828 resultados para State-Society Relationship
Väitöstutkimuksen kohteena on säädösten valmistelu ja niitä koskevaa päätöksenteko Euroopan unionissa erityisesti siitä näkökulmasta, miten Suomen kaltainen pieni jäsenvaltio voi vaikuttaa EU-säädöksiin. Väitöskirjassa analysoidaan unionin toimielinten välillä vallitsevaa dynamiikkaa ja Suomen asemaa erityisesti EUT-sopimuksen 289 artiklan 1 kohdan ja 294 artiklan mukaisessa tavallisessa lainsäätämisjärjestyksessä. Lissabonin sopimuksen voimaantulon jälkeen tavallinen lainsäätämisjärjestys, joka aiemmin tunnettiin yhteispäätösmenettelynä, on selvästi yleisin lainsäädäntömenettely unionissa. Väitöskirja koostuu kuudesta erillisjulkaistusta pääosin vertaisarvioidusta artikkelista ja niitä täydentävästä ja kokoavasta yhteenveto-osasta. Kirjan tämä painos sisältää vain yhteenvetoluvun, ei erikseen julkaistuja artikkeleita. Väitöskirjassa hyödynnetään eurooppaoikeuden ja politiikan tutkimuksen kirjallisuutta. Metodologisesti väitöstutkimus edustaa empiiristä oikeustutkimusta, jossa yhdistyy lainopillinen analyysi ja empiiristen, tässä tapauksessa lähinnä laadullisten aineistojen analyysi. Yhteenvedossa on seurattu lainsäädäntömuutoksia ja oikeuskäytäntöä 10. huhtikuuta 2015 asti. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen kantavana teemana on oikeuden ja politiikan suhde EUlainsäätämisessä. Artikkeleita ja yhteenvetoa sitovat yhteen kaksi yleisen tason argumenttia. Ensiksi, EU:n lainsäädäntömenettelyä koskevat oikeussäännöt ja institutionalisoituneet käytännöt luovat kehikon toimielinten sisäiselle päätöksenteolle sekä niiden välisille poliittisluonteisille neuvotteluille, vaikkakaan sääntöihin ja käytäntöihin ei yleensä ole tarvetta nimenomaisesti vedota menettelyn kuluessa. Toiseksi, koska Suomen kaltaisen pienen jäsenvaltion muodollinen valta – siis äänimäärä neuvostossa – on hyvin rajallinen, suomalaisten ministerien ja virkamiesten tulisi hyödyntää erilaisia epävirallisia vaikuttamiskanavia, jos halutaan vahvistaa Suomen tosiasiallista vaikutusvaltaa menettelyssä. Unionin lainsäädäntötoiminta ei tyypillisesti ole rationaalisen mallin mukaan etenevää päätöksentekoa, vaan tempoilevaa ja vaikeasti ennakoitavaa kamppailua eri preferenssejä edustavien toimijoiden välillä. Väitöskirjan ensimmäisessä artikkelissa analysoidaan säädösvalmistelua ja lainsäätämismenettelyä unionissa vaihe vaiheelta. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että unioniin on syntynyt yhteispäätösmenettelyn, sittemmin tavallisen lainsäätämisjärjestyksen myötä uudenlainen lainsäätämiskulttuuri, jolle on leimallista tiiviit yhteydet komission, Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston välillä. Toimielimet ottavat nykyisin joustavasti huomioon toistensa kantoja menettelyn edetessä, mikä mahdollistaa sen, että valtaosa EU-säädöksistä voidaan hyväksyä jo ensimmäisessä käsittelyssä. Toisessa tutkimusartikkelissa analysoidaan komission asemaa unionin toimielinrakenteessa. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan komission aloiteoikeutta sekä komission puheenjohtajan ja sen jäsenten valintamenettelyjä siitä näkökulmasta, edistääkö komissio todella unionin yleistä etua itsenäisenä ja riippumattomana, kuten EU-sopimuksen 17 artiklassa edellytetään. Tiettyjen järjestelyjen myötä Euroopan parlamentin ja komission suhde on kehittynyt siihen suuntaan, että komissio toimii jossain määrin parlamentille vastuunalaisena hallituksena. Artikkelissa kritisoidaan, että kehitys ei välttämättä lähennä kansalaisia unionin toimielimiin ja että