971 resultados para Vegetable oils


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A. suite of 10 different marine evaporitic oil samples from Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil was studied for its biomarker content, in particular its acidic constituents. The oils showed different molecular distributions and relative abundances of n-alkanoic, isoprenoid and hopanoic acids. The observed differences were assigned to the incorporation of immature organic matter in the oils and fractionation along the migration pathway. The diagenetic precursor functionality (alcohol/ether or acid) was proposed based on the comparison of the relative abundances of the neutral and acidic biomarkers (hopanoids, isoprenoids, alkyl-steranes, monoaromatic alkyl-steroids). In the acidic fraction, 3 series of steroid-alkanoic acids and monoaromatic steroid-alkanoic acids (steroid-methanoic, ethanoic and propanoic acids and monoaromatic steroid-methanoic, ethanoic and propanoic acids) were detected, while in the neutral fraction only 2 series of each corresponding class could be observed (methyl and ethyl-steranes and monoaromatic methyl and ethyl-steroids). These carbon shifts suggest that decarboxylation is an important process in the formation of the alkyrsteranes and monoaromatic alkyl-steroids, and we infer that carboxylic acids are the diagenetic precursors of these classes of compounds. When alcohol or ether are the diagenetic precursors (isoprenoids and hopanoids), no significant differences in the molecular distributions between neutral and acidic fractions were observed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rapid and simple method was developed for quantitation of polar compounds in fats and oils using monostearin as internal standard. Starting from 50 mg of oil sample, polar compounds were obtained by solid-phase extraction (silica cartridges) and subsequently separated by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography into triglyceride polymers, triglyceride dimers, oxidized triglyceride monomers, diglycerides, internal standard and fatty acids. Quantitation of total polar compounds was achieved through the internal standard method and then amounts of each group of compounds could be calculated. A pool of polar compounds was used to check linearity, precision and accuracy of the method, as well as the solid-phase extraction recovery. The procedure was applied to samples with different content of polar compounds and good quantitative results were obtained, especially for samples of low alteration level.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different temperatures in the drying process on the amount and quality of essential oils of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. Leaves were harvested in the experimental field of the Agronomical Sciences College, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in September, 1996. Blades of the leaves were cut in small parts (about 1-1,5 cm length), dried for several days at 30°, 50°, 70° and 90°C, until establishment of the weights. In the following process a hydrodistillation, during 2.5 hours, by Clevenger apparatus, was subsidized to extract the essential oils. A higher amount of oil could clearly be collected with the lower drying temperatures, except at 30°C, affected by fungus growing. Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Rhyzopus sp., Cladosporium sp., Trichoderma sp. and Alternaria sp. were observed in the leaves. The analysis of the oil by GC-MS showed the variation of citral concentration of the treatments (86,1 to 95,2%). The results proved it is worthwhile to spend more time and effort in the production process using longer times of careful drying.


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Essential oils from, Salvia officinalis L. (SO), Mentha sylvestris L. (MS), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (CS), Mentha piperita L. (MP), Ocimum micrantum Willd. (OM) and Mentha arvensis L. (MA), plants used in Brazilian popular medicine were extracted using method I, as described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, in order to obtain the phytochemical profile and to evaluate their antimicrobial activity against the following microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Candida albicans and Aspergilus oryzae. Test was made by means of the disk-plaque diffusion test in liquid medium using 1% essential oil. In the disk-plaque diffusion test, all the essential oils exhibited activity against B. subtilis, but OM showed the greatest inhibition zone and was the only one to show activity against S. aureus. Samples of SO, MS, MP, OM and MA were active against M. luteus, E. coli and S. marcescens, while A. oryzae was sensitive to MS, MP, OM and MA. No sample, however, was active against C. albicans. In the liquid medium test, significant results were observed for OM and MA, which inhibited the growth of all microorganisms for 24 hours, and OM continued active against E. coli and A. oryzae until the last reading.


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This work aimed to determine the best harvest time for biomass production, yield and essential oil composition considering the seasonal variation (spring, summer, autumn and winter) on different plant parts (apical, medial and basal). Essential oils were extracted by hydro-distillation with a Clevenger apparatus for both fresh and dry mass obtained in field and lab conditions respectively. The extracted essential oils were analyzed by GS/MS (Shimadzu, QP-5000). The chemical components were identified by comparing their mass spectrum to the patterns filed in the MS computer memory (Wiley,139,Lib.), to the literature references, and by co-injection with authentic standards. Applying phyto-chemical tests on fresh and dry mass, the chemical component percentages of essential oils were calculated and identified as follows: citral (neral and geranial), myrcene, caryophylene and elemene.


