630 resultados para Triazine moieties
Aiming to introduce a multiresidue analysis for the trace detection of pesticide residues belonging to organophosphorus and triazine classes from olive oil samples, a new sample preparation methodology comprising the use of a dual layer of “tailor-made” molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) SPE for the simultaneous extraction of both pesticides in a single procedure has been attempted. This work has focused on the implementation of a dual MIP-layer SPE procedure (DL-MISPE) encompassing the use of two MIP layers as specific sorbents. In order to achieve higher recovery rates, the amount of MIP layers has been optimized as well as the influence of MIP packaging order. The optimized DL-MISPE approach has been used in the preconcentration of spiked organic olive oil samples with concentrations of dimethoate and terbuthylazine similar to the maximum residue limits and further quantification by HPLC. High recovery rates for dimethoate (95%) and terbuthylazine (94%) have been achieved with good accuracy and precision. Overall, this work constitutes the first attempt on the development of a dual pesticide residue methodology for the trace analysis of pesticide residues based on molecular imprinting technology. Thus, DL-MISPE constitutes a reliable, robust, and sensitive sample preparation methodology that enables preconcentration of the target pesticides in complex olive oil samples, even at levels similar to the maximum residue limits enforced by the legislation.
The purine ring system is one of the most widely distributed N-heterocycles in Nature [1] and many structurally modified purine nucleosides and nucleotides have activities ranging from antineoplastic and antiviral to antihypertensive, antiasthmatic, antituberculosis, etc [2]. Among the purine derivatives, we have put our attention on natural N-alkylpurines such as the asmarines or agelasimines, a group of secondary metabolites isolated from marine sponges with very interesting biological properties [3]. They have a diterpenoid moiety attached to the N-7 nitrogen atom of an adenine and are usually isolated in very small quantities, which limited their structure-activity relationship studies. Our research group has been involved for years in the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cytotoxic compounds related to natural products, including the chemoinduction of bioactivity on inactive terpenoids [4]. These diterpenoid include compounds such as communic or cupressic acids that bear decaline moieties very close to those present in the above-mentioned marine natural products. These facts prompted us to design and prepare new terpenylpurine derivatives starting from natural monoterpenoids and diterpenoids, commercially available or isolated from their natural sources and transformed into appropriate alkylated agents. Thus, we have prepared purines alkylated at N-7 and N-9 positions with isoprenoids, monoterpenoids and diterpenoids, using two different synthetic approaches: from 6-chloropurine or from 4,5-diamine-6-chloropyrimidine. The structure of the synthesized purines are shown in the following figure. The purine analogues synthesized have been evaluated for their cytotoxicity against four tumour human cell lines (breast, non-small lung, cervical and hepatocellular carcinoma) and non-tumour cells (porcine liver primary cells). The most cytotoxic derivatives were those with a diterpenoid rest on the purine. The results obtained allowed to draw conclusions on the structure-activity relationship of the compounds in order to evaluate the influence of the terpenyl size on their cytotoxic properties.
