888 resultados para Tissue-remodelling
Adipose tissue (AT) is distributed as large differentiated masses, and smaller depots covering vessels, and organs, as well as interspersed within them. The differences between types and size of cells makes AT one of the most disperse and complex organs. Lipid storage is partly shared by other tissues such as muscle and liver. We intended to obtain an approximate estimation of the size of lipid reserves stored outside the main fat depots. Both male and female rats were made overweight by 4-weeks feeding of a cafeteria diet. Total lipid content was analyzed in brain, liver, gastrocnemius muscle, four white AT sites: subcutaneous, perigonadal, retroperitoneal and mesenteric, two brown AT sites (interscapular and perirenal) and in a pool of the rest of organs and tissues (after discarding gut contents). Organ lipid content was estimated and tabulated for each individual rat. Food intake was measured daily. There was a surprisingly high proportion of lipid not accounted for by the main macroscopic AT sites, even when brain, liver and BAT main sites were discounted. Muscle contained about 8% of body lipids, liver 1-1.4%, four white AT sites lipid 28-63% of body lipid, and the rest of the body (including muscle) 38-44%. There was a good correlation between AT lipid and body lipid, but lipid in"other organs" was highly correlated too with body lipid. Brain lipid was not. Irrespective of dietary intake, accumulation of body fat was uniform both for the main lipid storage and handling organs: large masses of AT (but also liver, muscle), as well as in the"rest" of tissues. These storage sites, in specialized (adipose) or not-specialized (liver, muscle) tissues reacted in parallel against a hyperlipidic diet challenge. We postulate that body lipid stores are handled and regulated coordinately, with a more centralized and overall mechanisms than usually assumed.
Protein-coding genes evolve at different rates, and the influence of different parameters, from gene size to expression level, has been extensively studied. While in yeast gene expression level is the major causal factor of gene evolutionary rate, the situation is more complex in animals. Here we investigate these relations further, especially taking in account gene expression in different organs as well as indirect correlations between parameters. We used RNA-seq data from two large datasets, covering 22 mouse tissues and 27 human tissues. Over all tissues, evolutionary rate only correlates weakly with levels and breadth of expression. The strongest explanatory factors of purifying selection are GC content, expression in many developmental stages, and expression in brain tissues. While the main component of evolutionary rate is purifying selection, we also find tissue-specific patterns for sites under neutral evolution and for positive selection. We observe fast evolution of genes expressed in testis, but also in other tissues, notably liver, which are explained by weak purifying selection rather than by positive selection.
A large part of the mammalian genome is transcribed into noncoding RNAs. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as critical epigenetic regulators of gene expression. Distinct molecular mechanisms allow lncRNAs either to activate or to repress gene expression, thereby participating in the regulation of cellular and tissue function. LncRNAs, therefore, have important roles in healthy and diseased hearts, and might be targets for therapeutic intervention. In this Review, we summarize the current knowledge of the roles of lncRNAs in cardiac development and ageing. After describing the definition and classification of lncRNAs, we present an overview of the mechanisms by which lncRNAs regulate gene expression. We discuss the multiple roles of lncRNAs in the heart, and focus on the regulation of embryonic stem cell differentiation, cardiac cell fate and development, and cardiac ageing. We emphasize the importance of chromatin remodelling in this regulation. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic and biomarker potential of lncRNAs.
Tissue engineering is a popular topic in peripheral nerve repair. Combining a nerve conduit with supporting adipose-derived cells could offer an opportunity to prevent time-consuming Schwann cell culture or the use of an autograft with its donor site morbidity and eventually improve clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to provide a broad overview over promising transplantable cells under equal experimental conditions over a long-term period. A 10-mm gap in the sciatic nerve of female Sprague-Dawley rats (7 groups of 7 animals, 8 weeks old) was bridged through a biodegradable fibrin conduit filled with rat adipose-derived stem cells (rASCs), differentiated rASCs (drASCs), human (h)ASCs from the superficial and deep abdominal layer, human stromal vascular fraction (SVF), or rat Schwann cells, respectively. As a control, we resutured a nerve segment as an autograft. Long-term evaluation was carried out after 12 weeks comprising walking track, morphometric, and MRI analyses. The sciatic functional index was calculated. Cross sections of the nerve, proximal, distal, and in between the two sutures, were analyzed for re-/myelination and axon count. Gastrocnemius muscle weights were compared. MRI proved biodegradation of the conduit. Differentiated rat ASCs performed significantly better than undifferentiated rASCs with less muscle atrophy and superior functional results. Superficial hASCs supported regeneration better than deep hASCs, in line with published in vitro data. The best regeneration potential was achieved by the drASC group when compared with other adipose tissue-derived cells. Considering the ease of procedure from harvesting to transplanting, we conclude that comparison of promising cells for nerve regeneration revealed that particularly differentiated ASCs could be a clinically translatable route toward new methods to enhance peripheral nerve repair.
