955 resultados para Submerged-arc-welding
Pectate lyase (PL) was produced by the filamentous fungus Penicillium viridicatum RFC3 in solid-state cultures of a mixture of orange bagasse and wheat bran (1 : 1 w/w), or orange bagasse, wheat bran and sugarcane bagasse (1 : 1 : 0.5 w/w), and in a submerged liquid culture with orange bagasse and wheat bran (3%) as the carbon source. PL production was highest (1,500U mL -1 or 300Ug -1 of substrate) in solid-state fermentation (SSF) on wheat bran and orange bagasse at 96 hours. PL production in submerged fermentation (SmF) was influenced by the initial pH of the medium. With the initial pH adjusted to 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5, the peak activity was observed after 72, 48, and 24 hours of fermentation, respectively, when the pH of the medium reached the value 5.0. PL from SSF and SmF were loaded on Sephadex-G75 columns and six activity peaks were obtained from crude enzyme fromSSF and designated PL I, II, III, IV, V, andVI, while five peaks were obtained fromcrude enzyme fromSmF and labeled PL I', II', III', IV', and VII'. Crude enzyme and fraction III from each fermentative process were tested further. The optimum pH for crude PL from either process was 5.5, while that for PL III was 8.0. The maximum activity of enzymes from SSF was observed at 35°C, but crude enzyme was more thermotolerant than PL III, maintaining its maximum activity up to 45°C. Crude enzyme from SmF and PL III' showed thermophilic profiles of activity, with maximum activity at 60 and 55°C, respectively. In the absence of substrate, the crude enzyme from SSF was stable over the pH range 3.0-10.0 and PL III was most stable in the pH range 4.0-7.0. Crude enzyme from SmF retained 70%-80% of its maximum activity in the acid-neutral pH range (4.0-7.0), but PIII showed high stability at alkaline pH (7.5-9.5). PL from SSF was more thermolabile than that from SmF. The latter maintained 60% of its initial activity after 1 h at 55°C. The differing behavior of the enzymes with respect to pH and temperature suggests that they are different isozymes. Copyright © 2010 Viviani Ferreira et al.
The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem where, given an undirected graph, the objective is to find a minimum cost set of tours servicing a subset of required edges under vehicle capacity constraints. There are numerous applications for the CARP, such as street sweeping, garbage collection, mail delivery, school bus routing, and meter reading. A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) with Path-Relinking (PR) is proposed and compared with other successful CARP metaheuristics. Some features of this GRASP with PR are (i) reactive parameter tuning, where the parameter value is stochastically selected biased in favor of those values which historically produced the best solutions in average; (ii) a statistical filter, which discard initial solutions if they are unlikely to improve the incumbent best solution; (iii) infeasible local search, where high-quality solutions, though infeasible, are used to explore the feasible/infeasible boundaries of the solution space; (iv) evolutionary PR, a recent trend where the pool of elite solutions is progressively improved by successive relinking of pairs of elite solutions. Computational tests were conducted using a set of 81 instances, and results reveal that the GRASP is very competitive, achieving the best overall deviation from lower bounds and the highest number of best solutions found. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The traditional operational and hazard control paradigm of an electrical installation has several issues pertaining to the diversity of equipment. A large maintenance inventory is a reason for concern for any manager, but the arc flash hazard is a particularly new phenomenon and the effects of equipment diversity on this phenomenon are even newer. The class of arc hazard can be increased, simply by changing the fuse link or circuit breaker manufacturer. Management pressure to operate as well as non-standard practices and installations are also partly responsible. The aim of this study is to take a typical situation in an industrial plant and to statistically simulate, by means of a dedicated software program, the fuse arc flash interruption performance of various manufacturers. The purpose of this study is to obtain a more objective indication of the influence of different fuse link manufacturers on arc flash incident energy. © 2011 IEEE.
The traditional operational and hazard control paradigm of an electrical installation has several issues pertaining to the diversity of equipment. A large maintenance inventory is a reason for concern for any manager, but the arc-flash hazard is a particularly new phenomenon, and the effects of equipment diversity on this phenomenon are even newer. The class of arc hazard can be simply increased by changing the fuse link or circuit breaker manufacturer. Management pressure to operate as well as nonstandard practices and installations are also partly responsible. The aim of this article is to take a typical situation in an industrial plant and to statistically simulate, by means of a dedicated software program, the fuse arc-flash interruption performance of various manufacturers. The purpose of this article is to obtain a more objective indication of the influence of different fuse link manufacturers on arc-flash incident energy. © 1975-2012 IEEE.
