943 resultados para Shire horse


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Na medicina equina, os problemas locomotores estão na origem da maioria das consultas veterinárias, provocando uma enorme preocupação para os proprietários e equitadores e exigindo um grande conhecimento por parte do veterinário. Assim, não são demais os estudos realizados nesta área, que permitem auxiliar os médicos veterinários sempre que se deparam com este tipo de problemas. Uma das ferramentas fundamentais para o diagnóstico das lesões ósseas e articulares nos membros é o raio-X. Desde que este foi tornado portátil, passou a ser um enorme aliado do veterinário, permitindo diagnósticos mais facilitados e imediatos no terreno. O objectivo da presente dissertação, para além de rever a bibliografia descrita acerca da incidência de lesões locomotoras, é também contribuir para a caracterização das lesões mais frequentes na medicina equina na população estudada que envolvam as estruturas óssea e articular dos membros do cavalo. As lesões locomotoras descritas no estudo, foram determinadas após uma observação rigorosa aos diferentes raios-X de 95 cavalos e os dados recolhidos foram tratados através de uma análise estatística utilizando o programa «SPSS®». Existe uma maior incidência de lesões nos membros anteriores quando comparado com os membros posteriores. Tanto o membro anterior direito, como o membro posterior direito são igualmente mais afectados do que os membros esquerdos, havendo também uma elevada distribuição das lesões em ambos os membros anteriores em simultâneo. No membro anterior, a lesão mais frequentemente diagnosticada é a osteoartrite, sendo a luxação uma das lesões menos encontradas. Para o membro posterior, é o esparvão que mais se diagnostica, contrastando com o síndrome podotroclear, que tem uma prevalência baixa. No membro anterior, a 3ª falange é uma das regiões mais afectadas, sendo a ulna uma das regiões menos afectadas. No membro posterior, é a região do curvilhão que representa um dos locais mais propícios a lesão, enquanto a 2ª falange é uma das regiões onde menos frequentemente se diagnosticam lesões no cavalo. Os resultados encontrados estão de acordo com a bibliografia descrita e sugerem a importância da continuidade deste tipo de estudos, nomeadamente abrangendo outras variáveis como a raça, a idade e o tipo de utilização do cavalo e, ainda, a utilização de outros métodos imagiológicos.


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Durante 15 anos, observando requerentes nas provas de acesso à licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto, chegamos á conclusão de que maioria deles tem preparação gímnica básica muito fraca. Eles apresentam grandes lacunas tanto no conhecimento da técnica como na execução prática dos elementos gímnicos, constantes do Programa Escolar. Naturalmente, o nosso desejo foi descobrir as razões para esta deficiente preparação gímnica e contribuir para melhorar o processo ensino-aprendizagem nas escolas. Mais especificamente, neste estudo procurou-se, junto aos professores que leccionam nas escolas, averiguar alguns aspectos relacionados com a aplicação dos programas nacionais de Educação Física de Ginástica no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário. Para isso elaboramos um questionário ao qual responderam 88 professores em 14 escolas de Lisboa e Almada. Conclusões. A maioria dos professores, participantes no nosso estudo, não aborda mais que metade dos elementos constantes dos Programas de ginástica, especialmente os elementos nos aparelhos (barra fixa, paralelas simétricas, argolas, cavalo com arções), saltos no plinto longitudinal, mortais no mini-trampolim, elementos do nível avançado no solo e trave. A maior dificuldade na aplicação do Programa de Educação Física é o facto de a grande maioria dos alunos não possuir os pré-requisitos na ginástica, que deveriam ser adquiridos no 1º e 2º ciclos de Escola Básica, tanto no desenvolvimento das habilidades e hábitos motores de base, como ao nível de preparação física. Uma percentagem considerável dos professores tem dificuldades relacionadas com os conhecimentos técnico-didácticos, especialmente na intervenção manual (48%). Por isso, é muito importante existência mais acções de formação especificas da ginástica. Através da análise dos dados recolhidos referenciamos os elementos gímnicos que apresentam maiores dificuldades na leccionação e elaboramos as fichas com descrição completa da técnica da execução destes elementos, progressões metodológicas, indicamos os erros típicos e recomendamos a forma de intervenção manual do professores. Com este trabalho pretendemos poder ajudar os estudantes e professores, que iniciam a sua carreira profissional, a encontrar uma forma mais eficaz no ensino dos elementos gímnicos, constantes do Programa Escolar.


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A recent study has suggested that the decorated Bronze Age metalwork of South Scandinavia depicted the path of the sun through the sky during the day and through the sea at night. At different stages in its journey it was accompanied by a horse or a ship. Similar images are found in prehistoric rock art, and this paper argues that, whilst there are important differences between the images in these two media, they also signal some of the same ideas.


