949 resultados para Ttt Diagram


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e implementar, computacionalmente, procedimentos numéricos eficientes, aplicados à determinacão do diagrama momento-curvatura, correspondentes à: -uma seção tipica, em vigas de concreto armado, submetida à carga monotônica ou cíclica de curta duração; - um ponto genérico da superficie média em placas de concreto armado, submetidas à carga monotônica de curta duração. Ainda à luz dos resultados obtidos, visa também propôr um modelo simplificado em termos de resultantes de tensões e deformações generalizadas. Inicialmente, é descrito um modelo laminar para vigas, no qual a carga é aplicada de forma incremental sendo que para cada etapa, as equaçães de equilibrio não-lineares são resolvidas de maneira iterativa. Como consequência é proposta uma relação momento-curvatura em termos de resultantes. A fim de verificar a validade e aplicabilidade dos métodos e dos algorítmos estudados e comparar-se os resultados com dados experimentais e respostas obtidas por outros pesquisadores, é apresentada uma série de exemplos numéricos. A continuação, é aplicado o procedimento anterior para modelos de laje, livres de solicitações de membrana. Finalmente através de um estudo paramétrico dos diversos fatores que afetam o diagrama momento-curvatura, propõe-se uma relação simplificada.


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Este trabalho apresenta a proposta de um editor de diagramas hierárquico e colaborativo. Este editor tem por objetivo permitir a especificação colaborativa de circuitos através de representações gráficas. O Blade (Block And Diagram Editor), como foi chamado, permite especificações em nível lógico, usando esquemas lógicos simples, bem como esquemas hierárquicos. Ao final da montagem do circuito, a ferramenta gera uma descrição textual do sistema num formato netlist padrão. A fim de permitir especificações em diferentes níveis de abstração, o editor deve ser estendido a outras formas de diagramas, portanto seu modelo de dados deve ter flexibilidade a fim de facilitar futuras extensões. O Blade foi implementado em Java para ser inserido no Cave, um ambiente distribuído de apoio ao projeto de circuitos integrados, através do qual a ferramenta pode ser invocada e acessada remotamente. O Cave disponibiliza um serviço de colaboração que foi incorporado na ferramenta e através do qual o editor suporta o trabalho cooperativo, permitindo que os projetistas compartilhem dados de projeto, troquem mensagens de texto e, de forma colaborativa, construam uma representação gráfica do sistema. Objetivando fundamentar a proposta da nova ferramenta, é apresentado um estudo sobre ferramentas gráficas para especificação de sistemas, mais especificamente sobre editores de esquemáticos. A partir dessa revisão, do estudo do ambiente Cave e da metodologia de colaboração a ser suportada, fez-se a especificação do editor, a partir da qual implementou-se o protótipo do Blade. Além do editor, este trabalho contribuiu para a construção de uma API, um conjunto de classes Java que será disponibilizado no Cave e poderá ser utilizado no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas. Foram realizados estudos sobre técnicas de projeto orientado a objeto, incluindo arquiteturas de software reutilizáveis e padrões de projeto de software, que foram utilizados na modelagem e na implementação da ferramenta, a fim de garantir a flexibilidade do editor e a reusabilidade de suas classes. Este trabalho também contribui com um estudo de modelagem de primitivas de projeto de sistemas. No modelo orientado a objetos utilizado no editor, podem ser encontradas construções muito utilizadas em diferentes ferramentas de projeto de sistemas, tais como hierarquia de projeto e instanciação de componentes e que, portanto, podem ser reutilizadas para a modelagem de novas ferramentas.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e implantar um sistema gerencial voltado à manutenção. Atualmente, é inadmissível imaginar que seja possível gerenciar um setor sem haver criado um sistema que gere informações e meios de se atingir metas – pré-definidas. Para fundamentar o projeto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica nas ferramentas gerenciais, nos sistemas de gestão da manutenção e na relação entre a estratégia produtiva e a estratégia de atuação da manutenção. Primeiramente, será apresentada uma proposta do sistema gerencial da manutenção, demonstrando sua lógica de estruturação. A idéia consiste em criá-lo levando-se em consideração alguns aspectos básicos que agem como pilares, dando suporte ao modelo gerencial. Os denominados pilares do Sistema de Implantação e Gestão da Manutenção são os 5S’s, o fluxo organizado de informações, a manutenção planejada, a padronização, os colaboradores capacitados e motivados, a determinação de indicadores e metas e o aplicativo. A partir dos pilares foi desenvolvida a Estrutura o Sistema Gerencial em forma de diagrama de árvore, contendo todas as tarefas necessárias a sua implantação. Posteriormente, apresentar-se-á a aplicação prática do sistema através de um estudo de caso em um hospital. Este estudo de caso contém a descrição minuciosa do realizado em cada tarefa, esclarecendo e ampliando a compreensão do leitor diante do sistema gerencial.