731 resultados para School-based Prevention
The use of multiple legal and illegal substances by adolescents is a growing concern in all countries, but since no consensus about a taxonomy did emerge yet, it is difficult to understand the different patterns of consumption and to implement tailored prevention and treatment programs directed towards specific subgroups of the adolescent population. Using data from a Swiss survey on adolescent health, we analyzed the age at which ten legal and illegal substances were consumed for the first time ever by applying a method combining the strength of both automatic clustering and use of substance experts. Results were then compared to 30 socio-economic factors to establish the usefulness of and to validate our taxonomy. We also analyzed the succession of substance first use for each group. The final taxonomy consists of eight groups ranging from non-consumers to heavy drug addicts. All but four socio-economic factors were significantly associated with the taxonomy, the strongest associations being observed with health, behavior, and sexuality factors. Numerous factors influence adolescents in their decision to first try substances or to use them on a regular basis, and no factor alone can be considered as an absolute marker of problematic behavior regarding substance use. Different processes of experimentation with substances are associated with different behaviors, therefore focusing on only one substance or only one factor is not efficient. Prevention and treatment programs can then be tailored to address specific issues related to different youth subgroups.
Aprenentatge per a la comprensió en entorns virtuals als centres de secundària: La Xarxa School plus
[cat] Aquest projecte és una continuació del programa de recerca iniciat amb el projecte de R+D "School+ more than a platform to build the school of tomorrow" (IST-2000-25162) parcialment finançat per la Unió Europea a través de la convocatòria L'Escola del Demà, del Programa de Tecnologies de la Societat de la Informació del 5è Programa Marc. Aquesta iniciativa va ser seguida i aprofundida amb el projecte "Aprenentatge per a la comprensió en entorns virtuals als centres de secundària: la Xarxa School+", parcialment finançat pel DURSI a través de la convocatòria ARIE 2004. En aquest sentit, s'inscriu sota el mateix paraigües epistemològic (sociocultural) i metodològic (construccionista) dels projectes anteriors, i es basa en la utilització de diferents tipus d'evidències,en aquest cas però prestant especial atenció a la qüestió de l'avaluació de l'aprenentatge per a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit. En aquest context adquireix especial rellevància la idea del portafoli -o e-portafoli, webfoli, portafoli electrònic o digital- com a estratègia avaluadora de la comprensió i afavoridora de formes més complexes d'aprenentatge. En aquest informe, i d¿acord amb allò manifestat al projecte de recerca, es donen respostes a les següents qüestions: (a) quines són les possibilitats i les limitacions del portafoli electrònic com a sistema per avaluar processos d'aprenentatge de caràcter complex, orientats a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit; (b) com tenen lloc els processos d'innovació i millora a l'ensenyament secundari quan es fan servir entorns virtuals d'informació i comunicació, i es persegueix el desenvolupament d'un model pedagògic i curricular de caràcter interdisciplinari;(c) quins processos pedagògics, organitzatius, cognitius i emocionals estan implicats en les situacions d'aprenentatge orientades a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit, i no en la memorització i repetició de continguts; (d) com es desenvolupen experiències de col·laboració entre professors, estudiants i centres de secundària.
[cat] El projecte que s'ha dut a terme sota el nom "El portafoli electrònic com a procediment avaluador de l'aprenentatge per a la comprensió als centres de secundària de la Xarxa School +", s'ha desenvolupat a partir de tres eixos prioritaris que sintetitzen els objectius que ens havíem plantejat:1. Desenvolupar una experiència pedagògica que impliqués la perspectiva educativa delsprojectes de treball, i la utilització del sistema d¿ensenyament i aprenentatge virtualSchool+Microcosmos. 2. Afavorir una experiència de col·laboració entre el professorat de cada centre i entre elprofessorat dels diferents centres participants. 3. Realitzar una recerca sistemàtica, a partir de la utilització de diferents procediments de recollida d'evidències (observacions, entrevistes, anàlisis de materials, actes de reunió delgrup, informes finals,...) al voltant de les formes de comprensió que es poden produir per part dels estudiants, i com a camí per un replantejament de l'aprenentatge a l'educació secundària. La recerca desenvolupada ens ha mostrat com les possibilitats de promoure la comprensió des de la perspectiva educativa adoptada -els projectes de treball- són manifestes, però es troben limitades per les constriccions organitzatives -sobretot temporals i espacials- i curriculars que actualmentmediatitzen la capacitat innovadora dels centres de secundària. Aquest informe recull els processos i els resultats de la recerca i la innovació educativa realitzades, així com algunes de les seves conseqüències per a plantejar canvis en l'educació secundària.
