912 resultados para Tissue Engineering


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[EN] Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) represent a major clinical challenge in the ageing population. To address this problem, rhEGF-loaded Poly-Lactic-co-Glycolic-Acid (PLGA)-Alginate microspheres (MS) were prepared by a modified w/o/w-doubleemulsion/ solvent evaporation method. Different formulations were evaluated with the aim of optimising MSs properties by adding NaCl to the surfactant solution and/or the solvent removal phase and adding alginate as a second polymer. The characterization of the developed MS showed that alginate incorporation increased the encapsulation efficiency (EE) and NaCl besides increasing the EE also became the particle surface smooth and regular. Once the MS were optimised, the target loading of rhEGF was increased to 1% (PLGA-Alginate MS), and particles were sterilised by gamma radiation to provide the correct dosage for in vivo studies. In vitro cell culture assays demonstrated that neither the microencapsulation nor the sterilisation process affected rhEGF bioactivity or rhEGF wound contraction. Finally, the MS were evaluated in vivo for treatment of the full-thickness wound model in diabetised Wistar rats. rhEGF MS treated animals showed a statistically significant decrease of the wound area by days 7 and 11, a complete re-epithelisation by day 11 and an earlier resolution of the inflammatory process. Overall, these findings demonstrate the promising potential of rhEGF-loaded MS (PLGA-Alginate MS) to promote faster and more effective wound healing, and suggest its possible application in DFU treatment.


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The forces cells apply to their surroundings control biological processes such as growth, adhesion, development, and migration. In the past 20 years, a number of experimental techniques have been developed to measure such cell tractions. These approaches have primarily measured the tractions applied by cells to synthetic two-dimensional substrates, which do not mimic in vivo conditions for most cell types. Many cell types live in a fibrous three-dimensional (3D) matrix environment. While studying cell behavior in such 3D matrices will provide valuable insights for the mechanobiology and tissue engineering communities, no experimental approaches have yet measured cell tractions in a fibrous 3D matrix.

This thesis describes the development and application of an experimental technique for quantifying cellular forces in a natural 3D matrix. Cells and their surrounding matrix are imaged in three dimensions with high speed confocal microscopy. The cell-induced matrix displacements are computed from the 3D image volumes using digital volume correlation. The strain tensor in the 3D matrix is computed by differentiating the displacements, and the stress tensor is computed by applying a constitutive law. Finally, tractions applied by the cells to the matrix are computed directly from the stress tensor.

The 3D traction measurement approach is used to investigate how cells mechanically interact with the matrix in biologically relevant processes such as division and invasion. During division, a single mother cell undergoes a drastic morphological change to split into two daughter cells. In a 3D matrix, dividing cells apply tensile force to the matrix through thin, persistent extensions that in turn direct the orientation and location of the daughter cells. Cell invasion into a 3D matrix is the first step required for cell migration in three dimensions. During invasion, cells initially apply minimal tractions to the matrix as they extend thin protrusions into the matrix fiber network. The invading cells anchor themselves to the matrix using these protrusions, and subsequently pull on the matrix to propel themselves forward.

Lastly, this thesis describes a constitutive model for the 3D fibrous matrix that uses a finite element (FE) approach. The FE model simulates the fibrous microstructure of the matrix and matches the cell-induced matrix displacements observed experimentally using digital volume correlation. The model is applied to predict how cells mechanically sense one another in a 3D matrix. It is found that cell-induced matrix displacements localize along linear paths. These linear paths propagate over a long range through the fibrous matrix, and provide a mechanism for cell-cell signaling and mechanosensing. The FE model developed here has the potential to reveal the effects of matrix density, inhomogeneity, and anisotropy in signaling cell behavior through mechanotransduction.


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[EU]Hiru dimentsioko inprimaketa etorkizun handiko teknologia bezala azaltzen zaigu gaur egun. Esate baterako, biomedikuntza arloan aukera berritzaileak ekar ditzake, baina baita hezkuntza, heziketa eta ikerketa munduetan ere. Teknologia berri honen abantailarik nagusiena prototipatze azkarrean datza, eta honi esker, mikro- eta makro- egitura definituak dituzten objektuak diseinatu eta fabrikatu daitezke modu lehiakorrean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailu baten bitartez inprimaturiko polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrietan oinarrituriko ereduen garapen eta fabrikazioan datza. Hala ere, lehenik eta behin, lehengaiak bai fisikoki eta bai termikoki karakterizatu behar dira, ondoren, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen arteko erlazioa ezarri, eta azkenik, produktu finalaren egitura propietateak eta kalitatea aztertu. Aipaturiko lana aurrera eramateko erabili den materiala polilaktida (PLA) izan da, zeinen erabilera oso zabaldua dagoen medikuntza arloan inplante (torloju, iltze, plaka eta abar) moduan eta ehun ingeniaritzaren munduan.


