725 resultados para Support for Learning


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The pace at which challenges are introduced in a game has long been identified as a key determinant of both the enjoyment and difficulty experienced by game players, and their ability to learn from game play. In order to understand how to best pace challenges in games, there is great value in analysing games already demonstrated as highly engaging. Play-through videos of four puzzle games (Portal, Portal 2 Co-operative mode, Braid and Lemmings), were observed and analysed using metrics derived from a behavioural psychology understanding of how people solve problems. Findings suggest that; 1) the main skills learned in each game are introduced separately, 2) through simple puzzles that require only basic performance of that skill, 3) the player has the opportunity to practice and integrate that skill with previously learned skills, and 4) puzzles increase in complexity until the next new skill is introduced. These data provide practical guidance for designers, support contemporary thinking on the design of learning structures in games, and suggest future directions for empirical research.


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Integration, inclusion, and equity constitute fundamental dimensions of democracy in post-World War II societies and their institutions. The study presented here reports upon the ways in which individuals and institutions both use and account for the roles that technologies, including ICT, play in disabling and enabling access for learning in higher education for all. Technological innovations during the 20th and 21st centuries, including ICT, have been heralded as holding significant promise for revolutionizing issues of access in societal institutions like schools, healthcare services, etc. (at least in the global North). Taking a socially oriented perspective, the study presented in this paper focuses on an ethnographically framed analysis of two datasets that critically explores the role that technologies, including ICT, play in higher education for individuals who are “differently abled” and who constitute a variation on a continuum of capabilities. Functionality as a dimension of everyday life in higher education in the 21st century is explored through the analysis of (i) case studies of two “differently abled” students in Sweden and (ii) current support services at universities in Sweden. The findings make visible the work that institutions and their members do through analyses of the organization of time and space and the use of technologies in institutional settings against the backdrop of individuals’ accountings and life trajectories. This study also highlights the relevance of multi-scale data analyses for revisiting the ways in which identity positions become framed or understood within higher education.


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This research will serve to evaluate the current processes and procedures in place for the Community Case Management training, data entry, and quality assurance at the Department of Juvenile Justice. The goal of the research is to identify and establish a framework for a universal unit within the agency that will enhance the effectiveness of Case Management by consolidating and streamlining information to reduce conflicting standards to create a stronger support unit, and to facilitate learning and understanding for the staff.


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Interactions in mobile devices normally happen in an explicit manner, which means that they are initiated by the users. Yet, users are typically unaware that they also interact implicitly with their devices. For instance, our hand pose changes naturally when we type text messages. Whilst the touchscreen captures finger touches, hand movements during this interaction however are unused. If this implicit hand movement is observed, it can be used as additional information to support or to enhance the users’ text entry experience. This thesis investigates how implicit sensing can be used to improve existing, standard interaction technique qualities. In particular, this thesis looks into enhancing front-of-device interaction through back-of-device and hand movement implicit sensing. We propose the investigation through machine learning techniques. We look into problems on how sensor data via implicit sensing can be used to predict a certain aspect of an interaction. For instance, one of the questions that this thesis attempts to answer is whether hand movement during a touch targeting task correlates with the touch position. This is a complex relationship to understand but can be best explained through machine learning. Using machine learning as a tool, such correlation can be measured, quantified, understood and used to make predictions on future touch position. Furthermore, this thesis also evaluates the predictive power of the sensor data. We show this through a number of studies. In Chapter 5 we show that probabilistic modelling of sensor inputs and recorded touch locations can be used to predict the general area of future touches on touchscreen. In Chapter 7, using SVM classifiers, we show that data from implicit sensing from general mobile interactions is user-specific. This can be used to identify users implicitly. In Chapter 6, we also show that touch interaction errors can be detected from sensor data. In our experiment, we show that there are sufficient distinguishable patterns between normal interaction signals and signals that are strongly correlated with interaction error. In all studies, we show that performance gain can be achieved by combining sensor inputs.


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The authors present a proposal to develop intelligent assisted living environments for home based healthcare. These environments unite the chronical patient clinical history sematic representation with the ability of monitoring the living conditions and events recurring to a fully managed Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). Several levels of acquired knowledge and the case based reasoning that is possible by knowledge representation of the health-disease history and acquisition of the scientific evidence will deliver, through various voice based natural interfaces, the adequate support systems for disease auto management but prominently by activating the less differentiated caregiver for any specific need. With these capabilities at hand, home based healthcare providing becomes a viable possibility reducing the institutionalization needs. The resulting integrated healthcare framework will provide significant savings while improving the generality of health and satisfaction indicators.


