987 resultados para Stilbene-like ligand photoisomerization


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This dissertation describes studies of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to gain high precision insights into the function of these important membrane proteins.

Chapter 2 considers the functional role of highly conserved proline residues within the transmembrane helices of the D2 dopamine GPCR. Through mutagenesis employing unnatural α-hydroxy acids, proline analogs, and N-methyl amino acids, we find that lack of backbone hydrogen bond donor ability is important to proline function. At one proline site we additionally find that a substituent on the proline backbone N is important to receptor function.

In Chapter 3, side chain conformation is probed by mutagenesis of GPCRs and the muscle-type nAChR. Specific side chain rearrangements of highly conserved residues have been proposed to accompany activation of these receptors. These rearrangements were probed using conformationally-biased β-substituted analogs of Trp and Phe and unnatural stereoisomers of Thr and Ile. We also modeled the conformational bias of the unnatural Trp and Phe analogs employed.

Chapters 4 and 5 examine details of ligand binding to nAChRs. Chapter 4 describes a study investigating the importance of hydrogen bonds between ligands and the complementary face of muscle-type and α4β4 nAChRs. A hydrogen bond involving the agonist appears to be important for ligand binding in the muscle-type receptor but not the α4β4 receptor.

Chapter 5 describes a study characterizing the binding of varenicline, an actively prescribed smoking cessation therapeutic, to the α7 nAChR. Additionally, binding interactions to the complementary face of the α7 binding site were examined for a small panel of agonists. We identified side chains important for binding large agonists such as varenicline, but dispensable for binding the small agonist ACh.

Chapter 6 describes efforts to image nAChRs site-specifically modified with a fluorophore by unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. While progress was hampered by high levels of fluorescent background, improvements to sample preparation and alternative strategies for fluorophore incorporation are described.

Chapter 7 describes efforts toward a fluorescence assay for G protein association with a GPCR, with the ultimate goal of probing key protein-protein interactions along the G protein/receptor interface. A wide range of fluorescent protein fusions were generated, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and evaluated for their ability to associate with each other.


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Semisynthesis of horse heart cytochrome c and site-directed mutagenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. c.) iso-1-cytochrome c have been utilized to substitute Ala for the cytochrome c heme axial ligand Met80 to yield ligand-binding proteins (horse heart Ala80cyt c and S.c. Ala80cyt c) with spectroscopic properties remarkably similar to those of myoglobin. Both species of Fe(II)Ala80cyt c form exceptionally stable dioxygen complexes with autoxidation rates 10-30x smaller and O2 binding constants ~ 3x greater than those of myoglobin. The resistance of O2-Fe(II)Ala80cyt c to autoxidation is attributed in part to protection of the heme site from solvent as exhibited by the exceptionally slow rate of CO binding to the heme as well as the low quantum yield of CO photodissociation.

UV/vis, EPR, and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy indicate that at pH 7 the Fe(III)Ala80cyt c heme is low-spin with axial His-OH- coordination and that below pH ~6.5, Fe(III)Ala80cyt cis high-spin with His-H2O heme ligation. Significant differences in the pH dependence of the 1H NMR spectra of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c compared to wild-type demonstrate that the axial ligands influence the conformational energetics of cytochrome c.

1H NMR spectroscopy has been utilized to determine the solution structure of the cyanide derivative of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c. 82% of the resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of S.c. CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c have been assigned through 1D and 2D experiments. The RMSD values after restrained energy minimization of the family of 17 structures obtained from distance geometry calculations are 0.68 ± 0.11 Å for the backbone and 1.32 ± 0.14 Å for all heavy atoms. The solution structure indicates that a tyrosine in the "distal" pocket of CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c forms a hydrogen bond with the Fe(III)-CN unit, suggesting that it may play a role analogous to that of the distal histidine in myoglobin in stabilizing the dioxygen adduct.


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Mannose receptor (MR) is widely expressed on macrophages, immature dendritic cells, and a variety of epithelial and endothelial cells. It is a 180 kD type I transmembrane receptor whose extracellular region consists of three parts: the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Cys-MR); a fibronectin type II-like domain; and a series of eight tandem C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). Two portions of MR have distinct carbohydrate recognition properties: Cys-MR recognizes sulfated carbohydrates and the tandem CRD region binds terminal mannose, fucose, and N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc). The dual carbohydrate binding specificity allows MR to interact with sulfated and nonsulfated polysaccharide chains, and thereby facilitating the involvement of MR in immunological and physiological processes. The immunological functions of MR include antigen capturing (through binding non-sulfated carbohydrates) and antigen targeting (through binding sulfated carbohydrates), and the physiological roles include rapid clearance of circulatory luteinizing hormone (LH), which bears polysaccharide chains terminating with sulfated and non-sulfated carbohydrates.

