997 resultados para Vertical direction


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O protozoário Nespora caninum é um parasito que causa grandes perdas reprodutivas e econômicas em bovinos no mundo inteiro. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar tanto a associação entre o histórico de aborto e a presença de anticorpos contra N. caninum, quanto a transmissão vertical como forma de manutenção da infecção nos rebanhos bovinos em regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, através da sorologia pareada de mães e filhas. Foi realizada amostragem de 60 propriedades distribuídas em duas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, das quais foi coletado sangue de 40% dos animais presentes para a detecção de anticorpos anti-N. caninum por imunofluorescência indireta (IFI). Para verificar a relação aborto e soropositividade foi utilizado o teste de regressão logística univariada, e para sorologia de mães e filhas o teste de qui-quadrado de McNemar para dados pareados. Foram confrontados os dados de sorologia e aborto, sendo encontrada a frequência de 58,5% (24/41) de soropositivos quando havia histórico de aborto, e 16,4% (199/1215) dentre os sem histórico de aborto. Os animais soropositivos apresentaram um risco 7,21 (IC 95%, 3,65-14,32) vezes maior de possuir histórico de abortamento (estatística de Wald χ2=44,93, P<0,001). A fração atribuível à neosporose como causa de aborto na população em risco nas duas regiões foi estimada em 9,73% (λpop). O resultado sorológico de cada mãe foi pareado com o de sua filha e, pelo teste de qui-quadrado de McNemar (χ2=59,84, P<0,001), houve associação significativa entre as sorologias de mães e filhas, sugerindo transmissão vertical. Ressalta-se ainda a importância do acompanhamento sorológico para N. caninum, evitando assim manutenção de animais portadores que sirvam como reservatório do protozoário nas propriedades.


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O gênero protozoário Neospora é reconhecido como causador de desordens reprodutivas e abortos em bovinos. Entre os equinos pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos da infecção por estes protozoários. Atualmente é admitido que os efeitos da infecção por Neospora hughesi em equinos possam ocorrer no sistema nervoso central e, os efeitos provocados pela infecção por Neospora caninum recaiam sobre o sistema reprodutor de éguas. O presente trabalho verificou a presença de imunoglobulinas da classe G no soro sanguíneo de uma população de éguas de cria e, em seus respectivos potros antes da ingestão do colostro. Para execução deste trabalho foi empregada técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), utilizando como antígeno taquizoítos de Neospora caninum, a diluição inicial dos soros das éguas foi de 1:50 e a diluição do soro dos potros empregada foi de 1:16. Foram assistidos 78 partos e todos os potros tiveram seu soro sanguíneo coletado imediatamente após o nascimento. A pesquisa de anticorpos contra Neospora spp. apontou que 50 (64%) éguas e 32 (41%) potros foram positivos. Das 50 éguas que apresentaram anticorpos contra Neospora spp. 24 geraram potros positivos. Entre as 28 éguas que não reagiram, oito deram a luz a potros positivos. De posse dos resultados encontrados podemos concluir que ocorreu a transmissão vertical de Neospora spp. nos equinos pesquisados.


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An experimental apparatus for the study of core annular flows of heavy oil and water at room temperature has been set up and tested at laboratory scale. The test section consists of a 2.75 cm ID galvanized steel pipe. Tap water and a heavy oil (17.6 Pa.s; 963 kg/m³) were used. Pressure drop in a vertical upward test section was accurately measured for oil flow rates in the range 0.297 - 1.045 l/s and water flow rates ranging from 0.063 to 0.315 l/s. The oil-water input ratio was in the range 1-14. The measured pressure drop comprises gravitational and frictional parts. The gravitational pressure drop was expressed in terms of the volumetric fraction of the core, which was determined from a correlation developed by Bannwart (1998b). The existence of an optimum water-oil input ratio for each oil flow rate was observed in the range 0.07 - 0.5. The frictional pressure drop was modeled to account for both hydrodynamic and net buoyancy effects on the core. The model was adjusted to fit our data and shows excellent agreement with data from another source (Bai, 1995).