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a pressão de colapso de tubos API 5L X56 de parede fina com trincas longitudinais internas e externas submetidas a pressão interna. Foi utilizado o método R6 conforme a norma BS7910:1999 e a Análise por Elementos Finitos. Foram feitos ensaios de tração e de caracterização da tenacidade do material utilizado por integral J, assim como o modelamento por Elementos Finitos do tubo e a aplicação dos “Failure Assessment Diagram” FAD para determinar a pressão de colapso. Verificou-se que para trincas internas a pressão de colapso é levemente maior que em trincas externas. Isto é mais acentuado para trincas com uma profundidade maior que a metade da parede do tubo. As predições da pressão de colapso em função do tamanho da trinca do método R6 em comparação com alguns resultados experimentais mostraram uma precisão satisfatória, porem em alguns casos não conservadora.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os fenômenos que controlam a porosidade em corpos cerâmicos com fases vítreas, formadas pela ação de fundentes, e associá-los com sua microestrutura final. Foram selecionados os fundentes albita, feldspato alcalino, wollastonita e espodumênio, representativos daqueles comercializados no setor cerâmico, a partir de critérios como teor e tipo de álcali, e teor em SiO2 e Al2O3 na composição química. Estes fundentes foram formulados com cada uma das seguintes matérias-primas e combinações destas: quartzo, caulim e talco. As composições foram formuladas com o objetivo de obter-se uma gama de diferentes microestruturas, variando porosidade, e a presença de fases vítreas ou cristalinas. Os corpos cerâmicos foram obtidos em fornos elétricos, tipo mufla, variando-se a temperatura entre 1140 e 1260°C, conforme a formulação investigada. Foram determinadas as propriedades dos corpos cerâmicos, como porosidade aparente, absorção de água e retração linear. Os resultados obtidos foram associados com sua microestrutura e formulação. Para tanto, fez-se uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difratometria de raios-X. Em especial, a porosidade foi avaliada quanto sua distribuição, morfologia e tamanho, e sua influência na definição da microestrutura final, e relação com propriedades dos corpos cerâmicos investigados. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o comportamento dos fundentes em massas cerâmicas define decisivamente a formação da porosidade em função da composição química do fundente e da combinação desta com a dos outros constituintes da massa cerâmica. O espodumênio forma fase vítrea reagindo basicamente com o quartzo em baixas temperaturas, retendo a porosidade principalmente junto às trincas de contração do mesmo. A albita propicia na expansão da porosidade e interconexão da mesma. O feldspato alcalino forma um líquido de maior viscosidade mantendo a menor porosidade e de maneira mais isolada. A wollastonita reage de modo diferenciado dos demais no que diz respeito à sílica presente, reagindo melhor na presença do alumínio e do magnésio.


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Este trabalho visa identificar práticas de design thinking (DT), isto é, as abordagens características da disciplina do design para criação de inovações, que possam ser incorporadas ao processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos (DNP). Cinco dessas práticas – abordagem centrada em pessoas, estilo de trabalho colaborativo, pensar fazendo, visualização e combinação de abordagens divergente e convergente – foram analisadas por meio do estudo de caso em profundidade de três empresas polares: um escritório profissional de design, uma empresa de produtos para cuidados pessoais e um fabricante de ferramentas profissionais. A discussão teórica apoiou-se em autores de DNP e de DT que estudaram a evolução desses campos em gerações de maturidade, trazendo também visões bem recentes que apontam para a relevância das mudanças em curso. Entre os achados da pesquisa, observou-se que o modelo de gestão e a estrutura organizacional – orientada por projetos com times multifuncionais ou por processos com estrutura funcional – tem influência na adoção das práticas de DT. Outro achado, esse menos evidente, mostrou que a forma como a empresa se relaciona com clientes e usuários, guarda semelhança com a forma como trata seus profissionais de DNP. Uma descoberta interessante é a função moderadora do alinhamento de propósitos entre empresa e colaborador, para a adoção dessas práticas. Como contribuição ao campo de estudo, apresenta-se um diagrama de cinco gerações de evolução da oferta de novos produtos (ONP), termo utilizado para incorporar não só os produtos com inovações desenvolvidas e de propriedade da empresa focal, mas também aquelas desenvolvidas pelos próprios usuários e as inovações construídas nas redes sociais e oferecidas pela empresa focal.


