843 resultados para South and Southeast Asian Languages and Societies


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Os níveis de incidência e severidade de sintomas das doenças resultam da interação hospedeiro-patógeno-ambiente. Nesse contexto, a favorabilidade do ambiente, em particular, depende do nível de umidade, intensidade de radiação solar, luminosidade e molhamento foliar, dentre outros fatores. Por outro lado, a magnitude de expressão desses fatores é dependente do ciclo e porte das plantas, e possivelmente, também, do alinhamento de plantio. No presente estudo, foi avaliada a influência dos alinhamentos de plantio N-S, L-O, NE-SO E NO-SE no desempenho agronômico de plantas de laranjas 'Natal'e 'Valência', assim como na severidade de sintomas da mancha-preta-dos-citros (MPC), causada por Guignardia citricarpa. Para tal, foram selecionadas cinco propriedades distribuídas ao longo do cinturão citrícola paulista, de talhões semelhantes, a partir das quais foram coletadas amostras de 50 frutos, em dez plantas de mesma linha, da região central dos mesmos. Tais frutos foram levados para laboratórios e analisados quanto aos níveis de severidade de sintomas da MPC, produção e qualidade do suco. Constatouse que os frutos oriundos de pomares implantados no alinhamento N-S apresentavam menores níveis de severidade da doença, enquanto no alinhamento NE-SO, os mais elevados. Propriedades localizadas mais ao sul do Estado de São Paulo apresentaram menores níveis de doença, provavelmente em consequência da ocorrência recente da doença em tais áreas. em relação à produção, os alinhamentos de plantio N-S e L-O proporcionaram maior número de frutos por planta, assim como quanto ao número de caixas por planta. Por outro lado, a menor produção foi verificada nos alinhamentos NO-SE. em relação à qualidade do suco, não foi possível estabelecer um padrão definido em termos de ratio e ºBrix e os respectivos alinhamentos de plantio. Foi verificado que os valores de ratio foram menores nos frutos de pomares localizados mais ao sul do Estado, de maiores latitudes.


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Com objetivo de estimar parâmetros genéticos para perímetro escrotal medido aos 12 (PE12) e aos 18 meses de idade (PE18) de machos e peso a um ano de idade (P365), peso ao primeiro parto (PPP), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP), dias para o primeiro parto (DP) e duração da primeira gestação (DG) medidos em fêmeas, além de correlações entre perímetro escrotal e as demais características, foram analisadas medidas de 9.932 fêmeas e medidas de perímetro escrotal de 14.521 machos Nelore provenientes de 28 rebanhos das regiões Sul e Sudeste do País. Os componentes de (co)variância foram estimados utilizando-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, sob modelo animal, em análises bi-características. As herdabilidades estimadas foram altas para PE12 (0,25 a 0,26), PE18 (0,35 a 0,37), P365 (0,35 e 0,38), PPP (0,40 e 0,41) e DG (0,19 e 0,20) e de menor magnitude para IPP (0,14 e 0,15) e DP (0,05 e 0,06). As correlações genéticas estimadas entre PE12 e P365, PPP, IPP, DP e DG foram de 0,28; 0,30; -0,15; -0,04 e 0,10, respectivamente. As correlações genéticas entre PE18 e P365, PPP, IPP, DP e DG, no entanto, foram de 0,29; 0,32; -0,21; -0,08 e 0,14, respectivamente. Esses resultados sugerem melhorias na eficiência reprodutiva de fêmeas, principalmente quando os rebanhos são selecionados para PE18.


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Dados de 14.918 animais da raça Nelore nascidos entre 1991 e 2000, provenientes de rebanhos localizados nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do País, foram utilizados para estimar componentes de co-variância, herdabilidade e correlações genéticas de peso ao desmame (PD), peso a 1 ano de idade (PA), peso ao sobreano (PS), peso ao primeiro parto (PPP), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) e dias para o primeiro parto (DP). As estimativas dos componentes de co-variância e dos parâmetros genéticos foram obtidas pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita, em análises multivariadas. As herdabilidades estimadas para PD, PA, PS, PPP, IPP e DP foram de 0,26; 0,30; 0,34; 0,35; 0,14 e 0,07, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas negativas foram estimadas entre pesos medidos em diferentes idades e IPP, as quais variaram de -0,31 a -0,16. do mesmo modo, as estimativas de correlação genética entre PD × DP (-0,09); PA × DP (-0,13); PS × DP (-0,17) e PPP × DP (-0,16) foram negativas, embora de menor magnitude. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre as características de crescimento e a IPP foram favoráveis. Assim, a seleção para aumento de peso deve promover redução da IPP. A alta correlação genética estimada entre IPP e DP (0,73) indica que o uso de DP na seleção de bovinos de corte pode promover resposta correlacionada favorável na idade ao primeiro parto.


