970 resultados para Spatial visualization ability
The noted 19th century biologist, Ernst Haeckel, put forward the idea that the growth (ontogenesis) of an organism recapitulated the history of its evolutionary development. While this idea is defunct within biology, the idea has been promoted in areas such as education (the idea of an education being the repetition of the civilizations before). In the research presented in this paper, recapitulation is used as a metaphor within computer-aided design as a way of grouping together different generations of spatial layouts. In most CAD programs, a spatial layout is represented as a series of objects (lines, or boundary representations) that stand in as walls. The relationships between spaces are not usually explicitly stated. A representation using Lindenmayer Systems (originally designed for the purpose of modelling plant morphology) is put forward as a way of representing the morphology of a spatial layout. The aim of this research is not just to describe an individual layout, but to find representations that link together lineages of development. This representation can be used in generative design as a way of creating more meaningful layouts which have particular characteristics. The use of genetic operators (mutation and crossover) is also considered, making this representation suitable for use with genetic algorithms.
During the past decades agricultural intensification has caused dramatic population declines in a wide range of taxa related to farmland habitats, including farmland birds. In this thesis, I studied how boreal farmland landscape characteristics and agricultural land use affect the abundance and diversity of farmland birds using extensive field data collected by territory mapping of breeding farmland birds in various parts of Finland. My results show that the area and openness of agricultural areas are key determinants of farmland bird abundance and distribution. A landscape composition with enough open farmland combined with key habitats such as farmyards and wetland is likely to provide essential prerequisites for the occurrence of a rich farmland avifauna. In Finland, the majority of large areas suitable for open habitat specialists are located in southern and western parts of the country. However, the diversity of the species with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe (SPECs) had notable hotspot areas in northern and north-western agricultural areas. I found that in boreal agroecosystems farmland birds favour fields with springtime vegetative cover, especially agricultural grasslands and set-asides. Hence, in the spring cereal dominated Finnish agroecosystems it is the absence of field vegetation that may limit populations of many farmland bird species. It is likely that the decrease of crops providing vegetative cover in the spring, such as permanent grasslands, cultivated grass, and autumn-sown cereals, has greatly contributed to the declines of Finnish farmland birds. Grass crops have persistently declined in Finland as a consequence of specialization in crop production and the large-scale decline in livestock husbandry. Small-scale non-crop habitats, especially ditches and ditch margins, are also important for many bird species in the Finnish agroecosystems, but have dramatically declined during the last decades. A major problem for farmland bird conservation in Finland is the conflict between landscape structure and agricultural management. Areas with mixed and cattle farming are virtually absent from the large agricultural plains of southern and south-western Finland, where the landscape structure is more likely to be favourable for rich farmland bird assemblages. On the other hand, mixed and cattle farming is still rather frequent in northern and central parts of the country, where the landscape structure is not suitable for many farmland specialist birds requiring open landscapes. My results provide useful guidelines for farmland bird conservation, and imply that considerable attention needs to be paid to landscape factors when selecting areas for various conservational management actions, such as agri-environment schemes. Actions promoting the abundance of set-asides, grass crops, and ditches would markedly benefit Finnish farmland bird populations. Organic farming may benefit farmland birds, but it is not clear how general its beneficial effect is in boreal agroecosystems. The most urgent action aiming to preserve farmland biodiversity would be to support re-introducing and sustaining cattle farming by environmental subsidies. This would be especially beneficial in the southern parts of Finland, where the landscape characteristics and abundance of agricultural areas are most suitable for farmland birds and where cattle farming is currently rare.
