899 resultados para Second language classroom
Prominent views in second language acquisition suggest that the age of L2 learning is inversely correlated with native-like pronunciation (Scovel, 1988; Birdsong, 1999). The relationship has been defined in terms of the Critical Period Hypothesis, whereby various aspects of neural cognition simultaneously occur near the onset of puberty, thus inhibiting L2 phonological acquisition. The current study tests this claim of a chronological decline in pronunciation aptitude through the examination of a key trait of American English – reduced vowels, or “schwas.” Groups of monolingual, early bilingual, and late bilingual participants were directly compared across a variety of environments phonologically conditioned for vowel reduction. Results indicate that late bilinguals have greater degrees of difficulty in producing schwas, as expected. Results further suggest that the degree of differentiation between schwa is larger than previously identified and that these subtle differences may likely be a contributive factor to the perception of a foreign accent in bilingual speakers.
This investigation focused on the treatment of English deictic verbs of motion by Spanish-English bilinguals in Miami. Although English and Spanish share significant overlap of the spatial deixis system, they diverge in important aspects. It is not known how these verbs are processed by bilinguals. Thus, this study examined Spanish-English bilinguals’ interpretation of the verbs come, go, bring, and take in English. Forty-five monolingual English speakers and Spanish-English bilinguals participated. Participants were asked to watch video clips depicting motion events and to judge the acceptability of accompanying narrations spoken by the actors in the videos. Analyses showed that, in general, monolinguals and bilinguals patterned similarly across the deictic verbs come, bring, go and take. However, they did differ in relation to acceptability of word order for verbal objects. Also, bring was highly accepted by all language groups across all goal paths, possibly suggesting an innovation in its use.
Influential bodies of work in language acquisition studies single out heritage bilingualism as a discrete acquisition process within the bilingualism continuum. In regards to the acquisition of WH-/QU- interrogatives containing prepositional phrases (PP), the present study examined whether heritage speakers (HS) of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produce preposition stranding (P-stranding) constructions in their heritage language, in contrast to monolingual and adult speakers of BP, where prepositions are pied-piped to form the interrogative. Participants were HS of BP born in the USA and in Brazil, monolinguals, and late bilingual adults. The experiment consisted of an elicited production task and a grammaticality judgment task, both carried out in BP and then in English. Results showed that HS born in the USA use P-stranding in QU- interrogatives productively and systematically, in contrast to the other three groups. Moreover, no evidence of protracted acquisition was found in this group. No signs of attrition were detected among bilinguals.
L’objectif de cette étude qualitative est de décrire et de comprendre le processus décisionnel sous-jacent à la rétroaction corrective d’un enseignant de langue seconde à l’oral. Pour ce faire, elle décrit les principaux facteurs qui influencent la décision de procéder à une rétroaction corrective ainsi que ceux qui sous-tendent le choix d’une technique de rétroaction particulière. Trois enseignantes de français langue seconde auprès d’un public d’adultes immigrants au Canada ont participé à cette recherche. Des séquences complètes d’enseignement ont été filmées puis présentées aux participantes qui ont commenté leur pratique. L’entretien de verbalisation s’est effectué sous la forme d’un rappel stimulé et d’une entrevue. Cet entretien constitue les données de cette étude. Les résultats ont révélé que la rétroaction corrective ainsi que le choix de la technique employée étaient influencés par des facteurs relatifs à l’erreur, à l’apprenant, au curriculum, à l’enseignant et aux caractéristiques des techniques. Ils ont également révélé que l’apprenant est au cœur du processus décisionnel rétroactif des enseignants de langue seconde. En effet, les participantes ont affirmé vouloir s’adapter à son fonctionnement cognitif, à son état affectif, à son niveau de langue et à la récurrence de ses erreurs. L’objectif de cette étude est d’enrichir le domaine de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants de L2. Pour cela, des implications pédagogiques ont été envisagées et la recommandation a été faite de porter à la connaissance des enseignants de L2 les résultats des recherches sur l’efficacité des techniques de rétroaction corrective, particulièrement celles qui prennent en compte les caractéristiques des apprenants.
