969 resultados para Village gai
The village of Óbidos was recognized in 2015 as a creative city in the area of literature, becoming a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. The attribution of the title depends on the fulfillment of a number of criteria the regions have to integrate. In addition to Óbidos, UNESCO attributed the same title in the same year to other European cities, including Barcelona, Nottingham, Ljubljana, Tartu and Lviv. This article intends to co nduct a case study to the cultural and artistic offer, as well as the cultural and literary legacy that different cities provide to be able to inquire the innovation of the proposals. The study aims to assess how much Óbidos, compared to other cities with the same title, is creative. Knowing that the concept of creative city (Landry and Bianchini, 1995) results from the emergence of new technologies and a new type of economy based on creativity and innovation and that creativity implies removing economic or social value of the creative work or talent, the study aims to determine to what extent the processes generated gave rise to new ideas (creativity) and what processes led to its implementation (innovation). Being innovation in the creative industries asso ciated with product, process, positioning, paradigmatic and social innovation (Storsul and Krumsvik, 2013), it is concluded that, in Óbidos, the entrepreneurship initiatives are more focused on tourists who occasionally visit the village and the business o pportunities that are generated there. New innovative and creative spaces were created, promoting literature and adding value and quality to urban space. This urban intervention resulted in the attraction of individuals who streamlined new habits of being and acting in the village
Cadastral survey map of proposed streets and lots, showing dimensions, lot numbers, and existing buildings.
En mars 1990, la commission scolaire de Victoriaville décida de fermer l'école secondaire Notre-Dame du Perpétuel-Secours. Cette institution scolaire était située à Ham-Nord, un tout petit village d'un millier d'habitants de la région des Bois-Francs. Cette décision fut évidemment accueillie par de fougueuses protestations de la part de ces villageois qui formèrent rapidement un comité de maintien chargé de faire reculer la commission scolaire. Le comité était composé de gens venant de tous les milieux sociaux de Ham-Nord (industriel, scolaire, religieux...) et il répondit donc aux arguments économiques par des questionnements d'ordre humain. D'abord, ils insistèrent sur le fait que le transfert des élèves de Ham-Nord leur provoquerait un transport quotidien d'une heure et demie. Ensuite, ils soutinrent que la disparition de l'école porterait un dur coup à toute la vitalité socio-économique du village. Malheureusement, les efforts du comité n'ont pas porté fruit. En effet, lors du vote final, le résultat a clairement démontré que la position des commissaires demeurait inflexible. En vérité, ces derniers ont voté à 16 contre 1 en faveur de la fermeture de l'école Notre-Dame du Perpétuel-Secours. Toutefois, la population n'était pas prête à s'avouer vaincue et le comité manoeuvrait désormais pour impliquer le gouvernement dans le dossier. Par conséquent, des manifestations furent organisées à cet égard mais après quelques mois le comité de maintien a reçu une douche d'eau froide puisque le ministère de l'éducation s'est prononcé en faveur de la fermeture…
Cadastral map showing lot lines, property-owners' names, and planned streets.
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.
Cadastral map showing streets, lots, and lot numbers.
Background: Leptospirosis, a disease caused by Leptospira species, a spirochaete bacterium that can develop in an appropriate environment and/or grow in human and/or animal hosts, is a serious problem for the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Objective: To investigate people’s perceptions and behavioral risks regarding leptospirosis infection. Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study collected data in May, 2013. Data on individuals’ perceptions and risky behaviors concerning leptospirosis were collected from 104 completed questionnaires. Results: Regarding perceptions of leptospirosis, we found them to be at a high level (97.1%) and risky behaviors regarding leptospirosis were reported at a moderate level (74.0%). The study found no correlation between perceptions and risky behaviors regarding leptospirosis (r 0.186, p-value 0.059). Conclusion: This study suggest that people in these areas have good knowledge about leptospirosis. However, some people have risky behavior associated with leptospirosis. Thus, a behavioral change campaign should be promoted to encourage people awareness of the dangers of such behavior.
This thesis explores the Modern Olympic Games to strategically design an Olympic Village for Washington D.C. that plans not just to house athletes, but to provide a vision for the post-Games city. Through discovery of the spirit and meaning behind one of the world’s biggest events and analysis of various post-Games Villages, the proposed Olympic Village will innovate the future of Washington D.C.’s Southeast region. Study of existing mixed-use architecture, urban planning, and adaptation will help formulate an Olympic Village design. It is the intention that the Olympic Village, much like its athletes, will emulate the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius,” meaning “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” The objective is to establish a village that allows for a faster turnaround in post-Olympic design, utilizes higher standards, and uses stronger applications to building a more sustainable city.
This article explores Ulrich Beck’s theorisation of risk society through focusing on the way in which the risk of Bt cotton is legitimated by six cultivators in Bantala, a village in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, in India. The fieldwork for this study was conducted between June 2010 and March 2011, a duration chosen to coincide with a cotton season. The study explores the experience of the cultivators using the ‘categories of legitimation’ defined by Van Leeuwen. These are authorisation, moral evaluation, rationalisation and mythopoesis. As well as permitting an exploration of the legitimation of Bt cotton by cultivators themselves within the high-risk context of the Indian agrarian crisis, the categories also serve as an analytical framework with which to structure a discourse analysis of participant perspectives. The study examines the complex trade-off, which Renn argues the legitimation of ambiguous risk, such as that associated with Bt technology, entails. The research explores the way in which legitimation of the technology is informed by wider normative conceptualisations of development. This highlights that, in a context where indebtedness is strongly linked to farmer suicides, the potential of Bt cotton for poverty alleviation is traded against the uncertainty associated with the technology’s risks, which include its purported links to animal deaths. The study highlights the way in which the wider legitimation of a neoliberal approach to development in Andhra Pradesh serves to reinforce the choice of Bt cotton, and results in a depoliticisation of risk in Bantala. The research indicates, however, that this trade-off is subject to change over time, as economic benefits wane and risks accumulate. It also highlights the need for caution in relation to the proposed extension of Bt technology to food crops, such as Bt brinjal (aubergine).
