769 resultados para Technologies of information and communication (TICs)
Der vorliegende Übersichtsartikel betrachtet Mobile Learning aus einer pädagogisch-psychologischen und didaktischen Perspektive. Mobile Learning (M-Learning), das seit Mitte der 1990er in unterschiedlichsten Kontexten Einzug in den Bildungssektor hielt, ist ein dynamisches und interdisziplinäres Feld. Dynamisch, weil M-Learning durch die rasche Entwicklung im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, wie kaum ein anderes Forschungsfeld, einem derart großen Wandel unterworfen ist. Interdisziplinär, weil durch das Zusammentreffen von mobiler Technik und Lernen auch unterschiedliche Fachdisziplinen betroffen sind. Die verschiedenen Sichtweisen und auch die Komplexität des Feldes haben dazu geführt, dass bis heute keine einheitliche Definition des Begriffs besteht. Ziel dieses Übersichtsartikels ist es, den aktuellen Forschungsstand aus didaktischer und pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht aufzuzeigen. Dazu werden zunächst wichtige Komponenten des M-Learning-Begriffs herausgearbeitet und daran anschließend didaktisch bedeutsame theoretische Ansätze und Modelle vorgestellt sowie kritisch betrachtet. Basierend auf dieser theoretischen Ausgangslage wird dann ein Rahmen gezeichnet, der verdeutlichen soll, wo empirische Forschung aus didaktischer und pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht ansetzen kann. Entsprechende empirische Studien werden ebenfalls vorgestellt, um einen Eindruck des aktuellen empirischen Forschungsstandes zu geben. Dies alles soll als Ausgangspunkt für den zukünftigen Forschungsbedarf dienen.
Initially, service sector was defined as complementary to manufacturing sector. This situation has changed in recent times; services growth has resulted in a dominance of employment and economic activity in most developed nations and is becoming a key process for the competitiveness of their industrial sectors. New services related to commodities have become a strategy to differentiate their value proposition (Robinson et al., 2002). The service sector's importance is evident when evaluating its share in the gross domestic product. According to the World Bank (2011), in 2009, 74.8% of GDP in the euro area and 77.5% in United States were attributed to services. Globalization and use of information and communication technology has accelerated dissemination of knowledge and increasing customer expectations about services available worldwide. Innovation becomes essential to ensure that service organizations respond with appropriate products and services for each market segment. Customized and placed on time-tomarket new services require a more developed innovation process. Service innovation and new service development process are cited as one of the priorities for academic research in the following years (Karniouchina et al., 2005) This paper has the following objectives: -To present a model for the analysis of innovation process through the service value network, -To verify its applicability through an empirical research, and -To identify the path and mode of innovation for a group of studied organizations and to compare it with previous studies.
El peso específico de las Comunicaciones Ópticas dentro del ámbito de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación no cesa de crecer. Sus aplicaciones, inicialmente dedicadas a las grandes líneas que enlazan las centrales de conmutación, alcanzan en la actualidad, como se ha mencionado, hasta los mismos hogares. Los progresos en este campo, con una sucesión sin tregua, no sólo se destinan a incrementar la capacidad de transmisión de los sistemas, sino a ampliar la diversidad de los procesos que sobre las señales se efectúan en el dominio óptico. Este dinamismo demanda a los profesionales del sector una revisión y actualización de sus conocimientos que les permitan resolver con soltura las cuestiones de su actividad de ingeniería. Por otra parte, durante los últimos años la importancia de las Comunicaciones Ópticas también se ha reflejado en las diferentes titulaciones de Ingenierías de Telecomunicación, cuyos planes de estudio contemplan esta materia tanto en asignaturas troncales como optativas. A menudo, las fuentes de información disponibles abordan esta disciplina con una orientación principalmente teórica. Profesionales y estudiantes de Ingeniería, pues, frente a esta materia se encuentran unos temas que tratan fenómenos físicos complejos, abundantes en conceptos abstractos y con un florido aparato matemático, pero muchas veces carentes de una visión práctica, importantísima en ingeniería, y que es, en definitiva, lo que se exige a alumnos e ingenieros: saber resolver problemas y cuestiones relacionados con las Comunicaciones Ópticas. Los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas, y en especial aquellos que utilizan la fibra óptica como medio para la transmisión de información, como se ha dicho, están alcanzando un desarrollo importante en el