kehitys omiaan vaarantamaan komission aseman verrattain riippumattomana välittäjänä trilogeissa. Kolmas artikkeli sisältää tapaustutkimuksen kuluttajille myönnettäviä luottoja sääntelevän direktiivin (2008/48/EY) valmisteluvaiheista. Tapaustutkimus konkretisoi Suomen hallituksen edustajien tekemän EU-vaikuttamisen keinoja, vahvuuksia ja kehittämiskohteita. Artikkelissa todetaan, että Suomelle aivan keskeinen vaikuttamisresurssi ovat sellaiset virkamiehet, jotka hallitsevat niin käsiteltävän säädöshankkeen sisältökysymykset kuin unionin päätöksentekomenettelyt ja toimielinten institutionalisoituneet käytännöt. Artikkelissa tehdyt empiiriset havainnot jäsenvaltioiden välillä käydyistä neuvotteluista tukevat konstruktiivisen mallin perusoletuksia. Neljännessä artikkelissa, joka on laadittu yhteistyönä professori Tapio Raunion kanssa, analysoidaan unioniasioiden kansallista valmistelua ja tarkemmin ottaen sitä, miten Suomen neuvottelukannat muotoutuvat valtioneuvoston yhteensovittamisjärjestelmän ylimmällä tasolla EU-ministerivaliokunnassa. Artikkelissa todetaan laajan pöytäkirja-aineiston ja sitä täydentävän haastatteluaineiston pohjalta, että EUministerivaliokunnan asialistan laadinta on delegoitu kokonaisuudessaan asiantuntijavirkamiehille. Lisäksi asialistan muotoutumiseen vaikuttaa luonnollisesti unionin toimielinten, erityisesti Eurooppa-neuvoston agenda. Toisaalta, EU-ministerivaliokunnan kokouksissa ministerit yksin tekevät päätöksiä ja linjaavat Suomen EU-politiikkaa. Viidennessä artikkelissa selvitetään, miten olisi toimittava, jos pyritään siihen, että uusi tai muutettu EU-säädös vastaisi mahdollisimman pitkälti Suomen kansallisesti määriteltyä neuvottelukantaa. Tehokkainta on vaikuttaa aloiteoikeutta lainsäädäntömenettelyssä käyttävään komissioon, tarvittaessa myös virkahierarkian ylimmillä tasoilla, sekä tehdä yhteistyötä muiden jäsenvaltioiden kanssa, erityisesti puheenjohtajavaltion, tulevien puheenjohtajavaltioiden ja suurten jäsenvaltioiden kanssa. Mikäli käsittelyssä oleva EU-säädöshanke arvioidaan kansallisesti erityisen tärkeiksi tai ongelmalliseksi, tulisi vaikuttamistoimia laajentaa kattamaan myös Euroopan parlamentin avainhenkilöitä. Kuudennessa artikkelissa analysoidaan suomalaisen kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja etujärjestöjen vaikutusmahdollisuuksia EU-asioiden valmistelussa. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että muodollinen yhteensovittaminen EU-valmistelujaostojen laajan kokoonpanon kokouksissa ei ole sidosryhmille ensisijainen eikä tehokkain vaikuttamisen keino. Sen sijaan korostuvat epäviralliset yhteydet toimivaltaisen ministeriön vastuuvirkamieheen kotimaassa ja vaikuttaminen eurooppalaisen kattojärjestön välityksellä. Väitöskirjan yhteenveto-osassa on eritelty, missä EU:n säädösvalmistelun ja lainsäätämismenettelyn vaiheissa Suomen kaltaisella pienellä jäsenvaltiolla on parhaat edellytykset vaikuttaa valmisteltavana olevaan säädökseen. Parhaat vaikutusmahdollisuudet ovat aivan EU-säädöksen elinkaaren alkuvaiheessa, kun komissio on vasta käynnistämässä uutta säädösvalmistelua. Väitöstutkimuksessa todetaan, että varhaista kannanmuodostusta ja sen mahdollistamaa ennakkovaikuttamista on Suomessa kyetty kehittämään etenkin niissä poliittisesti, taloudellisesti tai oikeudellisesti tärkeissä hankkeissa, joissa hallituksen kannanmuodostus tapahtuu EU-ministerivaliokunnassa. Muissa unionin säädöshankkeissa ennakollisen vaikuttamisen intensiteetti näyttäisi vaihtelevan, riippuen muun muassa toimivaltaisen ministeriön keskijohdon