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[EU]3D inprimaketa gaur egun, biomedikuntzaren garapenerako aukera ezberdinak ematen dituen teknologia iraultzaile gisa aurkezten da; bai medikuntza arloan formazio eta ikerkuntzarako erreminta gisa, baita dispositibo berrien diseinu eta fabrikaziorako. Bere abantailarik aipagarriena prototipaketa azkarra da. Gainera, teknologia honek barne egitura eta forma ezberdineko objektuak fabrikatzea ahalbidetzen du koste lehiakor batean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailuen bidezko prototipoen fabrikazioan zentratzen da, horretarako lehengai bezala polimero biodegradagarri eta biobateragarria erabiliz. Horrez gain, metodo tradizionalarekin konparatuz teknologia honek izan ditzakeen abantailak ere aztertu nahi dira, ez bakarrik alde ekonomikoari edo denborari begira, baita fabrikatutako objektuen propietateei begira ere. Dena dela, horrekin hasi aurretik ezaugarritze fisiko eta termikoa burutu beharko zaie lehengaiei, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen aukeraketa egokia egiteko eta parametro horien eta amaierako produktuaren kalitate, egitura eta propietateen artean erlazio egokia ezartzeko. Lan hau aurrera eramateko poli(L-laktida)-rekin (PLLA) egingo da lan, bai ehun ingeniaritzan baita hezurren apurketen finkapenerako dispositiboetan oso erabilia izan den polimeroa.


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218p. -- Tesis con mención "Doctor europeus" realizada en el periodo de Octubre 2005-Mayo 2010, en el Grupo "Materiales+Tecnologías" (GMT).


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[EU]Polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrien erabilera medikuntza arloan aurrerapauso handia suposatu du. Inplanteen arloan (torlojuak, iltzeak, plakak, eta abar…) eta ehun ingeniaritzan garrantzia handia dute. Hala ere, polimero hauen inplanteek desabantaila nabaria aurkezten dute ohiko material metalikoekin alderatuz: erradiopazitate eza. Ikerketa lan honetan karga erradiopako baten adizioak polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarri baten giza gorputzaren baldintzetan (pH=7,2 eta 37ºC) burututako in vitro degradazioan duen eragina aztertu da, %70 poli(L-laktida) (PLLA) eta %30 bario sulfato (BaSO4) sistemaren degradazioa, hain zuzen ere. Aztertutako karga erradiopakoak PLLAren degradazioan eragin handirik ez duela ondorioztatu da, beraz, sistema bideragarria dela.


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Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) hold great promise for treating immune disorders because of their immunoregulatory capacity, but the mechanism remains controversial. As we show here, the mechanism of MSC-mediated immunosuppression varies


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Poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer used in tissue engineering for various clinical applications. Schwann cells (SCs) play an important role in nerve regeneration and repair. SCs attach and proliferate on PCL films but cellular responses are weak due to the hydrophobicity and neutrality of PCL. In this study, PCL films were hydrolysed and aminolysed to modify the surface with different functional groups and improve hydrophilicity. Hydrolysed films showed a significant increase in hydrophilicity while maintaining surface topography. A significant decrease in mechanical properties was also observed in the case of aminolysis. In vitro tests with Schwann cells (SCs) were performed to assess film biocompatibility. A short-time experiment showed improved cell attachment on modified films, in particular when amino groups were present on the material surface. Cell proliferation significantly increased when both treatments were performed, indicating that surface treatments are necessary for SC response. It was also demonstrated that cell morphology was influenced by physico-chemical surface properties. PCL can be used to make artificial conduits and chemical modification of the inner lumen improves biocompatibility.