The area of intensively managed forests, in which required conditions for several liverwort species are seldom found, has expanded over the forest landscape during the last century. Liverworts are very sensitive to habitat changes, because they demand continuously moist microclimate. Consequently, about third of the forest liverworts have been classified as threatened or near threatened in Finland. The general objective of this thesis is to increase knowledge of the reproductive and dispersal strategies of the substrate-specific forest bryophytes. A further aim was to develop recommendations for conservation measures for species inhabiting unstable and stable habitats in forest landscape. Both population ecological and genetic methods have been applied in the research. Anastrophyllum hellerianum inhabits spatially and temporally limited substrate patches, decaying logs, which can be considered as unstable habitats. The results show that asexual reproduction by gemmae is the dominant mode of reproduction, whereas sexual reproduction is considerably infrequent. Unlike previously assumed, not only spores but also the asexual propagules may contribute to long-distance dispersal. The combination of occasional spore production and practically continuous, massive gemma production facilitates dispersal both on a local scale and over long distances, and it compensates for the great propagule losses that take place preceding successful establishment at suitable sites. However, establishment probability of spores may be restricted because of environmental and biological limitations linked to the low success of sexual reproduction. Long-lasting dry seasons are likely to result in a low success of sexual reproduction and decreased release rate of gemmae from the shoots, and consequent fluctuations in population sizes. In the long term, the substratum limitation is likely to restrict population sizes and cause local extinctions, especially in small-sized remnant populations. Contrastingly, larger forest fragments with more natural disturbance dynamics, to which the species is adapted, are pivotal to species survival. Trichocolea tomentella occupies stable spring and mesic habitats in woodland. The relatively small populations are increasingly fragmented with a high risk for extinction for extrinsic reasons. The results show that T. tomentella mainly invests in population persistence by effective clonal growth via forming independent ramets and in competitive ability, and considerably less in sexuality and dispersal potential. The populations possess relatively high levels of genetic diversity regardless of population size and of degree of isolation. Thus, the small-sized populations inhabiting stable habitats should not be neglected when establishing conservation strategies for the species and when considering the habitat protection of small spring sites. Restricted dispersal capacity, also on a relatively small spatial scale, is likely to prevent successful (re-)colonization in the potential habitat patches of recovering forest landscapes. By contrast, random short-range dispersal of detached vegetative fragments within populations at suitable habitat seems to be frequent. Thus, the restoration actions of spring and streamside habitats close to the populations of T. tomentella may contribute to population expansion. That, in turn, decreases the harmful effects of environmental stochasticity.
We have shown previously that the Ca2+-specific fluorescent dyes chlortetracycline (CTC) and indo-1/AM can be used to distinguish between prestalk and prespore cells in Dictyostelium discoideum at a very early stage. In the present study, pre- and post-aggregative amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum were labelled with CTC or indo-1 and their fluorescence monitored after being drawn into a fine glass capillary. The cells rapidly form two zones of Ca2+-CTC or Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence. Anterior (air side) cells display a high level of fluorescence; the level drops in the middle portion of the capillary and rises again to a lesser extent in the posteriormost cells (oil side). When bounded by air on both sides, the cells display high fluorescence at both ends. When oil is present at both ends of the capillary, there is little fluorescence except for small regions at the ends. These outcomes are evident within a couple of minutes of the start of the experiment and the fluorescence pattern intensifies over the course of time. By using the indicator neutral red, as well as with CTC and indo-1, we show that a band displaying strong fluorescence moves away from the anterior end before stabilizing at the anterior-posterior boundary. We discuss our findings in relation to the role of Ca2+ in cell-type differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum.
Urban growth identification, quantification, knowledge of rate and the trends of growth would help in regional planning for better infrastructure provision in environmentally sound way. This requires analysis of spatial and temporal data, which help in quantifying the trends of growth on spatial scale. Emerging technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) along with Global Positioning System (GPS) help in this regard. Remote sensing aids in the collection of temporal data and GIS helps in spatial analysis. This paper focuses on the analysis of urban growth pattern in the form of either radial or linear sprawl along the Bangalore - Mysore highway. Various GIS base layers such as builtup areas along the highway, road network, village boundary etc. were generated using collateral data such as the Survey of India toposheet, etc. Further, this analysis was complemented with the computation of Shannon's entropy, which helped in identifying prevalent sprawl zone, rate of growth and in delineating potential sprawl locations. The computation Shannon's entropy helped in delineating regions with dispersed and compact growth. This study reveals that the Bangalore North and South taluks contributed mainly to the sprawl with 559% increase in built-up area over a period of 28 years and high degree of dispersion. The Mysore and Srirangapatna region showed 128% change in built-up area and a high potential for sprawl with slightly high dispersion. The degree of sprawl was found to be directly proportional to the distances from the cities.