Segment poses and joint kinematics estimated from skin markers are highly affected by soft tissue artifact (STA) and its rigid motion component (STARM). While four marker-clusters could decrease the STA non-rigid motion during gait activity, other data, such as marker location or STARM patterns, would be crucial to compensate for STA in clinical gait analysis. The present study proposed 1) to devise a comprehensive average map illustrating the spatial distribution of STA for the lower limb during treadmill gait and 2) to analyze STARM from four marker-clusters assigned to areas extracted from spatial distribution. All experiments were realized using a stereophotogrammetric system to track the skin markers and a bi-plane fluoroscopic system to track the knee prosthesis. Computation of the spatial distribution of STA was realized on 19 subjects using 80 markers apposed on the lower limb. Three different areas were extracted from the distribution map of the thigh. The marker displacement reached a maximum of 24.9mm and 15.3mm in the proximal areas of thigh and shank, respectively. STARM was larger on thigh than the shank with RMS error in cluster orientations between 1.2° and 8.1°. The translation RMS errors were also large (3.0mm to 16.2mm). No marker-cluster correctly compensated for STARM. However, the coefficient of multiple correlations exhibited excellent scores between skin and bone kinematics, as well as for STARM between subjects. These correlations highlight dependencies between STARM and the kinematic components. This study provides new insights for modeling STARM for gait activity.
Obesity is associated with chronic food intake disorders and binge eating. Food intake relies on the interaction between homeostatic regulation and hedonic signals among which, olfaction is a major sensory determinant. However, its potential modulation at the peripheral level by a chronic energy imbalance associated to obese status remains a matter of debate. We further investigated the olfactory function in a rodent model relevant to the situation encountered in obese humans, where genetic susceptibility is juxtaposed on chronic eating disorders. Using several olfactory-driven tests, we compared the behaviors of obesity-prone Sprague-Dawley rats (OP) fed with a high-fat/high-sugar diet with those of obese-resistant ones fed with normal chow. In OP rats, we reported 1) decreased odor threshold, but 2) poor olfactory performances, associated with learning/memory deficits, 3) decreased influence of fasting, and 4) impaired insulin control on food seeking behavior. Associated with these behavioral modifications, we found a modulation of metabolism-related factors implicated in 1) electrical olfactory signal regulation (insulin receptor), 2) cellular dynamics (glucorticoids receptors, pro- and antiapoptotic factors), and 3) homeostasis of the olfactory mucosa and bulb (monocarboxylate and glucose transporters). Such impairments might participate to the perturbed daily food intake pattern that we observed in obese animals.
Exposure to organochlorines induces retinoid deficiency in mammals; hence, retinoids are potential biomarkers of the impact of these pollutants. Appropriate target tissues to monitor retinoids in cetaceans have not been properly identified because of a lack of information on the contribution of each tissue to total body retinoids. Therefore, we have addressed this issue by studying the contribution of the main body tissues to retinoids in 21 common dolphins obtained from incidental catches and in apparent good health and nutritive condition. Although concentrations in the liver were highest, those in blubber were also high and accounted for 43% of the total retinoid load of the compartments examined. As blubber can be obtained using non-invasive biopsy techniques, this tissue is proposed as a reliable indicator of retinoid status in cetaceans. However, blubber topographical variation in structure and composition requires standardization of sampling sites. Retinoid concentrations did not differ significantly between sexes or with body size for any of the tissues, but the lipid content of blubber strongly influenced these concentrations. Biopsies from healthy, free-ranging individuals are preferred to samples from stranded animals. Further research on the influence of factors (age, sex, reproductive condition, diet) that potentially affect retinoid levels is required to implement the use of retinoids as biomarkers of pollutant exposure in cetaceans.
