961 resultados para TNF Receptor-Associated Death Domain Protein
Context: Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of ectopic endometrial tissue. Nerve fibers are frequently associated with ectopic lesions, and neurogenic inflammation may play a role in endometriosis. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of tachykinin receptors in endometriotic lesions and the role of TNFα on their expression. Design: This study was an assessment of matching eutopic and ectopic endometrial tissue and peritoneal fluid from patients with endometriosis and an in vitro analysis of primary endometrial cells. Setting: The setting was a university hospital. Patients: Participants were premenopausal women undergoing laparoscopy. Interventions: Endometriotic lesions were removed surgically. Main Outcome Measures: Tachykinin mRNA (TACR1/2) and protein (neurokinin 1 receptor [NK1R]) expression in both eutopic and ectopic endometrial tissue from patients with endometriosis and the correlation to peritoneal fluid TNFα were measured. Primary endometrial epithelial and stromal cells were assessed in vitro to determine the induction of TACR1/2 and NK1R expression after TNFα treatment. Cell viability of endometrial stromal cells after substance P exposure was also assessed. Results: Expression of both TACR1 and TACR2 mRNA was significantly higher in the ectopic than in the eutopic tissue. Both TACR1 mRNA and NK1R protein expression was significantly correlated with peritoneal fluid TNFα, and in vitro studies confirmed that TNFα treatment induced both TACR1 mRNA and NK1R protein expression in endometrial stromal cells. In endometrial stromal cells, substance P treatment enhanced cell viability, which was inhibited by a specific NK1R antagonist. Conclusions: NK1R expression is induced in ectopic endometrial tissue by peritoneal TNFα. Induction of NK1R expression may permit endometriotic lesion maintenance via exposure to substance P.
Studies from our lab have shown that decreasing myocardial G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) activity and expression can prevent heart failure progression after myocardial infarction. Since GRK2 appears to also act as a pro-death kinase in myocytes, we investigated the effect of cardiomyocyte-specific GRK2 ablation on the acute response to cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. To do this we utilized two independent lines of GRK2 knockout (KO) mice where the GRK2 gene was deleted in only cardiomyocytes either constitutively at birth or in an inducible manner that occurred in adult mice prior to I/R. These GRK2 KO mice and appropriate control mice were subjected to a sham procedure or 30 min of myocardial ischemia via coronary artery ligation followed by 24 hrs reperfusion. Echocardiography and hemodynamic measurements showed significantly improved post-I/R cardiac function in both GRK2 KO lines, which correlated with smaller infarct sizes in GRK2 KO mice compared to controls. Moreover, there was significantly less TUNEL positive myocytes, less caspase-3, and -9 but not caspase-8 activities in GRK2 KO mice compared to control mice after I/R injury. Of note, we found that lowering cardiac GRK2 expression was associated with significantly lower cytosolic cytochrome C levels in both lines of GRK2 KO mice after I/R compared to corresponding control animals. Mechanistically, the anti-apoptotic effects of lowering GRK2 expression were accompanied by increased levels of Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, and increased activation of Akt after I/R injury. These findings were reproduced in vitro in cultured cardiomyocytes and GRK2 mRNA silencing. Therefore, lowering GRK2 expression in cardiomyocytes limits I/R-induced injury and improves post-ischemia recovery by decreasing myocyte apoptosis at least partially via Akt/Bcl-2 mediated mitochondrial protection and implicates mitochondrial-dependent actions, solidifying GRK2 as a pro-death kinase in the heart.