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A recently emerging bleeding canker disease, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pathovar aesculi (Pae), is threatening European horse chestnut in northwest Europe. Very little is known about the origin and biology of this new disease. We used the nucleotide sequences of seven commonly used marker genes to investigate the phylogeny of three strains isolated recently from bleeding stem cankers on European horse chestnut in Britain (E-Pae). On the basis of these sequences alone, the E-Pae strains were identical to the Pae type-strain (I-Pae), isolated from leaf spots on Indian horse chestnut in India in 1969. The phylogenetic analyses also showed that Pae belongs to a distinct clade of P. syringae pathovars adapted to woody hosts. We generated genome-wide Illumina sequence data from the three E-Pae strains and one strain of I-Pae. Comparative genomic analyses revealed pathovar-specific genomic regions in Pae potentially implicated in virulence on a tree host, including genes for the catabolism of plant-derived aromatic compounds and enterobactin synthesis. Several gene clusters displayed intra-pathovar variation, including those encoding type IV secretion, a novel fatty acid biosynthesis pathway and a sucrose uptake pathway. Rates of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the four Pae genomes indicate that the three E-Pae strains diverged from each other much more recently than they diverged from I-Pae. The very low genetic diversity among the three geographically distinct E-Pae strains suggests that they originate from a single, recent introduction into Britain, thus highlighting the serious environmental risks posed by the spread of an exotic plant pathogenic bacterium to a new geographic location. The genomic regions in Pae that are absent from other P. syringae pathovars that infect herbaceous hosts may represent candidate genetic adaptations to infection of the woody parts of the tree.


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Recognising the growing significance of sport and recreation in the countryside, this paper seeks to examine the changing demand for, and supply of, opportunities for horse riding in the countryside. It considers the physical problems associated with horse riding, together with the changing social context. The paper considers possible solutions to the issues raised, both within existing rights of way legislation and via new opportunities created by the revisions to agricultural support that have occurred in the last decade. The paper concludes that while the new opportunities have ameliorated some of the problems associated with the supply of land for horse riding, no new rights of access have been conferred. The ability of horse riders to guarantee continued provision will be governed partially by the market but also by future agricultural support policy.


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Despite decades of research, the roles of climate and humans in driving the dramatic extinctions of large-bodied mammals during the Late Quaternary period remain contentious. Here we use ancient DNA, species distribution models and the human fossil record to elucidate how climate and humans shaped the demographic history of woolly rhinoceros, woolly mammoth, wild horse, reindeer, bison and musk ox. We show that climate has been a major driver of population change over the past 50,000 years. However, each species responds differently to the effects of climatic shifts, habitat redistribution and human encroachment. Although climate change alone can explain the extinction of some species, such as Eurasian musk ox and woolly rhinoceros, a combination of climatic and anthropogenic effects appears to be responsible for the extinction of others, including Eurasian steppe bison and wild horse. We find no genetic signature or any distinctive range dynamics distinguishing extinct from surviving species, emphasizing the challenges associated with predicting future responses of extant mammals to climate and human-mediated habitat change.


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This paper presents direct radiocarbon measurements on horse skeletal remains from the Beaker period settlement at the site of Newgrange in Ireland, finds which have previously been argued as the earliest domestic horses in Ireland. The new determinations date the horse remains to the Irish Iron Age and shed important new light on the introduction of domestic horses to Ireland and to north-west Europe more generally. Although the new dates undermine the idea for the introduction of horses as part of a ‘Beaker package’, the early use of horse is not well defined archaeologically or chronologically and the earliest use of domestic horses in Ireland and Britain is still uncertain. This paper also identifies evidence for heavy bitting damage on the Iron Age Newgrange horse teeth and presents some possible parallels between the evidence from Newgrange and that at Tara, which has been previously linked with kingship rituals


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There is a period of some 5000 years or so in the prehistory of Europe when horse populations were greatly depleted and perhaps even disappeared in many places. Before this time, during the Upper Palaeolithic, wild horses were common; after, during the Bronze Age, domestic horses were being raised and used across Europe. What happened in between is uncertain, in part because of the sketchy archaeological record. Debates continue as to the origins (the when, where and how) of Europe's domestic horses, including whether horse husbandry dispersed only from habitats favourable to horses on the Eurasian steppes or whether there was local domestication in temperate Europe. This paper reviews the evidence for the transition from wild horses to domestic horses in Europe.