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The aim of the study is to assess which factors influence the policymaking decisions to financially support an innovative investment project. Based on the case study of the Portuguese Innovation Incentive System in the Alentejo region, we estimated an econometric model based on firms’ and application’ characteristics, controlling for macroeconomic environment. The results indicate that the selection process is more focused on the expected project impact than on firms’ past performance. Furthermore, we found that government preference for promoting employment and exportation are shown to be higher than the impact on firm productivity.


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Educational services are essential to social and economical development of people, mainly to the progress of all sectors of society. Establishing actions that can promote the participation of various social groups is essential to improve their quality of life and building more respectful and fair human rights without any discrimination or exclusion. In recent years, the Costa Rican education system has undergone significant changes due to the pedagogical approach of inclusive education in which students with educational needs may require different support and specialized resources for training and development. For this, the Basic Educational Division of the Center for Teaching and Research in Education, generated a concern of investigating the participation of the Committee of Educational Support in the process of educational integration, thus, determine the functions performed in the educational context, under the rules of the 7600 Equal Opportunity Act for people with disabilities, which is the entity that corresponds to regulate access to education by identifying the support required for students with educational needs and, advice and trains, administrative staff in schools both public and private in the country. In addition, there is also a concern for exploring the role of the Special Education teacher for this Committee, as well as learning the perceptions of teachers and parents about the functions performed by the committee.


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That humans and animals learn from interaction with the environment is a foundational idea underlying nearly all theories of learning and intelligence. Learning that certain outcomes are associated with specific actions or stimuli (both internal and external), is at the very core of the capacity to adapt behaviour to environmental changes. In the present work, appetitive and aversive reinforcement learning paradigms have been used to investigate the fronto-striatal loops and behavioural correlates of adaptive and maladaptive reinforcement learning processes, aiming to a deeper understanding of how cortical and subcortical substrates interacts between them and with other brain systems to support learning. By combining a large variety of neuroscientific approaches, including behavioral and psychophysiological methods, EEG and neuroimaging techniques, these studies aim at clarifying and advancing the knowledge of the neural bases and computational mechanisms of reinforcement learning, both in normal and neurologically impaired population.


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Clinical and omics data are a promising field of application for machine learning techniques even though these methods are not yet systematically adopted in healthcare institutions. Despite artificial intelligence has proved successful in terms of prediction of pathologies or identification of their causes, the systematic adoption of these techniques still presents challenging issues due to the peculiarities of the analysed data. The aim of this thesis is to apply machine learning algorithms to both clinical and omics data sets in order to predict a patient's state of health and get better insights on the possible causes of the analysed diseases. In doing so, many of the arising issues when working with medical data will be discussed while possible solutions will be proposed to make machine learning provide feasible results and possibly become an effective and reliable support tool for healthcare systems.


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The main objective of the framework we are proposing is to help the physician obtain information about the patient's condition in order to reach the \emph{correct} diagnosis as soon as possible. In our proposal, the number of interactions between the physician and the patient is reduced to a strict minimum on the one hand and, on the other hand, it is made possible to increase the number of questions to be asked if the uncertainty about the diagnosis persists. These advantages are due to the fact that (i) we implement a reasoning component that allows us to predict a symptom from another symptom without explicitly asking the patient, (ii) we consider non-binary values for the weights associated with the symptoms, we introduce a dataset filtering process in order to choose which partition should be used with respect to some particular characteristics of the patient, and, in addition, (iv) it was added new functionality to the framework: the ability to detect further future risks of a patient already knowing his pathology. The experimental results we obtained are very encouraging


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The dissertation starts by providing a description of the phenomena related to the increasing importance recently acquired by satellite applications. The spread of such technology comes with implications, such as an increase in maintenance cost, from which derives the interest in developing advanced techniques that favor an augmented autonomy of spacecrafts in health monitoring. Machine learning techniques are widely employed to lay a foundation for effective systems specialized in fault detection by examining telemetry data. Telemetry consists of a considerable amount of information; therefore, the adopted algorithms must be able to handle multivariate data while facing the limitations imposed by on-board hardware features. In the framework of outlier detection, the dissertation addresses the topic of unsupervised machine learning methods. In the unsupervised scenario, lack of prior knowledge of the data behavior is assumed. In the specific, two models are brought to attention, namely Local Outlier Factor and One-Class Support Vector Machines. Their performances are compared in terms of both the achieved prediction accuracy and the equivalent computational cost. Both models are trained and tested upon the same sets of time series data in a variety of settings, finalized at gaining insights on the effect of the increase in dimensionality. The obtained results allow to claim that both models, combined with a proper tuning of their characteristic parameters, successfully comply with the role of outlier detectors in multivariate time series data. Nevertheless, under this specific context, Local Outlier Factor results to be outperforming One-Class SVM, in that it proves to be more stable over a wider range of input parameter values. This property is especially valuable in unsupervised learning since it suggests that the model is keen to adapting to unforeseen patterns.


