918 resultados para Stepwise multiple regression


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Leaching of nitrate (NO3-) can increase the groundwater concentration of this anion and reduce the agronomical effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizers. The main soil property inversely related to NO3- leaching is the anion exchange capacity (AEC), whose determination is however too time-consuming for being carried out in soil testing laboratories. For this reason, this study evaluated if more easily measurable soil properties could be used to estimate the resistance of subsoils to NO3- leaching. Samples from the subsurface layer (20-40 cm) of 24 representative soils of São Paulo State were characterized for particle-size distribution and for chemical and electrochemical properties. The subsoil content of adsorbed NO3- was calculated from the difference between the NO3- contents extracted with 1 mol L-1 KCl and with water; furthermore, NO3- leaching was studied in miscible displacement experiments. The results of both adsorption and leaching experiments were consistent with the well-known role exerted by AEC on the nitrate behavior in weathered soils. Multiple regression analysis indicated that in subsoils with (i) low values of remaining phosphorus (Prem), (ii) low soil pH values measured in water (pH H2O), and (iii) high pH values measured in 1 moL L-1 KCl (pH KCl), the amounts of surface positive charges tend to be greater. For this reason, NO3- leaching tends to be slower in these subsoils, even under saturated flow condition.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da adesão ao seguimento nutricional ambulatorial pós-cirúrgico e avaliar sua associação com fatores selecionados em indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva com base na revisão de dados pós-operatórios de 241 prontuários de adultos submetidos à gastroplastia redutora com derivação em Y de Roux entre 2006 e 2008. Considerou-se aderente o indivíduo que compareceu a quatro ou mais consultas nutricionais nos 12 primeiros meses após a cirurgia. Para investigar a associação entre adesão ao seguimento nutricional e idade, sexo, estado conjugal, escolaridade, situação empregatícia, distância entre a residência e o hospital, estratégias para perda de peso no período pré-operatório, índice de massa corporal no pré-cirúrgico imediato, presença de comorbidades e duração da internação pós-operatória, foram calculadas razões de prevalência e utilizou-se regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de adesão foi de 56% (IC95%=49,7-62,3) nessa população predominantemente feminina (80,9%), com média de idade de 44,4 anos (DP=11,6) e de IMC pré-operatório de 47,2kg/m² (DP=6,2). Dos fatores estudados, somente a duração da internação pós-operatória igual ou superior a 6 dias mostrou-se significativamente associada à adesão após análise ajustada por sexo e idade (RP=1,46; IC95%=1,15-1,86). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de adesão encontrada foi semelhante às de estudos internacionais, mas baixa considerando-se 75% como referência. A maior adesão observada nos indivíduos com internação pós-operatória prolongada pode sugerir que o maior contato com a equipe multiprofissional aumente a percepção da necessidade de cuidados com a saúde em longo prazo.


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[EN] OBJECTIVES: To investigate to what extent bone mass accrual is determined by physical activity and changes in lean, fat, and total body mass during growth. METHODS: Twenty six physically active and 16 age matched control boys were followed up for three years. All subjects were prepubertal at the start of the survey (mean (SEM) age 9.4 (0.3) years). The weekly physical activity of the active boys included compulsory physical education sessions (80-90 minutes a week), three hours a week of extracurricular sports participation, and occasional sports competitions at weekends. The physical activity of the control group was limited to the compulsory physical education curriculum. Bone mineral content (BMC) and areal density (BMD), lean mass, and fat mass were measured by dual energy x ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: The effect of sports participation on femoral bone mass accrual was remarkable. Femoral BMC and BMD increased twice as much in the active group as in the controls over the three year period (p < 0.05). The greatest correlation was found between the increment in femoral bone mass and the increment in lean mass (BMC r = 0.67 and BMD r = 0.69, both p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed enhancement in lean mass as the best predictor of the increment in femoral bone BMC (R = 0.65) and BMD (R = 0.69). CONCLUSIONS: Long term sports participation during early adolescence results in greater accrual of bone mass. Enhancement of lean mass seems to be the best predictor of this bone mass accumulation. However, for a given muscle mass, a greater level of physical activity is associated with greater bone mass and density in peripubertal boys.