We have crystallized and determined the X-ray structures of unliganded Cys-MR (2.0 Å) and Cys-MR complexed with different ligands, including Hepes (1.7 Å), 4SO_4-N-Acetylgalactosamine (4SO_4-GalNAc; 2.2 Å), 3SO_4-Lewis^x (2.2 Å), 3S04-Lewis^a (1.9 Å), and 6SO_4-GalNAc (2.5 Å). The overall structure of Cys-MR consists of 12 anti-parallel β-strands arranged in three lobes with approximate three fold internal symmetry. The structure contains three disulfide bonds, formed by the six cysteines in the Cys-MR sequence. The ligand-binding site is located in a neutral pocket within the third lobe, in which the sulfate group of ligand is buried. Our results show that optimal binding is achieved by a carbohydrate ligand with a sulfate group that anchors the ligand by forming numerous hydrogen bonds and a sugar ring that makes ring-stacking interactions with Trpll7 of CysMR. Using a fluorescence-based assay, we characterized the binding affinities between CysMR and its ligands, and rationalized the derived affinities based upon the crystal structures. These studies reveal the mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR and facilitate our understanding of the role of Cys-MR in MR recognition of its ligands.


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During early stages of Drosophila development the heat shock response cannot be induced. It is reasoned that the adverse effects on cell cycle and cell growth brought about by Hsp70 induction must outweigh the beneficial aspects of Hsp70 induction in the early embryo. Although the Drosophila heat shock transcription factor (dHSF) is abundant in the early embryo, it does not enter the nucleus in response to heat shock. In older embryos and in cultured cells the factor is localized within the nucleus in an apparent trimeric structure that binds DNA with high affinity. The domain responsible for nuclear localization upon stress resides between residues 390 and 420 of the dHSF. Using that domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system we now report the identification and cloning of a nuclear transport protein Drosophila karyopherin-α3(dKap- α3). Biochemical methods demonstrate that the dKap-α3 protein binds specifically to the dHSF's nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Furthermore, the dKap-α3 protein does not associate with NLSs that contain point mutations which are not transported in vivo. Nuclear docking studies also demonstrate specific nuclear targeting of the NLS substrate by dKap-α3.Consistant with previous studies demonstrating that early Drosophila embryos are refractory to heat shock as a result of dHSF nuclear exclusion, we demonstrate that the early embryo is deficient in dKap-α3 protein through cycle 12. From cycle 13 onward the transport factor is present and the dHSF is localized within the nucleus thus allowing the embryo to respond to heat shock.

The pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz) is a well-studied zygotic segmentation gene that is necessary for the development of the even-numbered parasegments in Drosophila melanogastor. During early embryogenesis, ftz is expressed in a characteristic pattern of seven stripes, one in each of the even-numbered parasegments. With a view to understand how ftz is transcriptionally regulated, cDNAs that encode transcription factors that bind to the zebra element of the ftz promoter have been cloned. Chapter Ill reports the cloning and characterization of the eDNA encoding zeb-1 (zebra element binding protein), a novel steroid receptor-like molecule that specifically binds to a key regulatory element of the ftz promoter. In transient transfection assays employing Drosophila tissue culture cells, it has been shown that zeb-1 as well as a truncated zeb-1 polypeptide (zeb480) that lacks the putative ligand binding domain function as sequencespecific trans-activators of the ftz gene.

The Oct factors are members of the POU family of transcription factors that are shown to play important roles during development in mammals. Chapter IV reports the eDNA cloning and expression of a Drosophila Oct transcription factor. Whole mount in-situ hybridization experiments revealed that the spatial expression patterns of this gene during embryonic development have not yet been observed for any other gene. In early embryogenesis, its transcripts are transiently expressed as a wide uniform band from 20-40% of the egg length, very similar to that of gap genes. This pattern progressively resolves into a series of narrower stripes followed by expression in fourteen stripes. Subsequently, transcripts from this gene are expressed in the central nervous system and the brain. When expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this Drosophila factor functions as a strong, octamer-dependent activator of transcription. The data strongly suggest possible functions for the Oct factor in pattern formation in Drosophila that might transcend the boundaries of genetically defined segmentation genes.