campo de las telecomunicaciones. Las bondades que ofrece la fibra, de sobra conocidos y mencionados en el apartado que antecede (gran ancho de banda, inmunidad total a las perturbaciones de origen electromagnético, así como la no producción de interferencias, baja atenuación, etc.), han hecho que, hoy en día, sea uno de los campos de las llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que presente mayor interés por parte de científicos, ingenieros, operadores de telecomunicaciones y, por supuesto, usuarios. Ante esta realidad, el objetivo y justificación de la realización de este proyecto, por tanto, no es otro que el de acercar esta tecnología al futuro ingeniero de telecomunicaciones, y/o a cualquier persona con un mínimo de interés en este tema, y mostrarle de una forma práctica y visual los diferentes fenómenos que tienen lugar en la transmisión de información por medio de fibra óptica, así como los diferentes bloques y dispositivos en que se divide dicha comunicación. Para conseguir tal objetivo, el proyecto fin de carrera aquí presentado tiene como misión el desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI, del inglés Graphic User Interface) que permita a aquel que la utilice configurar de manera sencilla cada uno de los bloques en que se compone un enlace punto a punto de fibra óptica. Cada bloque en que se divide este enlace estará compuesto por varias opciones, que al elegir y configurar como se quiera, hará variar el comportamiento del sistema y presentará al usuario los diferentes fenómenos presentes en un sistema de comunicaciones ópticas, como son el ruido, la dispersión, la atenuación, etc., para una mejor comprensión e interiorización de la teoría estudiada. Por tanto, la aplicación, implementada en MATLAB, fruto de la realización de este PFC pretende servir de complemento práctico para las asignaturas dedicadas al estudio de las comunicaciones ópticas a estudiantes en un entorno amigable e intuitivo. Optical Communications in the field of Telecommunications Engineering continues to grow. Its applications, initially dedicated to large central lines that link the switching currently achieved, as mentioned, to the same household nowadays. Progress in this field, with a relentless succession, not only destined to increase the transmission capacity of the systems, but to broaden the diversity of the processes that are performed on the signals in the optical domain. This demands to professionals reviewing and updating their skills to enable them resolve issues easily. Moreover, in recent years the importance of optical communications is also reflected in the different degrees of Telecommunications Engineering, whose curriculum contemplates this area. Often, the information sources available to tackle this discipline mainly theoretical orientation. Engineering professionals and students are faced this matter are few topics discussing complex physical phenomena, and abstract concepts abundant with a flowery mathematical apparatus, but often wotput a practical, important in engineering, and that is what is required of students and engineers: knowing how to solve problems and issues related to optical communications. Optical communications systems, particularly those using optical fiber as a medium for transmission of information, as stated, are reaching a significant development in the field of telecommunications. The advantages offered by the fiber, well known and referred to in the preceding paragraph (high bandwidth, immunity to electromagnetic disturbances of origin and production of non interference, low attenuation, etc..), have made today, is one of the fields of information and communication technology that this increased interest by scientists, engineers, telecommunications operators and, of course, users. Given this reality, the purpose and justification of this project is not other than to bring this technology to the future telecommunications engineer, and / or anyone with a passing interest in this subject, and showing of a practical and various visual phenomena occurring in the transmission of information by optical fiber, as well as different blocks and devices in which said communication is divided. To achieve that objective, the final project presented here has as its mission the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to configure each of the blocks in which divided a point-to-point optical fiber. Each block into which this link will consist of several options to choose and configure it as you like, this will change the behavior of the system and will present to the user with the different phenomena occurring in an optical communication system, such as noise, dispersion, attenuation, etc., for better understanding and internalization of the theory studied. Therefore, the application, implemented in MATLAB, the result of the completion of the thesis is intended to complement practical subjects for the study of optical communications students in a friendly and intuitive environment.