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Euphorbia davidii Subils, es una maleza anual que está presente en la zona centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se realizaron estudios para determinar el banco de semillas de esta especie y su distribución vertical en lotes agrícolas de Azul y Olavarría. Se extrajeron 240 muestras de suelo, provenientes de 60 puntos distribuidos al azar, a cuatro niveles de profundidad: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm y 15-20 cm. Las extracciones se realizaron dos veces al año, en mayo y en septiembre. Las muestras fueron procesadas y las semillas separadas por tamizado en húmedo. Se evaluó germinación y viabilidad mediante la prueba de trifeniltetrazolio. Se cuantificaron 30.000 y 15.000 semillas m-2, para los lotes de Azul y Olavarría, respectivamente. En Olavarría, el 79% de las semillas se encontraron de 0-5 cm, de profundidad, el 14%, de 5-10 cm y el 7% restante de 10-20 cm. En Azul se observó una distribución vertical más homogénea. El 55 % de las semillas se encontraron de 0-5 cm de profundidad, un 24% de 5-10 cm, el 16% de 10-15 cm y el 5% en el muestreo más profundo. Las diferencias en la distribución se asociaron al manejo de los lotes. En ambas localidades la viabilidad de semillas, provenientes del estrato superficial, superó el 70%. Las semillas de estratos superficiales recolectadas en el lote de Olavarría, inmediatamente después de la dehiscencia, presentaron dormición, en cambio en las semillas provenientes del lote de Azul para el mismo momento de muestreo, no se observó dormición.


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The horizontal and vertical tree community structure in a lowland Atlantic Rain Forest was investigated through a phytosociological survey in two 0.99 ha plots in the Intervales State Park, São Paulo State. All trees > 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded. 3,078 individuals belonging to 172 species were identified and recorded. The Shannon diversity index was H' = 3.85 nat.ind.-1. The Myrtaceae family showed the greatest floristic richness (38 species) and the highest density (745 individuals) in the stand. Euterpe edulis Mart. had the highest importance value (33.98%) accounting for 21.8% of all individuals recorded. The quantitative similarity index was higher than the qualitative index, showing little structural variation between plots. However, the large number of uncommon species resulted in pronounced floristic differences. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) generated three arbitrary vertical strata. Stratum A (> 26 m), where Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. and Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. were predominant showed the lowest density. Stratum B (8 m < h < 26 m) had the greatest richness and diversity, and stratum C (< 8 m) showed the highest density. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi, and Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral were abundant in strata B and C. The occurrence of strata in tropical forests is discussed and we recommend the use of DCA for others studies of the vertical distribution of tropical forest tree communities.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as alturas preferenciais de distribuição das bromélias em quatro estádios sucessionais (capoeirinha, capoeira, capoeirão e floresta secundária) em encostas da Ilha de Santa Catarina, relacionando-as com o desenvolvimento da floresta, com características individuais e dos forófitos. Foram calculados valores de importância das bromélias em cada estádio, relacionando-os aos tipos de diásporos e estratégias para obtenção de nutrientes. Cada um dos 60 forófitos determinados por estádio sucessional através de pontos quadrantes foi considerado uma unidade amostral e dividido em intervalos de altura de dois metros a partir do solo. As espécies do gênero Tillandsia com metabolismo CAM apresentaram os maiores valores de importância nos dois estádios mais avançados, onde houve ocorrência de bromélias. Em todos os estádios, na estratificação vertical, foi detectada uma tendência de maior riqueza e maior freqüência de bromélias em alturas próximas às médias dos pontos de inversão morfológica relacionado ao aumento de substrato disponível para fixação e crescimento. No capoeirão e na floresta secundária as plântulas cresceram em todos os intervalos de altura dos forófitos, indicando taxas de mortalidade diferentes quando considerada a distribuição dos indivíduos adultos. As mudanças nas condições microclimáticas dos progressivos estádios sucessionais provocaram deslocamentos de distribuição e trocas de espécies, com o aumento de indivíduos e de espécies formadoras de tanque.