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Reinforcement Learning is an increasingly popular area of Artificial Intelligence. The applications of this learning paradigm are many, but its application in mobile computing is in its infancy. This study aims to provide an overview of current Reinforcement Learning applications on mobile devices, as well as to introduce a new framework for iOS devices: Swift-RL Lib. This new Swift package allows developers to easily support and integrate two of the most common RL algorithms, Q-Learning and Deep Q-Network, in a fully customizable environment. All processes are performed on the device, without any need for remote computation. The framework was tested in different settings and evaluated through several use cases. Through an in-depth performance analysis, we show that the platform provides effective and efficient support for Reinforcement Learning for mobile applications.


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Il riconoscimento delle condizioni del manto stradale partendo esclusivamente dai dati raccolti dallo smartphone di un ciclista a bordo del suo mezzo è un ambito di ricerca finora poco esplorato. Per lo sviluppo di questa tesi è stata sviluppata un'apposita applicazione, che combinata a script Python permette di riconoscere differenti tipologie di asfalto. L’applicazione raccoglie i dati rilevati dai sensori di movimento integrati nello smartphone, che registra i movimenti mentre il ciclista è alla guida del suo mezzo. Lo smartphone è fissato in un apposito holder fissato sul manubrio della bicicletta e registra i dati provenienti da giroscopio, accelerometro e magnetometro. I dati sono memorizzati su file CSV, che sono elaborati fino ad ottenere un unico DataSet contenente tutti i dati raccolti con le features estratte mediante appositi script Python. A ogni record sarà assegnato un cluster deciso in base ai risultati prodotti da K-means, risultati utilizzati in seguito per allenare algoritmi Supervised. Lo scopo degli algoritmi è riconoscere la tipologia di manto stradale partendo da questi dati. Per l’allenamento, il DataSet è stato diviso in due parti: il training set dal quale gli algoritmi imparano a classificare i dati e il test set sul quale gli algoritmi applicano ciò che hanno imparato per dare in output la classificazione che ritengono idonea. Confrontando le previsioni degli algoritmi con quello che i dati effettivamente rappresentano si ottiene la misura dell’accuratezza dell’algoritmo.


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This paper presents a best-practice model for the redesign of virtual learning environments (VLEs) within creative arts to augment blended learning. In considering a blended learning best-practice model, three factors should be considered: the conscious and active human intervention, good learning design and pedagogical input, and the sensitive handling of the process by trained professionals. This study is based on a comprehensive VLE content analysis conducted across two academic schools within the creative arts at one Post-92 higher education (HE) institution. It was found that four main barriers affect the use of the VLE within creative arts: lack of flexibility in relation to navigation and interface, time in developing resources, competency level of tutors (confidence in developing online resources balanced against other flexible open resources) and factors affecting the engagement of ‘digital residents’. The experimental approach adopted in this study involved a partnership between the learning technology advisor and academic staff, which resulted in a VLE best-practice model that focused directly on improving aesthetics and navigation. The approach adopted in this study allowed a purposive sample of academic staff to engage as participants, stepping back cognitively from their routine practices in relation to their use of the VLE and questioning approaches to how they embed the VLE to support teaching and learning. The model presented in this paper identified a potential solution to overcome the challenges of integrating the VLE within creative arts. The findings of this study demonstrate positive impact on staff and student experience and provide a sustainable model of good practice for the redesign of the VLE within creative disciplines.


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The first report commissioned by Ufi Charitable Trust. It investigates opportunities for and barriers to the application of digital technology to adult learning. It focuses on possible ways to transform the UK’s vocational education and training system, identifying three main priorities for funding by the Ufi Charitable Trust: * increasing the capability of those involved in running the vocational learning system * exploiting networks to bring together learners, learning content and learning professionals * harnessing computers to support individualised and differentiated learning.