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Running economy (RE), i.e. the oxygen consumption at a given submaximal speed, is an important determinant of endurance running performance. So far, investigators have widely attempted to individuate the factors affecting RE in competitive athletes, focusing mainly on the relationships between RE and running biomechanics. However, the current results are inconsistent and a clear mechanical profile of an economic runner has not been yet established. The present work aimed to better understand how the running technique influences RE in sub-elite middle-distance runners by investigating the biomechanical parameters acting on RE and the underlying mechanisms. Special emphasis was given to accounting for intra-individual variability in RE at different speeds and to assessing track running rather than treadmill running. In Study One, a factor analysis was used to reduce the 30 considered mechanical parameters to few global descriptors of the running mechanics. Then, a biomechanical comparison between economic and non economic runners and a multiple regression analysis (with RE as criterion variable and mechanical indices as independent variables) were performed. It was found that a better RE was associated to higher knee and ankle flexion in the support phase, and that the combination of seven individuated mechanical measures explains ∼72% of the variability in RE. In Study Two, a mathematical model predicting RE a priori from the rate of force production, originally developed and used in the field of comparative biology, was adapted and tested in competitive athletes. The model showed a very good fit (R2=0.86). In conclusion, the results of this dissertation suggest that the very complex interrelationships among the mechanical parameters affecting RE may be successfully dealt with through multivariate statistical analyses and the application of theoretical mathematical models. Thanks to these results, coaches are provided with useful tools to assess the biomechanical profile of their athletes. Thus, individual weaknesses in the running technique may be identified and removed, with the ultimate goal to improve RE.


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Le patologie di pertinenza odontostomatologica in pazienti adulti istituzionalizzati affetti da disabilità neuropsichiatrica presentano un’alta prevalenza; scopo del presente lavoro è stato la valutazione della prevalenza di carie (DMFT, SIC) e lo stato di igiene orale (OHI-S) in un gruppo di 103 (72 maschi, 31 femmine, età media 51) pazienti degli Istituti del P.O. Corberi e della RSD Beato Papa Giovanni XIII di Limbiate (MB). E’ stato valutata la collaborazione alla visita con la scala di Frankl, si è definito lo stato funzionale del paziente, in base alla Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento, della Disabilità e della Salute (ICF) e si è valutata con un questionario la motivazione degli operatori sanitari a stili di salute orale. Lo studio ha evidenziato un DMFT medio pari a 16,14 e SIC pari a 23,8, valori non correlabili con l'età del soggetto. L’OHI-S medio è pari a 3,46, dato che si presenza correlato con il tempo intercorso dall’ultima visita odontoiatrica. Dal confronto con un gruppo di soggetti sani della stessa età risultano significativamente più elevati i valori della componente (M) e (F) del DMFT e di tutte le componenti dell’OHI-S. Il campione è stato diviso in due gruppi a seconda della loro pregressa collaborazione al trattamento odontoiatrico e sono stati confrontati i dati ricavati dalla checklist ICF. Il gruppo collaborante ha mostrato livelli di funzionalità superiori per quanto riguarda le capacità di osservare, parlare e l’assistenza personale. Dalle risposte del personale socio-sanitario ermerge scarsa informazione sulle tecniche di igiene orale domiciliare quotidiana del paziente assistito. I risultati di questo studio confermano l'alta prevalenza di carie e scarsa igiene orale in soggetti istituzionalizzati con disabilità neuropsichiatrica. L'ICF si è dimostrata una utile guida per la valutazione dell�approccio comportamentale più idoneo in fase di trattamento. Infine, si evidenzia l’importanza di una formazione continua degli operatori socio-sanitari.