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Nanoindentation is ideal for the characterization of inhomogeneous biological materials. However, the use of nanoindentation techniques in biological systems is associated with some distinctively different techniques and challenges. For example, engineering materials used in the microelectronics industry (e.g. ceramics and metals) for which the technique was developed, are relatively stiff and exhibit time-independent mechanical responses. Biological materials, on the other hand, exhibit time-dependent behavior, and can span a range of stiffness regimes from moduli of Pa to GPa - eight to nine orders of magnitude. As such, there are differences in the selection of instrumentation, tip geometry, and data analysis in comparison with the "black box" nanoindentation techniques as sold by commercial manufacturers. The use of scanning probe equipment (atomic force miscroscopy) is also common for small-scale indentation of soft materials in biology. The book is broadly divided into two parts. The first part presents the "basic science" of nanoindentation including the background of contact mechanics underlying indentation technique, and the instrumentation used to gather mechanical data. Both the mechanics background and the instrumentation overview provide perspectives that are optimized for biological applications, including discussions on hydrated materials and adaptations for low-stiffness materials. The second part of the book covers the applications of nanoindentation technique in biological materials. Included in the coverage are mineralized and nonmineralized tissues, wood and plant tissues, tissue-engineering substitute materials, cells and membranes, and cutting-edge applications at molecular level including the use of functionalized tips to probe specific molecular interactions (e.g. the ligand-receptor binding). The book concludes with a concise summary and an insightful forecast of the future highlighting the current challenges. © 2011 by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Orthopedic tissue engineering requires biomaterials with robust mechanics as well as adequate porosity and permeability to support cell motility, proliferation, and new extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis. While collagen-glycosaminoglycan (CG) scaffolds have been developed for a range of tissue engineering applications, they exhibit poor mechanical properties. Building on previous work in our lab that described composite CG biomaterials containing a porous scaffold core and nonporous CG membrane shell inspired by mechanically efficient core-shell composites in nature, this study explores an approach to improve cellular infiltration and metabolic health within these core-shell composites. We use indentation analyses to demonstrate that CG membranes, while less permeable than porous CG scaffolds, show similar permeability to dense materials such as small intestine submucosa (SIS). We also describe a simple method to fabricate CG membranes with organized arrays of microscale perforations. We demonstrate that perforated membranes support improved tenocyte migration into CG scaffolds, and that migration is enhanced by platelet-derived growth factor BB-mediated chemotaxis. CG core-shell composites fabricated with perforated membranes display scaffold-membrane integration with significantly improved tensile properties compared to scaffolds without membrane shells. Finally, we show that perforated membrane-scaffold composites support sustained tenocyte metabolic activity as well as improved cell infiltration and reduced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α compared to composites with nonperforated membranes. These results will guide the design of improved biomaterials for tendon repair that are mechanically competent while also supporting infiltration of exogenous cells and other extrinsic mediators of wound healing.


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Interest in hydrogel materials is growing rapidly, due to the potential for hydrogel use in tissue engineering and drug delivery applications, and as coatings on medical devices. However, a key limitation with the use of hydrogel materials in many applications is their relatively poor mechanical properties compared with those of (less biocompatible) solid polymers. In this review, basic chemistry, microstructure and processing routes for common natural and synthetic hydrogel materials are explored first. Underlying structure-properties relationships for hydrogels are considered. A series of mechanical testing modalities suitable for hydrogel characterisation are next considered, including emerging test modalities, such as nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation. As the data analysis depends in part on the material's constitutive behaviour, a series of increasingly complex constitutive models will be examined, including elastic, viscoelastic and theories that explicitly treat the multiphasic poroelastic nature of hydrogel materials. Results from the existing literature on agar and polyacrylamide mechanical properties are compiled and compared, highlighting the challenges and uncertainties inherent in the process of gel mechanical characterisation. © 2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and ASM International.


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Novel bioactive glass (13G) nanoparticles/poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) composites were prepared as promising bone-repairing materials. The BG nanoparticles (Si:P:Ca = 29:13:58 weight ratio) of about 40 run diameter were prepared via the sol-gel method. In order to improve the phase compatibility between the polymer and the inorganic phase, PLLA (M-n = 9700 Da) was linked to the surface of the BG particles by diisocyanate. The grafting ratio of PLLA was in the vicinity of 20 wt.%. The grafting modification could improve the tensile strength, tensile modulus and impact energy of the composites by increasing the phase compatibility.


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Nanocomposite of hydroxyapatite (HAP) surface-grafted with poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) (g-HAP) shows a wide application for bone fixation materials due to its improved interface compatibility, mechanical property and biocompatibility in our previous study. In this paper, a 3-D porous scaffold of g-HAP/poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) was fabricated using the solvent casting/particulate leaching method to investigate its applications in bone replacement and tissue engineering. The composite of un-grafted HAP/PLGA and neat PLGA were used as controls. Their in vivo mineralization and osteogenesis were investigated by intramuscular implantation and replacement for repairing radius defects of rabbits. After surface modification, more uniform distribution of g-HAP particles but a lower calcium exposure on the surface of g-HAP/PLGA was observed. Intramuscular implantation study showed that the scaffold of g-HAP/PLGA was more stable than that of PLGA, and exhibited similar mineralization and biodegradability to HAP/PLGA at the 12-20 weeks post-surgery.