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Under coronal conditions, the steady state rate-equations are used to calculate the inter-stage line ratios between Li-like Is(2)2p(P-2(3/2))-> 1s(2)2s -> ((2) S-1/2) and He-like 1s2p (P-1(1))-> 1s(2) (S-1(0)) transitions for Ti in the electronic temperature ranges from 0.1 keV to 20 keV. The results show that the. temperature sensitivities are higher at the electronic temperature less than 5000 eV and the temperature sensitivities will decrease with the increase of electronic temperature.


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This dissertation describes efforts to model biological active sites with small molecule clusters. The approach used took advantage of a multinucleating ligand to control the structure and nuclearity of the product complexes, allowing the study of many different homo- and heterometallic clusters. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of the multinucleating hexapyridyl trialkoxy ligand used throughout this thesis and the synthesis of trinuclear first row transition metal complexes supported by this framework, with an emphasis on tricopper systems as models of biological multicopper oxidases. The magnetic susceptibility of these complexes were studied, and a linear relation was found between the Cu-O(alkoxide)-Cu angles and the antiferromagnetic coupling between copper centers. The triiron(II) and trizinc(II) complexes of the ligand were also isolated and structurally characterized.

Chapter 3 describes the synthesis of a series of heterometallic tetranuclear manganese dioxido complexes with various incorporated apical redox-inactive metal cations (M = Na+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Zn2+, Y3+). Chapter 4 presents the synthesis of heterometallic trimanganese(IV) tetraoxido complexes structurally related to the CaMn3 subsite of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of Photosystem II. The reduction potentials of these complexes were studied, and it was found that each isostructural series displays a linear correlation between the reduction potentials and the Lewis acidities of the incorporated redox-inactive metals. The slopes of the plotted lines for both the dioxido and tetraoxido clusters are the same, suggesting a more general relationship between the electrochemical potentials of heterometallic manganese oxido clusters and their “spectator” cations. Additionally, these studies suggest that Ca2+ plays a role in modulating the redox potential of the OEC for water oxidation.

Chapter 5 presents studies of the effects of the redox-inactive metals on the reactivities of the heterometallic manganese complexes discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. Oxygen atom transfer from the clusters to phosphines is studied; although the reactivity is kinetically controlled in the tetraoxido clusters, the dioxido clusters with more Lewis acidic metal ions (Y3+ vs. Ca2+) appear to be more reactive. Investigations of hydrogen atom transfer and electron transfer rates are also discussed.

Appendix A describes the synthesis, and metallation reactions of a new dinucleating bis(N-heterocyclic carbene)ligand framework. Dicopper(I) and dicobalt(II) complexes of this ligand were prepared and structurally characterized. A dinickel(I) dichloride complex was synthesized, reduced, and found to activate carbon dioxide. Appendix B describes preliminary efforts to desymmetrize the manganese oxido clusters via functionalization of the basal multinucleating ligand used in the preceding sections of this dissertation. Finally, Appendix C presents some partially characterized side products and unexpected structures that were isolated throughout the course of these studies.


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The Notch signaling pathway enables neighboring cells to coordinate developmental fates in diverse processes such as angiogenesis, neuronal differentiation, and immune system development. Although key components and interactions in the Notch pathway are known, it remains unclear how they work together to determine a cell's signaling state, defined as its quantitative ability to send and receive signals using particular Notch receptors and ligands. Recent work suggests that several aspects of the system can lead to complex signaling behaviors: First, receptors and ligands interact in two distinct ways, inhibiting each other in the same cell (in cis) while productively interacting between cells (in trans) to signal. The ability of a cell to send or receive signals depends strongly on both types of interactions. Second, mammals have multiple types of receptors and ligands, which interact with different strengths, and are frequently co-expressed in natural systems. Third, the three mammalian Fringe proteins can modify receptor-ligand interaction strengths in distinct and ligand-specific ways. Consequently, cells can exhibit non-intuitive signaling states even with relatively few components.

In order to understand what signaling states occur in natural processes, and what types of signaling behaviors they enable, this thesis puts forward a quantitative and predictive model of how the Notch signaling state is determined by the expression levels of receptors, ligands, and Fringe proteins. To specify the parameters of the model, we constructed a set of cell lines that allow control of ligand and Fringe expression level, and readout of the resulting Notch activity. We subjected these cell lines to an assay to quantitatively assess the levels of Notch ligands and receptors on the surface of individual cells. We further analyzed the dependence of these interactions on the level and type of Fringe expression. We developed a mathematical modeling framework that uses these data to predict the signaling states of individual cells from component expression levels. These methods allow us to reconstitute and analyze a diverse set of Notch signaling configurations from the bottom up, and provide a comprehensive view of the signaling repertoire of this major signaling pathway.