ja ylimmän johdon sitoutumisesta. Toinen Suomelle otollinen vaikuttamisen ajankohta on silloin, kun komission antamaa ehdotusta käsitellään asiantuntijavirkamiesten kesken neuvoston työryhmässä. Tehokas vaikuttaminen edellyttää, että Suomea neuvotteluissa edustavat henkilöt kokoavat ”samanmielisistä” jäsenvaltioista kaksoisenemmistösäännön mukaisen voittavan koalition. Viimeinen vaikuttamisen ikkuna aukeaa silloin, kun Coreper-komiteassa laaditaan neuvoston puheenjohtajalle neuvottelumandaattia toimielinten välisiin trilogeihin tavallisen lainsäätämisjärjestyksen ensimmäisessä käsittelyssä. Tässä varsin myöhäisessä menettelyvaiheessa vaikuttaminen on pienen jäsenvaltion näkökulmasta jo selvästi vaikeampaa. Väitöskirja sijoittuu luontevasti osaksi valtiotieteellistä eurooppalaistumis-kirjallisuutta siltä osin, kuin siinä on tutkittu EU-jäsenyyden vaikutuksia kotimaisiin hallinnon rakenteisiin ja politiikan asialistaan. Kuten tunnettua, Suomen EU-politiikka rakentuu eduskunnalle vastuullisen valtioneuvoston varaan. Väitöskirjassa ei kuitenkaan ole otettu erityiseen tarkasteluun perustuslakiin sidottua eduskunnan ja hallituksen yhteistoimintaa EU-asioissa. Sen sijaan on tutkittu unioniasioiden valmistelua ja yhteensovittamista valtioneuvoston sisällä. Kun EU-asioiden yhteensovittamisjärjestelmää luotiin, pidettiin tärkeänä, että jokaisessa säädöshankkeessa ja politiikkahankkeessa kyetään muodostamaan kansallisesti yksi ja yhtenäinen neuvottelupositio. Yhtenäisen kansallisen linjan ajamisen katsottiin parantavan Suomen asemaa unionin päätöksenteossa. Väitöskirjassa todetaan johtopäätöksenä, että EU-asioiden kansallinen valmistelujärjestelmä toteuttaa sille asetetut tavoitteet käytännössä varsin hyvin. Merkittävin kehittämiskohde liittyy kansallisen EU-valmistelun reaktiivisuuteen. Jos Suomi haluaa vaikuttaa yhä vahvemmin EU-lainsäätämiseen, Suomelle tärkeät hankkeet pitäisi tunnistaa jo varhaisessa vaiheessa ja priorisoida selkeästi niiden hoitamista ministeriöissä.
The present review evaluates the role of sleep and its alteration in triggering problems of glucose metabolism and the possible involvement of adipokines in this process. A reduction in the amount of time spent sleeping has become an endemic condition in modern society, and a search of the current literature has found important associations between sleep loss and alterations of nutritional and metabolic contexts. Studies suggest that sleep loss is associated with problems in glucose metabolism and a higher risk for the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The mechanism involved may be associated with the decreased efficacy of regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis by negative feedback mechanisms in sleep-deprivation conditions. In addition, changes in the circadian pattern of growth hormone (GH) secretion might also contribute to the alterations in glucose regulation observed during sleep loss. On the other hand, sleep deprivation stress affects adipokines - increasing tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and decreasing leptin and adiponectin -, thus establishing a possible association between sleep-debt, adipokines and glucose metabolism. Thus, a modified release of adipokines resulting from sleep deprivation could lead to a chronic sub-inflammatory state that could play a central role in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further studies are necessary to investigate the role of sleep loss in adipokine release and its relationship with glucose metabolism.