Death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) is a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent Ser/Thr kinase that possesses tumor-suppressive functions and regulates programmed cell death, autophagy, oxidative stress, hematopoiesis, and motility. As only few binding partners of DAPK2 have been determined, the molecular mechanisms governing these biological functions are largely unknown. We report the identification of 180 potential DAPK2 interaction partners by affinity purification-coupled mass spectrometry, 12 of which are known DAPK binding proteins. A small subset of established and potential binding proteins detected in this screen was further investigated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays, a method to visualize protein interactions in living cells. These experiments revealed that α-actinin-1 and 14-3-3-β are novel DAPK2 binding partners. The interaction of DAPK2 with α-actinin-1 was localized at the plasma membrane, resulting in massive membrane blebbing and reduced cellular motility, whereas the interaction of DAPK2 with 14-3-3-β was localized to the cytoplasm, with no impact on blebbing, motility, or viability. Our results therefore suggest that DAPK2 effector functions are influenced by the protein's subcellular localization and highlight the utility of combining mass spectrometry screening with bimolecular fluorescence complementation to identify and characterize novel protein-protein interactions.
The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, undergoes a remarkable starvation-induced program of development that transforms a population of unicellular amoebae into a fruiting body composed of resistant spores suspended on a stalk. During this development, secreted cAMP drives chemotaxis of the amoebae, leading to their aggregation, and subsequent differentiation and morphogenesis. Four sequentially expressed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for cAMP play critical roles in this process. The first of these, cAR1, is essential for aggregation as it mediates chemotaxis as well as the propagation of secreted cAMP waves throughout aggregating populations. Ligand-induced internalization has been shown to regulate a variety of GPCRs. However, little was known at the outset of this study about the role of internalization in the regulation of cAR1 function or, for that matter, in developmental systems in general. For this study, cAMP-induced cAR1 internalization was assessed by measuring (1) the reduction of cell surface binding sites for [ 3H]cAMP and (2) the redistribution of YFP-tagged receptors to the cell's interior, cAMP was found to induce little or no loss of ligand binding (LLB) in vegetative cells. However, the ability to induce LLB increased progressively over the initial 6 hrs of development, reaching ∼70% in cells undergoing aggregation. Despite these reductions in surface binding, detectable cAR1-YFP redistribution could be induced by cAMP only after the cells reached the mound stage (10 hrs) and was found to occur naturally by the ensuing slug stage (18 hrs). Site-directed substitution of a cluster of 5 serines in the receptor's cytoplasmic tail that was previously shown to be the principal site of cAMP-induced cAR1 phosphorylation impaired both LLB and receptor redistribution and furthermore resulted in mound-stage developmental arrest, suggesting that phosphorylation of cAR1 is a prerequisite for its internalization and that cAR1 internalization is required for post-aggregative development. To assess the involvement of clathrin mediated endocytosis, Dictyostelium cells lacking the clathrin light chain gene (clc-) or either of two dynamin genes were examined and found to be defective in LLB and, in the case of clc- cells, also cAR1 redistribution and turnover. Furthermore, cAR1 overexpression in clc- cells (like the serine mutant in wild-type cells) promoted developmental arrest in mounds. The mound-arrest phenotype was also recapitulated in a wild-type background by the specific expression of cAR1 in prestalk cells (but not prespore cells), suggesting that development depends critically on internalization and clearance of cAR1 from these cells. Persistent cAR1 expression following aggregation was found to be associated with aberrant expression of prestalk and prespore genes, which may adversely affect development in the prestalk cell lineage. The PI3 kinase-TORC2 signal transduction pathway, known to be important for Dictyostelium chemotaxis and internalization of yeast pheromone receptors, was examined using chemical inhibitors and null cells and found to be necessary for cAR1 internalization. In conclusion, cAR1 was shown to be similar to other GPCRs in that its internalization depends on phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain serines, utilizes clathrin and dynamin, and involves the TORC2 complex. In addition, the findings presented here that cAR1 internalization is both developmentally regulated and required for normal development represent a novel regulatory paradigm that might pertain to other GPCRs known to play important roles in the development of humans and other metazoans. ^