Aprenentatge per a la comprensió en entorns virtuals als centres de secundària: La Xarxa School plus
[cat] Aquest projecte és una continuació del programa de recerca iniciat amb el projecte de R+D "School+ more than a platform to build the school of tomorrow" (IST-2000-25162) parcialment finançat per la Unió Europea a través de la convocatòria L'Escola del Demà, del Programa de Tecnologies de la Societat de la Informació del 5è Programa Marc. Aquesta iniciativa va ser seguida i aprofundida amb el projecte "Aprenentatge per a la comprensió en entorns virtuals als centres de secundària: la Xarxa School+", parcialment finançat pel DURSI a través de la convocatòria ARIE 2004. En aquest sentit, s'inscriu sota el mateix paraigües epistemològic (sociocultural) i metodològic (construccionista) dels projectes anteriors, i es basa en la utilització de diferents tipus d'evidències,en aquest cas però prestant especial atenció a la qüestió de l'avaluació de l'aprenentatge per a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit. En aquest context adquireix especial rellevància la idea del portafoli -o e-portafoli, webfoli, portafoli electrònic o digital- com a estratègia avaluadora de la comprensió i afavoridora de formes més complexes d'aprenentatge. En aquest informe, i d¿acord amb allò manifestat al projecte de recerca, es donen respostes a les següents qüestions: (a) quines són les possibilitats i les limitacions del portafoli electrònic com a sistema per avaluar processos d'aprenentatge de caràcter complex, orientats a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit; (b) com tenen lloc els processos d'innovació i millora a l'ensenyament secundari quan es fan servir entorns virtuals d'informació i comunicació, i es persegueix el desenvolupament d'un model pedagògic i curricular de caràcter interdisciplinari;(c) quins processos pedagògics, organitzatius, cognitius i emocionals estan implicats en les situacions d'aprenentatge orientades a la comprensió i la dotació de sentit, i no en la memorització i repetició de continguts; (d) com es desenvolupen experiències de col·laboració entre professors, estudiants i centres de secundària.
Many individuals with unhealthy alcohol use have few or no contact with the health care system and are therefore unlikely to receive information or a brief intervention from a health care professional. Consequently, many Internet-based interventions have been developed. These interventions can reach a large population. We present in this report www.alcooquizz.ch, a website providing tailored feedback and information on alcohol use and its consequences. In six months and a half, more than 15000 individuals visited the website. It appropriately targets individuals with unhealthy alcohol use and users' satisfaction was high. Internet is a valuable option to provide health related information and secondary prevention interventions for unhealthy alcohol use.
PURPOSE: To determine the characteristics specific to boys with disordered eating behaviors (DEB) and the general context in which these DEB occur. METHOD: Data were drawn from the SMASH02 database, a survey carried out among post-mandatory school students in Switzerland aged 16-20 years in 2002. Only males (N=3890) were included, and were classified into into one of four groups based on their level of concern about weight/food and on their eating behaviors, as follows: group 1: one concern without behavior (N=862); group 2: more than one concern without behavior (N=361); group 3: at least one behavior (N=798); and a control group (N=1869), according to previously validated items. Groups were compared for personal, family, school, experience of violence, and health-compromising behaviors variables on the bivariate level. All significant variables were included in a multinomial logistic regression using Stata 9 software. RESULTS: About one-half of the boys reported either a concern or unhealthy eating behavior. Compared with the control group, boys from the three groups were more likely to be students and to report a history of sexual abuse, delinquency, depression, and feeling fat. In addition, boys from group 3 were more likely to report a history of dieting, early puberty, peer teasing, having experienced violence, frequent inebriation, and being overweight. CONCLUSION: DEB concern adolescent males more frequently than thought and seem to be integrated in a general dysfunctional context, in which violence is predominant. Adolescent males also need to be screened for DEB. Moreover, prevention programs should target the increasing social and media pressure regarding boys ideal body shape and raise public consciousness about this phenomenon.
OBJECTIVE: Accuracy studies of Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are critical but limited by the large samples required due to low occurrence of most events. We tested a sampling design based on test results (verification-biased sampling [VBS]) that minimizes the number of subjects to be verified. METHODS: We considered 3 real PSIs, whose rates were calculated using 3 years of discharge data from a university hospital and a hypothetical screen of very rare events. Sample size estimates, based on the expected sensitivity and precision, were compared across 4 study designs: random and VBS, with and without constraints on the size of the population to be screened. RESULTS: Over sensitivities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and PSI prevalence levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.2, the optimal VBS strategy makes it possible to reduce sample size by up to 60% in comparison with simple random sampling. For PSI prevalence levels below 1%, the minimal sample size required was still over 5000. CONCLUSIONS: Verification-biased sampling permits substantial savings in the required sample size for PSI validation studies. However, sample sizes still need to be very large for many of the rarer PSIs.
