738 resultados para Social support


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Syftet med freliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka p deras mjlighet och vilja att flja egenvrdsrd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvrd-nad som stder fljsamhet (sjukvrdsperspektivet). Studien har genomfrts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav fr att hlla sjukdomen under kontroll innebr livsstilsfr-ndringar, som kan vara s utmanande fr patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvrdskrav kan gra honom dligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill sga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte lta dess egenvrdskrav inkrkta p det sociala livet. Detta ger honom fr-smrade mjligheter att hantera sjukdomen p ett bra stt. Barrirer av olika slag kan uppst mellan patient och vrdgivare. Det kan rra sig om en upplevd brist p information och std nr diabetes diagnosticerats eller en knsla av att vara utsatt fr lkarens eller sjukskterskans stereotypa frestllningar och/eller att bli paternalistiskt behandlad. Till barrirer rknas ven klinisk missktsel, det vill sga att lkare/sjukskterska inte fljer vedertagna riktlinjer fr be-handling.Vad som kan inverka positivt p fljsamheten r patientens std av anhriga eller andra i det sociala ntverket. Omvrdnad som stder fljsamhet visade sig varapatientundervisning, frmst om den inriktades p att ka patientens sjlvstndighet genom att lta undervisningen pg under en lngre tid, s att patienten hinner integrera sin nya kunskap med det dagliga livet. Med eller utan patientundervisning tar det tid att bygga upp ett socialt std och ett frtroende mellan patient och vrdare.


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Under senare r har frgan om ett hllbart arbetsliv blivit allt viktigare. Det innebr att goda arbetsfrhllanden kommer att bidra till att mnniskor orkar arbeta fram till pensionen. Friskvrd har gtt frn att enbart vara en frmn till att bli en investering fr att frmja hlsa. Anstlldas hlsa och arbetsmilj r en del av personalfunktionens vergripande arbete fr att behlla personal. Fysiskt krvande yrken som omsorgsarbete r ett stort arbetsmiljproblem som krver att organisationer frsker frhindra att arbetsrelaterad sjukdom intrffar. Syftet med detta examensarbete r att underska vilka frutsttningarna, ur ett medarbetarperspektiv, organisationer br ta i beaktande fr att skapa ett framgngsrikt arbete med hlsofrmjande friskvrdsaktiviteter inom kommunal vrd- och omsorgsfrvaltning. Arbetet r begrnsat till personal inom Ludvika kommun. Friskvrd kan frebygga sjukdom, men det kan ocks ka individens vlbefinnande och kan drmed utgra en framgngsrik strategi fr att skapa hlsosammare arbetsplatser. En kombination av metoder anvndes fr datainsamling, i form av en kvantitativ enktunderskning och en kvalitativ fokusgruppintervju. Resultaten visade bland annat att majoriteten av de anstllda r positiva till friskvrd p arbetstid och att det r ett frdelaktigt stt att ka deltagandet, ven fr dem som r mindre fysiskt aktiva. Tidsbrist och socialt std r skl till varfr fysisk aktivitet r lgre eller uteblir. Frutom att de anstllda som har ett individuellt ansvar r det chefer, i samrd med organisationen, som har det vergripande ansvaret fr att skapa goda frutsttningar fr att frmja hlsan.


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Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 r en endokrin sjukdom och ett globalt hlsoproblem, dr antalet insjuknande personer kar kraftigt. Behandlingen vid diabetes typ 2 utgrs till strsta del av egenvrd vilket stller stora krav p patienten och p sjukvrden. En bristande fljsamhet till rd om egenvrd kan leda till smre hlsa fr patienten och kade kostnader fr samhllet. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturversikt var att beskriva vilka faktorer som pverkar fljsamheten till rd om egenvrd hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Metod: En litteraturversikt baserad p 15 vetenskapliga artiklar dr bde kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar har granskats. Databaserna CINAHL och PubMed har anvnts. Resultat: Faktorer som pverkade fljsamheten till rd om egenvrd identifierades och resulterade i fem huvudkategorier: Information; Kunskap; Socialt std; Teknologiskt std och Livssituation. Dessa faktorer framkom som viktiga fr en god fljsamhet till rd om egenvrd. Slutsats: Det r av stor betydelse att frska identifiera varje individs olika frutsttningar, fr att p s stt ha mjlighet att anpassa bde information, utbildning och egenvrdsplanering utifrn individen.


