via a low energy pathway involving the O-(a)-type species. The proportions of the O-(a) and the hydroxyl species are greater for small O-2/H2O ratios and lower temperatures (120 K). With increase in temperature, the relative surface concentrations of the O-(a) and the hydroxyl species decrease while there is an increase in the concentration of the oxidic O2-(a) species. Thus, the surface concentrations of both the hydroxyl and the O2-(a) species depend critically on the presence of O- type species. Above 300K the surface chemistry in the main involves the conversion of O- to O2- species via the hydroxyl species.


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The present paper aims at studying the performance characteristics of a subspace based algorithm for source localization in shallow water such as coastal water. Specifically, we study the performance of Multi Image Subspace Algorithm (MISA). Through first-order perturbation analysis and computer simulation it is shown that MISA is unbiased and statistically efficient. Further, we bring out the role of multipaths (or images) in reducing the error in the localization. It is shown that the presence of multipaths is found to improve the range and depth estimates. This may be attributed to the increased curvature of the wavefront caused by interference from many coherent multipaths.


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This paper examines the effect of substitution of water by heavy water in a polymer solution of polystyrene (molecular weight = 13000) and acetone. A critical double point (CDP), at which the upper and the lower partially-miscible regions merge, occurs at nearly the same coordinates as for the system [polystyrene + acetone + water]. The shape of the critical line for [polystyrene + acetone + heavy water] is highly asymmetric. An explanation for the occurrence of the water-induced CDP in [polystyrene + acetone] is advanced in terms of the interplay between contact energy dissimilarity and free-volume disparity of the polymer and the solvent. The question of the possible existence of a one-phase hole in an hourglass phase diagram is addressed in [polystyrene + acetone + water]. Our data exclude such a possibility.


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Experimental ionic conductivity of different alkali ions in water shows markedly different dependences on pressure. Existing theories such as that of Hubbard-Onsager are unable to explain these dependences on pressure of the ionic conductivity for all ions. We report molecular dynamics investigation of potassium chloride solution at low dilution in water at several pressures between 1 bar and 2 kbar. Two different potential models have been employed. One of the models successfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend in ionic conductivity of K+ ions in water over the 0.001-2 kbar range. We also propose a theoretical explanation, albeit at a qualitative level, to account for the dependence of ionic conductivity on pressure in terms of the previously studied Levitation Effect. It also provides a microscopic picture in terms of the pore network in liquid water.


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A microscopic theory is used to calculate the solvation-time correlation function, (S(t)), of a light, non-stationary charge bubble in water. The calculated correlation function is found to be similar to the energy-time correlation function of a solvated electron. The ionic mobility of a charge bubble of the size of the hydrated electron is also calculated. It is found that the mobility of the charge plays a very important role in its own solvation.


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In this paper, we study the propagation of a shock wave in water, produced by the expansion of a spherical piston with a finite initial radius. The piston path in the x, t plane is a hyperbola. We have considered the following two cases: (i) the piston accelerates from a zero initial velocity and attains a finite velocity asymptotically as t tends to infinity, and (ii) the piston decelerates, starting from a finite initial velocity. Since an analytic approach to this problem is extremely difficult, we have employed the artificial viscosity method of von Neumann & Richtmyer after examining its applicability in water. For the accelerating piston case, we have studied the effect of different initial radii of the piston, different initial curvatures of the piston path in the x, t plane and the different asymptotic speeds of the piston. The decelerating case exhibits the interesting phenomenon of the formation of a cavity in water when the deceleration of the piston is sufficiently high. We have also studied the motion of the cavity boundary up to 550 cycles.


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Solar distillation can be used to produce potable water from contaminated water. However, studies show that ions such as F(-) and NO(3)(-) occur in distillates from solar stills. In order to understand the reasons for this behavior, imaging and distillation experiments were conducted. White dots were seen in the vapor space above the interface of hot water poured into containers. The concentrations of various ions such as F(-) and SO(4)(2-) in the distillates from thermal and solar distillation experiments were roughly comparable when the feed consisted of deionized water and also solutions having fluoride concentrations of 100 and 10 000 mg/L. These observations suggest that aerosols enter the distillation setup through leaks and provide nuclei for the condensation of water vapor. The water-soluble component of aerosols dissolves in the drops formed, and some of the drops are transferred to the distillate by buoyancy-driven convection.