Recent UK government initiatives aim to increase user involvement in the National Health Service (NHS) in two ways: by encouraging service users to take an active role in making decisions about their own care; and by establishing opportunities for wider public participation in service development. The purpose of this study was to examine how UK cancer service users understand and relate to the concept of user involvement. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, which were analysed for content according to the principles of grounded theory. The results highlight the role of information and communication in effective user involvement. Perhaps more importantly, this study suggests that the concept of user involvement is unclear to many cancer service users. This paper argues the need for increased awareness and understanding of what user involvement is and how it can work.
Considering the need of communication between public management and society and its citizens, in a way which is more effective and transparent, the aim of this research was to analyze the transparency of public information presented by the managers of the portals of southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, applied as its purpose, and exploratory as its aim. In order to explain the issue from the theoretical frameworks published, it will be used as a procedure the bibliographic research and the further study field research in the six southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. Therefore, the theoretical framework approaches aspects about public transparency, concepts of information and communication in the public sector, and it presents measurement indexes of public transparency. The data collection with the Institutes sought to measure – in the portals – the level of transparency of the information presented by the managers, applying a search tool which provided the transparency index of eleven categories of the researched items, besides verifying the presence of the required items by Access to Information Law. In the sequence, it sought to verify the Institutes managers’ perception of the aspects which composes the proposed theme, for the purpose of observing how the process of communication between public agencies and the citizen is happening. The main results obtained emphasize, in a general way, a low level of public information propagation, with a lower average of propagation to the information about social, environmental and economic responsibility, and a greater average to the information related to the institution’s general data – from its management structure to its ordinance. It was also observed that no institution which was researched fully comply with the demands of the Access of Information Law. The results about the manager perceptio demonstrate a tendency in publishing the produced information, however, elements such disorganization of information in the portals, lack of standardization of the virtual structure and type of language to use, and lack of procedures of popular participation and interaction in the portals are determiners to bring problems in the access and in the communication with the public. Besides, the short time of institutions’ creation and the short time of the managers assuming their functions must be considered as a reflex of the found results. Therewith, the present study highlighted the importance of Public Transparency theme and it reached a positive result to a scientific and social contribution.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään turkulaisten peruskoulun päättöluokkalaisten urapohdintaeroja ja sitä, miten oppilaiden arviot opettajien ja oppilaanohjaajien toteuttamasta ohjauksesta ovat yhteydessä heidän urapohdintaansa. Tutkimuksen kohdejoukkona ovat ensi sijassa yleisopetusta antavien suomenkielisten peruskoulujen yhdeksäsluokkalaiset. Tutkimus on poikkileikkaustutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan oppilaiden kokemuksia ohjauksen saatavuudesta ja hyödyllisyydestä sekä urapohdinnasta peruskoulun päättyessä. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin yhteishaun jälkeen huhti–toukokuussa 2014. Vuoden 2004 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteista johdettujen väittämien avulla selitetään urapohdinta-mittarin sisältämien muuttujien vaihtelua. Taustamuuttujina käytetään oppilaiden koti- ja koulutaustaa. Urapohdinta-mittari on johdettu CIP-teoriasta (Cognitive Information Processing) ja muokattu CTI-mittarista (Career Thoughts Inventory). Tutkimusaineisto (N = 887) on koottu Webropol-kyselyn avulla. Oppilaiden urapohdintaa mitattiin neljän summamuuttujien avulla. Mittariston 48 väittämästä muodostettiin urapohdinta-summamuuttuja. Tämän lisäksi urapohdinnan osa-alueita arvioitiin sitoutuminen-, epävarmuus- ja konflikti-summamuuttujan avulla. Sitoutuminen-summamuuttuja mittasi sitä, miten vaikeaksi oppilas koki yhteen ura- ja jatkokoulutusvalintaan sitoutumisen. Epävarmuus-summamuuttuja mittasi päätöksenteon epävarmuutta ja konflikti-summamuuttuja vaikeutta tasapainoilla omien ajatusten ja toisaalta merkittäviksi koettujen läheisten ajatusten