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This paper describes a simple technique for the patterning of glia and neurons. The integration of neuronal patterning to Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs), planar patch clamp and silicon based ‘lab on a chip’ technologies necessitates the development of a microfabrication-compatible method, which will be reliable and easy to implement. In this study a highly consistent, straightforward and cost effective cell patterning scheme has been developed. It is based on two common ingredients: the polymer parylene-C and horse serum. Parylene-C is deposited and photo-lithographically patterned on silicon oxide (SiO2) surfaces. Subsequently, the patterns are activated via immersion in horse serum. Compared to non-activated controls, cells on the treated samples exhibited a significantly higher conformity to underlying parylene stripes. The immersion time of the patterns was reduced from 24 to 3 h without compromising the technique. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of parylene and SiO2 surfaces before and after immersion in horse serum and gel based eluant analysis suggests that the quantity and conformation of proteins on the parylene and SiO2 substrates might be responsible for inducing glial and neuronal patterning.


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While it was happening, European expansion was often legitimised by evoking frontier images: pioneers setting off from the metropolis, penetrating wilderness in order to open access to resources, like minerals, living-space, and fertile lands. Central to the ideology of the frontier is the notion of 'no-man's land'. These 'pioneers', however, often had to face local inhabitants and their interpretations and uses of this land. Thus it will be argued that contestations over landscape were at the same time battles over the legitimation of European expansion, as well as over local perceptions of this process. Ideologically, contestations by Europeans and Africans become apparent in the sexualisation of landscape. This paper is based on the case study of a Valley in eastern Zimbabwe on the border with Mozambique, and more specifically of two tea estates which were established in the rainforest. Unusually late for the region, European influence in this remote area only began to become significant in the 1950s which were an important turning point regarding land and landscape in the area. These years of great change will be analysed in order to map out different strands of interest by the main parties involved. It will be demonstrated that their readings of landscape translated into contestations over land. A recent example of such a conflict will be given.


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Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.


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Background Pseudomonas syringae can cause stem necrosis and canker in a wide range of woody species including cherry, plum, peach, horse chestnut and ash. The detection and quantification of lesion progression over time in woody tissues is a key trait for breeders to select upon for resistance. Results In this study a general, rapid and reliable approach to lesion quantification using image recognition and an artificial neural network model was developed. This was applied to screen both the virulence of a range of P. syringae pathovars and the resistance of a set of cherry and plum accessions to bacterial canker. The method developed was more objective than scoring by eye and allowed the detection of putatively resistant plant material for further study. Conclusions Automated image analysis will facilitate rapid screening of material for resistance to bacterial and other phytopathogens, allowing more efficient selection and quantification of resistance responses.


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In spite of numerous, substantial advances in equine reproduction, many stages of embryonic and fetal morphological development are poorly understood, with no apparent single source of comprehensive information. Hence, the objective of the present study was to provide a complete macroscopic and microscopic description of the equine embryo/fetus at various gestational ages. Thirty-four embryos/fetuses were aged based on their crown rump length (CRL), and submitted to macroscopic description, biometry, light and scanning microscopy, as well as the alizarin technique. All observed developmental changes were chronologically ordered and described. As examples of the main observed features, an accentuated cervical curvature was observed upon macroscopic examination in all specimens. In the nervous system, the encephalic fourth ventricle and the encephalic vesicles forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain, were visualized from Day 19 (ovulation = Day 0). The thoracic and pelvic limbs were also visualized; their extremities gave rise to the hoof during development from Day 27. Development of other structures such as pigmented optical vesicle, liver, tail, cardiac area, lungs, and dermal vascularization started on Days 25, 25, 19, 19, 34, and 35, respectively. Light and scanning microscopy facilitated detailed examinations of several organs, e.g., heart, kidneys, lungs, and intestine, whereas the alizarin technique enabled visualization of ossification. Observations in this study contributed to the knowledge regarding equine embryogenesis, and included much detailed data from many specimens collected over a long developmental interval. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Quantity and variety of environmental antigens, age, diet, vaccine protocols, exercising practice and mucosal cytokine microenvironment are factors that influence serum immunoglobulin (Ig) levels. IgA, IgG, IgG(T) and IgM were quantified in 60 horses, which were classified into two groups, `intensive` or `relaxed`, according to sanitary standards of the facilities and physical exercise to which animals were subjected to. The `intensive` group presented lower means for all isotypes, but only IgA presented a significant (P < 0.0064) difference when compared to the `relaxed` group. This suggests that mucosal immunity found in the `intensive` group is lower when compared to the `relaxed` group. Our data suggest that athlete horses may be less poised to mount an effective mucosal immunity response to environmental challenges and should not be considered by the same perspectives as a free-ranging horse.