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The GasBench II peripheral along with MAT 253 combination provides a more sensitive platform for the determination of water isotope ratios. Here, we examined the role of adsorbed moisture within the gas chromatography (GC) column of the GasBench II on measurement uncertainties. The uncertainty in O-18/O-16 ratio measurements is determined by several factors, including the presence of water in the GC. The contamination of GC with water originating from samples as water vapour over a longer timeframe is a critical factor in determining the reproducibility of O-18/O-16 ratios in water samples. The shift in isotope ratios observed in the experiment under dry and wet conditions correlates strongly with the retention time of analyte CO2, indicating the effect of accumulated moisture. Two possible methods to circumvent or minimise the effect of adsorbed water on isotope ratios are presented here. The proposed methodology includes either the regular baking of the GC column at a higher temperature (120 degrees C) after analysis of a batch of 32 sample entries or conducting the experiment at a low GC column temperature (22.5 degrees C). The effects of water contamination on long-term reproducibility of reference water, with and without baking protocol, have been described.


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The structure of the hydrogen bond network is a key element for understanding water's thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies. While ambient water is strongly believed to be a uniform, continuous hydrogen-bonded liquid, there is growing consensus that supercooled water is better described in terms of distinct domains with either a low-density ice-like structure or a high-density disordered one. We evidenced two distinct rotational mobilities of probe molecules in interstitial supercooled water of polycrystalline ice Banerjee D, et al. (2009) ESR evidence for 2 coexisting liquid phases in deeply supercooled bulk water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106: 11448-11453]. Here we show that, by increasing the confinement of interstitial water, the mobility of probe molecules, surprisingly, increases. We argue that loose confinement allows the presence of ice-like regions in supercooled water, whereas a tighter confinement yields the suppression of this ordered fraction and leads to higher fluidity. Compelling evidence of the presence of ice-like regions is provided by the probe orientational entropy barrier which is set, through hydrogen bonding, by the configuration of the surrounding water molecules and yields a direct measure of the configurational entropy of the same. We find that, under loose confinement of supercooled water, the entropy barrier surmounted by the slower probe fraction exceeds that of equilibrium water by the melting entropy of ice, whereas no increase of the barrier is observed under stronger confinement. The lower limit of metastability of supercooled water is discussed.


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A molecular dynamics simulation study of aqueous solution of LiCl is reported as a function of pressure. Experimental measurements of conductivity of Li+ ion as a function of pressure shows an increase in conductivity with pressure. Our simulations are able to reproduce the observed trend in conductivity. A number of relevant properties have been computed in order to understand the reasons for the increase in conductivity with pressure. These include radial distribution function, void and neck distributions, hydration or coordination numbers, diffusivity, velocity autocorrelation functions, angles between ion-oxygen and dipole of water as well as OH vector, mean residence time for water in the hydration shell, etc. These show that the increase in pressure acts as a structure breaker. The decay of the self part of the intermediate scattering function at small wave number k shows a bi-exponential decay at 1 bar which changes to single exponential decay at higher pressures. The k dependence of the ratio of the self part of the full width at half maximum of the dynamic structure factor to 2Dk(2) exhibits trends which suggest that the void structure of water is playing a role. These support the view that the changes in void and neck distributions in water can account for changes in conductivity or diffusivity of Li+ with pressure. These results can be understood in terms of the levitation effect. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4756909]


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A new bis-indolyl-based colorimetric probe has been synthesized. This allows a Michael-type adduct formation for the detection of cyanide ions. The probe shows a remarkable color change from red to colorless upon addition of the cyanide ions in pure water. The cyanide ion reacts with the probe and removes the conjugation of the bis-indolyl moiety of the probe with that of the 4-substituted aromatic ring. This renders the probe colorless. The mechanism of the reaction of the probe with the cyanide ion was established by using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and kinetic studies.