Entre la fin du Néolithique et l’âge du Bronze, la présence d’habitats groupés de type village est un phénomène diffus, tant en Italie qu’en France méridionale. Néanmoins, la prise en compte de la variabilité des formes de la stratification des sites interroge. En quoi l’enregistrement sédimentaire des sols d’habitat permet-il d’appréhender la question de l’organisation villageoise et de sa variabilité entre la fin du Néolithique et l’âge du Bronze ? Quelle image cet enregistrement sédimentaire donne-t-il de l’organisation sociale et économique du village ? Afin d’aborder ces questions, nous avons choisi de mener une étude géoarchéologique sur des sites de formes différentes, issus de contextes chrono-culturels et environnementaux variés. La démarche, fondée sur l’emploi de la micromorphologie des sols en tant qu’outil analytique, vise à caractériser l’organisation spatio-temporelle des sols d’occupation à l’échelle du site, selon une approche spatiale des processus de formation de la stratification archéologique. L’élaboration d’un modèle, qui repose sur une classification des micro-faciès sédimentaires selon le système d’activité, et son application à des sites-laboratoires permettent de qualifier les techniques de construction en terre, l’usage du sol et les dynamiques d’occupation propres à chaque site, dans le but de déterminer les comportements socio-économiques et les spécificités du mode de vie villageois enregistrées par les sols. Cette approche permet d’évaluer les constantes et les variables qui qualifient les différents types d’occupation. Le sol, conçu comme matérialité de l’espace villageois, devient ainsi un témoignage direct de la variabilité culturelle et des différentes formes d’organisation des communautés de la fin du Néolithique et de l’âge du Bronze.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
This study describes the sperm morphology of the mayfly Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta (Ephemeroptera). Its spermatozoon measures approximately 30 μm of which 9 μm corresponds to the head. The head is composed of an approximately round acrosomal vesicle and a cylindrical nucleus. The nucleus has two concavities, one in the anterior tip, where the acrosomal vesicle is inserted and a deeper one at its base, where the flagellum components are inserted. The flagellum is composed of an axoneme, a mitochondrion and a dense rod adjacent to the mitochondrion. A centriolar adjunct is also observed surrounding the axoneme in the initial portion of the flagellum and extends along the flagellum for at least 2 μm, surrounding the axoneme in a half-moon shape. The axoneme is the longest component of the flagellum, and it follows the 9+9+0 pattern, with no central pair of microtubules. At the posterior region of the flagellum, the mitochondrion has a dumb-bell shape in cross sections that, together with the rectangular mitochondrial-associated rod, is responsible for the flattened shape of the flagellum. An internal membrane is observed surrounding both mitochondrion and its associated structure.
A irreverência e a criticidade de alguns rappers e o gingar alegre do corpo erótico proposto pelo funk sugerem um novo cenário para as metrópoles do país, em que a pluralidade da arte juvenil surge como forma de enfrentamento das marcas deixadas por fraturas sociais profundas. Os conceitos de "visão dionisíaca de mundo", "estética extrema" e "transvaloração dos valores", de Nietzsche, e o "erotismo", segundo Bataille, nortearam o método de ruptura de campo, concebido por Herrmann. Este, essencial para se repensar as noções de autoridade e tradição na sociedade contemporânea a partir das ideias veiculadas pelo rap e pelo funk. Consideramos que somente uma etnografia do olhar que apanhe a dimensão erótica e irreverente - a "eróptica", segundo Canevacci - destas manifestações poderia nelas identificar uma estética afirmativa e crítica, como diria Nietzsche, capaz de produzir uma verdadeira reversão dos valores em nossa sociedade e, no caso, no interior da própria escola.
The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.
Introdução e objetivo: A exposição à luz natural tem efeitos relevantes no sistema de temporização biológica. Pode-se supor que essa exposição poderia promover um ajuste melhor entre os ritmos biológicos e os horários de início de trabalho entre trabalhadores diurnos de ambientes externos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a matutinidade/vespertinidade e a relação entre o horário de trabalho real e o ideal em trabalhadores diurnos expostos a condições de iluminação distintas. Métodos: O estudo foi conduzido com dois grupos de trabalhadores (n=49) que residiam em uma área rural e tinham condições sociais similares. Um grupo trabalhava em ambiente interno (n=20, idade média 30,8 anos (21-50); desvio padrão=9,8) e o outro grupo trabalhava em ambiente externo (n=29, idade média 30,8 anos (17- 50); desvio padrão=10,0). Os trabalhadores preencheram um questionário de matutinidade/vespertinidade (MEQ). Foi realizada uma ANOVA de um fator com o intuito de comparar os escores do MEQ entre os dois grupos de trabalhadores. Resultados: Como esperado, o Grupo do Ambiente Externo (GAE) apresentou média de escores mais elevada que o Grupo do Ambiente Interno (GAI), o que significa uma tendência à matutinidade (GAE: 58,4±7,9; GAI; 47,4±6,4), com significância estatística (F=26,22; p<0,001). De acordo com os dados relatados em relação aos horários de trabalho, o GAE gostaria de atrasar seu horário de trabalho em 31 minutos, em média, enquanto que o GAI gostaria de atrasar em 96 minutos seu horário de trabalho (F=7,71; p<0,01). Conclusões: Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que a exposição à luz natural pode promover um ajuste melhor aos horários de início de trabalho matutinos