Traditional methods of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) survey last long and then, they are high cost. Optical remote sensing is an alternative, but it has some limitations in the aquatic environment. The use of echosounder techniques is efficient to detect submerged targets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate different kinds of interpolation approach applied on SAV sample data collected by echosounder. This study case was performed in a region of Uberaba River - Brazil. The interpolation methods evaluated in this work follow: Nearest Neighbor, Weighted Average, Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) and ordinary kriging. Better results were carried out with kriging interpolation. Thus, it is recommend the use of geostatistics for spatial inference of SAV from sample data surveyed with echosounder techniques. © 2012 IEEE.
The water column overlying the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) canopy presents difficulties when using remote sensing images for mapping such vegetation. Inherent and apparent water optical properties and its optically active components, which are commonly present in natural waters, in addition to the water column height over the canopy, and plant characteristics are some of the factors that affect the signal from SAV mainly due to its strong energy absorption in the near-infrared. By considering these interferences, a hypothesis was developed that the vegetation signal is better conserved and less absorbed by the water column in certain intervals of the visible region of the spectrum; as a consequence, it is possible to distinguish the SAV signal. To distinguish the signal from SAV, two types of classification approaches were selected. Both of these methods consider the hemispherical-conical reflectance factor (HCRF) spectrum shape, although one type was supervised and the other one was not. The first method adopts cluster analysis and uses the parameters of the band (absorption, asymmetry, height and width) obtained by continuum removal as the input of the classification. The spectral angle mapper (SAM) was adopted as the supervised classification approach. Both approaches tested different wavelength intervals in the visible and near-infrared spectra. It was demonstrated that the 585 to 685-nm interval, corresponding to the green, yellow and red wavelength bands, offered the best results in both classification approaches. However, SAM classification showed better results relative to cluster analysis and correctly separated all spectral curves with or without SAV. Based on this research, it can be concluded that it is possible to discriminate areas with and without SAV using remote sensing. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Lipase production by Trichoderma harzianum was evaluated in submerged fermentation (SF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF) using a variety of agro-industrial residues. Cultures in SF showed the highest activity (1.4 U/mL) in medium containing 0.5 % (w/v) yeast extract, 1 % (v/v) olive oil and 2.5 C:N ratio. This paper is the first to report lipase production by T. harzianum in SSF. A 1:2 mixture of castor oil cake and sugarcane bagasse supplemented with 1 % (v/w) olive oil showed the best results among the cultures in SSF (4 U/g ds). Lipolytic activity was stable in a slightly acidic to neutral pH, maintaining 50 % activity after 30 min at 50 C. Eighty percent of the activity remained after 1 h in 25 % (v/v) methanol, ethanol, isopropanol or acetone. Activity was observed with vegetable oils (olive, soybean, corn and sunflower) and long-chain triacylglycerols (triolein), confirming the presence of a true lipase. The results of this study are promising because they demonstrate an enzyme with interesting properties for application in catalysis produced by fermentation at low cost. © 2012 Springer-Verlag and the University of Milan.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental da viabilidade operacional, econômica, geométrica e da qualidade da solda com o uso do processo intitulado MAG-CW (Metal Active Gas–Cold Wire); entendido como: processo de soldagem MAG com adição de arame frio ou não energizado. Neste contexto, para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho utilizou-se os processos de soldagem MAG e o MAG-CW, sendo utilizados arames consumíveis sólidos de 1,2 mm de diâmetro, da classe AWS E-70S6 e o dióxido de carbono puro, CO2, como gás de proteção com vazão de 17 l/min, para os dois processos empregados. A soldagem automatizada foi realizada com o auxílio de uma fonte eletrônica ajustada em CC+, no modo tensão constante e interfaceada a um microcomputador. Para ambos os processos, os cordões de solda foram depositados sobre corpos de prova de aço carbono SAE 1020 medindo 76x155x12,7 mm, com passes em simples deposição, na posição plana puxando e empurrando o arco voltaico. Para o processo MAG-CW adicionouse o arame frio, na região do arco elétrico, por um sistema de alimentação auxiliar de arame de forma seqüencial Tandem e Twin, também, na posição plana. As variáveis de influência foram a Velocidade de Alimentação do Arame-Eletrodo, VAE, que variou em três níveis: 6, 7,5 e 9 m/min, respectivamente, a Velocidade de Alimentação de Arame Frio, VAF, que também variou em três níveis, sendo: 3, 4 e 5 m/min combinadas com VAE. As variáveis de resposta para a avaliação experimental foram a estabilidade do arco elétrico, as características econômicas, as características geométricas e a qualidade superficial do cordão de solda. Os resultados mostraram satisfatória estabilidade do arco, bem como, elevada produção em relação ao processo MAG e bom aspecto superficial das soldas. Neste sentido, o processo MAG-CW, quando comparado ao processo MAG, foi superior na taxa de fusão (TF) em 57% para a VAE igual a 6 m/min, 59 % para VAE igual a 7,5 m/min e de 53 % para a VAE igual a 9 m/min. Observou-se, ainda, que o mesmo ocorreu para a taxa de deposição (TD) aumentando em todos os níveis de velocidade: 62% para a VAE na condição igual a 6 m/min e 7,5 m/min e de 57 % para a VAE na condição igual a 9 m/min. A boa performance no aumento das taxas obtidas pelo processo MAG-CW demonstra vantagem, com maior evidência no desempenho destas características, em função da adição de arame frio ao arco.