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As the world evolves, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and the need to understand that complexity is increasing as well. With this demand, arises organizational engineering, which is a subject that emerged with the purpose to make organizations easier to understand, by putting in practice the concept of organizational self-awareness, which means that that the collaborators who are part of an organization, need to understand it and know what their role in it is. The DEMO methodology (Design Engineering Methodology for Organizations), came up with the purpose of representing these organizations’ self-awareness, through the definition and creation of consistent and coherent diagrams. Semantic wikis have features that can help in enterprise modelling. UEAOM (Universal Enterprise Adaptive Organization Model) is a model that allows the specification and dynamic evolution of languages, meta-models, models, and their representations as diagrams and tables. In this project, it was implemented a system based on UEAOM, and Semantic Media Wiki which allows a graphical creation and edition of diagrams. UEAOM can be divided into the meta-modeling level where a language is defined, and the modelling level where instances of classes of that language are created. The system we developed focuses on the modeling level, but will takes as a basis the project that focuses on meta-modeling. The DEMO language was used as an example for the implementation and tests of a graphical editor, based in web technologies and SVG, integrated with SemanticMediaWiki to allow an intuitive, coherent and consistent navigation and editing of organization diagrams.


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This study aimed to provide an insight on the ecology of the bottlenose dolphin population in Madeira archipelago. To achieve this, population structure; group dynamics, site-fidelity, residency and movement patterns within and out of the study area; survival and abundance estimates and spatial and temporal distribution and habitat preferences related to physiographic parameters using data collected between 2001-2011, were investigated. Photo-identification data analysis revealed strong evidences that bottlenose dolphins seen in the archipelago of Madeira belong to an open population with regular recruitment of new animals to the area. This population exhibited a typical fission-fusion society, in which short-term acquaintances prevail, with only a few long-lasting associations. Photo-identification methods demonstrated that there is a large variability in residency pattern, with resident, transient and migrant individuals. Only a small number of dolphins were found to be resident (4.3%). Social network diagram as well as SLAR analysis supported the existence of a mixed population of residents, migrants and transients. Mark-recapture methods estimated a high survival rate, within the range of other long-lived cetacean species. The resident community is composed of app. 180 individuals. In addition, around 400 dolphins of different residency patterns were found to use the south area of Madeira Island. Spatial distribution indicated that bottlenose dolphins were regularly found in shallow and closer to shore areas, suggesting the existence of biological processes influenced by bathymetry. Moreover, temporal patterns revealed no strong seasonal fluctuation in the presence of bottlenose dolphins in Madeira archipelago waters. Bottlenose dolphins are listed under the Annex II of the EU habitats Directive that requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for this species; as such, the knowledge gained through this work can be used by governmental authorities to the establishment and management of areas for the conservation of bottlenose dolphin in Madeira archipelago.


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All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.


