990 resultados para Shoot pruning


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A sound designed stinger featuring a penalty kick with a goal and crowd cheers with vuvuzelas.


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This chapter inquires into four very different Australian middle-school classrooms where teachers are innovating their practices and developing new approaches to aspects of English curriculum. These classrooms from diverse settings (one middle-class urban, one elite private inner urban, one regional disadvantaged, one middle-class regional) have all taken imaginative leaps and reworked their curricula to put the students’ needs at the centre. At one school, Year 8 students design, make and play their own computer games, at another Year 6 students script, design, craft and shoot their own claymation film; at another, Year 9 students use videogames as texts in their literature studies; and at another, a group of Year 6 students work with a theatre company and their teachers to rework Shakespeare into a contemporary, accessible, enjoyable performance. The chapter considers how in each case these different approaches engage and extend the students in meaningful and relevant ways. The chapter includes a mix of teacher and student interview data, principal data and teacher writing. The chapter investigates how each of these projects worked to achieve its aims and discusses how the single national curriculum might be re-envisioned in local contexts.


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Naringinases has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years due to its hydrolytic activities which include the production of rhamnose, and prunin and debittering of citrus fruit juices. While this enzyme is widely distributed in fungi, its production from bacterial sources is less commonly known. Fungal naringinase are very important as they are used industrially in large amounts and have been extensively studied during the past decade. In this article, production of bacterial naringinase and potential biotechnological applications are discussed. Bacterial rhamnosidases are exotype enzymes that hydrolyse terminal non-reducing α-l-rhamnosyl groups from α-l-rhamnose containing polysaccharides and glycosides. Structurally, they are classified into family 78 of glycoside hydrolases and characterized by the presence of Asp567 and Glu841 in their active site. Optimization of fermentation conditions and enzyme engineering will allow the development of improved rhamnosidases for advancing suggested industrial applications.


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In this paper we present an application designed to improve the quality of amateur video production. The majority of home movie material is negatively impacted by two factors: lack of narrative content- "what to shoot?", and the absence or inappropriate use of cinesthetic elements for effective reinforcement of content - "how to shoot?". We leverage the age-old communicative powers of Story to answer the what For the second problem, the how, we turn to the corpus of aesthetic principles that constitute the film profession, which impact both technical and cinematic considerations for a given project.


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Many previous approaches to frequent episode discovery only accept simple sequences. Although a recent approach has been able to nd frequent episodes from complex sequences, the discovered sets are neither condensed nor accurate. This paper investigates the discovery of condensed sets of frequent episodes from complex sequences. We adopt a novel anti-monotonic frequency measure based on non-redundant occurrences, and dene a condensed set, nDaCF (the set of non-derivable approximately closed frequent episodes) within a given maximal error bound of support. We then introduce a series of effective pruning strategies, and develop a method, nDaCF-Miner, for discovering nDaCF sets. Experimental results show that, when the error bound is somewhat high, the discovered nDaCF sets are two orders of magnitude smaller than complete sets, and nDaCF-miner is more efficient than previous mining approaches. In addition, the nDaCF sets are more accurate than the sets found by previous approaches.


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Objectives: Copper-based compounds have been used as agricultural fungicides for many years. Their use in Australia is escalating with increase in the scale of planting and associated pest problems. The objective of this study was to identify viticulture activities associated with high exposure to foliage sprays. It would be determined if occupational exposure of vineyard workers to copper-based sprays was associated with raised body copper levels through analysis of saliva and buccal cells.

Methods: The activities of six vineyard workers from four vineyards in the Yarra Valley Victoria, Australia, were monitored over a period of 2 years. During this period, workers carried out seasonal activities, including fungicide spraying, canopy management, and tractor operation. Saliva and buccal cells from workers were collected and analysed for copper levels that were then correlated with the different types of vineyard activity.

Results: The buccal cells of vineyard workers exposed to copper through seasonal activities including fungicide spraying, canopy management, and tractor operation contained copper levels of 0.87, 1.24, and 0.95 ng Cu per 106 cells, respectively. This was up to 10-fold higher than the copper levels in buccal cells from the control subjects (0.1 ng Cu per 106). Copper levels in buccal cells from workers participating in other viticulture activities such as shoot thinning, bunch counting, and disbudding were not significantly different from those of control subjects. The levels of copper in saliva samples of both workers undertaking any vineyard activity and control subjects were below the level of detection.