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In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde am Beispiel der Kraut- und Knollenfäule an Kartoffeln Phytophthora infestans und des Kartoffelkäfers Leptinotarsa decemlineata untersucht, ob durch den Einsatz von Geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS) landwirtschaftliche Schader¬reger¬prognosen für jeden beliebigen Kartoffelschlag in Deutschland erstellt werden können. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden die Eingangsparameter (Temperatur und relative Luftfeuchte) der Prognosemodelle für die beiden Schaderreger (SIMLEP1, SIMPHYT1, SIMPHYT3 and SIMBLIGHT1) so aufbereitet, dass Wetterdaten flächendeckend für Deutschland zur Verfügung standen. Bevor jedoch interpoliert werden konnte, wurde eine Regionalisierung von Deutschland in Interpolationszonen durchgeführt und somit Naturräume geschaffen, die einen Vergleich und eine Bewertung der in ihnen liegenden Wetterstationen zulassen. Hierzu wurden die Boden-Klima-Regionen von SCHULZKE und KAULE (2000) modifiziert, an das Wetterstationsnetz angepasst und mit 5 bis 10 km breiten Pufferzonen an der Grenze der Interpolationszonen versehen, um die Wetterstationen so häufig wie möglich verwenden zu können. Für die Interpolation der Wetterdaten wurde das Verfahren der multiplen Regression gewählt, weil dieses im Vergleich zu anderen Verfahren die geringsten Abweichungen zwischen interpolierten und gemessenen Daten aufwies und den technischen Anforderungen am besten entsprach. Für 99 % aller Werte konnten bei der Temperaturberechnung Abweichungen in einem Bereich zwischen -2,5 und 2,5 °C erzielt werden. Bei der Berechnung der relativen Luftfeuchte wurden Abweichungen zwischen -12 und 10 % relativer Luftfeuchte erreicht. Die Mittelwerte der Abweichungen lagen bei der Temperatur bei 0,1 °C und bei der relativen Luftfeuchte bei -1,8 %. Zur Überprüfung der Trefferquoten der Modelle beim Betrieb mit interpolierten Wetterdaten wurden Felderhebungsdaten aus den Jahren 2000 bis 2007 zum Erstauftreten der Kraut- und Knollenfäule sowie des Kartoffelkäfers verwendet. Dabei konnten mit interpolierten Wetterdaten die gleichen und auch höhere Trefferquoten erreicht werden, als mit der bisherigen Berechnungsmethode. Beispielsweise erzielte die Berechnung des Erstauftretens von P. infestans durch das Modell SIMBLIGHT1 mit interpolierten Wetterdaten im Schnitt drei Tage geringere Abweichungen im Vergleich zu den Berechnungen ohne GIS. Um die Auswirkungen interpretieren zu können, die durch Abweichungen der Temperatur und der relativen Luftfeuchte entstanden wurde zusätzlich eine Sensitivitätsanalyse zur Temperatur und relativen Luftfeuchte der verwendeten Prognosemodelle durchgeführt. Die Temperatur hatte bei allen Modellen nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das Prognoseergebnis. Veränderungen der relativen Luftfeuchte haben sich dagegen deutlich stärker ausgewirkt. So lag bei SIMBLIGHT1 die Abweichung durch eine stündliche Veränderung der relativen Luftfeuchte (± 6 %) bei maximal 27 Tagen, wogegen stündliche Veränderungen der Temperatur (± 2 °C) eine Abweichung von maximal 10 Tagen ausmachten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass durch die Verwendung von GIS mindestens die gleichen und auch höhere Trefferquoten bei Schaderregerprognosen erzielt werden als mit der bisherigen Verwendung von Daten einer nahegelegenen Wetterstation. Die Ergebnisse stellen einen wesentlichen Fortschritt für die landwirtschaftlichen Schaderregerprognosen dar. Erstmals ist es möglich, bundesweite Prognosen für jeden beliebigen Kartoffelschlag zur Bekämpfung von Schädlingen in der Landwirtschaft bereit zu stellen.