Las cascadas de señalización mediadas por proteína quinasas activadas por mitógeno (MAP quinasas) son capaces de integrar y transducir señales ambientales en respuestas celulares. Entre estas señales se encuentran los PAMPs/MAMPs (Pathogen/Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas de patógenos o microorganismos, o los DAMPs (Damaged-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas derivadas de las plantas producidas en respuesta a daño celular. Tras el reconocimiento de los PAMPs/DAMPs por receptores de membrana denominados PRRs (Pattern Recognition Receptors), como los receptores con dominio quinasa (RLKs) o los receptores sin dominio quinasa (RLPs), se activan respuestas moleculares, incluidas cascadas de MAP quinasas, que regulan la puesta en marcha de la inmunidad activada por PAMPs (PTI). Esta Tesis describe la caracterización funcional de la MAP quinasa quinasa quinasa (MAP3K) YODA (YDA), que actúa como un regulador clave de la PTI en Arabidopsis. Se ha descrito previamente que YDA controla varios procesos de desarrollo, como la regulación del patrón estomático, la elongación del zigoto y la arquitectura floral. Hemos caracterizado un alelo mutante hipomórfico de YDA (elk2 o yda11) que presenta una elevada susceptibilidad a patógenos biótrofos y necrótrofos. Notablemente, plantas que expresan una forma constitutivamente activa de YDA (CA-YDA), con una deleción en el dominio N-terminal, presentan una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a diferentes tipos de patógenos, incluyendo hongos, oomicetos y bacterias, lo que indica que YDA juega un papel importante en la regulación de la resistencia de las plantas a patógenos. Nuestros datos indican que esta función es independiente de las respuestas inmunes mediadas por los receptores previamente caracterizados FLS2 y CERK1, que reconocen los PAMPs flg22 y quitina, respectivamente, y que están implicados en la resistencia de Arabidopsis frente a bacterias y hongos. Hemos demostrado que YDA controla la resistencia frente al hongo necrótrofo Plectosphaerella cucumerina y el patrón estomático mediante su interacción genética con la RLK ERECTA (ER), un PRR implicado en la regulación de estos procesos. Por el contrario, la interacción genética entre ER y YDA en la regulación de otros procesos de desarrollo es aditiva en lugar de epistática. Análisis genéticos indicaron que MPK3, una MAP quinasa que funciona aguas abajo de YDA en el desarrollo estomático, es un componente de la ruta de señalización mediada por YDA para la resistencia frente a P. cucumerina, lo que sugiere que el desarrollo de las plantas y la PTI comparten el módulo de transducción de MAP quinasas asociado a YDA. Nuestros experimentos han revelado que la resistencia mediada por YDA es independiente de las rutas de señalización reguladas por las hormonas de defensa ácido salicílico, ácido jasmónico, ácido abscísico o etileno, y también es independiente de la ruta de metabolitos secundarios derivados del triptófano, que están implicados en inmunidad vegetal. Además, hemos demostrado que respuestas asociadas a PTI, como el aumento en la concentración de calcio citoplásmico, la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno, la fosforilación de MAP quinasas y la expresión de genes de defensa, no están afectadas en el mutante yda11. La expresión constitutiva de la proteína CA-YDA en plantas de Arabidopsis no provoca un aumento de las respuestas PTI, lo que sugiere la existencia de mecanismos de resistencia adicionales regulados por YDA que son diferentes de los regulados por FLS2 y CERK1. En línea con estos resultados, nuestros datos transcriptómicos revelan una sobre-representación en plantas CA-YDA de genes de defensa que codifican, por ejemplo, péptidos antimicrobianos o reguladores de muerte celular, o proteínas implicadas en la biogénesis de la pared celular, lo que sugiere una conexión potencial entre la composición e integridad de la pared celular y la resistencia de amplio espectro mediada por YDA. Además, análisis de fosfoproteómica indican la fosforilación diferencial de proteínas relacionadas con la pared celular en plantas CA-YDA en comparación con plantas silvestres. El posible papel de la ruta ER-YDA en la regulación de la integridad de la pared celular está apoyado por análisis bioquímicos y glicómicos de las paredes celulares de plantas er, yda11 y CA-YDA, que revelaron cambios significativos en la composición de la pared celular de estos genotipos en comparación con la de plantas silvestres. En resumen, nuestros datos indican que ER y YDA forman parte de una nueva ruta de inmunidad que regula la integridad de la pared celular y respuestas defensivas, confiriendo una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a patógenos. ABSTRACT Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades transduce environmental signals and developmental cues into cellular responses. Among these signals are the pathogen- or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs or MAMPs) and the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These PAMPs/DAMPs, upon