O Batólito Cerro Porã é um corpo de aproximadamente 30 por 4 km de extensão, localizado na região de Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul. Situa-se nos domínios do Terreno Rio Apa, porção sul do Cráton Amazônico. Constitui-se pela Fácies sienogranítica rosa e Fácies monzogranítica cinza. A primeira é caracterizada por textura equi a, essencialmente, inequigranular xenomórfica e pela presença constante de intercrescimentos gráfico e granofíric; constitui-se por feldspatos alcalinos, quartzo e plagioclásio, tendo biotita como único máfico primário. A Fácies monzogranítica cinza apresenta textura porfirítica, com uma matriz de granulação fina gráfica a granofírica e consiste de quartzo, plagioclásio, feldspatos alcalinos e agregados máficos (biotita e anfibólio). Ambas foram metamorfizadas na fácies xisto verde e a Fácies sienogranítica rosa mostra-se milonitizada quando em zonas de cisalhamento. Foi identificado um evento deformacional dúctil-rúptil originado em regime compressivo, responsável pela geração de xistosidade e lineação de estiramento mineral. A Zona de Cisalhamento Esperança relaciona-se a esta fase e reflete a história cinemática convergente, reversa a de cavalgamento, com transporte de topo para NWW. Quimicamente, esses litotipos classificam-se como granitoides do tipo A2 da série alcalina potássica saturada em sílica. Determinação geocronológica obtida pelo método U-Pb (SHRIMP) em zircão, forneceu idade de 1749 ±45 Ma para sua cristalização. Do ponto vista geotectônico, admite-se que o Granito Cerro Porã corresponda a um magmatismo associado a um arco vulcânico desenvolvido no Estateriano e que sua colocação se deu no estágio tardi a pós-orogênico.
Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados do mapeamento geológico e caracterização petrológica da Formação Serra da Bocaina, pertencente ao Arco Magmático Amoguijá do Terreno Rio Apa, sul do Cráton Amazônico. A Formação Serra da Bocaina, na serra da homônima, consiste de rochas vulcânicas paleoproterozoicas de composição intermediária a predominantemente ácida, classificadas como andesito e riolitos, subdivididas em cinco fácies petrográficas sendo quatro piroclásticas e uma efusiva, que mantêm contato tectônico, a leste, com o Granito Carandá. Nas rochas estudadas estruturas tectônicas são formadas em duas fases deformacionais compressivas de natureza dúctil e dúctil-rúptil, respectivamente. A primeira fase, mais intensa, é observada ao longo de toda a área estudada e é responsável pela Zona de Cisalhamento Santa Rosa enquanto a segunda fase é mais discreta e localizada. O tratamento geoquímico indica que essas rochas foram geradas num ambiente de arco-vulcânico a partir de um magmatismo calcioalcalino de médio a alto-K, peraluminoso. Estas rochas retratam um evento magmático extrusivo, de natureza explosiva, relacionado à evolução do Arco Magmático Amoguijá, conforme resultado Pb-Pb em zircão de 1877,3 ± 3,9 Ma., interpretada como idade de cristalização destas rochas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)