Several definitions exist that offer to identify the boundaries between languages and dialects, yet these distinctions are inconsistent and are often as political as they are linguistic (Chambers & Trudgill, 1998). A different perspective is offered in this thesis, by investigating how closely related linguistic varieties are represented in the brain and whether they engender similar cognitive effects as is often reported for bilingual speakers of recognised independent languages, based on the principles of Green’s (1998) model of bilingual language control. Study 1 investigated whether bidialectal speakers exhibit similar benefits in non-linguistic inhibitory control as a result of the maintenance and use of two dialects, as has been proposed for bilinguals who regularly employ inhibitory control mechanisms, in order to suppress one language while speaking the other. The results revealed virtually identical performance across all monolingual, bidialectal and bilingual participant groups, thereby not just failing to find a cognitive control advantage in bidialectal speakers over monodialectals/monolinguals, but also in bilinguals; adding to a growing body of evidence which challenges this bilingual advantage in non-linguistic inhibitory control. Study 2 investigated the cognitive representation of dialects using an adaptation of a Language Switching Paradigm to determine if the effort required to switch between dialects is similar to the effort required to switch between languages. The results closely replicated what is typically shown for bilinguals: Bidialectal speakers exhibited a symmetrical switch cost like balanced bilinguals while monodialectal speakers, who were taught to use the dialect words before the experiment, showed the asymmetrical switch cost typically displayed by second language learners. These findings augment Green’s (1998) model by suggesting that words from different dialects are also tagged in the mental lexicon, just like words from different languages, and as a consequence, it takes cognitive effort to switch between these mental settings. Study 3 explored an additional explanation for language switching costs by investigating whether changes in articulatory settings when switching between different linguistic varieties could - at least in part – be responsible for these previously reported switching costs. Using a paradigm which required participants to switch between using different articulatory settings, e.g. glottal stops/aspirated /t/ and whispers/normal phonation, the results also demonstrated the presence of switch costs, suggesting that switching between linguistic varieties has a motor task-switching component which is independent of representations in the mental lexicon. Finally, Study 4 investigated how much exposure is needed to be able to distinguish between different varieties using two novel language categorisation tasks which compared German vs Russian cognates, and Standard Scottish English vs Dundonian Scots cognates. The results showed that even a small amount of exposure (i.e. a couple of days’ worth) is required to enable listeners to distinguish between different languages, dialects or accents based on general phonetic and phonological characteristics, suggesting that the general sound template of a language variety can be represented before exact lexical representations have been formed. Overall, these results show that bidialectal use of typologically closely related linguistic varieties employs similar cognitive mechanisms as bilingual language use. This thesis is the first to explore the cognitive representations and mechanisms that underpin the use of typologically closely related varieties. It offers a few novel insights and serves as the starting point for a research agenda that can yield a more fine-grained understanding of the cognitive mechanisms that may operate when speakers use closely related varieties. In doing so, it urges caution when making assumptions about differences in the mechanisms used by individuals commonly categorised as monolinguals, to avoid potentially confounding any comparisons made with bilinguals.
L’objectif de cette étude qualitative est de décrire et de comprendre le processus décisionnel sous-jacent à la rétroaction corrective d’un enseignant de langue seconde à l’oral. Pour ce faire, elle décrit les principaux facteurs qui influencent la décision de procéder à une rétroaction corrective ainsi que ceux qui sous-tendent le choix d’une technique de rétroaction particulière. Trois enseignantes de français langue seconde auprès d’un public d’adultes immigrants au Canada ont participé à cette recherche. Des séquences complètes d’enseignement ont été filmées puis présentées aux participantes qui ont commenté leur pratique. L’entretien de verbalisation s’est effectué sous la forme d’un rappel stimulé et d’une entrevue. Cet entretien constitue les données de cette étude. Les résultats ont révélé que la rétroaction corrective ainsi que le choix de la technique employée étaient influencés par des facteurs relatifs à l’erreur, à l’apprenant, au curriculum, à l’enseignant et aux caractéristiques des techniques. Ils ont également révélé que l’apprenant est au cœur du processus décisionnel rétroactif des enseignants de langue seconde. En effet, les participantes ont affirmé vouloir s’adapter à son fonctionnement cognitif, à son état affectif, à son niveau de langue et à la récurrence de ses erreurs. L’objectif de cette étude est d’enrichir le domaine de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants de L2. Pour cela, des implications pédagogiques ont été envisagées et la recommandation a été faite de porter à la connaissance des enseignants de L2 les résultats des recherches sur l’efficacité des techniques de rétroaction corrective, particulièrement celles qui prennent en compte les caractéristiques des apprenants.