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In this study, by adopting the ion sphere model, the self-consistent. field method is used with the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and the Dirac equation to calculate the ground-state energies of H-like Ti at a plasma electron density from 10(22) cm(-3) to 10(24) cm(-3) and the electron temperature from 100 eV to 3600 eV. The ground-state energy shifts of H-like Ti show different trends with the electron density and the electron temperature. It is shown that the energy shifts increase with the increase in the electron density and decrease with the increase in the electron temperature. The energy shifts are sensitive to the electron density, but only sensitive to the low electron temperature. In addition, an accurately fitting formula is obtained to fast estimate the ground-state energies of H-like Ti. Such fitted formula can also be used to estimate the critical electron density of pressure ionization for the ground state of H-like Ti.


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Alternative scaffolds are non-antibody proteins that can be engineered to bind new targets. They have found useful niches in the therapeutic space due to their smaller size and the ease with which they can be engineered to be bispecific. We sought a new scaffold that could be used for therapeutic ends and chose the C2 discoidin domain of factor VIII, which is well studied and of human origin. Using yeast surface display, we engineered the C2 domain to bind to αvβ3 integrin with a 16 nM affinity while retaining its thermal stability and monomeric nature. We obtained a crystal structure of the engineered domain at 2.1 Å resolution. We have christened this discoidin domain alternative scaffold the “discobody.”


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Synthetic biology combines biological parts from different sources in order to engineer non-native, functional systems. While there is a lot of potential for synthetic biology to revolutionize processes, such as the production of pharmaceuticals, engineering synthetic systems has been challenging. It is oftentimes necessary to explore a large design space to balance the levels of interacting components in the circuit. There are also times where it is desirable to incorporate enzymes that have non-biological functions into a synthetic circuit. Tuning the levels of different components, however, is often restricted to a fixed operating point, and this makes synthetic systems sensitive to changes in the environment. Natural systems are able to respond dynamically to a changing environment by obtaining information relevant to the function of the circuit. This work addresses these problems by establishing frameworks and mechanisms that allow synthetic circuits to communicate with the environment, maintain fixed ratios between components, and potentially add new parts that are outside the realm of current biological function. These frameworks provide a way for synthetic circuits to behave more like natural circuits by enabling a dynamic response, and provide a systematic and rational way to search design space to an experimentally tractable size where likely solutions exist. We hope that the contributions described below will aid in allowing synthetic biology to realize its potential.


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In the Ukraine there are several thousand large, medium and small lakes and lake-like reservoirs, distinguished by origin, salinity, regional position, productivity and by construction a significant number of large and small water bodies, ponds and industrial reservoirs of variable designation. The problem of national systems necessitates the creation of specific schemes and classifications. Classifying into specific types of reservoir by means of suitable specifications is required for planning national measures with the objective of the rational utilisation of natural resources. It is now necessary to consider the present-day characteristics of Ukranian lakes. In the case of the Ukraine it is possible to use two approaches - genetical and ecological. This paper uses the genetical system to classify the lake-like water bodies of the Ukraine.


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The behavior of the photosensitized cis-trans isomerization of 2,3-diphenylbutene-2 was studied as a function of sensitizer energy by previously established methods. In addition, certain sensitizers for which parameters other than energy transfer are operative in inducting isomerizations, were studied in more detail. Sensitization of various stilbenes and substituted stilbenes by triphenylene is discussed in terms of excited state complex formation with stilbene. Sensitization by quinones, halogen-containing aromatics and 1,2-diketones is discussed in terms of attack by photolytically produced free radicals, either by addition to and elimination from the double bond, or in the cases of 1,2-diphenylpropene and 2,3-diphenylbutene-2, by hydrogen abstraction from one of the methyl groups and reversible abstraction by the allylic radical to produce cis-trans isomerized substrate and the structurally isomerized products, 2,3-diphenylpropene and 2,3-diphenylbutene-1.