välillä. Kaikkien opettajien ohjaustyön näkökulmasta parhaiten hyvää urapohdintatulosta, jatkokoulutukseen sitoutumista ja päätöksentekovarmuutta ennustivat oppilaan hyvät kokemukset yhteistoiminnasta, hänen myönteinen suhtautumisensa koulunkäyntiin ja opintosuoritukset. Myös itseohjautuvuus oli tilastollisesti merkitsevässä yhteydessä urapohdintaan. Itseohjautuvuus-summamuuttuja mittasi sitä, oliko oppilas kokenut, että ohjaukselle asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin. Opettajien tulisi kiinnittää ohjauksessaan huomiota hiljaisiin ja vähän huomiota vaativiin oppilaisiin ja tukea kaikkien oppilaiden toimintakykyä. Opinto-ohjaajan taas tulisi panostaa oppilaan itsetuntemuksen kehittämiseen ja valmiuteen toimia suunnitelmallisesti. Toisen asteen nivelvaiheohjauksen painopiste tulisi siirtää päättöluokkaa varhaisemmaksi. Tutkimustulos ei tue ajatusta, että tehostettu oppilaanohjaus kohdennettaisiin opintomenestyksen mukaan, koska heikkoja urapohtijoita oli kaikissa keskiarvosanaluokissa. Opinto-ohjaajien tulisi panostaa tieto- ja viestintätekniikan hyödyntämiseen ja tehostaa koko koulun työelämäyhteistyötä.
This volume of the Bulletin LIBRARIES and the next intended as a means of inspiration. Inspiration to propose ideas to offer to the community library paths to adapt to global culture and technology which revolves around the progress of information and communication systems. Ideas that move us to innovate, to make mistakes and correct them.Because the information age it is also of creativity. Creativity is the competitive advantage of professional and modern organizations. Ideas to change attitudes toward open to new projects that facilitate the transformation and to the challenge of "going global". Inspiration to measure and produce constructive thinking to help us define new goals by the desire to create and share knowledge.
[Español] Se describen experiencias personales y profesionales del autor (José Antonio Torres Reyes) producidas en la interacción en el ambiente saramaguiano al haber estado a cargo de organizar la biblioteca personal del escritor José Saramago laureado con el Premio Nobel de Literartura, localizada en el Municipio de Tías, Lanzarote, España, durante los meses de mayo a octubre del 2007. El autor estuvo en calidad de becario por la Universidad de Granada, España, institución en la que realizaba al mismo tiempo estudios doctorales en Información científica en la Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación. [Inglés] This essays describes personal and professional experiences of the author (José Antonio Torres-Reyes) produced during the interaction within the Saramaguian atmosphere for having been in charge of organizing the library of the writer José Saramago, Nobel Laureate of Literature, located in the municipality of Tías, Lanzarote, Spain, during the months of May to October 2007. The author was as a fellow grantee at the University of Granada, Spain, institution where he conducted at the same time his doctoral studies in scientific information at the School of Information and Communication.
A importância que as actividades experimentais de natureza investigativa assumem na aprendizagem das ciências, no Ensino Básico, depende, sobretudo, da sua consistência com os objectivos da Educação em Ciência e do envolvimento do aluno. O estudo das suas vantagens, relativamente a uma metodologia tradicional, constituiu o objectivo central desta investigação que incidiu no tema Reacções Químicas e envolveu duas turmas de 8° ano. O estudo desenvolveu-se segundo um desenho quasi-experimental, tendo a recolha de dados sido efectuada através de um Inquérito por questionário e de registos de aula efectuados pela professora/investigadora. Os resultados obtidos revelaram, a existência de algumas dificuldades na selecção e síntese da informação e na comunicação de resultados, mas evidenciaram opiniões bastante favoráveis dos alunos do Grupo Experimental. Puseram ainda em evidência o papel determinante da reflexão, antes, durante e após a realização da actividade e indicaram desenvolvimento conceptual e procedimental significativo, relativamente ao tema desenvolvido. ABSTRACT: The importance that experimental activities of investigative nature take in learning Science in the Elementary Schools depends, above all, on its consistency with the goals of Education in Science and the student's involvement. The study of its advantages over a traditional methodology was the main objective of this investigation which focused on the topic Chemical Reactions and involved two classes of the 8th grade. The study was carried out according to a quasi-experimental design and the data collection was conducted through a questionnaire survey and records made by the classroom teacherIresearcher. The results revealed some difficulty in the selection and synthesis of information and communication of results, but showed quite positive opinions of the students in the experimental group. They also put in evidence the role of reflection before, while and after the activity and showed significant procedural and conceptual development in relation to the theme.