recognition by plant pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as Receptor-Like Kinases (RLKs) and Receptor-Like Proteins (RLPs), activate molecular responses, including MAPK cascades, which regulate the onset of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). This Thesis describes the functional characterization of the MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K) YODA (YDA) as a key regulator of Arabidopsis PTI. YDA has been previously described to control several developmental processes, such as stomatal patterning, zygote elongation and inflorescence architecture. We characterized a hypomorphic, non-embryo lethal mutant allele of YDA (elk2 or yda11) that was found to be highly susceptible to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Remarkably, plants expressing a constitutive active form of YDA (CA-YDA), with a deletion in the N-terminal domain, showed broad-spectrum resistance to different types of pathogens, including fungi, oomycetes and bacteria, indicating that YDA plays a relevant function in plant resistance to pathogens. Our data indicated that this function is independent of the immune responses regulated by the well characterized FLS2 and CERK1 RLKs, which are the PRRs recognizing flg22 and chitin PAMPs, respectively, and are required for Arabidopsis resistance to bacteria and fungi. We demonstrate that YDA controls resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina and stomatal patterning by genetically interacting with ERECTA (ER) RLK, a PRR involved in regulating these processes. In contrast, the genetic interaction between ER and YDA in the regulation of other ER-associated developmental processes was additive, rather than epistatic. Genetic analyses indicated that MPK3, a MAP kinase that functions downstream of YDA in stomatal development, also regulates plant resistance to P. cucumerina in a YDA-dependent manner, suggesting that the YDA-associated MAPK transduction module is shared in plant development and PTI. Our experiments revealed that YDA-mediated resistance was independent of signalling pathways regulated by defensive hormones like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, abscisic acid or ethylene, and of the tryptophan-derived metabolites pathway, which are involved in plant immunity. In addition, we showed that PAMP-mediated PTI responses, such as the increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst, MAPK phosphorylation, and expression of defense-related genes are not impaired in the yda11 mutant. Furthermore, the expression of CA-YDA protein does not result in enhanced PTI responses, further suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms of resistance regulated by YDA that differ from those regulated by the PTI receptors FLS2 and CERK1. In line with these observations, our transcriptomic data revealed the over-representation in CA-YDA plants of defensive genes, such as those encoding antimicrobial peptides and cell death regulators, and genes encoding cell wall-related proteins, suggesting a potential link between plant cell wall composition and integrity and broad spectrum resistance mediated by YDA. In addition, phosphoproteomic data revealed an over-representation of genes encoding wall-related proteins in CA-YDA plants in comparison with wild-type plants. The putative role of the ER-YDA pathway in regulating cell wall integrity was further supported by biochemical and glycomics analyses of er, yda11 and CA-YDA cell walls, which revealed significant changes in the cell wall composition of these genotypes compared with that of wild-type plants. In summary, our data indicate that ER and YDA are components of a novel immune pathway that regulates cell wall integrity and defensive responses, which confer broad-spectrum resistance to pathogens.
Malaria during the first pregnancy causes a high rate of fetal and neonatal death. The decreasing susceptibility during subsequent pregnancies correlates with acquisition of antibodies that block binding of infected red cells to chondroitin sulfate A (CSA), a receptor for parasites in the placenta. Here we identify a domain within a particular Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 that binds CSA. We cloned a var gene expressed in CSA-binding parasitized red blood cells (PRBCs). The gene had eight receptor-like domains, each of which was expressed on the surface of Chinese hamster ovary cells and was tested for CSA binding. CSA linked to biotin used as a probe demonstrated that two Duffy-binding-like (DBL) domains (DBL3 and DBL7) bound CSA. DBL7, but not DBL3, also bound chondroitin sulfate C (CSC) linked to biotin, a negatively charged sugar that does not support PRBC adhesion. Furthermore, CSA, but not CSC, blocked the interaction with DBL3; both CSA and CSC blocked binding to DBL7. Thus, only the DBL3 domain displays the same binding specificity as PRBCs. Because protective antibodies present after pregnancy block binding to CSA of parasites from different parts of the world, DBL-3, although variant, may induce cross-reactive immunity that will protect pregnant women and their fetuses.