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The production of waste from urban and industrial activities is one of the factors of environmental contamination and has aroused attention of the scientific community, in the sense of its reuse. On the other hand, the city of Salvador/Ba, with approximately 262 channels, responsible for storm water runoff, produces every year, by the intervention of cleaning and clearing channels, a significant volume of sediments (dredged mud), and thus an appropriate methodology for their final destination. This study aims to assess the influence of incorporation of these tailings in arrays of clay for production of interlocked block ceramic, also known as ceramic paver. All the raw materials from the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS) were characterized by x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (TG and TDA), particle size analysis and dilatometry. With the use of statistical experimental planning technique, ternary diagram was defined in the study region and the analyzed formulations. The specimens were prepared with dimensions of 60x20x5mm³, by uniaxial pressing of 30 MPa and after sintering at temperatures of 900°, 1000º and 1100ºC the technological properties were evaluated: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent specifies mass, flexural rupture and module. For the uniaxial compression strength used cylindrical probe body with Ø 50 mm. The standard mass (MP) was prepared with 90% by weight of clay and 10% by weight of Channel sediment (SCP), not being verified significant variations in the properties of the final product. With the incorporation of 10% by weight of manganese residue (PFM) and 10% by weight of the Ceramic waste (RCB) in the mass default, in addition to adjusting the plasticity due to less waste clay content, provided increased linear firing shrinkage, due the significant concentration of K2O, forming liquid phase at low temperature, contributing to decreased porosity and mechanical resistance, being 92,5 MPa maximum compressive strength verified. After extract test leachate and soluble, the piece containing 10% of the PFM, was classified as non-hazardous and inert material according to NBR10004/04 ABNT. The results showed the feasibility on using waste, SCP, RCB and PFM clay mass, at temperatures above 900ºC, paver ceramic production, according to the specifications of the technical standards, so that to exceed the 10% of the PFM, it becomes imperative to conduct studies of environmental impacts


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This work proposes an environment for programming programmable logic controllers applied to oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting. The environment will have an editor based in the diagram of sequential functions for programming of PLCs. This language was chosen due to the fact of being high-level and accepted by the international standard IEC 61131-3. The use of these control programs in real PLC will be possible with the use of an intermediate level of language based on XML specification PLCopen T6 XML. For the testing and validation of the control programs, an area should be available for viewing variables obtained through communication with a real PLC. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to develop a computational environment that allows: modeling, testing and validating the controls represented in SFC and applied in oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting


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In the last decades, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries have registered a series of huge accidents. Influenced by this context, companies have felt the necessity of engaging themselves in processes to protect the external environment, which can be understood as an ecological concern. In the particular case of the nuclear industry, sustainable education and training, which depend too much on the quality and applicability of the knowledge base, have been considered key points on the safely application of this energy source. As a consequence, this research was motivated by the use of the ontology concept as a tool to improve the knowledge management in a refinery, through the representation of a fuel gas sweetening plant, mixing many pieces of information associated with its normal operation mode. In terms of methodology, this research can be classified as an applied and descriptive research, where many pieces of information were analysed, classified and interpreted to create the ontology of a real plant. The DEA plant modeling was performed according to its process flow diagram, piping and instrumentation diagrams, descriptive documents of its normal operation mode, and the list of all the alarms associated to the instruments, which were complemented by a non-structured interview with a specialist in that plant operation. The ontology was verified by comparing its descriptive diagrams with the original plant documents and discussing with other members of the researchers group. All the concepts applied in this research can be expanded to represent other plants in the same refinery or even in other kind of industry. An ontology can be considered a knowledge base that, because of its formal representation nature, can be applied as one of the elements to develop tools to navigate through the plant, simulate its behavior, diagnose faults, among other possibilities


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The State of Paraíba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Paraíba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images


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Boron is a semi-metal present in certain types of soils and natural waters. It is essential to the healthy development of plants and non-toxic to humans, depending on its concentration. It is used in various industries and it s present in water production coming from oil production. More specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, one of the largest oil producers on shore of Brazil, the relationship water/oil in some fields becomes more than 90%. The most common destination of this produced water is disposal in open sea after processing to meet the legal specification. In this context, this research proposes to study the extraction of boron in water produced by microemulsion systems for industrial utilization. It was taken into account the efficiency of extraction of boron related to surfactant (DDA and OCS, both characterized by FT-IR), cosurfactant (butanol and isoamyl alcohol), organic phase (kerosene and heptanes) and aqueous phase (solution of boron 3.6 ppm in alkaline pH). The ratio cosurfactant/ surfactant used was four and the percentage of organic phases for all points of study was set at 5%. It was chosen points with the highest percentage of aqueous phase. Each system was designed for three points of different compositions in relation to the constituents of a pseudoternary diagram. These points were chosen according to studies of phase behavior in pseudoternary diagrams made in previous studies. For this research, points were chosen in the Winsor II region. The excess aqueous solution obtained in these systems was separated and analyzed by ICP OES. For the data set obtained, the better efficiency in the extraction of boron was obtained using the system with DAC, isoamyl alcohol and heptanes, which extracted 49% in a single step. OCS was not viable to the extraction of boron by microemulsion system in the conditions defined in this study