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Laccases (benzenediol : oxygen oxi doreductases; EC are wide spread i n nature. They are usually found in higher plants and fungi (Thurston 19 94; Mayer and Staples 2002), but recently some bacterial laccases have also been found . The first laccase studied was from Rhus vernicifera in 1883, a Japanese lacquer tree, fr om which the name laccase was derived (Yoshida , 1883). These enzymes belong to the group of bl ue multi - copper oxidases (MCOs) . They usually contain four copper atoms located in three distinct sites. Each site reacts differently to light. The Type 1 (T1) site copper atom absorbs intensely at 600 nm and emits the blue light , the Type 2 (T2) site copper atom is not visible in the absorption spectr um and last, the Type 3 (T3) site has two c opper atoms and absorbs at 330 nm ( Santhanam et al . , 2011; Quintanar et al . , 2007 ) . The protei n structure acts as a complex ligand for the catalytic coppers, providing them the right structure where changes between the reduction states are thermodynamically possible (Dub é , 2008 ) . These enzymes oxidize a surprisingly wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds like, diphenols, polyphenols, substituted phenols, diamines and a romatic amines, with concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water (Thurston , 1


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This dissertation focuses on the incorporation of non-innocent or multifunctional moieties into different ligand scaffolds to support one or multiple metal centers in close proximity. Chapter 2 focuses on the initial efforts to synthesize hetero- or homometallic tri- or dinuclear metal carbonyl complexes supported by para-terphenyl diphosphine ligands. A series of [M2M’(CO)4]-type clusters (M = Ni, Pd; M’ = Fe, Co) could be accessed and used to relate the metal composition to the properties of the complexes. During these studies it was also found that non-innocent behavior was observed in dinuclear Fe complexes that result from changes in oxidation state of the cluster. These studies led to efforts to rationally incorporate central arene moieties capable managing both protons and electrons during small molecule activation.

Chapter 3 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a novel para-terphenyl diphosphine ligand containing a non-innocent 1,4-hydroquinone moiety as the central arene. A Pd0-hydroquinone complex was found to mediate the activation of a variety of small molecules to form the corresponding Pd0-quinone complexes in a formal two proton ⁄ two electron transformation. Mechanistic investigations of dioxygen activation revealed a metal-first activation process followed by subsequent proton and electron transfer from the ligand. These studies revealed the capacity of the central arene substituent to serve as a reservoir for a formal equivalent of dihydrogen, although the stability of the M-quinone compounds prevented access to the PdII-quinone oxidation state, thus hindering of small molecule transformations requiring more than two electrons per equivalent of metal complex.

Chapter 4 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a ligand containing a 3,5-substituted pyridine moiety as the linker separating the phenylene phosphine donors. Nickel and palladium complexes supported by this ligand were found to tolerate a wide variety of pyridine nitrogen-coordinated electrophiles which were found to alter central pyridine electronics, and therefore metal-pyridine π-system interactions, substantially. Furthermore, nickel complexes supported by this ligand were found to activate H-B and H-Si bonds and formally hydroborate and hydrosilylate the central pyridine ring. These systems highlight the potential use of pyridine π-system-coordinated metal complexes to reversibly store reducing equivalents within the ligand framework in a manner akin to the previously discussed 1,4-hydroquinone diphosphine ligand scaffold.

Chapter 5 departs from the phosphine-based chemistry and instead focuses on the incorporation of hydrogen bonding networks into the secondary coordination sphere of [Fe44-O)]-type clusters supported by various pyrazolate ligands. The aim of this project is to stabilize reactive oxygenic species, such as oxos, to study their spectroscopy and reactivity in the context of complicated multimetallic clusters. Herein is reported this synthesis and electrochemical and Mössbauer characterization of a series of chloride clusters have been synthesized using parent pyrazolate and a 3-aminophenyl substituted pyrazolate ligand. Efforts to rationally access hydroxo and oxo clusters from these chloride precursors represents ongoing work that will continue in the group.

Appendix A discusses attempts to access [Fe3Ni]-type clusters as models of the enzymatic active site of [NiFe] carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. Efforts to construct tetranuclear clusters with an interstitial sulfide proved unsuccessful, although a (μ3-S) ligand could be installed through non-oxidative routes into triiron clusters. While [Fe3Ni(μ4-O)]-type clusters could be assembled, accessing an open heterobimetallic edge site proved challenging, thus prohibiting efforts to study chemical transformations, such as hydroxide attack onto carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide coordination, relevant to the native enzyme. Appendix B discusses the attempts to synthesize models of the full H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase using a bioinorganic approach. A synthetic peptide containing three cysteine donors was successfully synthesized and found to chelate a preformed synthetic [Fe4S4] cluster. However, efforts to incorporate the diiron subsite model complex proved challenging as the planned thioester exchange reaction was found to non-selectively acetylate the peptide backbone, thus preventing the construction of the full six-iron cluster.