685 resultados para Squirrel monkeys
The auditory system of monkeys includes a large number of interconnected subcortical nuclei and cortical areas. At subcortical levels, the structural components of the auditory system of monkeys resemble those of nonprimates, but the organization at cortical levels is different. In monkeys, the ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate complex projects in parallel to a core of three primary-like auditory areas, AI, R, and RT, constituting the first stage of cortical processing. These areas interconnect and project to the homotopic and other locations in the opposite cerebral hemisphere and to a surrounding array of eight proposed belt areas as a second stage of cortical processing. The belt areas in turn project in overlapping patterns to a lateral parabelt region with at least rostral and caudal subdivisions as a third stage of cortical processing. The divisions of the parabelt distribute to adjoining auditory and multimodal regions of the temporal lobe and to four functionally distinct regions of the frontal lobe. Histochemically, chimpanzees and humans have an auditory core that closely resembles that of monkeys. The challenge for future researchers is to understand how this complex system in monkeys analyzes and utilizes auditory information.
Fine finger and hand movements in humans, monkeys, and rats are under the direct control of the corticospinal tract (CST). CST lesions lead to severe, long-term deficits of precision movements. We transected completely both CSTs in adult rats and treated the animals for 2 weeks with an antibody that neutralized the central nervous system neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A (mAb IN-1). Anatomical studies of the rubrospinal tracts showed that the number of collaterals innervating the cervical spinal cord doubled in the mAb IN-1- but not in the control antibody-treated animals. Precision movements of the forelimb and fingers were severely impaired in the controls, but almost completely recovered in the mAb IN-1-treated rats. Low threshold microstimulation of the motor cortex induced a rapid forelimb electromyography response that was mediated by the red nucleus in the mAb IN-1 animals but not in the controls. These findings demonstrate an unexpectedly high capacity of the adult central nervous system motor system to sprout and reorganize in a targeted and functionally meaningful way.
The retinas of macaque monkeys usually contain three types of photopigment, providing them with trichromatic color vision homologous to that of humans. However, we recently used molecular genetic analysis to identify several macaques with a dichromatic genotype. The affected X chromosome of these animals contains a hybrid gene of long-wavelength-sensitive (L) and middle-wavelength-sensitive (M) photopigments instead of separate genes encoding L and M photopigments. The product of the hybrid gene exhibits a spectral sensitivity close to that of M photopigment; consequently, male monkeys carrying the hybrid gene are genetic protanopes, effectively lacking L photopigment. In the present study, we assessed retinal expression of L photopigment in monkeys carrying the hybrid gene. The relative sensitivities to middle-wavelength (green) and long-wavelength (red) light were measured by electroretinogram flicker photometry. We found the sensitivity to red light to be extremely low in protanopic male monkeys compared with monkeys with the normal genotype. In female heterozygotes, sensitivity to red light was intermediate between the genetic protanopes and normal monkeys. Decreased sensitivity to long wavelengths was thus consistent with genetic loss of L photopigment.
In previous studies we showed that 5 days of treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and stem cell factor (SCF) mobilized murine repopulating cells to the peripheral blood (PB) and that these cells could be efficiently transduced with retroviral vectors. We also found that, 7-14 days after cytokine treatment, the repopulating ability of murine bone marrow (BM) increased 10-fold. In this study we examined the efficiency of gene transfer into cytokine-primed murine BM cells and extended our observations to a nonhuman primate autologous transplantation model. G-CSF/SCF-primed murine BM cells collected 7-14 days after cytokine treatment were equivalent to post-5-fluorouracil BM or G-CSF/SCF-mobilized PB cells as targets for retroviral gene transfer. In nonhuman primates, CD34-enriched PB cells collected after 5 days of G-CSF/SCF treatment and CD34-enriched BM cells collected 14 days later were superior targets for retroviral gene transfer. When a clinically approved supernatant infection protocol with low-titer vector preparations was used, monkeys had up to 5% of circulating cells containing the vector for up to a year after transplantation. This relatively high level of gene transfer was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Engraftment after transplantation using primed BM cells was more rapid than that using steady-state bone marrow, and the fraction of BM cells saving the most primitive CD34+/CD38- or CD34+/CD38dim phenotype increased 3-fold. We conclude that cytokine priming with G-CSF/SCF may allow collection of increased numbers of primitive cells from both the PB and BM that have improved susceptibility to retroviral transduction, with many potential applications in hematopoietic stem cell-directed gene therapy.