Abstract. We have used chlortetracycline (CTC) as a fluorescent probe to detect the distribution of sequestered calcium in multicellular stages of Dictyostelium discoideum. Tips of late aggregates, slugs and early culminating masses fluoresce very strongly. Most of the fluorescence is intracellular in origin and emanates from a small number of intense punctate sources. The sources correspond in part to autophagic vacuoles viz. neutral-red staining, acidic digestive vesicles, and may also include intracellular organelles; cytoplasmic fluorescence is much weaker in comparison. The level of fluorescence drops in the middle portion of slugs and rises again in the posteriormost region, though not to as high a level as in the tip. This holds good irrespective of whether CTC is applied only in the neighbourhood of the aggregate centre, only in the aggregate periphery, or to the whole aggregate. We infer that there must be a good deal of mixing in the stages leading from aggregation to slug formation; thus the serial order in which cells enter an aggregate does not bear any relation to their ultimate fates. The other implication of our study is that calcium sequestration is much more extensive in prestalk and anterior-like cells than in prespore cells. These findings are discussed with regard to possible implications for pattern formation.
Reductionist thinking will no longer suffice to address contemporary, complex challenges that defy sectoral, national, or disciplinary boundaries. Furthermore, lessons learned from the past cannot be confidently used to predict outcomes or help guide future actions. The authors propose that the confluence of a number of technology and social disruptors presents a pivotal moment in history to enable real-time, accelerated and integrated action that can adequately support a ‘future earth’ through transformational solutions. Building on more than a decade of dialogues hosted by the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), and evolving a briefing note presented to delegates of Pivotal2015, the paper presents an emergent context for collectively addressing spatial information, sustainable development and good governance through three guiding principles for enabling prosperous living in the 21st Century. These are: (1) open data, (2) real world context and (3) informed visualization for decision support. The paper synthesizes an interdisciplinary dialogue to create a credible and positive future vision of collaborative and transparent action for the betterment of humanity and planet. It is intended that the three Pivotal Principles can be used as an elegant framework for action towards the Digital Earth vision, across local, regional, and international communities and organizations.
Urban sprawl is the outgrowth along the periphery of cities and along highways. Although an accurate definition of urban sprawl may be debated, a consensus is that urban sprawl is characterized by an unplanned and uneven pattern of growth, driven by multitude of processes and leading to inefficient resource utilization. Urbanization in India has never been as rapid as it is in recent times. As one of the fastest growing economies in the world, India faces stiff challenges in managing the urban sprawl, while ensuring effective delivery of basic services in urban areas. The urban areas contribute significantly to the national economy (more than 50% of GDP), while facing critical challenges in accessing basic services and necessary infrastructure, both social and economic. The overall rise in the population of the urban poor or the increase in travel times due to congestion along road networks are indicators of the effectiveness of planning and governance in assessing and catering for this demand. Agencies of governance at all levels: local bodies, state government and federal government, are facing the brunt of this rapid urban growth. It is imperative for planning and governance to facilitate, augment and service the requisite infrastructure over time systematically. Provision of infrastructure and assurance of the delivery of basic services cannot happen overnight and hence planning has to facilitate forecasting and service provision with appropriate financial mechanisms.
This thesis work focuses on the role of TGF-beta family antagonists during the development of mouse dentition. Tooth develops through an interaction between the dental epithelium and underlying neural crest derived mesenchyme. The reciprocal signaling between these tissues is mediated by soluble signaling molecules and the balance between activatory and inhibitory signals appears to be essential for the pattern formation. We showed the importance of Sostdc1 in the regulation of tooth shape and number. The absence of Sostdc1 altered the molar cusp patterning and led to supernumerary tooth formation both in the molar and incisor region. We showed that initially, Sostdc1 expression is in the mesenchyme, suggesting that dental mesenchyme may limit supernumerary tooth induction. We tested this in wild-type incisors by minimizing the amount of mesenchymal tissue surrounding the incisor tooth germs prior to culture in vitro. The cultured teeth phenocopied the extra incisor phenotype of the Sostdc1-deficient mice. Furthermore, we showed that minimizing the amount of dental mesenchyme in cultured Sostdc1-deficient incisors caused the formation of additional de novo incisors that resembled the successional incisor development resulting from activated Wnt signaling. Sostdc1 seemed to be able to inhibit both mesenchymal BMP4 and epithelial canonical Wnt signaling, which thus allows Sostdc1 to restrict the enamel knot size and regulate the tooth shape and number. Our work emphasizes the dual role for the tooth mesenchyme as a suppressor as well as an activator during tooth development. We found that the placode, forming