Video games industry has recently bonded California and Finland in a new way and where the employers are recruiting they also need to be aware of the provisions and procedures related to terminations. In general, collective dismissals are on a relatively high level both in Finland and in California. In California, collective redundancies are regulated under the WARN law. The WARN obligates employers with 75 or more employees to give a 60-day notice prior to a mass lay off and some other similar events. Employers with less than 75 employees are free to administer the terminations without the WARN notice period. Generally, the California at-will presumption allows employment relationship to be terminated any day with or without reason and without notice period if conditions of collective agreements or employment contract do not limit this right. Termination cannot anyhow be in violation of the anti-discrimination law. In Finland the termination related provisions are part of the Employment Contracts Act and the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings. Collective redundancies are allowed under financial and production related grounds. Small employers with less than 20 employees follow the termination provisions of the Employment Contracts Act and are obligated to inform the employee to be terminated on the details of the termination itself and also the services of the Employment and Economic Development Office. Employers with 20 or more employees are to initiate co-operation procedure under the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings when reducing personnel. The co- operation negotiations are to inform employees on the employer’s plans and financial situation as well as to involve them in the decision making regarding the terminations. The employer’s duty to inform the employees of the services of Employment and Economic Development Office needs to be fulfilled also in terminations under the co-operation procedure. Discrimination is prohibited in Finland in terminations of employment. As an alternative for terminations, employees can for example be transferred to another position or be temporarily laid off. Employer’s duties related to search of alternatives for layoff are broader in Finland than in California. The recent development of the labor laws in Finland and in California suggests that the labor law is not static in either one of these environments but changes can be expected as the needs of the business life so require.
INTRODUCTION: High salt intake is a major risk factor related to many cardiovascular and renal diseases. World Action on Salt and Health is a newly formed coalition of heath professionals whose goal is to implement changes in salt consumption in their respective countries for the goal of reducing blood pressure. In the same vein, we have decided to study the amount of salt intake in Paraguay to determine if a relationship exists between salt intake and blood pressure. OBJECTIVE: A preliminary study was undertaken to determine salt intake in Paraguay and its relationship with blood pressure, in order to implement a national program to combat hypertension. METHODS: Cross-sectional, observational study of 72 students from various universities in Asuncion (age range 22-30 years). Sodium excretion in 24-hour urine samples and blood pressure were measured. Assuming a steady state, urinary sodium excretion was converted into grams of salt ingested per day. RESULTS: Only 7% of the 72 participants had a salt intake less than the recommended maximum of 5 g/day. Forty-six percent had a blood pressure between 120-139 mmHg and 3% had stage 1 hypertension. There was no significant relationship between sodium excretion and blood pressure. CONCLUSION: Salt intake and blood pressure were found to be significantly elevated in young adults in Paraguay and argues for the importance of instituting a national campaign to reduce salt intake in this society.
Karl Polanyi is considered one of the most prominent social scientists of the 20th century. In his writings, an important concern was the relationship between the markets and the society (therefore, the state) as a whole; to discuss it, he introduced the concept of "embeddedness", fundamental for his study of the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution. An important part of his heritage is the study of the economic history of what he called "ancient societies," especially of Classical Greece. Polanyi used these studies to compare the ancient societies with his own times, in an effort to understand them all. This paper aims to relate Polanyi's work on the Athenian society with his studies about the modern times, showing that it is possible to draw lessons from Polanyi's thought on the relationship between the society, the state and the market that can help to design a political agenda for our days. In the first part, we present the most important aspects o the life and work of Polanyi, and in the second we discuss the most important aspects of his worldview. Then, in the third part, we study his view of the early Athenian economy; mainly, we focus on the coexistence of a kind of state planning and a market, showing how this understanding is crucial for the whole Polanyian legacy, with its emphasis in the comparison of different societies and times. We conclude by underlining the relevance of this interpretation advanced by Polanyi to understand the societies of our days, focusing on some proposals to extend his approach to deal with our contemporary problems.
Although capacity has been used in recent federal government accords and policies related to the voluntary and amateur sport sectors, there is little consensus over the meaning of the term. Consequently, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the concept of organizational capacity within a temporary voluntary sport organization. Specifically, the nature of organizational capacity was examined within the case of the Volunteers Division of the 2005 Canada Summer Games (CSG) Host Society. Data were collected from executive planning and middle management CSG volunteers through the use of a variety of methods: verbal journals, interviews, observations, documents and a focus group. Findings indicated several challenges associated with the volunteer management model utilized by the host society, varying levels of importance among six elements of capacity, and key aspects of the relationship between organizational capacity and transformational development. Implications focused upon the importance of highlighting individuals rather than the organizational as a whole in order to build capacity, and utilizing a brain or hybrid brain-machine organizational form to enhance capacity. Recommendations are provided for both the Canada Games Council and Canada Games host societies.