PML/RARα is the abnormal protein product generated by the acute promyelocytic leukemia-specific t(15;17). Expression of PML/RARα in hematopoietic precursor cell lines induces block of differentiation and promotes survival. We report here that PML/RARα has a potent growth inhibitory effect on all nonhematopoietic cell lines and on the majority of the hematopoietic cell lines tested. Inducible expression of PML/RARα in fibroblasts demonstrated that the basis for the growth suppression is induction of cell death. Deletion of relevant promyelocytic leukemia (PML) and retinoic acid receptor (RARα) domains within the fusion protein revealed that its growth inhibitory effect depends on the integrity of the PML aminoterminal region (RING, B1, B2, and coiled coil regions) and the RARα DNA binding region. Analysis of the nuclear localization of the same PML/RARα deletion mutants by immunofluorescence and cell fractionation revealed that the biological activity of the fusion protein correlates with its microspeckled localization and its association to the nuclear matrix. The PML aminoterminal region, but not the RARα zinc fingers, is required for the proper nuclear localization of PML/RARα. We propose that the matrix-associated microspeckles are the active sites of PML/RARα and that targeting of RARα sequences to this specific nuclear subdomain through PML sequences is crucial to the activity of the fusion protein on survival regulation.
T cell receptor ζ (TcRζ)/CD3 ligation initiates a signaling cascade that involves src kinases p56lck and ζ-associated protein 70, leading to the phosphorylation of substrates such as TcRζ, Vav, SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein 76 (SLP-76), cbl, and p120/130. FYN binding protein (FYB or p120/130) associates with p59fyn, the TcRζ/CD3 complex, and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to receptor ligation. In this study, we report the cDNA cloning of human and murine FYB and show that it is restricted in expression to T cells and myeloid cells and possesses an overall unique hydrophilic sequence with several tyrosine-based motifs, proline-based type I and type II SH3 domain binding motifs, several putative lysine/glutamic acid-rich nuclear localization motifs, and a SH3-like domain. In addition to binding the src kinase p59fyn, FYB binds specifically to the hematopoietic signaling protein SLP-76, an interaction mediated by the SLP-76 SH2 domain. In keeping with this, expression of FYB augmented interleukin 2 secretion from a T cell hybridoma, DC27.10, in response to TcRζ/CD3 ligation. FYB is therefore a novel hematopoietic protein that acts as a component of the FYN and SLP-76 signaling cascades in T cells.
G protein-coupled receptor activation leads to the membrane recruitment and activation of G protein-coupled receptor kinases, which phosphorylate receptors and lead to their inactivation. We have identified a novel G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein, GIT1, that is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTP-binding proteins. Overexpression of GIT1 leads to reduced β2-adrenergic receptor signaling and increased receptor phosphorylation, which result from reduced receptor internalization and resensitization. These cellular effects of GIT1 require its intact ARF GAP activity and do not reflect regulation of GRK kinase activity. These results suggest an essential role for ARF proteins in regulating β2-adrenergic receptor endocytosis. Moreover, they provide a mechanism for integration of receptor activation and endocytosis through regulation of ARF protein activation by GRK-mediated recruitment of the GIT1 ARF GAP to the plasma membrane.