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Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern, and their relationship with the main environmental and physiological parameters, were studied in an apple orchard for one year (2010). I combined three widely used methods: eddy covariance, soil respiration and biometric measurements, and I applied a measurement protocol allowing a cross-check between C fluxes estimated using different methods. I attributed NPP components to standing biomass increment, detritus cycle and lateral export. The influence of environmental and physiological parameters on NEE, GPP and Reco was analyzed with a multiple regression model approach. I found that both NEP and GPP of the apple orchard were of similar magnitude to those of forests growing in similar climate conditions, while large differences occurred in the allocation pattern and in the fate of produced biomass. Apple production accounted for 49% of annual NPP, organic material (leaves, fine root litter, pruned wood and early fruit drop) contributing to detritus cycle was 46%, and only 5% went to standing biomass increment. The carbon use efficiency (CUE), with an annual average of 0.68 ± 0.10, was higher than the previously suggested constant values of 0.47-0.50. Light and leaf area index had the strongest influence on both NEE and GPP. On a diurnal basis, NEE and GPP reached their peak approximately at noon, while they appeared to be limited by high values of VPD and air temperature in the afternoon. The proposed models can be used to explain and simulate current relations between carbon fluxes and environmental parameters at daily and yearly time scale. On average, the annual NEP balanced the carbon annually exported with the harvested apples. These data support the hypothesis of a minimal or null impact of the apple orchard ecosystem on net C emission to the atmosphere.


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L'epilessia frontale notturna (EFN) è caratterizzata da crisi motorie che insorgono durante il sonno. Scopo del progetto è studiare le cause fisiopatologiche e morfo-funzionali che sottendono ai fenomeni motori nei pazienti con EFN e identificare alterazioni strutturali e/o metaboliche mediante tecniche avanzate di Risonanza Magnetica (RM). Abbiamo raccolto una casistica di pazienti con EFN afferenti al Centro Epilessia e dei Disturbi del Sonno del Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università di Bologna. Ad ogni paziente è stato associato un controllo sano di età (± 5 anni) e sesso corrispondente. Tutti sono stati studiati mediante tecniche avanzate di RM comprendenti Spettroscopia del protone (1H-MRS), Tensore di diffusione ed imaging 3D ad alta risoluzione per analisi morfometriche. In particolare, la 1H-MRS è stata effettuata su due volumi di interesse localizzati nei talami e nel giro del cingolo anteriore. Sono stati inclusi nell’analisi finale 19 pazienti (7 M), età media 34 anni (range 19-50) e 14 controlli (6 M) età media 30 anni (range 19-40). A livello del cingolo anteriore il rapporto della concentrazione di N-Acetil-Aspartato rispetto alla Creatina (NAA/Cr) è risultato significativamente ridotto nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli (p=0,021). Relativamente all’analisi di correlazione, l'analisi tramite modelli di regressione multipla ha evidenziato che il rapporto NAA/Cr nel cingolo anteriore nei pazienti correlava con la frequenza delle crisi (p=0,048), essendo minore nei pazienti con crisi plurisettimanali/plurigiornaliere. Per interpretare il dato ottenuto è possibile solo fare delle ipotesi. L’NAA è un marker di integrità, densità e funzionalità neuronale. E’ possibile che alla base della EFN ci siano alterazioni metaboliche tessutali in precise strutture come il giro del cingolo anteriore. Questo apre nuove possibilità sull’utilizzo di strumenti di indagine basati sull’analisi di biosegnali, per caratterizzare aree coinvolte nella genesi della EFN ancora largamente sconosciute e chiarire ulteriormente l’eziologia di questo tipo di epilessia.