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Essential oils were obtained from fennel seeds, dill, cumin and coriander. Their antimicrobial activity was tested on isolated clinical specimens of patients treated at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, UNESP. Microorganisms were grown in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion/Oxoid) at 37oC/18 hours and resuspended in 0,5 Mac Farland's Standard (1,5 x 108 CFU/mL). The diffusion method was performed, putting 10 μl of the essential oils on paper disks (6mm of diameter) (Blank Disks/CECON) at 37oC/24 hours. After this period, the disks were put on plates containing Mueller Hinton Agar (Oxoid) and inoculated with the microorganisms. After 48 hours at 37oC, inhibitory zones were measured (mm) for the respective oils and strains. The essential oil from Anethum graveolens showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (inhibitory zone=18 mm), Salmonella sp. (=11 mm) and E. coli (10 mm). The Cuminum cyminum essential oil was effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. and their inhibitory zones were 18, 10 and 23 mm, respectively. Coriandrum sativum oil was active only against Salmonella sp. (18 mm) and Foeniculum vulgare inhibited only E. coli (9 mm).


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The microorganism Sclerotinia was isolated from roots of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni in plantations in the northwest of Parana and submitted to the cultivation in the presence of extracts and vegetable balsams of Tarragon (Artemisia draconculus), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Manjerona (Origanum majorona), Mint citrata (Mintpiperita var. citrata), Purple Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), Andiroba (Carapa guanensis) and Copaíba (Copaifera reticulata Ducke). The first five oils were extracted by steam drags, after the drying of the vegetable in greenhouse with circulation of air at 45°C. The last two were used in natura. A suspension (100ìl) of fungus previously cultivated, was added to each plate. The results show that after 7 days of incubation the thyme oils 10ìl, purple basil 25ìl, manjerona 25ìl, mint citrata 50ìl, tarragon 50ìl were capable to inhibit the growth of Sclerotinia, while the andiroba oil only reached this result with 200ìl. The copaiba balsam, even in the concentration of 500ìl, was unable to inhibit the growth of the microorganism.


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Oil wastes were evaluated as alternative low-cost substrates for the production of rhamnolipids by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI strain. Wastes obtained from soybean, cottonseed, babassu, palm, and corn oil refinery were tested. The soybean soapstock waste was the best substrate, generating 11.7 g/L of rhamnolipids with a surface tension of 26.9 mN/m, a critical micelle concentration of 51.5 mg/L, and a production yield of 75%. The monorhamnolipid RhaC10C10 predominates when P. aeruginosa LBI was cultivated on hydrophobic substrates, whereas hydrophilic carbon sources form the dirhamnolipid Rha2C10C10 predominantly. © 2005 American Chemical Society and American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 is the most harmful of the Eucalyptus pests, causing severe losses in wood production through defoliation. Various strategies have been tried and effort spent on the development of methods to control this pest, however no practical and environmentally acceptable one currently exists. In this work the chemical composition of the essential oil of seven Eucalyptus species was identified and the selectivity and sensitivity of antennal receptors of A. sexdens rubropilosa workers to the volatile compounds were determined using the electroantennographic technique (EAG and GC-EAD). Analysis by GC-EAD showed in E. cloesiana and E. maculata, respectively, seventeen and sixteen terpenes that elicited responses in ant workers' antennae, indicating the potential role of the essential oils as allelochemicals that determine the choice of the foraging material. © 2006 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung.


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Toothpastes usually contain detergents, humectants, water colorant, fluoride and thickeners (e.g. silica). Tooth wear has a multi-factorial etilology and the use of abrasive dentifrices is related to abrasion of dental tissues during toothbrushing. This study evaluated in vitro the abrasiveness of a commercial silica gel low-abrasive dentrifice compared to an experimental dentifrice containing vegetable (almond) oil. Distilled water served as a control group. Acrylic specimens (8 per group) were submitted to simulated toothbrushing with slurries of the commercial dentifrice experimental dentifrice, almond oil and water in an automatic brushing machine programmed to 30,000 brush strokes for each specimen which is equivalent to 2 years of manual toothbrushing. Thereafter, surface roughness (Ra) of the specimens was analyzed with a Surfcorder SE 1700 profilometer. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the surface roughness after brushing with water almond oil experimental dentifrice. The commercial dentifrice produced rougher surfaces compared to the control and abrasive free products (p<0.05). Further studies are necessary in confirm the potential benefits of using vegetable oil in toothpaste as an alternative in abrasives in an attempt to minimize the tooth wear caused by toothbrushing.