The NeO'liberal State and the Crisis ofPublic Service Broadcasting in the Anglo-American Democracies The purpose ofthis analysis ofthe present condition ofpublic service broadcasting in the Anglo- American democracies was to investigate whether such media can still be regarded as the primarypublic spherefor a dialogue between each nation 's civil society and the State. The motivationfor this thesis was based on a presumption that such fora for public discussion on the central issues of each society have become viewed as less relevant bypoliticians andpolicy-makers and thepublics they were intended to serve in the Anglo-American democracies over thepast two decades. It is speculated that this is the case because ofa beliefthat the post-war consensus between the respective States andpublics that led to the construction of the Keynesian Welfare State and the notion ofpublic service broadcasting has been displaced by an individualistic, neo-liberal, laissez-faire ideology. In other words, broadcasting as a consumer-oriented, commercial commodity has superseded concerns pertaining to the importance ofthe public interest. The methodology employed in this thesis is a comparative analysisfrom a criticalpolitical economy perspective. It was considered appropriate to focus on the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the\ United States because they comprise the four largest Anglo-American nations with democratic political systems andprimarily market economies. Justificationfor this particular sample is reinforced by thefact that case study countries also share a common socio-political and economic tradition. The evidence assembledfor this thesis consisted almost exclusively ofexisting literature on the subjects ofpublic service broadcasting, global economic andpolitical integration, and the ascendance ofthe 'free-market ' ethos in Western democracies since the late mid- to late-1970s. In essence, this thesis could be considered as a reinterpretation ofthe existing literature relevant to these issues. Several important common features werefound among the political, economic and broadcasting systems of the four case study nations. It is proposed that the prevalence of the neo-liberal world view throughout the political and policy environments of the four countries has undermined the stability and credibility of each nation 's national public service broadcasting organization, although with varying intensity and effect,. Deregulation ofeach nation 's broadcasting system and the supremacy ofthe notion of 'consumer sovereignty' have marginalized the view of broadcasting on any basis other than strictly economic criteria in thefour case study countries. This thesis concludes that,for a reconstruction ofa trulyparticipatory anddemocraticpublicsphere to be realized in the present as well as thefuture, a reassessment ofthe conventional concept ofthe 'public sphere ' is necessary. Therefore, it is recommended that thefocus ofpolicy-makers in each Anglo-American democracy be redirectedfrom that which conceived ofan all-encompassing, large, state-ownedand operated public broadcasting service toward a view which considers alternativeforms ofpublic communication, such as local community and ethnic broadcasting operations, that are likely to be more responsive to the needs of the increasingly diverse and heterogeneous populations that comprise the modem Anglo-American democracies. The traditional conception of public broadcasters must change in accordance with its contemporary environment if the fundamental principles of the public sphere and public service broadcasting are to be realized.
A comprehensive elemental, isotopic and microstructural analyses was undertaken of brachiopod calcites from the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), Clinton Group (Middle Silurian) and Middle to Upper Ordovician strata of Ontario and New York State. The majority of specimens were microstructurally and chemically preserved in a pristine state, although a number of specimens show some degree of post-depositional alteration. Brachiopod calcites from the Hamilton and Clinton Groups were altered by marine derived waters whereas Trenton Group (Middle Ordovician) brachiopods altered in meteorically derived fluids. Analysis of the elemental and isotopic compositions of pristine Hamilton Group brachiopods indicates there are several chemical relationships inherent to brachiopod calcite. Taxonomic differentiation of Mg, Sr and Na contents was evident in three co-occuring species from the Hamilton Group. Mean Mg contents of pristine brachiopods were respectively Athyris spiriferoides (1309ppm), Mucrospirifer mucronatus (1035ppm) and Mediospirifer audacula (789ppm). Similarly, taxonomic differentiation of shell calcite compositions was observed in co-occuring brachiopods from the Clinton Group (Middle Silurian) and the Trenton Group (Middle Ordovician). The taxonomic control of elemental regulation into shell calcite is probably related to the slightly different physiological systems and secretory mechanisms. A relationship was observed in Hamilton Group species between the depth of respective brachiopod communities and their Mg, Sr and Na contents. These elements were