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The development and the growth of plants is strongly affected by the interactions between roots, rootrnassociated organisms and rhizosphere communities. Methods to assess such interactions are hardly torndevelop particularly in perennial and woody plants, due to their complex root system structure and theirrntemporal change in physiology patterns. In this respect, grape root systems are not investigated veryrnwell. The aim of the present work was the development of a method to assess and predict interactionsrnat the root system of rootstocks (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia) in field. To achieve this aim, grapernphylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch, Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) was used as a graperoot parasitizingrnmodel.rnTo develop the methodical approach, a longt-term trial (2006-2009) was arranged on a commercial usedrnvineyard in Geisenheim/Rheingau. All 2 to 8 weeks the top most 20 cm of soil under the foliage wallrnwere investigated and root material was extracted (n=8-10). To include temporal, spatial and cultivarrnspecific root system dynamics, the extracted root material was analyzed digitally on the morphologicalrnproperties. The grape phylloxera population was quantified and characterized visually on base of theirrnlarvalstages (oviparous, non oviparous and winged preliminary stages). Infection patches (nodosities)rnwere characterized visually as well, partly supported by digital root color analyses. Due to the knownrneffects of fungal endophytes on the vitality of grape phylloxera infested grapevines, fungal endophytesrnwere isolated from nodosity and root tissue and characterized (morphotypes) afterwards. Further abioticrnand biotic soil conditions of the vineyards were assessed. The temporal, spatial and cultivar specificrnsensitivity of single parameters were analyzed by omnibus tests (ANOVAs) and adjacent post-hoc tests.rnThe relations between different parameters were analyzed by multiple regression models.rnQuantitative parameters to assess the degeneration of nodosity, the development nodosity attachedrnroots and to differentiate between nodosities and other root swellings in field were developed. Significantrndifferences were shown between root dynamic including parameters and root dynamic ignoringrnparameters. Regarding the description of grape phylloxera population and root system dynamic, thernmethod showed a high temporal, spatial and cultivar specific sensitivity. Further, specific differencesrncould be shown in the frequency of endophyte morphotypes between root and nodosity tissue as wellrnas between cultivars. Degeneration of nodosities as well as nodosity occupation rates could be relatedrnto the calculated abundances of grape phylloxera population. Further ecological questions consideringrngrape root development (e.g. relation between moisture and root development) and grape phylloxerarnpopulation development (e.g. relation between temperature and population structure) could be answeredrnfor field conditions.rnGenerally, the presented work provides an approach to evaluate vitality of grape root systems. Thisrnapproach can be useful, considering the development of control strategies against soilborne pests inrnviticulture (e.g. grape phylloxera, Sorospheara viticola, Roesleria subterranea (Weinm.) Redhaed) as well as considering the evaluation of integrated management systems in viticulture.


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Die Arbeit untersucht das Wirtschaftswachstum von defekten Demokratien im Vergleich zu Autokatien und liberalen Demokratien mittels multiple Regressionsanylsen. Theoretischer Hintergrund sind die Arbeiten Mancur Olsons und Bruce Bueno de Mesquitas. Die Messung defekter Demokratien wird mittels dem Freedom House Freedom in the World Index und dem Electoral Democracy Index unternommen. Ergebnis der Analyse ist, dass defekte Demokratien rund ein Prozentpunkt schneller wachsen als liebrale Demokratien. Im Vergleich zu Autokratien besteht kein signifikanter Unterschied.