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Wind energy has obtained outstanding expectations due to risks of global warming and nuclear energy production plant accidents. Nowadays, wind farms are often constructed in areas of complex terrain. A potential wind farm location must have the site thoroughly surveyed and the wind climatology analyzed before installing any hardware. Therefore, modeling of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) flows over complex terrains containing, e.g. hills, forest, and lakes is of great interest in wind energy applications, as it can help in locating and optimizing the wind farms. Numerical modeling of wind flows using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a popular technique during the last few decades. Due to the inherent flow variability and large-scale unsteadiness typical in ABL flows in general and especially over complex terrains, the flow can be difficult to be predicted accurately enough by using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). Large- Eddy Simulation (LES) resolves the largest and thus most important turbulent eddies and models only the small-scale motions which are more universal than the large eddies and thus easier to model. Therefore, LES is expected to be more suitable for this kind of simulations although it is computationally more expensive than the RANS approach. With the fast development of computers and open-source CFD software during the recent years, the application of LES toward atmospheric flow is becoming increasingly common nowadays. The aim of the work is to simulate atmospheric flows over realistic and complex terrains by means of LES. Evaluation of potential in-land wind park locations will be the main application for these simulations. Development of the LES methodology to simulate the atmospheric flows over realistic terrains is reported in the thesis. The work also aims at validating the LES methodology at a real scale. In the thesis, LES are carried out for flow problems ranging from basic channel flows to real atmospheric flows over one of the most recent real-life complex terrain problems, the Bolund hill. All the simulations reported in the thesis are carried out using a new OpenFOAM® -based LES solver. The solver uses the 4th order time-accurate Runge-Kutta scheme and a fractional step method. Moreover, development of the LES methodology includes special attention to two boundary conditions: the upstream (inflow) and wall boundary conditions. The upstream boundary condition is generated by using the so-called recycling technique, in which the instantaneous flow properties are sampled on aplane downstream of the inlet and mapped back to the inlet at each time step. This technique develops the upstream boundary-layer flow together with the inflow turbulence without using any precursor simulation and thus within a single computational domain. The roughness of the terrain surface is modeled by implementing a new wall function into OpenFOAM® during the thesis work. Both, the recycling method and the newly implemented wall function, are validated for the channel flows at relatively high Reynolds number before applying them to the atmospheric flow applications. After validating the LES model over simple flows, the simulations are carried out for atmospheric boundary-layer flows over two types of hills: first, two-dimensional wind-tunnel hill profiles and second, the Bolund hill located in Roskilde Fjord, Denmark. For the twodimensional wind-tunnel hills, the study focuses on the overall flow behavior as a function of the hill slope. Moreover, the simulations are repeated using another wall function suitable for smooth surfaces, which already existed in OpenFOAM® , in order to study the sensitivity of the flow to the surface roughness in ABL flows. The simulated results obtained using the two wall functions are compared against the wind-tunnel measurements. It is shown that LES using the implemented wall function produces overall satisfactory results on the turbulent flow over the two-dimensional hills. The prediction of the flow separation and reattachment-length for the steeper hill is closer to the measurements than the other numerical studies reported in the past for the same hill geometry. The field measurement campaign performed over the Bolund hill provides the most recent field-experiment dataset for the mean flow and the turbulence properties. A number of research groups have simulated the wind flows over the Bolund hill. Due to the challenging features of the hill such as the almost vertical hill slope, it is considered as an ideal experimental test case for validating micro-scale CFD models for wind energy applications. In this work, the simulated results obtained for two wind directions are compared against the field measurements. It is shown that the present LES can reproduce the complex turbulent wind flow structures over a complicated terrain such as the Bolund hill. Especially, the present LES results show the best prediction of the turbulent kinetic energy with an average error of 24.1%, which is a 43% smaller than any other model results reported in the past for the Bolund case. Finally, the validated LES methodology is demonstrated to simulate the wind flow over the existing Muukko wind farm located in South-Eastern Finland. The simulation is carried out only for one wind direction and the results on the instantaneous and time-averaged wind speeds are briefly reported. The demonstration case is followed by discussions on the practical aspects of LES for the wind resource assessment over a realistic inland wind farm.