depleted in the shell calcites of deeper brachiopods compared to their counterparts in shallower reaches. Apparently shell calcite elemental composition is related to environmental conditions of the depositional setting, which may have controlled the secretory regime, mineral morphology of shell calcite and precipitation rates of each species. Despite the change in Mg, Sr and Na contents between beds and formations in response to environmental conditions, the taxonomic differentiation of shell calcite composition is maintained. Thus, it may be possible to predict relative depth changes in paleoenvironmental reconstructions using brachiopod calcite. This relationship of brachiopod chemistry to depth was also tested within a transgressiveregressive (T-R) cycle in the Rochester Shale Formation (Middle Silurian). Decreasing Mg, Sr and Na contents were observed in the transition from the shallow carbonates of the Irondequoit Formation to the deeper shales of the lowest 2 m of Rochester Shale. However, no isotopic and elemental trends were observed within the entire T-R cycle which suggests that either the water conditions did not change significantly or that the cycle is illusory. A similar relationship was observed between the Fe and Mn chemistries of shell calcite and redox/paleo-oxygen conditions. Hamilton Group brachiopods analysed from deeper areas of the shelf are enriched in Mn and Fe relative to those from shallow zones. The presence of black shales and dysaerobic faunas, during deposition of the Hamilton Group, suggests that the waters of the northern Appalachian Basin were stratified. The deeper brachiopods were marginally positioned above an oxycline and their shell calcites reflect periodic incursions of oxygen depleted water. Furthermore, analysis of Dalmanella from the black shales of the Collingwood Shale (Upper Ordovician) in comparison to those from the carbonates of the Verulam Formation (Middle Ordovician) confirm the relationship of Fe and Mn contents to periodic but not permanent incursions of low oxygen waters. The isotopic compositions of brachiopod calcite found in Hamilton Group (813C; +2.5% 0 to +5.5% 0; 8180 -2.50/00 to -4.00/00) and Clinton Group (813C; +4.00/00 to +6.0; 8180; -1.8% 0 to -3.60/ 00) are heavier than previously reported. Uncorrected paleotemperatures (assuming normal salinity, 0% 0 SMOW and no fractionation effects) derived from these isotopic values suggest that the Clinton sea temperature (Middle Silurian) ranged from 18°C to 28°C and Hamilton seas (Middle Devonian) ranged between 24°C and 29°C. In addition, the isotopic variation of brachiopod shell calcite is significant and is related to environmental conditions. Within a single time-correlative shell bed (the Demissa Bed; Hamilton Group) a positive isotopic shift of 2-2.5% 0 in 013C compositions and a positive shift of 1.0-1.50/00 in 0180 composition of shell calcite is observed, corresponding with a deepening of brachiopod habitats toward the axis of the Appalachian Basin. Moroever, a faunal succession from deeper Ambocoelia dominated brachiopod association to a shallow Tropidoleptus dominated assocation is reflected by isotopic shifts of 1.0-1.50/00. Although, other studies have emphasized the significance of ±20/oo shifts in brachiopod isotopic compositions, the recognition of isotopic variability in brachiopod calcite within single beds and within depositional settings such as the Appalachian Basin has important implications for the interpretation of secular isotopic trends. A significant proportion of the variation observed isotopic distribution during the Paleozoic is related to environmental conditions within the depositional setting.
Silicon carbide, which has many polytypic modifications of a very simple and very symmetric structure, is an excellent model system for exploring, the relationship between chemical shift, long-range dipolar shielding, and crystal structure in network solids. A simple McConnell equation treatment of bond anisotropy effects in a poly type predicts chemical shifts for silicon and carbon sites which agree well with the experiment, provided that contributions from bonds up to 100 A are included in the calculation. The calculated chemical shifts depend on three factors: the layer stacking sequence, electrical centre of gravity, and the spacings between silicon and carbon layers. The assignment of peaks to lattice sites is proved possible for three polytypes (6H, 15R, and 3C). The fact that the calculated chemical shifts are very sensitive to layer spacings provides us a potential way to detennine and refine a crystal structure. In this work, the layer spacings of 6H SiC have been calculated and are within X-ray standard deviations. Under this premise, the layer spacings of 15R have been detennined. 29Si and 13C single crystal nmr studies of 6H SiC polytype indicate that all silicons and carbons are magnetically anisotropic. The relationship between a magnetic shielding tensor component and layer spacings has been derived. The comparisons between experimental and semi-empirical chemical shielding tensor components indicate that the paramagnetic shielding of silicon should be included in the single crystal chemical shift calculation.