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Initially concentrated in some poles at the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, the ceramic tiles industry became wide during the 80 s decade, with a disconcentration industrial and regional pulverization. The competitiveness in the ceramic tiles internal and external consumers markets, it has debtor the industries to invest in sophisticated products each time more, either in design or the technology, but, mainly, in its final properties. Amongst the diverse types of ceramic coating, the porcelanato if has detached had to its process of technological production and excellent characteristics techniques. The Porcelanato is currently the material for coatings that presents the best technical and aesthetic features when compared with others ceramics found on the market. The chemical composition and the others raw materials characteristics have an importance that must to be ally to the inherent characteristics of fabrication process, essentially those related to the cycle of burning. This work had as purpose to develop formularizations of ceramic mass for production of porcelanato without glass coating, pertaining to the group BIa (text of absorption of water ≤ 0.5%) and with resistance superior mechanics 35MPa from raw materials characterized. The ceramic raw materials selected to the development of this study (A1 and A2 clays, feldspate, talc and quartz) were submitted to the following tests: X-ray fluorescence - chemical analysis determination; X-ray diffraction - Analysis of the stages mineralogics; Laser granulometry - size distribution of particles; and Differential thermal analysis - thermal behavior. Were performed tests of absorption of water, lineal retraction of it burns, apparent specific mass and rupture tension the flexing. The results had evidenced that the formularizations that had the A1 clay and talc on its composition were efficient for the porcelanato production remaining their technological characteristics inside of the intervals of variation desired by the Norms of the ABNT


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Muitos patógenos, principalmente fungos, ocorrem em várias espécies de eucalipto, desde a fase de viveiro até os plantios adultos. Dentre as doenças fúngicas, destaca-se a mancha de micosferela, considerada uma das principais doenças, e o Eucalyptus globulus, uma das espécies mais suscetíveis. Esta doença é causada por várias espécies pertencentes aos gêneros Teratosphaeria e Mycosphaerella, sendo T. nubilosa de maior importância. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a presença do fungo T.nubilosa em materiais coletados nos seguintes locais: Bagé-RS, Pedras Altas-RS, Botucatu-SP, Jacareí- SP e Itapeva-SP. Por meio de isolamentos a partir de folhas de E. globulus apresentando mancha de micosferela, foi possível a obtenção de isolados do fungo. A observação quanto ao padrão de germinação dos ascósporos, o seu crescimento micelial, e também por meio de PCR com primers da região genômica ITS1 e ITS4 e sequenciamento, e submissão ao GenBank, foi possível a determinação do gênero e da espécie do patógeno como T. nubilosa. Nos cinco locais estudados foi confirmada a presença deste agente causal de mancha de micosferela em plantios de E. globulus nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil.


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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the consistency indexes among 30 Brazilian university libraries from the south and south-east regions through a specific mathematical formula. It was selected a sample of 30 university libraries that, according to the information in their official sites, have a collection consisted of more than 100.000 copies and allow the search into the on-line catalog. Searches were carried out in every university by means of their sites, requesting books that contained a certain word in its title and were printed in a certain year. The response was a list of available titles in the library, from which we chose at random a title and asked to visualize the complete record to verify the existence of a given subject. This procedure was repeated until we found the same title in five libraries with the chosen subjects. The result is 10 trials, each one consisting of one figure and one table showing the selected libraries, the subjects, the documentary languages ( tools) and the consistency indexes relaxed and rigid. These trials show great discrepancy between the values of consistency indexes with intervals between 73,3% to 34,4% in the relaxed index, and between 60% and 9,6% in the rigid one. It was revealed that the coincidence in determining the subjects is not too high remaining below 39%. It is concluded that the difference between the consistency indexes may be due to factors as: incompatibility among documentary languages; lack of updating of these languages so as to follow the knowledge evolution; absence of a well-defined indexing policy with guidelines clearly established. Procedures of indexing followed by indexers could contribute to the consistency index to be bigger in percentage, since there would be parameters for the indexing process.