Working memory refers to the ability of the brain to store and manipulate information over brief time periods, ranging from seconds to minutes. As opposed to long-term memory, which is critically dependent upon hippocampal processing, critical substrates for working memory are distributed in a modality-specific fashion throughout cortex. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors play a crucial role in the initiation of long-term memory. Neurochemical mechanisms underlying the transient memory storage required for working memory, however, remain obscure. Auditory sensory memory, which refers to the ability of the brain to retain transient representations of the physical features (e.g., pitch) of simple auditory stimuli for periods of up to approximately 30 sec, represents one of the simplest components of the brain working memory system. Functioning of the auditory sensory memory system is indexed by the generation of a well-defined event-related potential, termed mismatch negativity (MMN). MMN can thus be used as an objective index of auditory sensory memory functioning and a probe for investigating underlying neurochemical mechanisms. Monkeys generate cortical activity in response to deviant stimuli that closely resembles human MMN. This study uses a combination of intracortical recording and pharmacological micromanipulations in awake monkeys to demonstrate that both competitive and noncompetitive NMDA antagonists block the generation of MMN without affecting prior obligatory activity in primary auditory cortex. These findings suggest that, on a neurophysiological level, MMN represents selective current flow through open, unblocked NMDA channels. Furthermore, they suggest a crucial role of cortical NMDA receptors in the assessment of stimulus familiarity/unfamiliarity, which is a key process underlying working memory performance.
Single-unit activity was recorded from the hand areas of the somatosensory cortex of monkeys trained to perform a haptic delayed matching to sample task with objects of identical dimensions but different surface features. During the memory retention period of the task (delay), many units showed sustained firing frequency change, either excitation or inhibition. In some cases, firing during that period was significantly higher after one sample object than after another. These observations indicate the participation of somatosensory neurons not only in the perception but in the short-term memory of tactile stimuli. Neurons most directly implicated in tactile memory are (i) those with object-selective delay activity, (ii) those with nondifferential delay activity but without activity related to preparation for movement, and (iii) those with delay activity in the haptic-haptic delayed matching task but no such activity in a control visuo-haptic delayed matching task. The results indicate that cells in early stages of cortical somatosensory processing participate in haptic short-term memory.
Two motor areas are known to exist in the medial frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex of primates, the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA). We report here on an aspect of cellular activity that characterizes the pre-SMA. Monkeys were trained to perform three different movements sequentially in a temporal order. The correct order was planned on the basis of visual information before its execution. A group of pre-SMA cells (n = 64, 25%) were active during a process when monkeys were required to discard a current motor plan and develop a plan appropriate for the next orderly movements. Such activity was not common in the SMA and not found in the primary motor cortex. Our data suggest a role of pre-SMA cells in updating motor plans for subsequent temporally ordered movements.
A nearly complete skeleton of a robust-bodied New World monkey that resembles living spider monkeys was recovered from undisturbed Pleistocene deposits in the Brazilian state of Bahia. The skeleton displays the highly specialized postcranial pattern typical of spider and woolly spider monkeys and shares cranial similarities to the spider monkey exclusively. It is generically distinct on the basis of its robustness (>20 kg) and on the shape of its braincase. This new genus indicates that New World monkeys nearly twice the size of those living today were part of the mammalian biomass of southern Amazonia in the late Pleistocene. The discovery of this specimen expands the known adaptive diversity of New World monkeys and demonstrates that they underwent body size expansion in the terminal Pleistocene, as did many other types of mammals.
Oxidative injury to the pulmonary endothelium has pathological significance for a spectrum of diseases. Administration of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (Cat), has been proposed as a method to protect endothelium. However, neither these enzymes nor their derivatives possess specific affinity to endothelium and do not accumulate in the lung. Previously we have described a monoclonal antibody to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) that accumulates selectively in the lung after systemic injection in rats, hamsters, cats, monkeys, and humans. In the present work we describe a system for selective intrapulmonary delivery of CuZn-SOD and Cat conjugated with biotinylated anti-ACE antibody mAb 9B9 (b-mAb 9B9) by a streptavidin (SA)-biotin bridge. Both enzymes biotinylated with biotin ester at biotin/enzyme ratio 20 retain enzymatic activity and bind SA without loss of activity. We have constructed tri-molecular heteropolymer complexes consisting of b-mAb 9B9, SA, and biotinylated SOD or biotinylated Cat and have studied biodistribution and pulmonary uptake of these complexes in the rat after i.v. injection. Biodistribution of biotinylated enzymes was similar to that of nonmodified enzymes. Binding of SA markedly prolonged lifetime of biotinylated enzymes in the circulation. In contrast to enzymes conjugated with nonspecific IgG, other enzyme derivatives, and nonmodified enzymes, biotinylated enzymes conjugated with b-mAb 9B9 accumulated specifically in the rat lung (9% of injected SOD/g of lung tissue and 7.5% of injected Cat/g of lung tissue). Pulmonary uptake of nonmodified enzymes or derivatives with nonspecific IgG did not exceed 0.5% of injected dose/g. Both SOD and Cat conjugated with b-mAb 9B9 were retained in the rat lung for at least several hours. Trichloracetic acid-precipitable radiolabeled Cat was associated with microsomal and plasma membrane fractions of the lung tissue homogenate. Thus, modification of antioxidant enzymes with biotin and SA-mediated conjugation with b-mAb 9B9 prolongs the circulation of enzymes resulting in selective accumulation in the lung and intracellular delivery of enzymes to the pulmonary endothelium. These results provide the background for an approach to provide protection of pulmonary endothelium against oxidative insults.
Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to identify and map the representation of the visual field in seven areas of human cerebral cortex and to identify at least two additional visually responsive regions. The cortical locations of neurons responding to stimulation along the vertical or horizontal visual field meridia were charted on three-dimensional models of the cortex and on unfolded maps of the cortical surface. These maps were used to identify the borders among areas that would be topographically homologous to areas V1, V2, V3, VP, and parts of V3A and V4 of the macaque monkey. Visually responsive areas homologous to the middle temporal/medial superior temporal area complex and unidentified parietal visual areas were also observed. The topography of the visual areas identified thus far is consistent with the organization in macaque monkeys. However, these and other findings suggest that human and simian cortical organization may begin to differ in extrastriate cortex at, or beyond, V3A and V4.
Research has demonstrated that human infants and nonhuman primates have a rudimentary numerical system that enables them to count objects or events. More recently, however, studies using a preferential looking paradigm have suggested that preverbal human infants are capable of simple arithmetical operations, such as adding and subtracting a small number of visually presented objects. These findings implicate a relatively sophisticated representational system in the absence of language. To explore the evolutionary origins of this capacity, we present data from an experiment with wild rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that methodologically mirrors those conducted on human infants. Results suggest that rhesus monkeys detect additive and subtractive changes in the number of objects present in their visual field. Given the methodological and empirical similarities, it appears that nonhuman primates such as rhesus monkeys may also have access to arithmetical representations, although alternative explanations must be considered for both primate species.
There is increasing evidence for an important role of adverse early experience on the development of major psychiatric disorders in adulthood. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), an endogenous neuropeptide, is the primary physiological regulator of the mammalian stress response. Grown nonhuman primates who were exposed as infants to adverse early rearing conditions were studied to determine if long-term alterations of CRF neuronal systems had occurred following the early stressor. In comparison to monkeys reared by mothers foraging under predictable conditions, infant monkeys raised by mothers foraging under unpredictable conditions exhibited persistently elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of CRF. Because hyperactivity of CRF-releasing neurons has been implicated in the pathophysiology of certain human affective and anxiety disorders, the present finding provides a potential neurobiological mechanism by which early-life stressors may contribute to adult psychopathology.
Extrastriate visual cortex of the ventral-posterior suprasylvian gyrus (vPS cortex) of freely behaving cats was reversibly deactivated with cooling to determine its role in performance on a battery of simple or masked two-dimensional pattern discriminations, and three-dimensional object discriminations. Deactivation of vPS cortex by cooling profoundly impaired the ability of the cats to recall the difference between all previously learned pattern and object discriminations. However, the cats' ability to learn or relearn pattern and object discriminations while vPS was deactivated depended upon the nature of the pattern or object and the cats' prior level of exposure to them. During cooling of vPS cortex, the cats could neither learn the novel object discriminations nor relearn a highly familiar masked or partially occluded pattern discrimination, although they could relearn both the highly familiar object and simple pattern discriminations. These cooling-induced deficits resemble those induced by cooling of the topologically equivalent inferotemporal cortex of monkeys and provides evidence that the equivalent regions contribute to visual processing in similar ways.
The past 15 years have brought much progress in our understanding of several basic features of primate color vision. There has been particular success in cataloging the spectral properties of the cone photopigments found in retinas of a number of primate species and in elucidating the relationship between cone opsin genes and their photopigment products. Direct studies of color vision show that there are several modal patterns of color vision among groupings of primates: (i) Old World monkeys, apes, and humans all enjoy trichromatic color vision, although the former two groups do not seem prone to the polymorphic variations in color vision that are characteristic of people; (ii) most species of New World monkeys are highly polymorphic, with individual animals having any of several types of dichromatic or trichromatic color vision; (iii) less is known about color vision in prosimians, but evidence suggests that at least some diurnal species have dichromatic color vision; and (iv) some nocturnal primates may lack color vision completely. In many cases the photopigments and photopigment gene arrangements underlying these patterns have been revealed and, as a result, hints are emerging about the evolution of color vision among the primates.