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Solid lubricant nanoparticles in suspension in oil are good lubricating options for practical machinery. In this article, we select a range of dispersants, based on their polar moieties, to suspend 50-nm molybdenum disulfide particles in an industrial base oil. The suspension is used to lubricate a steel on steel sliding contact. A nitrogen-based polymeric dispersant (aminopropyl trimethoxy silane) with a free amine group and an oxygen-based polymeric dispersant (sorbital monooleate) when grafted on the particle charge the particle negatively and yield an agglomerate size which is almost the same as that of the original particle. Lubrication of the contact by these suspensions gives a coefficient of friction in the similar to 0.03 range. The grafting of these surfactants on the particle is shown here to be of a chemical nature and strong as the grafts survive mechanical shear stress in tribology. Such grafts are superior to those of other silane-based test surfactants which have weak functional groups. In the latter case, the particles bereft of strong grafts agglomerate easily in the lubricant and give a coefficient of friction in the 0.08-0.12 range. This article investigates the mechanism of frictional energy dissipation as influenced by the chemistry of the surfactant molecule.


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A molecular dynamics (MD) investigation of LiCl in water, methanol, and ethylene glycol (EG) at 298 K is reported. Several; structural and dynamical properties of the ions as well as the solvent such as self-diffusivity, radial distribution functions, void and neck distributions, velocity autocorrelation functions, and mean residence times of solvent in the first solvation shell have been computed. The results show that the reciprocal relationship between the self-diffusivity of the ions and the viscosity is valid in almost all solvents with the exception of water. From an analysis of radial distribution functions and coordination numbers the nature of hydrogen bonding within the solvent and its influence on the void and neck distribution becomes evident. It is seen that the solvent solvent interaction is important in EG while solute solvent interactions dominate in water and methanol. From Voronoi tessellation, it is seen that the voids and necks within methanol are larger as compared to those within water or EG. On the basis of the void and neck distributions obtained from MD simulations and literature experimental data of limiting ion conductivity for various ions of different sizes we show that there is a relation between the void and neck radius on e one hand and dependence of conductivity on the ionic radius on the other. It is shown that the presence of large diameter voids and necks in methanol is responsible for maximum in limiting ion conductivity (lambda(0)) of TMA(+), while in water in EG, the maximum is seen for Rb+. In the case of monovalent anions, maximum in lambda(0) as a function ionic radius is seen for Br- in water EG but for the larger ClO4- ion in methanol. The relation between the void and neck distribution and the variation in lambda(0) with ionic radius arises via the Levitation effect which is discussed. These studies show the importance of the solvent structure and the associated void structure.


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We present computer simulation study of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy (2D-IR) of water confined in reverse micelles (RMs) of various sizes. The present study is motivated by the need to understand the altered dynamics of confined water by performing layerwise decomposition of water, with an aim to quantify the relative contributions of different layers water molecules to the calculated 2D-IR spectrum. The 0-1 transition spectra clearly show substantial elongation, due to in-homogeneous broadening and incomplete spectral diffusion, along the diagonal in the surface water layer of different sized RMs. Fitting of the frequency fluctuation correlation functions reveal that the motion of the surface water molecules is sub-diffusive and indicate the constrained nature of their dynamics. This is further supported by two peak nature of the angular analogue of van Hove correlation function. With increasing system size, the water molecules become more diffusive in nature and spectral diffusion almost completes in the central layer of the larger size RMs. Comparisons between experiments and simulations establish the correspondence between the spectral decomposition available in experiments with the spatial decomposition available in simulations. Simulations also allow a quantitative exploration of the relative role of water, sodium ions, and sulfonate head groups in vibrational dephasing. Interestingly, the negative cross correlation between force on oxygen and hydrogen of O-H bond in bulk water significantly decreases in the surface layer of each RM. This negative cross correlation gradually increases in the central water pool with increasing RMs size and this is found to be partly responsible for the faster relaxation rate of water in the central pool. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.