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The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species


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The research area is located on the county of Tibau do Sul, in the east coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, about 80km south of the capital Natal. The tourism represents the main income activity and Pipa beach is the most visited beach in the city, annually receives a large influx of domestic and foreign tourists. Some recent studies have reported the occurrence of coastal erosion in this littoral, being the main objective of the research, analyze the existing coastal erosion, through two methodologies, the geoenvironmental mapping and beach morphodynamics. The geoenvironmental mapping was done from oblique aerial photographs and field visits, which sought to carry out first the geomorphological mapping, with the purpose of analyzing features that suggest susceptible areas to erosion, as areas without protection of natural dunes, marine terraces, or sandstones (beach-rocks and ferruginous sandstones), areas with the presence of gullies and stretches where the sea-cliffs were in direct contact with the action of the sea, representing the beginning of the beach profile. In the morphodynamic study sought to carry out the survey of the physical and morphological characteristics, the analysis of sediment grain of the beaches and finally the analysis of the morphodynamic parameters to generate a table of risk to erosion by sector of the beach. The morphodynamic parameters were defined by the methodology proposed by Short (2006), in which considers different patterns of dynamism on beaches with characteristics favorable and unfavorable to erosive profiles. The maps indicated different levels of risk to the segments of the beaches analyzed, suggesting risk to erosion low and low to moderate only in areas north and northwest of the beaches of Madeiro and Curral, and levels of moderate and high risk sectors in the south and southeast of these beaches . The beach of Pipa showed moderate levels of risk and moderate to high at the ends and high risk to erosion in the central portion. The study of the coastal environment, its morphological evolution, and areas with problems of erosion, are of fundamental importance to assist coastal management policies, giving grants for planning activities undertaken in these regions


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A presença de ácidos orgânicos no polvilho azedo, além de contribuir com aspectos como sabor e aroma, tem, conforme a literatura indica, correlação com a propriedade de expansão, que é um fator determinante no uso alimentício. Amostras de polvilho azedo foram coletadas nas Regiões Sul e Sudeste diretamente nas empresas ou no comércio. Foram preparadas para análise em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), sendo que o cromatógrafo estava equipado com coluna Biorad Aminex HPX-87H para análise de ácidos orgânicos e detector refratométrico. As condições de análise envolveram o emprego da fase móvel ácido sulfúrico 0,005M, fluxo de 0,6 ml/min e temperatura da coluna de 60oC. Os ácidos quantificados foram lático (0,036 a 0,813 g/100g), acético (0 a 0,068 g/100g), propiônico (0 a 0,013 g/100g) e butírico (0 a 0,057 g/100g), presentes na fermentação natural. Os resultados revelaram grande variação entre as amostras, com diferenças mesmo dentro das Regiões. Algumas amostras apresentaram quantidades elevadas de ácidos, especialmente do ácido lático, mas nestas amostras os ácidos propiônico e butírico não foram detectados. A ausência do ácido butírico não era esperada, uma vez que esse ácido está diretamente relacionado com o aroma característico do polvilho azedo. O fato pode sugerir que a obtenção de algumas das amostras estudadas pode ter ocorrido sem o processo fermentativo natural.


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The oldest fragment of continental crust recognized in South America occurs as an isolated Archean enclave in northeastem Brazil's Borborema Province, ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic belt. This Archean fragment, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, is surrounded by large tracts of 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic gneisses and is located more than 600-1500 km from the much larger assemblages of Archean rocks found in the Sao Fransciso and Amazonian cratons, located to the south and west, respectively. Geochronological studies of the Sao Jose do Campestre massif show that its oldest rocks contain zircons with U-Pb ages up to 3.5 Ga and Sm-Nd T-DM model ages of more than 3.7 Ga, indicating that they represent reworked crust. This older nucleus is flanked by both reworked and juvenile 3.25 and 3.18 Ga rocks which arc intruded by both 3.00 and 2.69 Ga plutonic bodies. The protracted evolution the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is consistent with that of a larger continental mass as opposed to a small crustal fragment that grew in isolation. As such, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is interpreted as representing a detached piece of an evolved craton that became entrained with younger rocks during a subsequent Paleoproterozoic accretionary-orogenic event. This hypothesis is bolstered by the presence of Paleoproterozoic gneisses that envelop the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, as well as the existence of ca. 2.0 Ga metamorphic zircon and monazite within its rocks. The occurrence of several different Archean cratonic basement inliers within the greater Paleoproterozoic crustal framework of the Borborema Province suggests that cratonic slices spalled off one or more larger Archean masses prior to the ca. 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic orogenic collage. A important challenge is to link these older fragments to their parent cratons. Although results are not unique, the pattern of ages and isotopic signatures observed in the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is similar to that seen in parts of the Sao Francisco Craton, and it is possible that the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is a fragment of an Archean continental fragment formed during an episode of continental breakup prior to 2200 Ma. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Haptoglobin types were determined in 626 individuals living in the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Of these, 484 had Hb AA, 31 major beta thalassemia, 43 minor beta thalassemia, 14 Hb SS, and 54 Hb AS. Frequency distribution of the three most common types observed among patients with type beta thalassemia differed significantly from that observed in the Caucasian group with Hb AA. There was a significant increase in Hp 1-1, which led us to assume that these disorders participate in a selective process acting on haptoglobins and altering the equilibrium of their frequencies. This relationship was not observed when we compared patients with Hb SS and Hb AS with Black patients with Hb AA, although the type most often observed among patients with Hb SS was Hp 1-1. The distributions of Hp groups observed among Caucasian and Black patients with Hb AA were similar to those obtained by other investigators for the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, with the exception of Rio de Janeiro.