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Sentinel node (SN) status is the most important prognostic factor for localized melanoma. Usually, patients with Breslow thickness of less than 1.0 mm are not included in SN protocols. However, the literature presents a rate ranging from 3 to 7% of nodal recurrence in thin melanoma. Ulceration, regression and high mitotic rate have been considered to be indications for an SN biopsy. The metastatic potential of the vertical growth phase is uncertain. To correlate pathological features in thin melanoma with SN metastasis, we reviewed 358 patients submitted to SN biopsy. Seventy-seven patients with lesions of 1 mm or smaller were included in the study group. Histological evaluation of the primary tumor included thickness, Clark level, mitotic rate, ulceration, regression, and growth phase. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed on all patients. Lymphatic mapping and gamma probe detection were both used for SN biopsy. Histological examination of SN consisted of hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical staining. Median follow-up was 37 months. Six patients had micrometastases. Statistical analysis by the Fisher test showed that ulceration (P = 0.019), high mitotic rate (P = 0.008) and vertical growth phase (P = 0.002) were positively correlated with micrometastases. If other studies confirm these results, more melanoma patients must be submitted to SN biopsy.


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Previous assessment of verticality by means of rod and rod and frame tests indicated that human subjects can be more (field dependent) or less (field independent) influenced by a frame placed around a tilted rod. In the present study we propose a new approach to these tests. The judgment of visual verticality (rod test) was evaluated in 50 young subjects (28 males, ranging in age from 20 to 27 years) by randomly projecting a luminous rod tilted between -18 and +18° (negative values indicating left tilts) onto a tangent screen. In the rod and frame test the rod was displayed within a luminous fixed frame tilted at +18 or -18°. Subjects were instructed to verbally indicate the rod’s inclination direction (forced choice). Visual dependency was estimated by means of a Visual Index calculated from rod and rod and frame test values. Based on this index, volunteers were classified as field dependent, intermediate and field independent. A fourth category was created within the field-independent subjects for whom the amount of correct guesses in the rod and frame test exceeded that of the rod test, thus indicating improved performance when a surrounding frame was present. In conclusion, the combined use of subjective visual vertical and the rod and frame test provides a specific and reliable form of evaluation of verticality in healthy subjects and might be of use to probe changes in brain function after central or peripheral lesions.


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We investigated the GABA-induced inactivation of V2 neurons and terminals on the receptive field properties of this area in an anesthetized and paralyzedCebus apella monkey. Extracellular single-unit activity was recorded using tungsten microelectrodes in a monkey before and after pressure-injection of a 0.25 or 0.5 M GABA solution. The visual stimulus consisted of a bar moving in 8 possible directions. In total, 24 V2 neurons were studied before and after blocker injections in 4 experimental sessions following GABA injection into area V2. A group of 10 neurons were studied over a short period. An additional 6 neurons were investigated over a long period after the GABA injection. A third group of 8 neurons were studied over a very long period. Overall, these 24 neurons displayed an early (1-20 min) significant general decrease in excitability with concomitant changes in orientation or direction selectivity. GABA inactivation in area V2 produced robust inhibition in 80% and a significant change in directional selectivity in 60% of the neurons examined. These GABA projections are capable of modulating not only levels of spontaneous and driven activity of V2 neurons but also receptive field properties such as direction selectivity.


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1836/10 (T4,N1)-1837/09 (T4,N52).


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Périodicité : Hebdomadaire ; Quatre fois par mois (oct. 1839-sept. 1840)


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A presença marcante de uma prosa-poética na produção ficcional de Clarice Lispector possibilitou-nos exemplificar algumas noções centrais (tempo vertical e instante poético) na rica e sugestiva reflexão de Gaston Bachelard acerca do universo poético