Over the past decades, English language teachers have become familiar with several terms which attempt to describe the role of English as a language of international communication. Presently, the term English as a lingua franca (ELF) seems to be one of the most favoured and adopted to depict the global use of English in the 21st century. Basically, the concept of ELF im-plies cross-cultural, cross-linguistic interactions involving native and non-native speakers. Conse-quently, the ELF paradigm suggests some changes in the language classroom concerning teachers’ and students’ goals as far as native speaker norms and cultures are concerned. Based on Kachru’s (1992) fallacies, this article identifies thirteen misconceptions in ELT regarding learning and teach-ing English varieties and cultures, suggesting that an ethnocentred and linguacentred approach to English should be replaced by an ELF perspective which recognizes the diversity of communicative situations involving different native and non-native cultures and varieties of English
Recibido 01 de diciembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 19 de abril de 2011 Resumen. Esta investigación analiza el desarrollo de la escritura en español de niños indígenas tarahumaras bilingües (del Estado de Chihuahua, México), desde varias perspectivas: la psicogenética, relacionada con el avance en el proceso de construcción del sistema de escritura de los niños investigados; la social, mediante al análisis del contexto familiar, cultural y el entorno del asentamiento de convivencia de los mismos; y la pedagógica, aunque más breve, a través del ambiente áulico dentro de dos escuelas muy diferentes: una regular y otra indígena. El planteamiento central de la investigación giró en torno a la percepción de los múltiples factores que se relacionan con el aprendizaje de la escritura, en un intento de escudriñar analíticamente los elementos posibles de afectación en el proceso referido. La metodología cualitativa utilizada posibilitó, mediante el estudio de casos, la observación, la entrevista, la videograbación y el análisis de los cuadernos de los niños, percibir situaciones y rescatar evidencias que, mediante el estudio transversal de eventos, personas y contextos, dieron como resultado interpretaciones sobre los factores sociales, culturales, cognitivos y pedagógicos que se percibieron asociados al aprendizaje de la escritura de una lengua que no es la materna, en niños indígenas migrantes establecidos en un medio distinto al de sus ancestros. Se atiende principalmente a la hipótesis de que, en las circunstancias de los casos estudiados, es más conveniente que aprendan a escribir primero en su segunda lengua y, posteriormente, en la materna, si así lo requieren.
Recibido 07 de agosto de 2009 • Aceptado 14 de setiembre de 2009 • Corregido 23 de julio de 2010 La importancia de la inclusión del idioma inglés en el currículo universitario está basada en las exigencias de la globalización e intercambios de mercado, por lo que se cree necesaria la formación del idioma inglés en los estudiantes como futuros profesionales que contribuirán al desarrollo integral de la nación.
Insegnare l'italiano L2 per fini di studio: una proposta di letture graduate per gli studenti cinesi
Dati i problemi di comprensione linguistica riscontrati dagli studenti cinesi nel contesto accademico e la crescente necessità della didattica dell’italiano L2 per fini di studio, il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo finale la creazione di letture graduate, proposte come materiali didattici comprensibili e mirati agli studenti cinesi di italiano L2, in modo da agevolare il loro approccio ai testi impegnativi richiesti per gli studi artistico-professionali. In particolare, nei primi due capitoli si discute il ruolo significativo della distanza linguistica tra italiano e cinese nell’acquisizione della L2 da parte degli studenti cinesi e nello sviluppo della loro abilità di lettura in L2. In seguito, per capire come debba essere un input ideale per l’acquisizione linguistica a fini di studio, vengono esaminati vari approcci glottodidattici basati sull’input, e si osservano i tratti delle varietà di italiano presenti nel contesto accademico. Il lavoro procede poi con un’analisi delle specifiche caratteristiche linguistiche riscontrate in manuali universitari di storia dell’arte, utilizzando sia un approccio quantitativo che qualitativo, con l’obiettivo di avere un “panorama” delle complessità linguistiche che uno studente L2 deve affrontare nello studio. Successivamente, verrà presentata una sperimentazione di riscrittura con due gruppi, i quali sono stati sottoposti rispettivamente al testo originale e a quello riscritto secondo i criteri formulati dallo studio teorico sul confronto tipologico. I risultati ottenuti confermano sia le interferenze del cinese nella lettura in italiano, sia l’efficacia degli approcci linguistici individuati nel facilitare la comprensibilità del testo per gli studenti cinesi di livello A2-B1. Di conseguenze, viene proposto un percorso di letture graduate per gli studenti cinesi di belle arti; oltre a essere comprensibili, le letture mirano anche all’acquisizione delle varietà di italiano necessarie per lo studio accademico-professionale. L’ultima parte del lavoro è dedicata alle riflessioni teoriche e didattiche sviluppate nel corso della ricerca.
This study investigates the way of learning the English language in Portugal. First-year students of the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of New University of Lisbon were selected as participants in the case study. As data collection tools a questionnaire and focus-groups were used. 115 students completed the designed questionnaire and after that 12 students were selected for the more detailed focus-group discussions. Results of the research show that most part of the students´ English knowledge is received from outside the classroom by means of movies, songs, computer games, the Internet, communication with friends and other sources. Also, the results show that motivation is very important in language learning process and motivated students acquire the language faster and easier.