La spectrométrie de masse mesure la masse des ions selon leur rapport masse sur charge. Cette technique est employée dans plusieurs domaines et peut analyser des mélanges complexes. L’imagerie par spectrométrie de masse (Imaging Mass Spectrometry en anglais, IMS), une branche de la spectrométrie de masse, permet l’analyse des ions sur une surface, tout en conservant l’organisation spatiale des ions détectés. Jusqu’à présent, les échantillons les plus étudiés en IMS sont des sections tissulaires végétales ou animales. Parmi les molécules couramment analysées par l’IMS, les lipides ont suscité beaucoup d'intérêt. Les lipides sont impliqués dans les maladies et le fonctionnement normal des cellules; ils forment la membrane cellulaire et ont plusieurs rôles, comme celui de réguler des événements cellulaires. Considérant l’implication des lipides dans la biologie et la capacité du MALDI IMS à les analyser, nous avons développé des stratégies analytiques pour la manipulation des échantillons et l’analyse de larges ensembles de données lipidiques. La dégradation des lipides est très importante dans l’industrie alimentaire. De la même façon, les lipides des sections tissulaires risquent de se dégrader. Leurs produits de dégradation peuvent donc introduire des artefacts dans l’analyse IMS ainsi que la perte d’espèces lipidiques pouvant nuire à la précision des mesures d’abondance. Puisque les lipides oxydés sont aussi des médiateurs importants dans le développement de plusieurs maladies, leur réelle préservation devient donc critique. Dans les études multi-institutionnelles où les échantillons sont souvent transportés d’un emplacement à l’autre, des protocoles adaptés et validés, et des mesures de dégradation sont nécessaires. Nos principaux résultats sont les suivants : un accroissement en fonction du temps des phospholipides oxydés et des lysophospholipides dans des conditions ambiantes, une diminution de la présence des lipides ayant des acides gras insaturés et un effet inhibitoire sur ses phénomènes de la conservation des sections au froid sous N2. A température et atmosphère ambiantes, les phospholipides sont oxydés sur une échelle de temps typique d’une préparation IMS normale (~30 minutes). Les phospholipides sont aussi décomposés en lysophospholipides sur une échelle de temps de plusieurs jours. La validation d’une méthode de manipulation d’échantillon est d’autant plus importante lorsqu’il s’agit d’analyser un plus grand nombre d’échantillons. L’athérosclérose est une maladie cardiovasculaire induite par l’accumulation de matériel cellulaire sur la paroi artérielle. Puisque l’athérosclérose est un phénomène en trois dimension (3D), l'IMS 3D en série devient donc utile, d'une part, car elle a la capacité à localiser les molécules sur la longueur totale d’une plaque athéromateuse et, d'autre part, car elle peut identifier des mécanismes moléculaires du développement ou de la rupture des plaques. l'IMS 3D en série fait face à certains défis spécifiques, dont beaucoup se rapportent simplement à la reconstruction en 3D et à l’interprétation de la reconstruction moléculaire en temps réel. En tenant compte de ces objectifs et en utilisant l’IMS des lipides pour l’étude des plaques d’athérosclérose d’une carotide humaine et d’un modèle murin d’athérosclérose, nous avons élaboré des méthodes «open-source» pour la reconstruction des données de l’IMS en 3D. Notre méthodologie fournit un moyen d’obtenir des visualisations de haute qualité et démontre une stratégie pour l’interprétation rapide des données de l’IMS 3D par la segmentation multivariée. L’analyse d’aortes d’un modèle murin a été le point de départ pour le développement des méthodes car ce sont des échantillons mieux contrôlés. En corrélant les données acquises en mode d’ionisation positive et négative, l’IMS en 3D a permis de démontrer une accumulation des phospholipides dans les sinus aortiques. De plus, l’IMS par AgLDI a mis en évidence une localisation différentielle des acides gras libres, du cholestérol, des esters du cholestérol et des triglycérides. La segmentation multivariée des signaux lipidiques suite à l’analyse par IMS d’une carotide humaine démontre une histologie moléculaire corrélée avec le degré de sténose de l’artère. Ces recherches aident à mieux comprendre la complexité biologique de l’athérosclérose et peuvent possiblement prédire le développement de certains cas cliniques. La métastase au foie du cancer colorectal (Colorectal cancer liver metastasis en anglais, CRCLM) est la maladie métastatique du cancer colorectal primaire, un des cancers le plus fréquent au monde. L’évaluation et le pronostic des tumeurs CRCLM sont effectués avec l’histopathologie avec une marge d’erreur. Nous avons utilisé l’IMS des lipides pour identifier les compartiments histologiques du CRCLM et extraire leurs signatures lipidiques. En exploitant ces signatures moléculaires, nous avons pu déterminer un score histopathologique quantitatif et objectif et qui corrèle avec le pronostic. De plus, par la dissection des signatures lipidiques, nous avons identifié des espèces lipidiques individuelles qui sont discriminants des différentes histologies du CRCLM et qui peuvent potentiellement être utilisées comme des biomarqueurs pour la détermination de la réponse à la thérapie. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons trouvé une série de plasmalogènes et sphingolipides qui permettent de distinguer deux différents types de nécrose (infarct-like necrosis et usual necrosis en anglais, ILN et UN, respectivement). L’ILN est associé avec la réponse aux traitements chimiothérapiques, alors que l’UN est associé au fonctionnement normal de la tumeur.
