957 resultados para The supreme victory
W artykule porównano dwa raporty Najwyższej Izby Kontroli, która przeprowadziła kontrole organów państwowych zobligowane do wykonywania nadzoru nad funkcjonowaniem ferm zwierząt. Wnioski przedstawione przez Najwyższą Izbę Kontroli wykazały, że nadzór nad funkcjonowaniem owych ferm nie jest wystarczająco skuteczny i pozostawia wiele wątpliwości co do działalności organów państwowych. W przytaczanych raportach została opisana niestabilna sytuacja polskich organów kontroli, która stawia pod znakiem zapytania nie tylko działalność wymienionych organów, ale także kondycję całej struktury administracyjnej i kontrolnej. Ponadto wnioski zawarte w raportach wykazały, że podmioty uzyskujące zgodę na prowadzenie danych instalacji środowiskowych nie zawsze spełniają wymogi związane z ochroną środowiska, bowiem dokonują niekorzystnego podziału instalacji. Rozwój nowoczesnego rolnictwa i jego intensyfikacja może powodować szereg zagrożeń środowiskowych, głównie dla mieszkańców znajdujących się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie ferm utrzymujących zwierzęta. Przemysłowa hodowla zwierząt nie jest obojętna dla jakości i warunków życia ludzi mieszkających w bliskim sąsiedztwie ferm za sprawą uciążliwych odorów oraz zanieczyszczeń wód, w tym w wyniku przenawożenia gleb, prowadzących do zagrożeń chemicznych i mikrobiologicznych. Skutkiem występujących uciążliwości są protesty lokalnych społeczeństw. Brak odpowiedniego nadzoru zagraża również rodzimym gatunkom zwierząt, wyniszczając zwłaszcza ptaki i niektóre ssaki.
W glosowanym orzeczeniu Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny stwierdził, że od postanowień wojewódzkich sądów administracyjnych odrzucających skargi z przyczyn formalnych w sprawach wszczętych przed dniem wejścia w życie nowelizacji Prawa o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi (co miało miejsce 15 sierpnia 2015 r.) przysługuje zażalenie, a nie skarga kasacyjna. Przedmiotowe zagadnienie prawne sprowadza się do właściwej wykładni źle sformułowanych przepisów intertemporalnych. W glosie zaprezentowano istotę środków odwoławczych w postępowaniu sądowoadministracyjnym i scharakteryzowano krótko ostatnią nowelizację Prawa o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi. Autor prezentuje stanowisko krytyczne w stosunku do tezy postanowienia Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego, wskazując, że sąd powinien rozstrzygnąć sprawę co do jej istoty. Pogląd ten został poparty odpowiednią argumentacją z uwzględnieniem konkurencyjnego orzecznictwa Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego.
Las instituciones públicas tienen el derecho de disfrutar de latitularidad de las obras literarias que producen, según estácontemplado en la legislación nacional. A pesar de que lalegislación es clara, las instituciones del Estado no siempre registran sus obras en el Registro Nacional de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos. Se estudia en particular el caso del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones para determinar cuáles obras tiene inscritas, cuáles faltan por registrar y por qué.
O seguinte Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como objetivo analisar e explicar a forma como evoluíram e se organizaram as unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português, no período compreendido entre 1914 e 1918, assim como analisar, descrever e explicar a sua organização para o combate, emprego operacional e forma de atuar, no setor português em França, no período compreendido entre 1917 e março de 1918. O período analisado está inserido no conflito da Grande Guerra de 1914-1918, que se destacou pela desadequação do novo armamento com a forma antiquada de combater. O resultado foi um conflito de baixa mobilidade, com um elevado custo humano e pouco progresso, o que levou à criação de um sistema defensivo complexo que se estendeu, a Oeste, desde a fronteira Suíça até ao Mar do Norte, mais conhecido como trincheiras. A artilharia e morteiros surgem, em parte, como resposta às necessidades de um novo tipo de guerra, em que o sucesso depende não só nos números, mas também, de forma crescente, nos materiais. Para a realização deste trabalho de investigação aplicada, tendo como referência o método da investigação histórica, foi analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, a evolução da organização e dos materiais utilizados pelas unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português e, numa abordagem sincrónica, identificando as diferentes variáveis, como as inovações doutrinárias e orgânicas, as adaptações ao modelo britânico e as formas de atuação e emprego operacional das unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português. Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de conteúdo de fontes primárias manuscritas e impressas, textuais e iconográficas, nacionais e internacionais, diretamente relacionadas com o tema abordado.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.