La recerca efectuada sobre les estratègies d’aprenentatge de llengües ha demostrat que els aprenents que utilitzen estratègies metacognitives (planificació, revisió i avaluació) desenvolupen estratègies cognitives més eficaces (Anderson, 2002). Aquest article descriu les activitats que 43 estudiants de llengua estrangera de la Universitat de Vic van emprendre de forma independent i dedueix les estratègies metacognitives que van utilitzar sense cap formació prèvia en estratègies. Els estudiants van completar un dossier on expressaven les necessitats d’aprenentatge, la planificació i supervisió de les activitats i finalment l’avaluació de l’aprenentatge que havien portat a terme de manera independent fora de les hores lectives. La primera fase de l’anàlisi de les dades revela que, tot i que els estudiants foren capaços d’expressar les necessitats d’aprenentatge en general, la formulació d’objectius i la supervisió de les activitats fou escassa. La discussió gira entorn de la formació dels estudiants de llengües estrangeres en estratègies metacognitives i la integració de l’aprenentatge autònom dins el currículum docent.
Aquest estudi pretén investigar els intercanvis verbals mestre/a – aprenent(s) en dos contextos d'instrucció diferents: classes amb un enfocament AICLE (Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts Curriculars i Llengua Estrangera) on s’aprenen continguts no lingüístics a través de l’anglès, per una banda, i classes 'tradicionals' d'anglès com a llengua estrangera, on l’anglès és alhora objecte d’estudi i vehicle de comunicació, per una altra banda. Més concretament, les preguntes que formula el/la mestre/a, la producció oral dels aprenents i el 'feedback' del/de la mestre/a en els episodis d’atenció a la forma s’han estudiat a la llum de les principals teories provinents del camp de l’Adquisició de Segones Llengües (SLA) per tal de demostrar el seu paper en l’aprenentatge de l’anglès. El corpus de dades prové de l’enregistrament de 7 sessions AICLE i d'11 sessions EFL enregistrades en format àudio i vídeo en dos centres públics d’Educació Primària (EP) de Catalunya. A cadascuna de les escoles, el/la mateix/a mestre/a és l’encarregat/da dels dos tipus d’instrucció amb el mateix grup d’aprenents (10-11 anys d’edat), fet que permet eliminar variables individuals com l'aptitud dels aprenents o l'estil del/de la mestre/a.Els resultats mostren un cert nombre de similituds discursives entre AICLE i EFL donat que ambdós enfocaments tenen lloc en el context-classe amb unes característiques ben definides. Tal com apunta la recerca realitzada en aquest camp, la instrucció AICLE reuneix un seguit de condicions idònies per un major desenvolupament dels nivells de llengua anglesa més enllà de les classes ‘tradicionals’ d’anglès. Malgrat això, aquest estudi sembla indicar que el potencial d'AICLE pel que fa a facilitar una exposició rica a l’anglès i una producció oral significativa no s’explota degudament. En aquest sentit, els resultats d’aquest estudi poden contribuir a la formació dels futurs professors d'AICLE si es busca l’assoliment d’una complementarietat d’ambdós contextos amb l’objectiu últim de millorar els nivells de domini de la llengua anglesa.
This research paper is concerned with the need to improve how listening skills are taught in the Capeverdian EFL classroom. Teaching English through listening is not an easy task, especially when there are many factors that impede the learning process such as: lack of adequate materials and conditions; lack of qualified teachers with good pronunciation, and lack of innovative approaches to teaching listening skills. If our goal as teachers is to produce good English speakers we must invest in training good listeners. In this work I will focus on the following aspects: an evaluation of how effectively listening skills are taught in the Capeverdian EFL classroom; a look at how we can turn teaching problems into positive solutions; how to improve teaching listening skills and materials and recommendations for best practices in teaching listening skills in the EFL classroom. In conclusion I will include listening activities which reflect these best practices and offer recommendations for further research.
The aim of this research is to to investigate how a supportive relationship between teachers and students in the classroom can improve the learning process. By having a good relationship with students, teachers can offer to students chances to be motivated and feel engaged in the learning process. Students will be engaged actively in the learning instead of being passive learners. I wish to investigate how using communicative approach and cooperative learning strategies while teaching do affect and improve students’ learning performance. To achieve these goals qualitative data collection was used as the primary method. The results show that teachers and students value a supportive and caring relationship between them and that interaction is essential to the teacher-student relationship. This sense of caring and supporting from teachers motivates students to become a more interested learner. Students benefit and are motivated when their teachers create a safe and trustful environment. And also the methods and strategies teachers uses, makes students feel engaged and stimulated to participate in the learning process. The students have in their mind that a positive relationship with their teachers positively impacts their interest and motivation in school which contributes to the enhancement of the learning process.