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Este estudo tem por finalidade identificar perspectiva dos profissionais de Recursos Humanos a correlao entre as competncias gerenciais e a relao construda entre lderes de diferentes nveis hierrquicos e suas equipes diretas, bem como o impacto na percepo da presso e do estresse pelas suas respectivas equipes. Um dos desafios que gerentes e outros lderes encontram como manter um time motivado e mobilizado em um ambiente de presso crescente, seja decorrente de uma expanso ou uma retrao do seu mercado. No primeiro captulo e no segundo captulos fazemos a introduo e a definio do Problema, os objetivos e delimitaes do estudo. No terceiro captulo caminhamos pela histria do trabalho, da organizao e do homem, buscando fundamentar no tempo a jornada em busca do equilbrio trabalho e trabalhador, o lugar do homem na construo desta histria e alguns importantes pensadores da gesto de pessoas. Este captulo abre portas para entendermos o captulo seguinte, no qual estudamos o estresse e, em particular, o estresse ocupacional. Mostramos, ainda, a diferena entre presso que est no ambiente externo- e estresse, que deriva da percepo do indivduo. O interesse neste tema decorrente da constatao prtica de que a presso aumenta em tempos de retrao do mercado, mas tambm aumenta em perodos em o mercado est aquecido. Logo, se houver uma correlao entre como uma equipe ou um liderado percebe o seu lder, essa informao poder ser til para a Gesto de Pessoas. Aprofundamos o conceito de Suporte Social, a rede que protege o colaborador nem contextos de alta presso e demos maior nfase ao papel do lder como importante fonte deste suporte. No quinto captulo analisamos o tema conflito por ser um dos temas que mais impactam o estresse ocupacional. As relaes de trabalho so, por sua natureza, relaes de longo prazo, o que faz do manejo adequado do conflito no ambiente de trabalho um assunto relevante na agenda do gerente. Entretanto, seu manejo adequado depende tanto do diagnstico correto, bem como da relao de confiana construda pelo lder. Embora cientes de que parte significativa dos conflitos est relacionada s estruturas e estratgias corporativas, propositalmente dirigimos nossa ateno aos gerentes e lderes que compem a massa de liderana dessas organizaes visando provocar idias que possam contribuir para a melhoria das relaes e dos resultados. No sexto capitulo apresentamos a Metodologia e no ltimo captulo apresentamos e discutimos o resultado da pesquisa realizada com profissionais de Recursos Humanos de grandes empresas, buscando, atravs do olhar do RH, uma percepo sobre as lideranas de cada empresa e a comparao entre lderes com maior ou menor capacidade de negociao junto sua equipe. O estudo usou uma grade flexvel suportada por um questionrio semi-estruturado e os dados foram tratados usando a metodologia da Anlise de Contedo sem que fosse necessrio um tratamento estatstico devido ao tamanho da amostra. O estudo apontou para a necessidade de uma explorao mais profunda do tema uma vez que a literatura e os resultados iniciais demonstraram um importante papel da chefia direta na percepo grupal do estresse e no clima organizacional. Ao concluir o trabalho a pesquisa oferece algumas ponderaes sobre o papel das lideranas e o papel das corporaes na equalizao de equipes que vivem sob presso constante.


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cada vez maior o nmero de indivduos que lidam com responsabilidades familiares e de trabalho nas suas rotinas do dia a dia. Esse cenrio tem levado a um maior nmero de investigaes sobre as relaes entre trabalho e famlia e os impactos das mesmas na vida dos indivduos e nas organizaes. Diversas so as abordagens e perspectivas tericas que buscam explicar a ligao entre esses dois domnios e que exploram os efeitos que trabalho e famlia podem exercer um sobre o outro. O presente estudo aborda a relao trabalho-famlia a partir da concepo dos limites existentes nestes domnios, limites estes que influenciam diretamente no modo como a interface trabalho-famlia construda. So desenvolvidas hipteses de pesquisa que exploram o constructo fora do limite (boundary strength), seus antecedentes e sua relao com o conflito trabalho-famlia e com o estresse ocupacional. Prope-se ainda uma relao de moderao do suporte social na relao entre conflito trabalho-famlia e estresse ocupacional. Para testar a validade emprica do modelo proposto, um estudo de campo conduzido, com 401 funcionrios de diversas organizaes no Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que quanto maior a fora do limite na famlia e no trabalho, menor o conflito trabalho-famlia experimentado pelos indivduos e consequentemente menor o nvel de estresse ocupacional. O teste emprico deu suporte ao papel moderador do suporte social de chefes e colegas de trabalho na relao entre o conflito trabalho-famlia e o estresse ocupacional. Implicaes tericas e prticas dos resultados obtidos so explicitadas, alm de sugestes para pesquisas futuras. Espera-se que o tema amplie o foco de anlise da interface trabalho-famlia e auxilie na compreenso da teoria e da prtica organizacional.