The majority of familial Alzheimer disease mutations are linked to the recently cloned presenilin (PS) genes, which encode two highly homologous proteins (PS-1 and PS-2). It was shown that the full-length PS-2 protein is phosphorylated constitutively within its N-terminal domain by casein kinases, whereas the PS-1 protein is not. Full-length PS proteins undergo endoproteolytic cleavage within their hydrophilic loop domain resulting in the formation of ≈20-kDa C-terminal fragments (CTF) and ≈30-kDa N-terminal fragments [Thinakaran, G., et al. (1996) Neuron 17, 181–190]. Here we describe the surprising finding that the CTF of PS-1 is phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PKC). Stimulation of PKC causes a 4- to 5-fold increase of the phosphorylation of the ≈20-kDa CTF of PS-1 resulting in reduced mobility in SDS gels. PKC-stimulated phosphorylation occurs predominantly on serine residues and can be induced either by direct stimulation of PKC with phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate or by activation of the m1 acetylcholine receptor-signaling pathway with the muscarinic agonist carbachol. However, phosphorylation of full-length PS-1 and PS-2 is not altered upon PKC stimulation. In addition, a mutant form of PS-1 lacking exon 10, which does not undergo endoproteolytic cleavage [Thinakaran, G., et al. (1996) Neuron 17, 181–190] is not phosphorylated by PKC, although it still contains all PKC phosphorylation sites conserved between different species. These results show that PKC phosphorylates the PS-1 CTF. Therefore, endoproteolytic cleavage of full-length PS-1 results in the generation of an in vivo substrate for PKC. The selective phosphorylation of the PS-1 CTF indicates that the physiological and/or pathological properties of the CTF are regulated by PKC activity.
DdLim, a multi-domain member of the cysteine-rich family of LIM domain proteins, was isolated from Dictyostelium cells where it localizes in lamellipodia and at sites of membrane ruffling. The transcription and expression of DdLim are developmentally regulated, and the timing of its increased association with the actin cytoskeleton coincides with the acquisition in starved cells of a motile, chemotactic behavior. Vegetative cells that overexpress DdLim contain large lamella and exhibit ruffling at the cortex. The high frequency of large, multinucleated mutant cells found in suspension culture suggests that excess DdLim interferes with cytokinesis. DdLim was also identified as a protein in a Dictyostelium cell lysate that associated indirectly, but in a guanosine triphosphate-dependent manner, with a GST-rac1 fusion protein. The data presented suggest that DdLim acts as an adapter protein at the cytoskeleton-membrane interface where it is involved in a receptor-mediated rac1-signaling pathway that leads to actin polymerization in lamellipodia and ultimately cell motility.
Androgen receptor (AR) belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and mediates the biological actions of male sex steroids. In this work, we have characterized a novel 130-kDa Ser/Thr protein kinase ANPK that interacts with the zinc finger region of AR in vivo and in vitro. The catalytic kinase domain of ANPK shares considerable sequence similarity with the minibrain gene product, a protein kinase suggested to contribute to learning defects associated with Down syndrome. However, the rest of ANPK sequence, including the AR-interacting interface, exhibits no apparent homology with other proteins. ANPK is a nuclear protein that is widely expressed in mammalian tissues. Its overexpression enhances AR-dependent transcription in various cell lines. In addition to the zinc finger region, ligand-binding domain and activation function AF1 of AR are needed, as the activity of AR mutants devoid of these domains was not influenced by ANPK. The receptor protein does not appear to be a substrate for ANPK in vitro, and overexpression of ANPK does not increase the extent of AR phosphorylation in vivo. In view of this, it is likely that ANPK-mediated activation of AR function is exerted through modification of AR-associated proteins, such as coregulatory factors, and/or through stabilization of the receptor protein against degradation.