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Klimamontoring benötigt eine operative, raum-zeitliche Analyse der Klimavariabilität. Mit dieser Zielsetzung, funktionsbereite Karten regelmäßig zu erstellen, ist es hilfreich auf einen Blick, die räumliche Variabilität der Klimaelemente in der zeitlichen Veränderungen darzustellen. Für aktuelle und kürzlich vergangene Jahre entwickelte der Deutsche Wetterdienst ein Standardverfahren zur Erstellung solcher Karten. Die Methode zur Erstellung solcher Karten variiert für die verschiedenen Klimaelemente bedingt durch die Datengrundlage, die natürliche Variabilität und der Verfügbarkeit der in-situ Daten.rnIm Rahmen der Analyse der raum-zeitlichen Variabilität innerhalb dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene Interpolationsverfahren auf die Mitteltemperatur der fünf Dekaden der Jahre 1951-2000 für ein relativ großes Gebiet, der Region VI der Weltorganisation für Meteorologie (Europa und Naher Osten) angewendet. Die Region deckt ein relativ heterogenes Arbeitsgebiet von Grönland im Nordwesten bis Syrien im Südosten hinsichtlich der Klimatologie ab.rnDas zentrale Ziel der Dissertation ist eine Methode zur räumlichen Interpolation der mittleren Dekadentemperaturwerte für die Region VI zu entwickeln. Diese Methode soll in Zukunft für die operative monatliche Klimakartenerstellung geeignet sein. Diese einheitliche Methode soll auf andere Klimaelemente übertragbar und mit der entsprechenden Software überall anwendbar sein. Zwei zentrale Datenbanken werden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation verwendet: So genannte CLIMAT-Daten über dem Land und Schiffsdaten über dem Meer.rnIm Grunde wird die Übertragung der Punktwerte der Temperatur per räumlicher Interpolation auf die Fläche in drei Schritten vollzogen. Der erste Schritt beinhaltet eine multiple Regression zur Reduktion der Stationswerte mit den vier Einflussgrößen der Geographischen Breite, der Höhe über Normalnull, der Jahrestemperaturamplitude und der thermischen Kontinentalität auf ein einheitliches Niveau. Im zweiten Schritt werden die reduzierten Temperaturwerte, so genannte Residuen, mit der Interpolationsmethode der Radialen Basis Funktionen aus der Gruppe der Neuronalen Netzwerk Modelle (NNM) interpoliert. Im letzten Schritt werden die interpolierten Temperaturraster mit der Umkehrung der multiplen Regression aus Schritt eins mit Hilfe der vier Einflussgrößen auf ihr ursprüngliches Niveau hochgerechnet.rnFür alle Stationswerte wird die Differenz zwischen geschätzten Wert aus der Interpolation und dem wahren gemessenen Wert berechnet und durch die geostatistische Kenngröße des Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) wiedergegeben. Der zentrale Vorteil ist die wertegetreue Wiedergabe, die fehlende Generalisierung und die Vermeidung von Interpolationsinseln. Das entwickelte Verfahren ist auf andere Klimaelemente wie Niederschlag, Schneedeckenhöhe oder Sonnenscheindauer übertragbar.


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Objective. To examine whether high levels of self-efficacy for problem-focused coping were significantly related to several resting BP measures in spousal Alzheimer's disease caregivers. Design. Cross-sectional. Methods. Participants included 100 older caregivers (mean age = 73.8 ± 8.14 years) providing in home care for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease. All participants completed a 13-item short form of the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale and underwent an in-home assessment where a visiting nurse took the average of three serial BP readings. Multiple regression was used to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and pulse pressure (PP) after controlling for age, gender, smoking history, body mass index, the care recipient's clinical dementia rating, diabetes, alcohol use, and the use of antihypertensive medications. Results. Overall, high levels of self-efficacy for problem-focused coping were associated with lower MAP, SBP, and PP. Self-efficacy for problem-focused coping was marginally associated with resting DBP, but not significant. In addition, we conducted secondary analyses of the other two self-efficacy scales to explore the relationship between each dimension and MAP. We found that there were no significant relationships found between MAP and self-efficacy for stopping unpleasant thoughts/emotions or self-efficacy for getting social support. Conclusions. The present study adds to the current body of literature by illustrating the possibility that higher self-efficacy can have physiological advantages, perhaps by buffering chronic stress's impact on resting BP. Another contribution of the current study is its attempt to understand the role of each individual component of self-efficacy. These findings invite future research to investigate whether caregivers might experience cardiovascular benefits from interventions aimed at enhancing self-efficacy.