Patologian laboratoriossa leikepreparaatin valmistuksen viimeinen vaihe on objektilasin peittäminen. Tämä voidaan suorittaa manuaalisesti tai peitinautomaatilla. Objektilasin ja peitinlasin väliin tulee peitinaine, joita on monia erilaisia. Peittämisen tulee olla mahdollisimman laadukasta huolimatta siitä, tehdäänkö se manuaalisesti tai peitinautomaatilla. Tämä tarkoittaa, että peitetyillä objektilaseilla ei saisi olla ilmakuplia ja niiden tulisi olla kirkkaita. Työni kohteena oli kartoittaa, minkälaisia käyttöongelmia Tissue-Tek GLC 550 -peitinlasiautomaatissa on esiintynyt HUSLAB/ Meilahden patologian laboratoriot/ Ihopatologialla. Työhön otin mukaan myös kaksi samanlaista laitetta, jotka sijaitsevat HUSLAB/ Meilahden patologian laboratoriot/ Patologian keskuslaboratoriolla. Yleisimpiä käyttöongelmia ovat olleet laitteiden antamat vikahälytykset ja ilmakuplien jääminen objektilaseille. Näille kolmelle peitinlasiautomaatille laadin kolmen viikon ajaksi täytettävän ongelmanseurantalomakkeen, jolla kartoitettiin laitteissa esiintyneita hälytyksiä. Tämän lisäksi suoritin kokeilun HUSLAB/ Meilahden patologian laboratoriot/ Ihopatologialla, jossa empiirisesti kokeilemalla muuntelin laitteessa peitinaineen tipan kokoa, peitinaineen juovan pituutta objektilasilla ja peitinlasien lämpötilaa niitä käyttöön otettaessa. Hälytystyyppejä esiintyi neljä erilaista. Yhdellä peitinlasiautomaatilla hälytyksiä esiintyi vähintään kuusi kertaa. Laitemyyjän Algol Pharma Oy:n kanssa pohdimme ratkaisuja käyttöongelmiin. Hälytyksien vähentämiseksi tärkeintä on huolehtia laitteen päivittäisestä puhdistuksesta. Laitteen parametreja säätämällä voidaan vähentää tiettyjä hälytyksiä. Laitteen käyttäjä voi säätää joitakin parametreja ja loput on säädeltävissä laitehuoltajan toimesta. Omassa kokeilussani huomasin, että säätämällä peitinainejuovan kohdan juuri sopivaksi peitinlasin mukaan saavutetaan mahdollisimman laadukasta peittämistä. Työlläni saatiin vähennettyä ilmakuplien määrää objektilaseilla HUSLAB/ Meilahden patologian laboratoriot/ Ihopatologialla. Jatkossa nähdään, vähentyvätkö hälytykset, kun kiinnitetään huomiota erityisesti peitinlasiautomaatin puhdistukseen.
We report two unrelated patients with a multisystem disease involving liver, eye, immune system, connective tissue, and bone, caused by biallelic mutations in the neuroblastoma amplified sequence (NBAS) gene. Both presented as infants with recurrent episodes triggered by fever with vomiting, dehydration, and elevated transaminases. They had frequent infections, hypogammaglobulinemia, reduced natural killer cells, and the Pelger-Huët anomaly of their granulocytes. Their facial features were similar with a pointed chin and proptosis; loose skin and reduced subcutaneous fat gave them a progeroid appearance. Skeletal features included short stature, slender bones, epiphyseal dysplasia with multiple phalangeal pseudo-epiphyses, and small C1-C2 vertebrae causing cervical instability and myelopathy. Retinal dystrophy and optic atrophy were present in one patient. NBAS is a component of the synthaxin-18 complex and is involved in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay control. Putative loss-of-function mutations in NBAS are already known to cause disease in humans. A specific founder mutation has been associated with short stature, optic nerve atrophy and Pelger-Huët anomaly of granulocytes (SOPH) in the Siberian Yakut population. A more recent report associates NBAS mutations with recurrent acute liver failure in infancy in a group of patients of European descent. Our observations indicate that the phenotypic spectrum of NBAS deficiency is wider than previously known and includes skeletal, hepatic, metabolic, and immunologic aspects. Early recognition of the skeletal phenotype is important for preventive management of cervical instability. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of the present study was to compare the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren to the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in their ability to modulate renal tissue oxygenation in hypertensive patients. METHODS: 24 patients were enrolled in this randomized prospective study and 20 completed the protocol. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either aliskiren 150-300 mg/d or HCTZ 12.5 - 25 mg/d for 8 weeks. Renal oxygenation was measured by BOLD-MRI at weeks 0 and 8. BOLD-MRI was also performed before and after an i.v. injection of 20 mg furosemide at week 0 and at week 8. BOLD-MRI data were analyzed by measuring the oxygenation in 12 computed layers of the kidney enabling to asses renal oxygenation according to the depth within the kidney and by the classical method of regions of interest (ROI). RESULTS: The classical ROI analysis of the data showed no difference between the groups at week 8. The analysis of renal oxygenation according to the 12 layers method shows no significant difference between aliskiren and HCTZ at week 8 before administration of furosemide. However, within group analyses show that aliskiren slightly but not significantly increased oxygenation in the cortex and decreased medullary oxygenation whereas HCTZ induced a significant overall decrease in renal tissue oxygenation. With the same method of analysis we observed that the response to furosemide was unchanged in the HCTZ group at week 8 but was characterized by an increase in both cortical and medullary oxygenation in aliskiren-treated patients. Patients responding to aliskiren and HCTZ by a fall in systolic blood pressure of >10 mmHg improved their renal tissue oxygenation when compared to non-responders. CONCLUSION: With the classical method of evaluation using regions no difference were found between aliskiren and HCTZ on renal tissue oxygenation after 8 weeks. In contrast, with our new method that takes into account the entire kidney, within group analyses show that aliskiren slightly increases cortical and medullary renal tissue oxygenation in hypertensive patients whereas HCTZ decreases significantly renal oxygenation at trough.