Many of the protein–protein interactions that are essential for eukaryotic intracellular signal transduction are mediated by protein binding modules including SH2, SH3, and LIM domains. Nck is a SH3- and SH2-containing adaptor protein implicated in coordinating various signaling pathways, including those of growth factor receptors and cell adhesion receptors. We report here the identification, cloning, and characterization of a widely expressed, Nck-related adaptor protein termed Nck-2. Nck-2 comprises primarily three N-terminal SH3 domains and one C-terminal SH2 domain. We show that Nck-2 interacts with PINCH, a LIM-only protein implicated in integrin-linked kinase signaling. The PINCH-Nck-2 interaction is mediated by the fourth LIM domain of PINCH and the third SH3 domain of Nck-2. Furthermore, we show that Nck-2 is capable of recognizing several key components of growth factor receptor kinase-signaling pathways including EGF receptors, PDGF receptor-β, and IRS-1. The association of Nck-2 with EGF receptors was regulated by EGF stimulation and involved largely the SH2 domain of Nck-2, although the SH3 domains of Nck-2 also contributed to the complex formation. The association of Nck-2 with PDGF receptor-β was dependent on PDGF activation and was mediated solely by the SH2 domain of Nck-2. Additionally, we have detected a stable association between Nck-2 and IRS-1 that was mediated primarily via the second and third SH3 domain of Nck-2. Thus, Nck-2 associates with PINCH and components of different growth factor receptor-signaling pathways via distinct mechanisms. Finally, we provide evidence indicating that a fraction of the Nck-2 and/or Nck-1 proteins are associated with the cytoskeleton. These results identify a novel Nck-related SH2- and SH3-domain–containing protein and suggest that it may function as an adaptor protein connecting the growth factor receptor-signaling pathways with the integrin-signaling pathways.
Substitutions or deletions of domain II loop residues of Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin CryIAb were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis techniques to investigate their functional roles in receptor binding and toxicity toward gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Substitution of loop 2 residue N372 with Ala or Gly (N372A, N372G) increased the toxicity against gypsy moth larvae 8-fold and enhanced binding affinity to gypsy moth midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) ≈4-fold. Deletion of N372 (D3), however, substantially reduced toxicity (>21 times) as well as binding affinity, suggesting that residue N372 is involved in receptor binding. Interestingly, a triple mutant, DF-1 (N372A, A282G and L283S), has a 36-fold increase in toxicity to gypsy moth neonates compared with wild-type toxin. The enhanced activity of DF-1 was correlated with higher binding affinity (18-fold) and binding site concentrations. Dissociation binding assays suggested that the off-rate of the BBMV-bound mutant toxins was similar to that of the wild type. However, DF-1 toxin bound 4 times more than the wild-type and N372A toxins, and it was directly correlated with binding affinity and potency. Protein blots of gypsy moth BBMV probed with labeled N372A, DF-1, and CryIAb toxins recognized a common 210-kDa protein, indicating that the increased activity of the mutants was not caused by binding to additional receptor(s). The improved binding affinity of N372A and DF-1 suggest that a shorter side chain at these loops may fit the toxin more efficiently to the binding pockets. These results offer an excellent model system for engineering δ-endotoxins with higher potency and wider spectra of target pests by improving receptor binding interactions.
The TEL/PDGFβR fusion protein is the product of the t(5;12) translocation in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. The TEL/PDGFβR is an unusual fusion of a putative transcription factor, TEL, to a receptor tyrosine kinase. The translocation fuses the amino terminus of TEL, containing the helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain, to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain of the PDGFβR. We hypothesized that TEL/PDGFβR self-association, mediated by the HLH domain of TEL, would lead to constitutive activation of the PDGFβR tyrosine kinase domain and cellular transformation. Analysis of in vitro-translated TEL/PDGFβR confirmed that the protein self-associated and that self-association was abrogated by deletion of 51 aa within the TEL HLH domain. In vivo, TEL/PDGFβR was detected as a 100-kDa protein that was constitutively phosphorylated on tyrosine and transformed the murine hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3 to interleukin 3 growth factor independence. Transformation of Ba/F3 cells required the HLH domain of TEL and the kinase activity of the PDGFβR portion of the fusion protein. Immunoblotting demonstrated that TEL/PDGFβR associated with multiple signaling molecules known to associate with the activated PDGFβR, including phospholipase C γ1, SHP2, and phosphoinositol-3-kinase. TEL/PDGFβR is a novel transforming protein that self-associates and activates PDGFβR-dependent signaling pathways. Oligomerization of TEL/PDGFβR that is dependent on the TEL HLH domain provides further evidence that the HLH domain, highly conserved among ETS family members, is a self-association motif.