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Recent data have suggested a relation among long-term endurance sport practice, left atrial remodeling, and atrial fibrillation. We investigated the influence of an increased vagal tone, represented by the early repolarization (ER) pattern, on diastolic function and left atrial size in professional soccer players. Fifty-four consecutive athletes underwent electrocardiography, echocardiography, and exercise testing as part of their preparticipation screening. Athletes were divided into 2 groups according to presence or absence of an ER pattern, defined as a ST-segment elevation at the J-point (STE) > or =0.1 mm in 2 leads. For linear comparisons average STE was calculated. Mean age was 24 +/- 4 years. Twenty-five athletes (46%) showed an ER pattern. Athletes with an ER pattern had a significant lower heart rate (54 +/- 9 vs 62 +/- 11 beats/min, p = 0.024), an increased E/e' ratio (6.1 +/- 1.2 vs 5.1 +/- 1.0, p = 0.002), and larger volumes of the left atrium (25.6 +/- 7.3 vs 21.8 +/- 5.0 ml/m(2), p = 0.031) compared to athletes without an ER pattern. There were no significant differences concerning maximum workload, left ventricular dimensions, and systolic function. Univariate regression analysis revealed significant correlations among age, STE, and left atrial volume. In a stepwise multivariate regression analysis age, STE and e' contributed independently to left atrial size (r = 0.659, p <0.001). In conclusion, athletes with an ER pattern had an increased E/e' ratio, reflecting a higher left atrial filling pressure, contributing to left atrial remodeling over time.


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Excessive consumption of acidic drinks and foods contributes to tooth erosion. The aims of the present in vitro study were twofold: (1) to assess the erosive potential of different dietary substances and medications; (2) to determine the chemical properties with an impact on the erosive potential. We selected sixty agents: soft drinks, an energy drink, sports drinks, alcoholic drinks, juice, fruit, mineral water, yogurt, tea, coffee, salad dressing and medications. The erosive potential of the tested agents was quantified as the changes in surface hardness (ΔSH) of enamel specimens within the first 2 min (ΔSH2-0 = SH2 min - SHbaseline) and the second 2 min exposure (ΔSH4-2 = SH4 min - SH2 min). To characterise these agents, various chemical properties, e.g. pH, concentrations of Ca, Pi and F, titratable acidity to pH 7·0 and buffering capacity at the original pH value (β), as well as degree of saturation (pK - pI) with respect to hydroxyapatite (HAP) and fluorapatite (FAP), were determined. Erosive challenge caused a statistically significant reduction in SH for all agents except for coffee, some medications and alcoholic drinks, and non-flavoured mineral waters, teas and yogurts (P < 0·01). By multiple linear regression analysis, 52 % of the variation in ΔSH after 2 min and 61 % after 4 min immersion were explained by pH, β and concentrations of F and Ca (P < 0·05). pH was the variable with the highest impact in multiple regression and bivariate correlation analyses. Furthermore, a high bivariate correlation was also obtained between (pK - pI)HAP, (pK - pI)FAP and ΔSH.


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The aim of this study was to compare craniofacial morphology and soft tissue profiles in patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate at 9 years of age, treated in two European cleft centres with delayed hard palate closure but different treatment protocols. The cephalometric data of 83 consecutively treated patients were compared (Gothenburg, N=44; Nijmegen, N=39). In total, 18 hard tissue and 10 soft tissue landmarks were digitized by one operator. To determine the intra-observer reliability 20 cephalograms were digitized twice with a monthly interval. Paired t-test, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression models were applied for statistical analysis. Hard and soft tissue data were superimposed using the Generalized Procrustes Analysis. In Nijmegen, the maxilla was protrusive for hard and soft tissue values (P=0.001, P=0.030, respectively) and the maxillary incisors were retroclined (P<0.001), influencing the nasolabial angle, which was increased in comparison with Gothenburg (P=0.004). In conclusion, both centres showed a favourable craniofacial form at 9-10 years of age, although there were significant differences in the maxillary prominence, the incisor inclination and soft tissue cephalometric values. Follow-up of these patients until facial growth has ceased, may elucidate components for outcome improvement.