Conclusions: Seasonal activities undertaken in vineyards that involved direct contact with copper, in particular canopy management, fungicidal spraying, and tractor operation were associated with high copper levels in buccal cells of workers. This indicates that copper derived from copper-based fungicidal compounds is accumulated within body cells. The lack of detectable copper levels in saliva suggests that the route of transport of copper into buccal cells is not through saliva. The results indicate potential adverse health risks associated with use of copper fungicide. Recommendations are made in relation to the precautions that should be taken in relation to use of copper sprays and to validate buccal cells as an indicator of body copper status.


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This paper describes the application of an adaptive neural network, called Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), to handle fault prediction and condition monitoring problems in a power generation station. The FAM network, which is supplemented with a pruning algorithm, is used as a classifier to predict different machine conditions, in an off-line learning mode. The process under scrutiny in the power plant is the Circulating Water (CW) system, with prime attention to monitoring the heat transfer efficiency of the condensers. Several phases of experiments were conducted to investigate the `optimum' setting of a set of parameters of the FAM classifier for monitoring heat transfer conditions in the power plant.


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The obligate soil-borne biotroph Plasmodiophora brassicae has a significant economic impact on Brassicaceae crops. The pathogen severely disrupts the roots by inducing the production of galls which leads to malformation and reduced growth of the roots and a reduced ability to take up water and nutrients. Control of P. brassicae is difficult because it has a number of survival and dissemination strategies that involve both motile and resting stages that need to be targeted by any control agent. We investigated, under controlled conditions and in glasshouse and field experiments, the potential of salicylic acid (SA), a key phytohormone, that is required for defence against certain biotic and abiotic stresses, to reduce infection by P. brassicae in broccoli (Brassicae oleracea var. italica). Under controlled conditions in a growth cabinet exogenous application of SA to roots resulted in its transport systemically to the leaves where it promoted the up-regulation of the pathogenesis related genes PR-1 and PR-2 in an SAR-like response as early as 24 h post-treatment. Concentrations of SA >20 mM reduced significantly both shoot and root weights when applied exogenously but lower concentrations had little measureable effect on plant growth. When SA was applied to plants above 5 mM there was a significant reduction (25-65 %) in gall formation 6 weeks post-inoculation with P. brassicae, indicating that the pathogen was being controlled by the addition of SA. A combination of SA and JA was also shown to reduce severity (25-35 %) of disease associated with P. brassicae. These findings indicate that there may be SA inducible mechanisms in B. oleracea that if fine-tuned could provide enhanced resistance to clubroot disease.


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The use of transgenic plants to produce novel products has great biotechnological potential as the relatively inexpensive inputs of light, water, and nutrients are utilised in return for potentially valuable bioactive metabolites, diagnostic proteins and vaccines. Extensive research is ongoing in this area internationally with the aim of producing plant-made vaccines of importance for both animals and humans. Vaccine purification is generally regarded as being integral to the preparation of safe and effective vaccines for use in humans. However, the use of crude plant extracts for animal immunisation may enable plant-made vaccines to become a cost-effective and efficacious approach to safely immunise large numbers of farm animals against diseases such as avian influenza. Since the technology associated with genetic transformation and large-scale propagation is very well established in Nicotiana, the genus has attributes well-suited for the production of plant-made vaccines. However the presence of potentially toxic alkaloids in Nicotiana extracts impedes their use as crude vaccine preparations. In the current study we describe a Nicotiana tabacum and N. glauca hybrid that expresses the HA glycoprotein of influenza A in its leaves but does not synthesize alkaloids. We demonstrate that injection with crude leaf extracts from these interspecific hybrid plants is a safe and effective approach for immunising mice. Moreover, this antigen-producing alkaloid-free, transgenic interspecific hybrid is vigorous, with a high capacity for vegetative shoot regeneration after harvesting. These plants are easily propagated by vegetative cuttings and have the added benefit of not producing viable pollen, thus reducing potential problems associated with bio-containment. Hence, these Nicotiana hybrids provide an advantageous production platform for partially purified, plant-made vaccines which may be particularly well suited for use in veterinary immunization programs.


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In the attempt to understand how the camera works I built a camera obscura and discovered that photography exists without us. That nature produces pinholes of light that form images came as a revelation. This spawned a new way of exploring the body in motion through photography. Guided by instinctual body memory of light and space I impose rules on how and when I shoot. In this series I ‘performed’ states of motion by combining elements together - a pas de trois of gravity, water and body mass caught in a flash, the action commonly known as ‘bombing’. I continue to ‘choreograph’ the moment in photoshop just like dance notation as if it could be read and repeated.