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The study was conducted in the field, in the experimental area of the Section of Crop Production and Aromatic Medicinal Plants, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Jaboticabal Campus-SP. The aim of the study was to assess the performance of seven genotypes of vegetable soybeans in Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with seven treatments (genotypes) and four replications. The genotypes examined were: CNPSOI, JLM003, JLM010, JLM018, JLM019, JLM024 and BRS216. The seeds were obtained from EMBRAPA-Soja and EMBRAPA- Hortaliças, and planted in Styrofoam trays with 128 cells containing Plantmax Hortaliças® as substrate. Transplanting occurred 10 d after seeding when the seedlings showed 2 or 3 definitive leaves and about 12 cm in height, demonstrating that the soil had been properly prepared according to the recommendations for this crop. Pests and diseases were adequately controlled in the event of their occurrence in the experimental area and in accordance with technical recommendations for the chemical products utilized. Collections were carried out based on the maturation of the pods, according to the scale of Fehr and Caviness (1977) adapted by Costa and Marchezan (1982), when the pods reached the reproductive stage R6. The parameters determined were mean precocity, height of the first pod, mean number of pods per plant, mean number of seeds per pod, fresh weight of 100 seeds and total yield of immature grains. Based on the results obtained, the genotypes JLM003 and JLM010 were found to be most indicated for growing vegetable soybeans, because of their capacity to produce immature grains of 1090 and 848 g·m-2, respectively, and fresh weights for 100 seeds of 62.20 and 68.19 g, respectively.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 3 solvents (eucalyptol, orange oil, and xylol) on 2 types of gutta-percha (conventional and thermoplastic) and Resilon. Specimens (10 mm diameter × 1 mm thick; n=7 per condition) were prepared and maintained at 37°C for 48 h. Each specimen was weighed on a precision scale every 24 h until its mass was stable, at which time the initial mass was determined. Specimens (n=7) were then immersed in the solvent solutions and, after 48 h at 37°C, they were reweighed at 24- h intervals, until stabilization (final mass). The difference between the final and the initial mass determined the solvent capacity of each solvent. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. The results demonstrated that xylol was the most effective, especially on conventional gutta-percha and Resilon (p<0.05). Eucalyptol and orange oil were more effective on thermoplastic gutta-percha than the other materials (p<0.05). It was concluded that all evaluated substances presented solvent action, but xylol was the most effective on both gutta-percha or Resilon.


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This study evaluated the dimensional alterations and the solubility of two experimental endodontic sealers based on Copaifera multijuga oil-resin (Biosealer) and castor oil bean cement (Poliquil), maintained in different storage solutions. Twenty specimens (3 mm diameter and 2 mm height) of each sealer were assigned to 2 groups (n=10) according to the storage solution: simulated tissue fluid (STF) or distilled water (DW). The specimens were stored in these solutions during 90 days, being removed every 30 days for weighting. The solutions were renewed every 15 days. The results were subjected to statistical analysis by Dunn's and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). The solubility of Poliquil was higher in STF (38.4 ± 36.0) than in DW (28.4 ± 15.0), while Biosealer showed higher solubility in DW (34.61 ± 6.0) than in STF (18.59 ± 8.0). The storage solution influenced the behavior of sealers in relation to the weight variation (p=0.0001). Poliquil presented higher variation of weight independent of the solution (p=0.239). Biosealer also presented higher variation of weight regardless of the solution (p=0.0001). The solubility of Biosealer was different from that of Poliquil, but both sealers showed low solubility in STF. Under the tested conditions, neither of the materials were according to the ADA'S specification.


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of 3 solvents (Citrol orange oil, Eucalyptol and Tetrachloroethylene) and 2 associations of solvents (Citrol orange oil+Tetrachloroethylene and Eucalyptol+Tetrachloroethylene) on 3 types of gutta-percha (conventional, thermoplastic and EndoREZ) and Resilon. Ten discs (10 mm diameter x 1 mm thick) from each material were prepared using standard metallic molds. Each specimen was weighed to determinate its initial mass. The specimens were immersed in the solvents for 10 min, followed by immersion in distilled water for 20 min, and were then reweighed to obtain the final mass. The mean weight loss determined the solvent capacity. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. Tetrachloroethylene was the most effective on conventional gutta-percha (p<0.05). Tetrachloroethylene was also the most effective on thermoplastic gutta-percha, but it was not significantly different (p>0.05) from Eucalyptol+Tetrachloroethylene, Citrol+Tetrachloroethylene, and Citrol. All solvents and associations presented little effectiveness on Resilon. The association Eucalyptol+Tetrachloroethylene was the most effective on EndoREZ, but it did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from Citrol+Tetrachloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene. All evaluated substances presented solvent action. Tetrachloroethylene improved the effectiveness of both Citrol and Eucalyptol.


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The leaf-cut ants are important agricultural pest, because they can cause intense defoliation in plants and destroy large areas cultivated. Although there are several works for the control of these insects by examining the toxicity of natural chemical compounds on various species of ants, few are focused on analyses of morphological changes caused in the affected organs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydramethylnon on Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers through toxicological bioassays and morphological analysis of the post-pharyngeal glands, midgut, and Malpighian tubules of these ants. Hydramethylnon dissolved either in acetone (HA) or in a mixture of acetone and soy oil (HAO) was added to the artificial diet at a concentration of 200 μg/mL. The workers fed daily with the diet containing hydramethylnon showed higher mortality than the controls, especially when HAO was used. Moreover, light and electron microscopy revealed morphological alterations in the midgut and Malpighian tubules of workers treated with HA, whereas alterations of the post-pharyngeal glands were observed in the HAO-treated group. These results indicated that the presence of soy oil provided an alternate route for the ingestion of the formicide's active ingredient and corroborated previous studies that suggested a role for the post-pharyngeal glands in lipid metabolism. Our findings suggest that the oil may carry hydramethylnon to the gland lumen, resulting in lower quantity of the active ingredient in the intestinal lumen and Malpighian tubules that explains the lower degree of morphological alterations in these structures in the workers treated with HAO. These results may provide insight into the toxicological effects of hydramethylnon on leaf-cutting ants and the use of vegetable oil as an adjuvant in baits to control ants. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.