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Nas ltimas dcadas tem ocorrido, no que se refere Psicologia, uma mudana de abordagem do modelo intrapsquico para uma perspectiva social, relativa ao comportamento humano. Uma das propostas essenciais do novo movimento consiste em declarar que as desordens emocionais originam-se do mau funcionamento das fontes bsicas de suporte social. Foi nesse clima que em 1965 surgiu a Psicologia Comunitria. Esta se caracteriza pela busca de novos paradigmas que esto baseados, principalmente, na concepo preventiva de ajustamento e sade, e no modelo ecolgico. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se oferecer tambm como modelo alternativo da Psicologia Comunitria a aprendizagem social. Deste ponto de vista, ou seja, da aprendizagem social, os comportamentos considerados "desajustados" so vistos no como manifestaes de problemas intrapsquicos, e sim, como comportamentos que as pessoas aprenderam a copiar do ambiente atravs de reforos ou por meio de modelos oferecidos pela sociedade. Tal posio embora implique em que o comportamento humano pode ser manipulado pelo controle dos estmulos ambientais, no exclui uma viso fenomenolgica do homem. Estas duas abordagens, aparentemente antagnicas, foram aqui apresentadas como um possvel elemento dinamizador da Psicologia Comunitria. Ao mesmo tempo em que se tentou demonstrar ser o comportamento humano de alguma maneira controlado, ps-se em relevo a liberdade que tem o homem de fazer escolhas, podendo ainda esforar-se para evitar reforos aversivos e contribuir para uma sociedade menos repressora. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar uma viso histrica, terica e ideolgica da Psicologia Comunitria e abrir novas perspectivas em termos de sua praxis e sobretudo de suas metas. Da por que indagou-se a respeito das mudanas pretendidas pela Psicologia Comunitria e alertou-se para que elas tenham um sentido transideolgico, visando sobretudo ao bem estar da comunidade.


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Esta tese analisa uma amostra de cartas pessoais que integram o fundo documental Coleo Memria da Constituinte, depositado no Arquivo Histrico do Museu da Repblica. Esse fundo rene documentos produzidos no curso do processo poltico que resultou na promulgao da atual Constituio Federal brasileira. O Brasil vivenciava um momento de transio democrtica, que tinha por objetivo pr fim ao regime autoritrio instalado no pas a partir do golpe civil-militar de 1964. A reconstitucionalizao colocava-se como a via democrtica de luta contra o autoritarismo, recebendo forte e crescente apoio social e tornando-se inclusive um ponto-chave na articulao da eleio indireta de Tancredo Neves e Jos Sarney Presidncia e Vice-Presidncia da Repblica em 1985. Com a eleio e morte de Tancredo, Sarney assume a Presidncia e prope oficialmente a convocao de uma Assembleia Nacional Constituinte no pas. Tem incio um intenso debate na sociedade e negociaes em torno do tipo de Constituinte que se desejava estabelecer, com destaque para a organizao de um amplo e bem estruturado movimento social em prol da participao popular na Constituinte, ento aclamada como uma condio para a construo de um Brasil verdadeiramente democrtico. As cartas analisadas nesta tese inserem-se no quadro das iniciativas de participao na Constituinte empreendidas no pas. Elas foram escritas por populares, em razo daquele momento de reconstitucionalizao, e enviadas a autoridades do mundo da poltica. Registram reivindicaes, pedidos, comentrios, crticas, denncias e sugestes da populao para a futura Constituio. O objetivo da tese , por um lado, mostrar que essas cartas so formas de participao poltica, singulares e especiais, que valorizam a dimenso democrtica da poltica. Por outro, identificar os sentidos atribudos nas cartas s noes de direitos do cidado e deveres dos representantes polticos, naquele momento em que o pas se colocava a tarefa de elaborar uma nova Constituio a Constituio Cidad.


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Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health


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The Community Therapy (CT) is in a practice of therapeutic effect and may also be considered as a technology takes care of the therapeutic procedure group, whose purpose is to promote health, prevent illness, developed within primary care in mental health. In this study we sought to understand the social representations of health professionals who work with the Community Therapy, on use of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the city of Joao Pessoa. This is a field research with a qualitative view Moscovician Theory of Social Representations, held with seven professionals of the FHS, therapists of Community Health District II. The empirical data were obtained by carrying out two thematic therapies in April 2009, which were wheeled CT. It was used as a technique for analyzing the collective subject discourse, and the data presented through graphs, charts, maps, pictures and graphics and arranged in three stages: Subjects of the study, characterizing the study participants; Social Representations of Therapist Community presenting and discussing the social representations of therapists community studied on CT, and Consequences of Community Therapy at the Family Health Strategy, discussing the meanings attributed by the study participants about changes in FHS. Meanings were attributed to the CT by the therapists studied originated from the speeches, songs, drawings and constructed, and that presented by schematic illustration show the relation between the representations: life, listening, faith / light, change, transformation. The web, symbol of CT, appeared on the images constructed by the representatives of the study and represents the formation of bonds that allows the construction of social support networks that strengthen relationships among community. In the study, proved by professionals who have the meanings about the changes in the work process from the introduction of CT, and shown that the change took place within a more welcoming attitude on the part of professionals, the relationship between Team members had no significant changes, explained by the low compliance of team members to the CT in relation to the user front, the bond was strengthened, and this involved strengthening the role of the therapist community. It is recognized, thereby transforming the character of CT in building links with users, requiring, however, that the team is viewed as offering therapeutic services, not the professional therapist. Therefore, the CT for being a new phenomenon in health services and community belonging, it fits like a novelty which affects the construction of a representation dispute. Still, can contribute to the reorganization of mental health care in line with the new model of mental health care advocated by the Psychiatric Reform.


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According to demographic estimates, by the year 2025 Brazil will be the sixth country in the world in number of elderly. For this reason, it is a purpose of public policies to help people to reach that age being healthier. The current health care model of health surveillance through the Family Health Strategy (EFS, in portuguese) is configured as a gateway into the care of the elderly in the Unified Health System (SUS, in portuguese). It is also an area of development of practices to promote health, prevention and control of chronic nondegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze the health care of the elderly provided by ESF professionals for the achievement of a full care. The study is descriptive case study with a quantitative approach, performed in the city of Santo Antnio/RN. The population included all health professionals, who are FHS members of the city that agreed to participate of the survey, a total of 80 professionals. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, having mostly closed questions and divided into two parts: one containing sociodemographic information of health professionals and vocational training and the other, the activities carried on by the professionals in senior care, being analyzed from a database tabulated in a spreadsheet and discussed according to the descriptive statistics in tables, graphs and charts using frequencies, medians and values of central tendency. It was verified a predominance of professionals who finished highschool, mostly female, aged from 30 to 34 years old, with training completed in the last 10 years, without being graduated in the field of geriatrics or gerontology and mostly without training in gerontology. Family members and caregivers were the components of the social support network most identified by the professionals (66.3%).The elderly access to the Family Health Basic Unit was considered by83.8% of professionals as the most important factor that interferes in the activities of health care of the elderly. Considering the inclusion of the family in care: 98.8% of professionals consider the family as one of the goals of care, but 82.5% assist the family to know their role and participate in the care of the elderly, emphasizing that no professional makes use of tools for evaluating the functionality of the family. Regarding the actions taken to assist the elderly, 91.25% have home visits program to the elderly, 88.75% use the host program; 77.5% know the habits of life, cultural, ethical and religious values of the elderly, their families and their community ;51.25% complement the activities through intersectoral actions, 50%participate in groups of living with the elderly; 33.75% keeps track and maintain updated the health information of the elderly; 11.25% of the professionals perform the Single Therapy Planning (PTS, in portuguese) and few implement the actions to promote health according to PTS; there is a deficit in the number of professional categories in the identification and monitoring of the frail older people in their households. It is concluded that the health care of the elderly developed by ESF professionals differs among the professional categories. It was identified weaknesses in the promotion of an active and healthy aging and also in the establishment of an integrated and full care of the elderly. It is recommended the adoption of permanent educational activities by the City Management, initially for ESF professionals in the the perspective of the guidelines of the National Policy of Health Care for the Elderly and later to the other professionals that are part of the health care network of the elderly, at all levels of care in the city for the development of strategies and practices that promote the improvement of the quality of healthcare for the elderly, expecting concrete and effective results in terms of promoting health within Brazilian reality


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Regarding the growing number of human beings with physical and mental pathologies associated to different stressor agents, attempts are being made to validate animal models with a close phylogenetic resemblance to man, to study stress response. Callithrix jacchus has been widely used in biomedical research, including on stress, but there is scarce information in the literature about how individual and social factors modulate stressor response in this species. This study uses 4 approaches to investigate the response of male and female adult C. jacchus, under situations of stress, and in the first we show evidence of the importance of this animal as an experimental model in research involving the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. And we investigate if sex and baseline cortisol levels modulate the behavioral and hormonal response to separation. In two additional approaches investigate if type of social support (co-specific parent or non-parent) and social rank interfere in behavioral and hormonal when the animal are exposure to a new environment, paired with a co-specific (F2), exposure of the animal to a new environment, isolated (F3) or during reunion (F4). Finally, we also investigated the androgen levels in the males, with a focus on the challenge hypothesis, referring to environmental responsiveness and male-male exposure to relatives and non-relatives of C. jacchus. It was observed that: (1) the baseline cortisol of the animal is predictive of cortisol reactivity at separation; (2) males and females do not show dimorphism in the response of cortisol to stressors, although the females have higher baseline levels of this hormone and exhibit higher frequencies of anxiety-related behaviors; (3) only social support provided by relatives proved to be effective in buffering the cortisol response. In behavioral terms this response was dimorphic, showing that only the male dyads displayed an attenuated response to stress; (4) the males showed differences in cortisol levels as a function of social rank and study phases, whereas in the females no such alterations were observed. The males with indefinite dominance hierarchy (IDH) had reduced cortisol in F2 and F4, while the IDH females showed an increase in F3 and F4; (5) the males of relative and non-relative dyads did not exhibit variations in androgen levels as a function of a new environment. These results, taken together, (a) corroborate the use of C. jacchus as a good animal model for stress-related studies, given that they exhibit similar behavioral and physiological alterations to those of human beings in response to stressor agents; (b) point to the importance of considering individual and social modulating factors during experiments with stressors; (c) provide more reliable comparison parameters in studies where these primates are used as animal models, and (d) show that androgens vary as a function of genetic proximity (relative or non-relative) when the animals are faced with physical and social environmental challenges, thus providing important information for studying the challenge hypothesis in this species


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome of unknown etiology, with symptoms of diffuse musculoskeletal pain and presence of specific anatomic sites called tender points. The symptoms are often associated with fatigue, sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, alterations in pain perception, anxiety and depression. Fibromyalgia exhibits a correlation between physical and behavioral symptoms, which have a negative influence on the quality of life of patients. Emotional skills are important factors since they are related to subjective well-being, personal productivity, social interaction and interpersonal relationships. We aim to describe the physical and psychosocial interactions in women with FM, showing the association between perceived social support and affect with symptoms of pain, functionality and mood. We will also describe a body representation of pain in women with FM. Data were collected over 3 years and the sample size ranged between studies. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with a convenience sample of 63 women with FM and 42 healthy women as a control group (CT), aged 20-76 years, recruited through spontaneous demand at Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and the Clinical School of Physiotherapy of Universidade Potiguar (UNP). The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Social Support Scale (MOS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), in addition to pressure algometry were used. For data analysis, we used parametric and non-parametric tests and a general linear model with adjustment variables and analysis of variance. A significant difference was found between pain threshold and tolerance, functionality, depression, anxiety, social support, and positive and negative affect between the groups. Affective states and social support were associated with anxiety, depression and functionality. A body was drawn representing pain with higher incidences in trapeze, supraspinatus and second ribs. The reason for studying sensory aspects, affective behavior and social support in FM patients opens perspectives for scientific and clinical research of this syndrome. Women with chronic pain such as FM appear to have altered mood states, less social support and affective dysfunctions, influencing the other symptoms of the syndrome