Les sulfilimines et les sulfoximines sont des motifs structuraux dont l’intérêt synthétique est grandissant, notamment du fait de leurs applications en chimie médicinale et en agrochimie. Les travaux rapportés dans cet ouvrage décrivent le développement de nouvelles méthodes de synthèse efficaces pour la production de ces unités atypiques. Ces méthodes sont basées sur la réactivité d’une source d’azote électrophile, vis-à-vis de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes. L’utilisation d’un complexe métallique introduit en quantité catalytique a permis de favoriser le processus réactionnel. En tirant bénéfice de l’expertise de notre groupe de recherche sur le développement de réactions d’amination stéréosélectives de liaisons C-H et d’aziridination de styrènes, nous avons d’abord étudié la réactivité des N-mésyloxycarbamates comme source d’azote électrophile. Après avoir optimisé sa synthèse sur grande échelle, ce réactif chiral a été utilisé dans des réactions d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes, catalysées par un dimère de rhodium (II) chiral. Un processus diastéréosélectif efficace a été mis au point, permettant de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines chirales avec d’excellents rendements et sélectivités. Au cours de l’optimisation de cette méthode de synthèse, nous avons pu constater l’effet déterminant de certains additifs sur la réactivité et la sélectivité de la réaction. Une étude mécanistique a été entreprise afin de comprendre leur mode d’action. Il a été observé qu’une base de Lewis telle que le 4-diméthylaminopyridine (DMAP) pouvait se coordiner au dimère de rhodium(II) et modifier ses propriétés structurales et redox. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus suggèrent que l’espèce catalytique active est un dimère de rhodium de valence mixte Rh(II)/Rh(III). Nous avons également découvert que l’incorporation de sels de bispyridinium avait une influence cruciale sur la diastéréosélectivité de la réaction. D’autres expériences sur la nature du groupe partant du réactif N-sulfonyloxycarbamate nous ont permis de postuler qu’une espèce nitrénoïde de rhodium était l’intermédiaire clé du processus d’amination. De plus, l’exploitation des techniques de chimie en débit continu nous a permis de développer une méthode d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes très performante, en utilisant les azotures comme source d’azote électrophile. Basée sur la décompositon photochimique d’azotures en présence d’un complexe de fer (III) simple et commercialement disponible, nous avons été en mesure de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines avec d’excellents rendements. Le temps de résidence du procédé d’amination a pu être sensiblement réduit par la conception d’un nouveau type de réacteur photochimique capillaire. Ces améliorations techniques ont permis de rendre la synthèse plus productive, ce qui constitue un élément important d’un point de vue industriel.
The toxicity of herbicides used in agriculture is influenced by their chemical stability, solubility, bioavailability, photodecomposition, and soil sorption. Possible solutions designed to minimize toxicity include the development of carrier systems able to modify the properties of the compounds and allow their controlled release. Polymeric poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) nanocapsules containing three triazine herbicides (ametryn, atrazine, and simazine) were prepared and characterized in order to assess their suitability as controlled release systems that could reduce environmental impacts. The association efficiencies of the herbicides in the nanocapsules were better than 84%. Assessment of stability (considering particle diameter, zeta potential, polydispersity, and pH) was conducted over a period of 270 days, and the particles were found to be stable in solution. In vitro release kinetics experiments revealed controlled release of the herbicides from the nanocapsules, governed mainly by relaxation of the polymer chains. Microscopy analyses showed that the nanocapsules were spherical, dense, and without aggregates. In the infrared spectra of the PCL nanocapsules containing herbicides, there were no bands related to the herbicides, indicating that interactions between the compounds had occurred. Genotoxicity tests showed that formulations of nanocapsules containing the herbicides were less toxic than the free herbicides. The results indicate that the use of PCL nanocapsules is a promising technique that could improve the behavior of herbicides in environmental systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The interactions established by mono and polyvalent cations in natural media have important implications on the structure formation, function and physico-chemical behavior of biomolecules, playing therefore a critical role in biochemical processes. In order to further elucidate the molecular phenomena behind the cation specific effects in biological environments, and clarify the influence of the charge of the ions, solubility measurements and molecular dynamics simulations were performed for aqueous solutions of three amino acids (alanine, valine and isoleucine), in the presence of a series of inorganic salts comprising mono-, di- and trivalent cations (LiCl, Li2SO4, K2SO4, CaCl2, AlCl3 and Al-2(SO4)(3)). The evidence gathered indicates that the mechanism by which (salting-in inducing) polyvalent cations affect the solubility of amino acids in aqueous solutions is different from that of monovalent cations. A consistent and refined molecular description of the effect of the cation on the solubility of amino acids based on specific interactions of the cations with the negatively charged moieties of the biomolecules is here proposed.
Ambipolar organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), which can efficiently transport both holes and electrons, using a single type of electrode, are currently of great interest due to their possible applications in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-like circuits, sensors, and in light-emitting transistors. Several theoretical and experimental studies have argued that most organic semiconductors should be able to transport both types of carrier, although typically unipolar behavior is observed. One factor that can compromise ambipolar transport in organic semiconductors is poor solid state overlap between the HOMO (p-type) or LUMO (n-type) orbitals of neighboring molecules in the semiconductor thin film. In the search of low-bandgap ambipolar materials, where the absence of skeletal distortions allows closer intermolecular π-π stacking and enhanced intramolecular π-conjugation, a new family of oligothiophene-naphthalimide assemblies have been synthesized and characterized, in which both donor and acceptor moieties are directly conjugated through rigid linkers. In previous works we found that oligothiophene-napthalimide assemblies connected through amidine linkers (NDI derivates) exhibit skeletal distortions (50-60º) arising from steric hindrance between the carbonyl group of the arylene core and the sulphur atom of the neighbored thiophene ring (see Figure 1). In the present work we report novel oligo- and polythiophene–naphthalimide analogues NAI-3T, NAI-5T and poly-NAI-8C-3T, in which the connections of the amidine linkage have been inverted in order to prevent steric interactions. Thus, the nitrogen atoms are directly connected to the naphthalene moiety in NAI derivatives while they were attached directly to the thiophene moiety in the previously investigated NDI-3T and NDI-5T. In Figure 1 is depicted the calculated molecular structure of NAI-3T together with that of NDI-3T showing how the steric interactions are not present in the novel NAI derivative. The planar skeletons in these new family induce higher degree of crystallinity and the carrier charge transport can be switched from n-type to ambipolar behaviour. The highest FET performance is achieved for vapor-deposited films of NAI-3T with mobilities of 1.95x10-4cm2V-1s-1 and 2.00x10-4cm2V-1s-1 for electrons and holes, respectively. Finally, these planar semiconductors are compared with their NDI derivates analogues, which exhibit only n-type mobility, in order to understand the origin of the ambipolarity in this new series of molecular semiconductors.
Recreational abuse of the drugs cocaine, methamphetamine, and morphine continues to be prevalent in the United States of America and around the world. While numerous methods of detection exist for each drug, they are generally limited by the lifetime of the parent drug and its metabolites in the body. However, the covalent modification of endogenous proteins by these drugs of abuse may act as biomarkers of exposure and allow for extension of detection windows for these drugs beyond the lifetime of parent molecules or metabolites in the free fraction. Additionally, existence of covalently bound molecules arising from drug ingestion can offer insight into downstream toxicities associated with each of these drugs. This research investigated the metabolism of cocaine, methamphetamine, and morphine in common in vitro assay systems, specifically focusing on the generation of reactive intermediates and metabolites that have the potential to form covalent protein adducts. Results demonstrated the formation of covalent adduction products between biological cysteine thiols and reactive moieties on cocaine and morphine metabolites. Rigorous mass spectrometric analysis in conjunction with in vitro metabolic activation, pharmacogenetic reaction phenotyping, and computational modeling were utilized to characterize structures and mechanisms of formation for each resultant thiol adduction product. For cocaine, data collected demonstrated the formation of adduction products from a reactive arene epoxide intermediate, designating a novel metabolic pathway for cocaine. In the case of morphine, data expanded on known adduct-forming pathways using sensitive and selective analysis techniques, following the known reactive metabolite, morphinone, and a proposed novel metabolite, morphine quinone methide. Data collected in this study describe novel metabolic events for multiple important drugs of abuse, culminating in detection methods and mechanistic descriptors useful to both medical and forensic investigators when examining the toxicology associated with cocaine, methamphetamine, and morphine.
In this study, we demonstrate that the prototype B. breve strain UCC2003 possesses specific metabolic pathways for the utilisation of lacto-N-tetraose (LNT) and lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), which represent the central moieties of Type I and Type II human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), respectively. Using a combination of experimental approaches, the enzymatic machinery involved in the metabolism of LNT and LNnT was identified and characterised. Homologs of the key genetic loci involved in the utilisation of these HMO substrates were identified in B. breve, B. bifidum, B. longum subsp. infantis and B. longum subsp. longum using bioinformatic analyses, and were shown to be variably present among other members of the Bifidobacterium genus, with a distinct pattern of conservation among human-associated bifidobacterial species.
he region of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, is located over recharge area of the Guarany aquifer, the most important source of groundwater in the South Central region of the country. This region is also the most important sugarcane producing area of the country which produces a large amount of the ethanol. This study was conducted to determine the potential risk of herbicide groundwater contamination. The leaching risk potential of herbicides to groundwater was conducted using the weather simulator ?Weather Generator? (WGEN) coupled with the model ?Chemical Movement Trough Layered Soils? (CMLS94). The following herbicides were evaluated in clayey and sandy soils (Typic Haplorthox and Typic Quartzipsamment soils) found in the region: ametryn (N-ethyl-N\'-(1- methylethyl)-6-(methylthio)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), atrazine (6-chloro-N-ethyl-N\'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine- 2,4-diamine), clomazone (2-[(2-chlorophenyl)methyl]-4,4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone), diuron (3,4-dichlorophenyl)- N,N-dimethylurea), halosulfuron (3-chloro-5-[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl], hexazinone (3- cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino)-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4 (1H,3H)-dione), imazapic ((±)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4- (1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-5-methyl-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid), imazapyr ((±)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl- 4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid), MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid), metribuzin (4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one), MSMA (Amonosodium salt of MAA), paraquat (1,1\'-dimethyl-4,4\'-bipyridinium ion), pendimethalin (N-(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6- dinitrobenzenamine), picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid), simazine (6-chloro-N,N\'-diethyl- 1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), sulfentrazone [N-[2,4-dichloro-5-[4-(difluoromethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H- 1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]phenyl]methanesulfonamide], and tebuthiuron [N-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N\'- dimethylurea]. Results obtained by our simulation study have shown that the herbicides picloram, tebuthiuron, and metribuzin have the highest leaching potential, in either sandy or clayey soils, with picloram reaching the root zone of sugarcane at 0.6m in less than 150 days.
Neuroinflammation constitutes a major player in the etiopathology of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), by orchestrating several neurotoxic pathways which in concert lead to neurodegeneration. A positive feedback loop occurs between inflammation, microglia activation and misfolding processes that, alongside excitotoxicity and oxidative events, represent crucial features of this intricate scenario. The multi-layered nature of NDDs requires a deepen investigation on how these vicious cycles work. This could further help in the search for effective treatments. Electrophiles are critically involved in the modulation of a variety of neuroprotective responses. Thus, we envisioned their peculiar ability to switch on/off biological activities as a powerful tool for investigating the neurotoxic scenario driven by inflammation in NDDs. In particular, in this thesis project, we wanted to dissect at a molecular level the functional role of (pro)electrophilic moieties of previously synthesized thioesters of variously substituted trans-cinnamic acids, to identify crucial features which could interfere with amyloid aggregation as well as modulate Nrf2 and/or NF-κB activation. To this aim, we first synthesized new compounds to identify bioactive cores which could specifically modulate the intended target. Then, we systematically modified their structure to reach additional pathogenic pathways which could in tandem contribute to the inflammatory process. In particular, following the investigation of the mechanistic underpinnings involving the catechol feature in amyloid binding through the synthesis of new dihydroxyl derivatives, we incorporated the identified antiaggregating nucleus into constrained frames which could contrast neuroinflammation also through the modulation of CB2Rs. In parallel, Nrf2 and/or NF-κB antinflammatory structural requirements were combined with the neuroprotective cores of pioglitazone, an antidiabetic drug endowed with MAO-B inhibitory properties, and memantine, which notably contrasts excitotoxicity. By acting as Swiss army knives, the new set of molecules emerge as promising tools to deepen our insights into the complex scenario regulating NDDs.
This thesis focusses on the study of several luminescent materials and investigates some related technological applications. It is made of six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces a brief history, basic principles and applications of photoluminescence. Chapter 2 presents the photophysical properties of five benzoheterodiazole dyes. These molecules were incorporated in PMMA- and PDMS-based LSC-PV devices to determine the emission quantum yields, transmission, re-absorption and IPCE properties. DFT calculations were performed to investigate the structures and energy levels of these dyes. Chapter 3 concerns the preparation of a luminescent film to calibrate an ESA satellite that will monitor the fluorescence of terrestrial vegetation. ZnPc was selected as suitable dye to make the film. Ferrocene was selected as quencher to control the emission intensity. An industrial printing technology was used to produce large-area calibration sheets coated with green pigment that simulates the NIR reflectance of green plants in which the ZnPc is embedded. Photophysical properties of a series of alkynyl gold NHC complexes containing naphthalimide chromophore were studied in Chapter 4. All the compounds were studied in solution and solid state. Further investigations were carried out by incorporating these compounds in PMMA matrix to make films. XRD and DFT calculations were made to determine the structures and energy levels of the complexes. In chapter 5 we studied the photophysical properties of star-shaped molecular systems which can operate as molecular motors when attached onto surface, along with those of their related ligands/moieties in tetrahydrofuran solution. The photophysical properties of these molecular systems can show if they are suitable to operate as light-triggered molecular machines. Finally, chapter 6 concerns the photoluminescence behavior of three NHC half-sandwich Ir/Rh metal complexes. The photophysical properties of these compounds were examined in CH2Cl2 solutions and PMMA films. These complexes may prove potential candidates for organic phosphorescent materials.
Nanomaterials are nowadays widely recognised as advantageous sensing tools due to their unique properties. Some natural nanomaterials, such as DNA or hyaluronic acid analysed in this PhD thesis, have an intrinsic biocompatibility that overcomes a series of issues in the field of sensing in biological environments. Therefore, the main aim of this project was to derivatize HA chains with luminescent dyes - both organic and metal complexes - in order to obtain natural polymer-based optical sensors. A derivatization of HA with these moieties was obtained and a photophysical characterization was provided. To prove their sensing ability towards nanomaterials, the interaction with. PluS Nanoparticles, featuring an outer PEG shell, was tested. It was mostly demonstrated that the main features of the luminophores used were present in the HA nanogels as well. For example, HA@Dansyl was proven to be a luminescent probe able to sense different environment polarities. Furthermore, in HA@PA the amount of excimers/monomers emission was found to be relatable to the degree of entanglement of HA chains, that changes upon interactions with nanoparticles. Moreover, two ruthenium bipyridyl derivatives were linked to HA and it was found out that HA interacts with long DNA sequences. Also, the presence of BPA, a small molecule of environmental concern, was detected using (i) an already studied hyaluronic acid derivative with rhodamine (HA@RB) , (ii) a dizinc ruthenium complex coordinating BPA to the metal centres, and (iii) a new probe constituted by PluSNPs@DEAC and HA@RB. Despite all the systems were found to be able to detect BPA, the latter probe presented advantages in terms of sensitivity. Furthermore, the chapter 2 of this thesis is focused on the detection of a NF-κB protein in PC3 cancer cells. via confocal microscopy by following a FRET signal variation on a triplex-hairpin derivatized with a FRET couple of dyes.