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Understanding how multiple environmental stressors interact to affect seagrass health (measured as morphological and physiological responses) is important for responding to global declines in seagrass populations. We investigated the interactive effects of temperature stress (24, 27, 30 and 32°C) and shading stress (75, 50, 25 and 0% shade treatments) on the seagrass Zostera muelleri over a 3-month period in laboratory mesocosms. Z. muelleri is widely distributed throughout the temperate and tropical waters of south and east coasts of Australia, and is regarded as a regionally significant species. Optimal growth was observed at 27°C, whereas rapid loss of living shoots and leaf mass occurred at 32°C. We found no difference in the concentration of photosynthetic pigments among temperature treatments by the end of the experiment; however, up-regulation of photoprotective pigments was observed at 30°C. Greater levels of shade resulting in high photochemical efficiencies, while elevated irradiance suppressed effective quantum yield (ΔF/FM'). Chlorophyll fluorescence fast induction curves (FIC) revealed that the J step amplitude was significantly higher in the 0% shade treatment after 8 weeks, indicating a closure of PSII reaction centres, which likely contributed to the decline in ΔF/FM' and photoinhibition under higher irradiance. Effective quantum yield of PSII (ΔF/FM') declined steadily in 32°C treatments, indicating thermal damage. Higher temperatures (30°C) resulted in reduced above-ground biomass ratio and smaller leaves, while reduced light led to a reduction in leaf and shoot density, above-ground biomass ratio, shoot biomass and an increase in leaf senescence. Surprisingly, light and temperature had few interactive effects on seagrass health, even though these two stressors had strong effects on seagrass health when tested in isolation. In summary, these results demonstrate that populations of Z. muelleri in south-eastern Australia are sensitive to small chronic temperature increases and light decreases that are predicted under future climate change scenarios.


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ust-Noticeable-Differences (JND) as a dead-band in perceptual analysis has been widely used for more than a decade. This technique has been employed for data reduction in hap tic data transmission systems by several researchers. In fact, researchers use two different JND coefficients that are JNDV and JNDF for velocity and force data respectively. For position data, they usually rely on the resolution of hap tic display device to omit data that are unperceivable to human. In this paper, pruning undesirable position data that are produced by the vibration of the device or subject and/or noise in transmission line is addressed. It is shown that using inverse JNDV for position data can prune undesirable position data. Comparison of the results of the proposed method in this paper with several well known filters and some available methods proposed by other researchers is performed. It is shown that combination of JNDV could provide lower error with desirable curve smoothness, and as little as possible computation effort and complexity. It also has been shown that this method reduces much more data rather than using forward-JNDV.


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Legumes develop root nodules from pluripotent stem cells in the rootpericycle in response to mitogenic activation by a decorated chitin-likenodulation factor synthesized in Rhizobium bacteria. The soybean genes encoding the receptor for such signals were cloned using map-based cloning approaches. Pluripotent cells in the root pericycle and the outer or inner cortex undergo repeated cell divisions to initiate a composite nodule primordium that develops to a functional nitrogen-fixing nodule. The process itself is autoregulated, leading to the characteristic nodulation of the upper root system. Autoregulation of nodulation (AON) in all legumes is controlled in part by a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase gene (GmNARK). Mutations of GmNARK, and its other legume orthologues, result in abundant nodulation caused by the loss of a yet-undefined negative nodulation repressor system. AON receptor kinases are involved in perception of a long distance, root-derived signal, to negatively control nodule proliferation. GmNARK and LjHAR1 are expressed in phloem parenchyma. GmNARK kinase domain interacts with Kinase Associated Protein Phosphatase (KAPP). NARK gene expression did not mirror biological NARK activity in nodulation control, as q-RT-PCR in soybean revealed high NARK expression in roots, root tips, leaves, petioles, stems and hypocotyls, while shoot and root apical meristems were devoid of NARK RNA. High through-put transcript analysis in soybean leaf and root indicated that major genes involved in JA synthesis or response are preferentially down-regulated in leaf but not root of wild type, but not NARK mutants, suggesting that AON signaling may in part be controlled by events relating to hormone metabolism. Ethylene and abscisic acid insensitive mutants of L. japonicus are described. Nodulation in legumes has significance to global economies and ecologies, as the nitrogen input into the biosphere allows food, feed and biofuel production without the inherent costs associated with nitrogen fertilization [1]. Nodulation involves the production of a new organ capable of nitrogen fixation [2] and as such is an excellent system to study plant – microbe interaction, plant development, long distance signaling and functional genomics of stem cell proliferation [3, 4]. Concerted international effort over the last 20 years, using a combination of induced mutagenesis followed by gene discovery (forward genetics), and molecular/biochemical approaches revealed a complex developmental pathway that ‘loans’ genetic programs from various sources and orchestrates these into a novel contribution. We report our laboratory’s contribution to the present analysis in the field.