Abstract This research takes the lens of social reproduction as a starting point for an examination of the effects of recent social welfare reforms on the lives o.fsingle mothers. As the cumulative effects o.f diminishing state provided benefits take hold, tensions are heightened as single mothers internalize the insecurity of earning an income in 11 capitalist labour market, while trying to carry out all that is involved in social reproduction with inadequate means of survival. Through interviewing single mothers who are the recipients of mUltiple state provided benefits (social assistance, student loans, subsidized housing and subsidized childcare), this thesis illuminates the cOl1linued regulation of women in an effort to assure that social reproduction is occurring at the lowest cost possible. State provided benefits are set lip in such a way that it is near impossible for single mothers to make ends meet without entering the labour force or entering into co-residential relationships. This push towards the labour force and/or marriage via punitive welfare policies illuminates the devaluation of the labour that is done at home. Through interviewing 5 single mothers, I will demonstrate the extensive labour that goes into maintaining their households. In addition .J case managers are interviewed. The employees of social assistance, subsidized hOllsing, subsidized childcare and student loans, have much agency in deeming who is worthy of receiving benefits. The employees of these agencies have the ability to make these women's lives easier or more complicated by how the workers interpret the policy regulations. Social policies are of paramount importance in the quest for women's equality and thus have consequences for how women's daily lives are organized. The rules and regulations that govern the individual policies are complex and bureaucratic and have implications for the ways in which women must organize their lives in order to survive. The shifts in social policy have been guided by neo-liberal assumptions with a focus on individual responsibility and a market-modeled welfare state. The caring work that is involved in raising children to be productive in a capitalist society is ignored or devalued in current policies. The emphasis in each polic.:v is on getting women who receive benefits into the paid work force, with little facilitation or investment into the caring work these women do on a daily basis that in turn supports capitalism. Policies, such as social assistance, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and student loans, are set up in such a way that ignores the reality of women's day-to-day lives and devalues the necessary work done at home. It takes an abundance of labour and strategizing for women to seek out necessary means of survival, labour that is amplified when a woman is dealing with mUltiple slate provided benefits.
La croissance de la population vieillissante en Amérique du Nord a un impact significatif sur nos politiques sociales. Ainsi, l’État québécois met à la disposition des personnes âgées une aide afin de faciliter le maintien à domicile. Qui a maintenant la responsabilité de répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées; est-ce la famille ou l’État? Si la réponse peut nous aider à formuler des politiques sociales équitables, elle nous pousse aussi à repenser le lien social à la lumière de la dépendance. Dans un premier temps nous nous pencherons sur l’évolution de l’éthique de la sollicitude pour ensuite analyser les apports des études sur la production du handicap. Puisque la problématique de la dépendance s’avère cruciale dans ce débat, les écrits de deux théoriciens français, Albert Memmi et Bernard Ennuyer, nous aideront à élucider la question de la dépendance. Nous verrons par la suite comment ces divers apports peuvent nous amener à reconceptualiser le lien social.
Les livres et programmes sur la petite-enfance se multiplient et, de plus en plus, l’accent est mis autant par les experts que l’État sur les premières années de la vie de l’enfant. Le regard semble davantage posé sur les compétences des parents pour privilégier le développement cognitif et moteur de leur progéniture, avec l’objectif de pouvoir éviter à cette dernière des trajectoires considérées comme « déviantes ». Ce regard atteint cependant différemment les parents d’une même société. Alors qu’il s’adresse à un groupe restreint de parents ne stimulant peut-être pas assez leurs enfants de la manière promulguée par l’État, certains auteurs mettent de l’avant une tendance d’autres parents à surstimuler leur enfant (Corwin, 2006; Guthrie et Matthews, 2002; Duclos, 2006; Proulx, 2004; Elkind, 1983; Honoré, 2008; Rosenfeld et Wise, 2000). Pour d’autres encore, cette injonction de « produire » un enfant « compétent » s’ajoute à des stress déjà présents tels que la pauvreté ou la pression au travail. La tendance à surstimuler, surprogrammer ou surautonomiser les enfants dans le but de « produire » des enfants « compétents » est qualifiée d’hyper-parentage, de parentage excessif ou de surparentage et n’est pas sans rappeler la course à la performance étudiée pour les adultes par Ehrenberg (2001[1991]) ou de Gaulejac (2005). En suivant ce dernier auteur ou Perrenoud (2008), pour qui la tendance à gérer la famille comme une entreprise proviendrait d’une « contagion » du monde du travail, cette recherche porte sur le lien entre la manière dont les parents envisagent le cheminement de leur enfant et leur propre expérience de travail, en comparaison avec les discours des experts et de l’État.
Thèse de doctorat réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris