999 resultados para Starter, Jan Janszoon, 1594-1626.


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Carotenoids were analysed in ca. 1-cm thick subsamples of three laterally time-equivalent sapropels from a west-east transect of the eastern Mediterranean Basin to study euxinic periods during Pliocene sapropel formation. The amount of intact isorenieratene (summed all-trans and cis isomers), ranged from non-detectable at the base and top of a sapropel up to 140 µg/g sediment in the central parts. Isorenieratene accumulation rates at the central and western site are remarkably similar and increase sharply to levels of up to 3.0 mg/m**2/ yr in the central part of the sapropel and then drop to low levels. This pattern indicates an expansion of euxinic conditions reaching into the photic zone, followed by deepening of the chemocline during deposition of this Pliocene sapropel. The sapropel from the easternmost site of the basin, which contains less organic carbon, shows much lower isorenieratene accumulation rates and even absence of isorenieratene in the central part of the sapropel. Ba/Al ratios indicate enhanced palaeoproductivity during sapropel formation, supporting previously proposed models, according to which increased productivity is the driving force for the generation of euxinic conditions.


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Quantitative analyses of selected calcareous nannofossils in deep-sea sections recovered from the paleo-equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 199) provide new information about biostratigraphy, biochronology and the evolutionary history of calcareous nannofossils across the Paleocene/Eocene transition interval. The sediment cores from ODP Leg 199 represent the first continuous Paleocene/Eocene boundary sections ever to be sampled in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages are studied to document the distribution of biostratigraphically useful taxa such as Ericsonia, Discoaster, Fasciculithus, Rhomboaster and Tribrachiatus. Focus is given to the evolution of the Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus lineage in the lower Eocene interval at Site 1215, and on the stratigraphic relationship of these taxa relative to species in the genus Fasciculithus. Critical intervals of North Atlantic DSDP Site 550 have also been re-examined. The Tribrachiatus digitalis morphotype was described at Site 550 from an interval affected by down-hole contamination, partly originating from within the Tribrachiatus orthostylus range. The T. digitalis morphotype represents an evolutionary transitional form between T. contortus and T. orthostylus, entering the stratigraphic record within the range of the former species and disappearing within the lower part of the range of the latter species. The subzonal subdivision of Zone NP10 hence collapses. Lithological and colour variability reflecting orbital cyclicity occur in the lower Eocene of Site 1215, permitting a relative astronomical age calibration of the Tribrachiatus taxa. The distinct Rhomboaster spp.-Discoaster araneus association also occurs in the paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean, together with a marked decrease in diversity of Fasciculithus spp. Site 1220 reveals a short peak abundance of Thoracosphaera spp. just above the P/E boundary interval, which probably reflects a stressed surface water environment.


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Sediments recovered during Leg 90 (Sites 587-594, plus Site 586 cored during Leg 89) are, in general, extremely weakly magnetized carbonate oozes and chalks with NRM intensities seldom greater than 0.05 µG. The quality of the paleomagnetic records deteriorates with increasing depth caused by the combined effects of removal of primary magnetic oxides by sulfate reduction processes and the dispersal of magnetic grains during compaction. Magnetic reversal sequences are generally recognizable back to the Gilbert, 3.4 to 5.35 m.y., except at equatorial Site 586 where only the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary could be identified. Longer reversal records were obtained at Site 588 (to Chron 13, about 13 m.y.) and Site 594 (base of Chron 5, about 5.9 m.y.). Sediments are characterized by extremely high calcium carbonate contents (90-100%) with almost no biosiliceous components. Blebs and streaks of pyrite are common, and the presence of iron sulfides with poor magnetic stabilities is suspected, although not yet positively identified. Viscous components of magnetization are common, sometimes to the extent of dominating the primary remanence, and there is evidence to suggest that a magnetic remanence is imparted during core recovery. Siliceous carbonate oozes provide better paleomagnetic records than pure carbonate oozes.


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Seasonal changes in the zooplankton composition of the glacially influenced Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (79°N, 12°E), and its adjacent shelf were studied in 2002. Samples were collected in the spring, summer and autumn in stratified hauls (according to hydrographic characteristics), by means of a 0.180-mm Multi Plankton Sampler. A strong front between the open sea and the fjord waters was observed during the spring, preventing water mass exchange, but was not observed later in the season. The considerable seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance were related to the seasonal variation in hydrographical regime. The total zooplankton abundance during the spring (40-2010 individuals/m**3) was much lower than in the summer and autumn (410-10,560 individuals/m**3). The main factors shaping the zooplankton community in the fjord include: the presence of a local front, advection, the flow pattern and the decreasing depth of the basin in the inner fjord. Presumably these factors regulate the gross pattern of zooplankton density and distribution, and override the importance of biological processes. This study increased our understanding of seasonal processes in fjords, particularly with regard to the strong seasonal variability in the Arctic.


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A comparative study on the lipid composition of the liver and muscles has been performed in daubed shanny caught in summer (July) in Arctic waters at three different sites (biotopes) along the north-western coast of Spitsbergen. In marine organisms living at high latitudes, lipids play an especially important role, primarily as reserve substances and as a factor influencing adaptation to severe environmental conditions. Since the ecology of daubed shanny is poorly known, the data obtained may be considered novel.