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A eficiência da técnica de cultura de anteras, em escala comercial, ainda pode ser considerada baixa quando medida em número de plantas duplo-haplóides férteis obtidas para cada antera estabelecida in vitro. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho é pioneiro no estudo detalhado da embriogênese in vitro do micrósporo e do grão de pólen de cevada (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare). Com o objetivo de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da técnica de cultura de anteras foi analisada a embriogênese, com especial ênfase na etapa da indução, através de análises citológicas e histológicas de anteras cultivadas in vitro. Foram analisadas uma cultivar brasileira de cevada, em comparação com linhagens de duas outras cultivares brasileiras, que foram selecionadas, por seleção divergente para maior ou para menor resposta na indução da rota embriogênica e, respectivamente, para menor ou para maior capacidade de regenerar plântulas verdes. Somente foram estabelecidas em cultivo in vitro as anteras que apresentaram micrósporos e pólens jovens, das linhagens selecionadas da cultivar A-05 (S3A22 e S3A23), e da cultivar BR-2(S3B63 e, apenas na cultura de anteras, S3B61), bem como da cultivar MN-599 (nãoselecionada). Para as análises histológicas, foram fixadas, a cada dois dias, duas anteras, correspondentes a cada fileira da mesma espiga, após o início do cultivo in vitro. As anteras em cultivo e respectivas estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em FAA 50%, desidratadas em série etílica e incluídas em hidroxietilmetacrilato. Os blocos de resina polimerizada foram secionados longitudinalmente com 3 mm de espessura. Para as análises citológicas foram fixadas, de cada espiga recém-coletada, três espiguetas sendo uma da base, outra do meio e outra do ápice. Após o pré-tratamento à baixa temperatura (5 °C), porém antes do cultivo in vitro, foram fixadas três anteras (amostras utilizadas como controles). A cada três dias, durante o cultivo, três anteras foram fixadas (até 18 dias). As anteras em cultivo e estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em Farmer e FAA 50%, transferidas após 24 horas para etanol 70%. Na cultura in vitro das anteras houve diferenças entre uma das linhagens da cultivar A-05 em relação a cultivar MN- 599, na produção inicial de estruturas embriogênicas, diferença que desapareceu na produção total. Entretanto, houve diferenças na formação dos xiii embriões: a cv.MN-599 formou embriões bem diferenciados ao passo que a linhagem S3A22 produziu um número aparentemente menor, sendo que os embriões não eram bem diferenciados. A linhagem S3B63 não apresentou embriões até o final da análise histológica. Considerando que a amostra dessa linhagem, mantida em cultura, formou plantas verdes, pode-se propor que a formação de embriões deve ocorrer posteriormente ao desenvolvimento da cv.MN-599. Cabe destacar que houve diferenças significativas entre as cultivares A-05 e BR-2 quanto à regeneração de plântulas verdes. Esses resultados indicam ter havido maior eficiência da seleção em relação à etapa da regeneração. Com relação às categorias classificatórias dos micrósporos e grãos de pólen, constatou-se que desde o início da análise histológica (2o dia de cultivo in vitro) até o final (34o dia), foram observados micrósporos, o mesmo tendo sido observado na análise citológica. Os grãos de pólen multinucleados ocorreram praticamente em todo o período de cultivo in vitro, em ambas análises; não ocorrendo nos controles da citologia (antes do cultivo); os multinucleados foram observados a partir do 3o dia, enquanto que os multicelulares a partir do 4o dia de cultivo. As estruturas multicelulares foram observadas a partir do 8o dia. A quantidade e o tamanho das estruturas multicelulares foram variáveis ao longo da análise histológica, sendo que do 14o ao 20o dia foram encontradas as de maiores dimensões, resultantes da proliferação celular por mitoses sucessivas. A partir do 22o dia (cultivar MN- 599), a ocorrência de estruturas multicelulares no interior dos lóculos da antera diminuiu, predominando o processo de proliferação externo às anteras. Para as linhagens, a partir do 18o dia foram observadas estruturas multicelulares liberadas das anteras. A análise das estruturas multicelulares permitiu classificá-las em quatro categorias: 1. SFD: Sem forma definida; 2. MAC: meristema apical caulinar; 3. MAR: meristema apical radical embrionário adventício; e 4. Embriões. As estruturas amorfas apareceram em maior número, quando comparadas com as outras categorias. Em síntese: as linhagens selecionadas e a cultivar diferiram não apenas no tempo necessário para a formação dos embriões, mas também no desenvolvimento dos mesmos, que foi mais diferenciado na cultivar MN-599, porém sendo observados mais cedo na linhagem S3A22 e S3A23, do que na cultivar MN-599.