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The neotropical millipede, Gymnostreptus olivaceus, lives at ambient temperatures of about 20°C. Its thermal tolerance was tested after acclimation to lower and higher temperatures as occurs under winter and summer conditions in the south and southeast regions of Brazil. An increase in tolerance to low temperatures was found in adapted specimens. The ecological aspects of this capability are discussed.


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Background: Rapid demographic ageing will soon lead to large increases in the numbers of persons with dementia in developing countries. This study is the first comprehensive assessment of care arrangements for people with dementia in those regions. Methods: A descriptive and comparative study of dementia care; caregiver characteristics, the nature of care provided, and the practical, psychological (Zarit Burden Interview, General Health Questionnaire) and economic impact upon the caregiver in 24 centres in India, China and South East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. Results: We interviewed 706 persons with dementia, and their caregivers. Most caregivers were women, living with the person with dementia in extended family households. One-quarter to one-half of households included a child. Larger households were associated with lower caregiver strain, where the caregiver was co-resident. However, despite the traditional apparatus of family care, levels of caregiver strain were at least as high as in the developed world. Many had cutback on work to care and faced the additional expense of paid carers and health services. Families from the poorest countries were particularly likely to have used expensive private medical services, and to be spending more than 10% of the per capita GNP on health care. Conclusions: Older people in developing countries are indivisible from their younger family members. The high levels of family strain identified in this study feed into the cycle of disadvantage and should thus be a concern for policymakers in the developing world. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Dermatophytosis on skin, hair and nails are the most common infectious process in the world. A total of 94 individuals from Public Institutions from the city of Araraquara - Sao Paulo/Brazil, with suspected of dermatophytic lesions were examined in order to determine the incidence and etiology of dermatophytosis. 105 specimens were collected from August to December of 2001 in the Mycology Laboratory of the Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas. It was observed that 47 samples were positive for dermatophytes. Trichophyton rubrum was the prevalent specie (59.6%), followed by Microsporum canis (17%), T. tonsurans (10.6%), T. mentagrophytes (8.5%) and Epidermophyton floccosum (4.3%). T. rubrum was the most frequent in interdigital lesions (81.5%) and M. canis was the main dermatophyte involved in scalp lesions (58.3%). Therefore, it was observed a predominance of antropophilic and zoophilic species, respectively. These results are in agreement with statistical data from South and Southeast regions of Brazil, as well as from other parts of the world in which these fungi were the most frequently isolates from tinea pedis and tinea capitis. In this study, it was also observed a high percentage of T. tonsurans (41.7%) in tinea capitis and this result was different from the statistical data collected until now in our region.


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The Rio Claro Formation mainly occurs in the county of Rio Claro (SP) lying unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Its thickness is 30-40 m. It shows fine to coarse, regular to poor sorted, Triable sandstones and conglomerates with quartzite and quartz clasts in the base. Thin layers of mudstone occur interbeded. Stratigraphic maps had been elaborated in recent analyses allowing to improve the knowledge about the formation. The biggest thicknesses occur on the east part of the studied area. The coarse/fine clastic ratio map demonstrates that fine sediments are concentrated in the east side, and suggests the existence of barriers which conditioned perennial water body (or bodies) where decantation took place (east, south and southeast sides). The structural contour map of the Rio Claro Formation base indicates a NW/SE trough which was the main depositional axis. The integrated analysis demonstrates that the formation is formed by lacustrine, fluvial and debris flows deposits whose source area was located on NW side, with coalescent alluvial fans from where braided to psamitic meandering fluvial channels came. The location of the source area suggests no link with the Corumbataf River paleo-terraces.