1000 resultados para Tráfego urbano : Simulação : Porto Alegre (RS)
The preservation of tangible cultural heritage does not guarantee effective revitalisation of urban historic areas as a whole. The legacy of our history consists not only of paintings, sculptures, architectural monuments and public spaces, but also the safeguarding of immaterial aspects of social life, such as oral traditions, rituals, practices, knowledge and craft skills. From 1999 to 2013, 26 Brazilian cities benefited from the Monumenta Programme - a national cultural policy that involved institutions, the private sector and the local community. The purpose of the programme was to stimulate economic growth and increase cultural and social development of the historic centres. Moreover, it sought to increase the number of residents in the benefited areas as defined in its agenda (IDB, 1999; MinC & Programa Monumenta, 2006). Using the Historic Centre of Porto Alegre as a case study, this paper examines how this cultural programme enables demographic change through the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, e.g. by supporting educational projects. The demographic flow was analysed using the microdata of the Populations Censuses (years 2000 and 2010) available from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The results showed an increase in low-income residents the areas that participated in the programme. This increase may have been motivated by a set of cultural-educational projects under the auspices of the Monumenta Programme. The retraining of artisans of Alfândega Square, the training of low-income youth for restoration work and the implementation of the "Black Route Museum in Porto Alegre" (Bicca, 2010) are just some examples of what was done to improve the local community's economy, to encourage social cohesion and to enhance the awareness of cultural diversity as a positive and essential value in society.
En América Latina, y en Brasil en particular, las ocupaciones informales de la tierra urbana se tornaran un fenómeno generalizado en todas las ciudades, hecho que evidencio una serie de problemas urbanos y de ineficiencia en el proveimiento de los derechos básicos de los ciudadanos, principalmente el derecho a la morada digna, con eso, trajo la necesidad de priorización de política publicas curativas, como los programas de regularización urbana, cuyo objetivo es la inserción de las ocupaciones informales en la ciudad formal, con todos los impactos que eso genera: urbanísticos, legales, sociales y económicos. La ley federal intitulado Estatuto da Cidade (EC), reglamentada en 2001, es entendida como un avanzo jurídico por justamente intentar contrabalancear ese contexto, trayendo una serie de principios e instrumentos que buscan garantizar la función social de la propiedad y de la ciudad. Esa nueva lógica, en la teoría, tiene que ser la base de todas las políticas urbanas del país. Con eso, esa tesis tiene como objetivo evaluar si, realmente, los programas de regularización urbana desarrollados en Brasil cumplen con los dictámenes de dicha legislación. Para eso, fue elegido la metodología del estudio de caso, que fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, capital del Rio Grande do Sul. Primero fue analizado el Estatuto da Cidade, para la definición de los principios de evaluación, luego, fue propuesto un sistema de evaluación, que fue aplicado en los dos casos estudiados: un anterior a la promulgación del EC, el Condominio dos Anjos, que serbio como parámetro referencial, y otro desarrollado tras la promulgación de dicha legislación, el Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade (PIEC). Tras los análisis, se puede concluir que la legislación federal efectivamente no ha tenido el reflejo necesario, como conclusiones principales se puede citar: que la legislación municipal de Porto Alegre desde la década 90 ya tenía avances considerables, incluso algunos sirvieron de ejemplo en la elaboración del EC, luego, eso puede explicar el bajo impacto percibido; y que el principal fiscalizador y delineador de la política urbana es el financiador del programa, luego, muchas estrategias y dibujos proyectuales dependen de la línea de dicha financiación. ABSTRACT In Latin America, and Brazil in particular, informal urban land occupations pervasive be turned into all cities, a fact evidenced a series of urban problems and inefficiency to provide the basic rights of citizens, mainly the right to a decent housing, with that, brought the need for prioritization of public policy, such as urban regularization programs, aimed at the inclusion of informal occupations in the formal city, with all the impacts that generates: urban, legal, social and economic. Federal law entitled Estatuto da Cidade (EC), regulated in 2001, is understood as a legal advanced for just try to counterbalance this context, bringing a number of principles and instruments that seek to guarantee the social function of property and the city. This new logic, in theory, has to be the basis of all urban policies of the country. With that, this thesis aims to assess whether urban regularization programs developed in Brazil, actually, comply with the dictates of that legislation. For that, it was elected the methodology of the case study, which was developed in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It was first analyzed the EC, for defining the principles for evaluation, then, was proposed an evaluation system, which was applied in two case studies: one before the promulgation of the EC, the Condominio dos Anjos, which used as a reference parameter, and another developed following the enactment of this legislation, the Program Integrate Entrada da Cidade (PIEC). After the analysis, it can be concluded that the federal legislation has not actually had the reflection necessary, main conclusions can be cited: the municipal legislation in Porto Alegre, since the early 90s, had considerable progress, including some served as an example in developing the EC, then, that may explain the low perceived impact; the principal auditor and eyeliner urban policy is the founder of the program, of course, many strategies and project drawings depend on the line of financing.