A major challenge of cardiac tissue engineering is directing cells to establish the physiological structure and function of the myocardium being replaced. In native heart, pacing cells generate electrical stimuli that spread throughout the heartcausing cell membrane depolarization and activation of contractile apparatus. We ought to examine whether electricalstimulation of adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (ATDPCs) exerts phenotypic and genetic changes that enhance theircardiomyogenic potential.
Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a member of the mitochondrial carrier family expressed preferentially in skeletal muscle and heart. It appears to be involved in metabolic handling of fatty acids in a way that minimizes excessive production of reactive oxygen species. Fatty acids are powerful regulators of UCP3 gene transcription. We have found that the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) on the control of UCP3 gene expression depends on the tissue and developmental stage. In adults, UCP3 mRNA expression is unaltered in skeletal muscle from PPARα-null mice both in basal conditions and under the stimulus of starvation. In contrast, UCP3 mRNA is down-regulated in adult heart both in fed and fasted PPARα-null mice. This occurs despite the increased levels of free fatty acids caused by fasting in PPARα-null mice. In neonates, PPARα-null mice show impaired UCP3 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle in response to milk intake, and this is not a result of reduced free fatty acid levels. The murine UCP3 promoter is activated by fatty acids through either PPARα or PPARδ but not by PPARγ or retinoid X receptor alone. PPARδ-dependent activation could be a potential compensatory mechanism to ensure appropriate expression of UCP3 gene in adult skeletal muscle in the absence of PPARα. However, among transcripts from other PPARα and PPARδ target genes, only those acutely induced by milk intake in wild-type neonates were altered in muscle or heart from PPARα-null neonates. Thus, PPARα-dependent regulation is required for appropriate gene regulation of UCP3 as part of the subset of fatty-acid-responsive genes in neonatal muscle and heart.
Focal epilepsy is increasingly recognized as the result of an altered brain network, both on the structural and functional levels and the characterization of these widespread brain alterations is crucial for our understanding of the clinical manifestation of seizure and cognitive deficits as well as for the management of candidates to epilepsy surgery. Tractography based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging allows non-invasive mapping of white matter tracts in vivo. Recently, diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), based on an increased number of diffusion directions and intensities, has improved the sensitivity of tractography, notably with respect to the problem of fiber crossing and recent developments allow acquisition times compatible with clinical application. We used DSI and parcellation of the gray matter in regions of interest to build whole-brain connectivity matrices describing the mutual connections between cortical and subcortical regions in patients with focal epilepsy and healthy controls. In addition, the high angular and radial resolution of DSI allowed us to evaluate also some of the biophysical compartment models, to better understand the cause of the changes in diffusion anisotropy. Global connectivity, hub architecture and regional connectivity patterns were altered in TLE patients and showed different characteristics in RTLE vs LTLE with stronger abnormalities in RTLE. The microstructural analysis suggested that disturbed axonal density contributed more than fiber orientation to the connectivity changes affecting the temporal lobes whereas fiber orientation changes were more involved in extratemporal lobe changes. Our study provides further structural evidence that RTLE and LTLE are not symmetrical entities and DSI-based imaging could help investigate the microstructural correlate of these imaging abnormalities.
BACKGROUND: Transmission of mucosal pathogens relies on their ability to bind to the surfaces of epithelial cells, to cross this thin barrier, and to gain access to target cells and tissues, leading to systemic infection. This implies that pathogen-specific immunity at mucosal sites is critical for the control of infectious agents using these routes to enter the body. Although mucosal delivery would ensure the best onset of protective immunity, most of the candidate vaccines are administered through the parenteral route. OBJECTIVE: The present study evaluates the feasibility of delivering the chemically bound p24gag (referred to as p24 in the text) HIV antigen through secretory IgA (SIgA) in nasal mucosae in mice. RESULTS: We show that SIgA interacts specifically with mucosal microfold cells present in the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue. p24-SIgA complexes are quickly taken up in the nasal cavity and selectively engulfed by mucosal dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin-positive dendritic cells. Nasal immunization with p24-SIgA elicits both a strong humoral and cellular immune response against p24 at the systemic and mucosal levels. This ensures effective protection against intranasal challenge with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding p24. CONCLUSION: This study represents the first example that underscores the remarkable potential of SIgA to serve as a carrier for a protein antigen in a mucosal vaccine approach targeting the nasal environment.