This PhD project has been mainly focused on the synthesis of novel organic compounds containing heterocyclic and/or carbocyclic scaffold and on the study of stearic acid derivatives and their applications in biological field. The synthesis of novel derivatives of 9-hydroxystearic acid (9-HSA) evidenced how the presence of substituents on C9, able to make hydrogen bonds is of crucial importance for the biological activity. Also the position of the hydroxy group along the chain of hydroxystearic acids was investigated: regioisomers with the hydroxy group bound to odd carbons resulted more active than those bearing the hydroxy group on even carbons. Further, the insertion of (R)-9-HSA in magnetic nanoparticles gave a novel material which characterization remarked its suitability for drug delivery. Structural hybrids between amino aza-heterocycles and azelaic acid have been synthesized and some of them showed a selective activity towards osteosarcoma cell line U2OS. Several Apcin analogues bearing indole, benzothiazole, benzofurazan moieties connected to tryptaminyl-, amino pyridinyl-, pyrimidinyl- and pyrazinyl ring through a 1,1,1-trichloroethyl group were synthesized. Biological tests showed the importance of both the tryptaminyl and the pyrimidinyl moieties, confirming the effectiveness against acute leukemia models. The SNAr between 2-aminothiazole derivatives and 7-chlorodinitrobenzofuroxan revealed different behaviour depending from amino substituent of the thiazole. The reaction with 2-N-piperidinyl-, 2-N-morpholinyl-, or 2-N-pyrrolidinyl thiazole gave two isomeric species derived from the attack on C-5 of thiazole ring. Thiazoles substituted with primary- or not-cyclic secondary amines reacted with the exocyclic amino nitrogen atom giving a series of compounds whose biological activity have highlighted as they might be promising candidates for further development of antitumor agents. A series of 9-fluorenylidene derivatives, of interest in medical and optoelectronic field as organic scintillators, was synthesized through Wittig or Suzuky reaction and will be analyzed to test their potential scintillatory properties.
Among all, the application of nanomaterials in biomedical research and most recently in the environmental one has opened the fields of nanomedicine and nanoremediation. Sensing methods based on fluorescence optical probe are generally requested for their selectivity, sensitivity. However, most imaging methods in literature rely on a fluorescent covalent labelling of the system. Therefore, the main aim of this project was to synthetise a biocompatible fluorogenic hyaluronan probe (HA) polymer functionalised with a rhomadine B (RB) moieties and study its behaviour as an optical probe with different materials with microscopy techniques. A derivatization of HA with RB (HA-RB) was successfully obtained providing a photophysical characterization showing a particular fluorescence mechanism of the probe. Firstly, we tested the interaction with different lab-grade micro and nanoplastics in water. Thanks to the peculiar photophysical behaviour of the probe nanoplastics can be detected with confocal microscopy and more interestingly their nature can be discriminated based on the fluorescence lifetime decay with FLIM microscopy. After, the interaction of a model plant derived metabolic enzyme GAPC1 undergoing oxidative-triggered aggregation was explored with the HA-RB. We highlighted the probe interaction with the protein even at early stage of the kinetic. Moreover, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) experiment demonstrates that the probe is in fact able to interact with the small pre-aggregates in the early stage of the aggregation kinetic. Ultimately, we focused on the possibility to apply the probe in a super resolution microscopy technique, PALM, exploiting its aspecific interaction to characterize the surface topography of PTFE polydisperse microplastics. Optimal conditions were reached at high concentration of the probe (70 nM) where 0.5-5 nM is always advisable for this technique. Thanks to the polymeric nature and fluorescence mechanism of the probe, this technique was able to reveal features of PTFE surface under the diffraction limit (< 250 nm).