998 resultados para User manual


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Este Manual se complementa con varios documentos de apoyo: 1. Dimensiones y áreas que pueden verse afectadas por el planeamiento urbanístico; 3. Batería de indicadores y estándares para la evaluación de la relevancia de los impactos; y 4. Análisis en profundidad. Publicado en la página Web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Evaluación de impacto en salud)


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Our work is concerned with user modelling in open environments. Our proposal then is the line of contributions to the advances on user modelling in open environments thanks so the Agent Technology, in what has been called Smart User Model. Our research contains a holistic study of User Modelling in several research areas related to users. We have developed a conceptualization of User Modelling by means of examples from a broad range of research areas with the aim of improving our understanding of user modelling and its role in the next generation of open and distributed service environments. This report is organized as follow: In chapter 1 we introduce our motivation and objectives. Then in chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 we provide the state-of-the-art on user modelling. In chapter 2, we give the main definitions of elements described in the report. In chapter 3, we present an historical perspective on user models. In chapter 4 we provide a review of user models from the perspective of different research areas, with special emphasis on the give-and-take relationship between Agent Technology and user modelling. In chapter 5, we describe the main challenges that, from our point of view, need to be tackled by researchers wanting to contribute to advances in user modelling. From the study of the state-of-the-art follows an exploratory work in chapter 6. We define a SUM and a methodology to deal with it. We also present some cases study in order to illustrate the methodology. Finally, we present the thesis proposal to continue the work, together with its corresponding work scheduling and temporalisation


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ABSTRACT Innovation is essential for improving organizational performance in both the private and public sectors. This article describes and analyzes the 323 innovation experiences of the Brazilian federal public service that received prizes during the 16 annual competitions (from 1995 to 2012) of the Award for Innovation in Federal Public Management held by the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP). It is a qualitative and quantitative study in which were employed as categories for analysis the four types of innovation defined in the Copenhagen Manual: product, process, organizational and communication. The survey results allow us to affirm that there is innovation in the public sector, in spite of the skepticism of some researchers and the incipient state of theoretical research on the subject. It was possible to observe that organizational innovation was the one with the highest number of award- -winning experience, followed respectively by process, communication and product innovation, with citizen services and improvement of work processes being the main highlights. The results showed that, although the high incidence of innovation occurs at the national level, a significant number of innovations also occur at the local level, probably because many organizations of the federal government have their actions spread only at this level of government. Concerning the innovative area, health and education predominate, with almost 33% of initiatives, which can be explained by capillarity of these areas and the fact that both maintain a strong interaction with the user. The contributions of this work include the use of theoretical model of innovation analysis in the public sector in Brazil still upcoming, and the systematization of knowledge in empirical basis for this innovation. In this sense, it also contributes to the development of the theory with the presentation of evidence that the characteristics, determinants and consequences of innovation in the public sector differ not only from innovation in the industry, but also from innovation in services in the private sector.


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The rules and regulations for operating a motered vechicle in Iowa


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The rules and regualtions for owning and operating a motorcycle in Iowa


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The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time


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Farmers Market Manual produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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Hem volgut elaborar aquest manual i recull informatiu que permeti a qualsevol poder impartir un taller de reciclatge i investigar en la matèria i alhora difondre els treballs que es desenvolupen en els centres amb accions expositives, participació a fires relacionades i de renom, entre d’altres. Aquest any hem començat aquest projecte i hem acomplert els objectius que ens havíem proposat, entre aquests destaquem la participació a la fira de reciclatge Drap-Art que es fa a Barcelona durant el mes de desembre, fira de renom internacional amb presentació prèvia de projecte per poder participar. La importància de gestionar bé els residus que generem en la nostra societat i en especial als nostres centres, implica haver de donar eines als alumnes dels tallers artístics dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya, conscienciar-los i conscienciar l’entorn de la presó i fer-los servir amb la idea de construcció, d’ideació i creativitat que tot això implica per als interns que hi participen. El reciclatge creatiu és el fruit d’un treball molt més complex que implica una educació i un treball a l’aula per tal de garantir la formació de l’alumne en la sostenibilitat i que d’aquesta manera tingui respecte pel medi ambient, per l’entorn i, per tant, les persones que hi viuen, tant dintre com fora en la vida en llibertat.


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Final report produced by DOT on development of manual crack quantification and automatic crack measurment system.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed information, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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In rodents and nonhuman primates subjected to spinal cord lesion, neutralizing the neurite growth inhibitor Nogo-A has been shown to promote regenerative axonal sprouting and functional recovery. The goal of the present report was to re-examine the data on the recovery of the primate manual dexterity using refined behavioral analyses and further statistical assessments, representing secondary outcome measures from the same manual dexterity test. Thirteen adult monkeys were studied; seven received an anti-Nogo-A antibody whereas a control antibody was infused into the other monkeys. Monkeys were trained to perform the modified Brinkman board task requiring opposition of index finger and thumb to grasp food pellets placed in vertically and horizontally oriented slots. Two parameters were quantified before and following spinal cord injury: (i) the standard 'score' as defined by the number of pellets retrieved within 30 s from the two types of slots; (ii) the newly introduced 'contact time' as defined by the duration of digit contact with the food pellet before successful retrieval. After lesion the hand was severely impaired in all monkeys; this was followed by progressive functional recovery. Remarkably, anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys recovered faster and significantly better than control antibody-treated monkeys, considering both the score for vertical and horizontal slots (Mann-Whitney test: P = 0.05 and 0.035, respectively) and the contact time (P = 0.008 and 0.005, respectively). Detailed analysis of the lesions excluded the possibility that this conclusion may have been caused by differences in lesion properties between the two groups of monkeys.