Sri Lanka's participation rates in higher education are low and have risen only slightly in the last few decades; the number of places for higher education in the state university system only caters for around 3% of the university entrant age cohort. The literature reveals that the highly competitive global knowledge economy increasingly favours workers with high levels of education who are also lifelong learners. This lack of access to higher education for a sizable proportion of the labour force is identified as a severe impediment to Sri Lanka‟s competitiveness in the global knowledge economy. The literature also suggests that Information and Communication Technologies are increasingly relied upon in many contexts in order to deliver flexible learning, to cater especially for the needs of lifelong learners in today‟s higher educational landscape. The government of Sri Lanka invested heavily in ICTs for distance education during the period 2003-2009 in a bid to increase access to higher education; but there has been little research into the impact of this. To address this lack, this study investigated the impact of ICTs on distance education in Sri Lanka with respect to increasing access to higher education. In order to achieve this aim, the research focused on Sri Lanka‟s effort from three perspectives: policy perspective, implementation perspective and user perspective. A multiple case study research using an ethnographic approach was conducted to observe Orange Valley University‟s and Yellow Fields University‟s (pseudonymous) implementation of distance education programmes using questionnaires, qualitative interviewing and document analysis. In total, data for the analysis was collected from 129 questionnaires, 33 individual interviews and 2 group interviews. The research revealed that ICTs have indeed increased opportunities for higher education; but mainly for people of affluent families from the Western Province. Issues identified were categorized under the themes: quality assurance, location, language, digital literacies and access to resources. Recommendations were offered to tackle the identified issues in accordance with the study findings. The study also revealed the strong presence of a multifaceted digital divide in the country. In conclusion, this research has shown that iii although ICT-enabled distance education has the potential to increase access to higher education the present implementation of the system in Sri Lanka has been less than successful.
The shift from print to digital information has a high impact on all components of the academic library system in India especially the users, services and the staff. Though information is considered as an important resource, the use of ICT tools to collect and disseminate information has been in a slow pace in majority of the University libraries This may be due to various factors like insufficient funds, inadequate staff trained in handling computers and software packages, administrative concerns etc. In Kerala, automation has been initiated in almost all University libraries using library automation software and is under different stages of completion. There are not much studies conducted about the effects of information communication technologies on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities in Kerala. It is important to evaluate whether progress in ICT has had any impact on the library profession in these highest educational institutions. The aim of the study is to assess whether the developments in information communication technologies have any influence on the library professionals’ professional development, and the need for further education and training in the profession and evaluate their skills in handling developments in ICT. The total population of the study is 252 including the permanently employed professional library staff in central libraries and departmental libraries in the main campuses of the universities under study. This is almost a census study of the defined population of users. The questionnaire method was adopted for collection of data for this study, supplemented by interviews of Librarians to gather additional information. Library Professionals have a positive approach towards ICT applications and services in Libraries, but majority do not have the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies in their work environment. To develop competitive personnel in a technologically advanced world, high priority must be given to develop competence in ICT applications, library management and soft skills in library professionals, by the University administrators and Library associations. Library science schools and teaching departments across the country have to take significant steps to revise library science curriculum, and incorporate significant changes to achieve the demands and challenges of library science profession.