the thick mouse incisor, is prone to disintegration during initiation of tooth development. The balance between two mesenchymal TGF-beta family signals, BMP4 and Activin is essential in this regulation. The inhibition of BMP4 or increase in Activin signaling led to the splitting of the large incisor placode into two smaller placodes resulting in thin incisors. These two signals appeared to have different effects on tooth epithelium and the analysis of the double null mutant mice lacking Sostdc1 and Follistatin indicated that these TGF-beta inhibitors regulate the mutual balance of BMP and Activin in vivo. In addition, this work provides an alternative explanation for the issue of incisor identity published in Science by Tucker et al. in 1998 and proposes that the molar like morphology that can be obtained by inhibiting BMP signaling is due to partial splitting of the incisor placodes and not due to change in tooth identity from the incisor to the molar. This thesis work presents possible molecular mechanisms that may have modified the mouse dental pattern during evolution leading to the typical rodent dentition of modern mouse. The rodent dentition is specialized for gnawing and consists of two large continuously growing incisors and toothless diastema region separating the molars and incisors. The ancestors of rodents had higher number of more slender incisors together with canines and premolars. Additionally, murine rodents, which include the mouse, have lost their ability for tooth replacement. This work has revealed that the inhibitory molecules appear to play a role in the tooth number suppression by delineating the spatial and temporal action of the inductive signals. The results suggest that Sostdc1 plays an essential role in several stages of tooth development through the regulation of both the BMP and Wnt pathway. The work shows a dormant sequential tooth forming potential present in wild type mouse incisor region and gives a new perspective on tooth suppression by dental mesenchyme. It reveals as well a novel mechanism to create a large mouse incisor through the regulation of mesenchymal balance between inductive and inhibitory signals.
Habitat fragmentation is currently affecting many species throughout the world. As a consequence, an increasing number of species are structured as metapopulations, i.e. as local populations connected by dispersal. While excellent studies of metapopulations have accumulated over the past 20 years, the focus has recently shifted from single species to studies of multiple species. This has created the concept of metacommunities, where local communities are connected by the dispersal of one or several of their member species. To understand this higher level of organisation, we need to address not only the properties of single species, but also establish the importance of interspecific interactions. However, studies of metacommunities are so far heavily biased towards laboratory-based systems, and empirical data from natural systems are urgently needed. My thesis focuses on a metacommunity of insect herbivores on the pedunculate oak Quercus robur a tree species known for its high diversity of host-specific insects. Taking advantage of the amenability of this system to both observational and experimental studies, I quantify and compare the importance of local and regional factors in structuring herbivore communities. Most importantly, I contrast the impact of direct and indirect competition, host plant genotype and local adaptation (i.e. local factors) to that of regional processes (as reflected by the spatial context of the local community). As a key approach, I use general theory to generate testable hypotheses, controlled experiments to establish causal relations, and observational data to validate the role played by the pinpointed processes in nature. As the central outcome of my thesis, I am able to relegate local forces to a secondary role in structuring oak-based insect communities. While controlled experiments show that direct competition does occur among both conspecifics and heterospecifics, that indirect interactions can be mediated by both the host plant and the parasitoids, and that host plant genotype may affect local adaptation, the size of these effects is much smaller than that of spatial context. Hence, I conclude that dispersal between habitat patches plays a prime role in structuring the insect community, and that the distribution and abundance of the target species can only be understood in a spatial framework. By extension, I suggest that the majority of herbivore communities are dependent on the spatial structure of their landscape and urge fellow ecologists working on other herbivore systems to either support or refute my generalization.
Grain misorientation was studied in relation to the nearest neighbor's mutual distance using electron back-scattered diffraction measurements. The misorientation correlation function was defined as the probability density for the occurrence of a certain misorientation between pairs of grains separated by a certain distance. Scale-invariant spatial correlation between neighbor grains was manifested by a power law dependence of the preferred misorientation vs. inter-granular distance in various materials after diverse strain paths. The obtained negative scaling exponents were in the range of -2 +/- 0.3 for high-angle grain boundaries. The exponent decreased in the presence of low-angle grain boundaries or dynamic recrystallization, indicating faster decay of correlations. The correlations vanished in annealed materials. The results were interpreted in terms of lattice incompatibility and continuity conditions at the interface between neighboring grains. Grain-size effects on texture development, as well as the implications of such spatial correlations on texture modeling, were discussed.