Introduction : Multimorbidity (MM) is currently a major health concern for hospitalized patients but little is known about the relative importance of MM in the general population. Accordingly we assessed whether MM could be a good predictor of overall mortality. Method : Data from the population based CoLaus Study: 3239 participants (1731 women, mean age 50+/-9 years) followed for a median time of 5.4 years (range 0.4 to 8.5 years). MM was defined as presenting >=2 morbidities according to Barnett et al. (27 items, measured data). Survival analysis was conducted using Cox regression. Results : During follow-up, 53 (1.6%) participants died. Participants who died had a higher number of morbidities (2.4 +/- 1.6 vs. 1.9 +/- 1.5, p<0.05) and had a higher prevalence of MM (69.8% vs. 55.9%, p<0.05). On bivariate analysis, presence of MM (defined as a yes/no variable) was significantly related with overall mortality: relative risk (RR) of 1.84, 95% confidence interval [1.02; 3.31], p<0.05 (see figure), but this association became non-significant after adjusting for age, gender and smoking: RR=1.68 [0.93; 3.04], p=0.09. Similar results were obtained when using the number of morbidities: RR for an extra morbidity 1.22 [1.05; 1.44], p<0.02; after adjusting for age, gender and smoking, RR=1.16 [0.99; 1.37], p=0.07. Conclusion : During a short 5 year observation period, measured MM in the general population is associated with overall mortality. This association becomes borderline significant after multivariate adjustment. These observations will have to be confirmed during a longer follow-up period. This increased mortality in MM patients may require developing specific strategies of screening and prevention.
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the risk factors associated with school burnout, which has recently been described as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion due to school demands, cynical and detached attitude towards school and feelings of inadequacy as a student (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Pietikainen & Jokela, 2008a). The research focuses on students in the last years of compulsory schooling, period in which burnout has not received much attention yet. A total of 342 adolescents (Mean age = 14.84) were asked to complete questionnaires about school burnout, school-related stress and background variables. The results showed differences in school burnout by gender, grade level and school track, with girls, last grade of compulsory school and high-track classes, showing the highest scores. No difference was observed with respect to grade retention. Several types of school stress were identified, with stress type Success related to pressures to succeed and concerns about the academic future being the highest. Finally, stress and burnout were strongly and positively correlated, and the type of stress Success was the best predictor of overall Burnout, Exhaustion and Inadequacy dimension scores. The results are discussed in relation to their theoretical relevance and implications for the prevention of school burnout in adolescents.
There is nothing as amazing and fascinating as children learning process. Between 0 and 6 years old, a child brain develops in a waythat will never be repeated. At this age, children are eager to discover and they have great potential of active and affective life.Because of this, their learning capacity in this period is incalculable. (Jordan-Decarbo y Nelson, 2002; Wild, 1999).Pre-school Education is a unique and special stage, with self identity, which aims are:attending children as a whole,motivate them to learn,give them an affective and stable environment in which they can grow up and get to be balanced and confident people and inwhich they can relate to others, learn, enjoy and be happy.Arts, Music, Visual Arts and Drama (Gardner, 1994) can provide a framework of special, even unique, personal expression.With the aim of introducing qualitative improvements in the education of children and to ensure their emotional wellbeing, and havingnoticed that teachers had important needs and concerns as regards to diversity in their student groups, we developed a programbased on the detection of needs and concerns explained by professionals in education.This program of Grupo edebé, object of our research, is a multicultural, interdisciplinary and globalizing project the aims of which are:developing children's talent and personality,keeping their imagination and creativity and using these as a learning resource,promoting reasoning, favouring expression and communication,providing children with the tools to manage their emotions,and especially, introducing Arts as a procedure to increase learning.We wanted to start the research by studying the impact (Brice, 2003) that this last point had on the learning of five-year-old childrenschooled in multicultural environments.Therefore, the main goal of the research was the assessment of the implementation of a child education programme attending todiversity in a population of five-year-old children, specifically in the practice of procedures based on the use of Arts (music, arts andcrafts and theatre) as a vehicle or procedure for learning contents in Pre-school stage.Because children emotional welfare was a subject of our concern, and bearing in mind that the affective aspects are of vitalimportance for learning and child development (Parke and Gauvain, 2009), Grupo Edebé has also evaluated the starting, evolving andfinal impact in five-year-old children given that they finish Pre-school education at that age.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In this review, we will provide the scientific rationale for the use of poxvirus vectors in the field of HIV vaccines, the immunological profile of the vaccine-induced immune responses, an update on the current use of poxvirus vector-based vaccines in HIV vaccine clinical trials, and the development of new modified poxvirus vectors with improved immunological profile. RECENT FINDINGS: An Ad5-HIV vaccine was tested in a phase IIb clinical trial (known as the Step trial). Vaccinations in the Step trial were discontinued because the vaccine did not show any effect on acquisition of infection and on viral load. After the disappointing failure of the Step trial, the field of HIV vaccine has regained enthusiasm and vigour due to the promising protective effect observed in the phase III efficacy trial (known as RV-144) performed in Thailand which has tested a poxvirus-gp120 combination. SUMMARY: The RV-144 phase III has provided for the first time evidence that an HIV vaccine can prevent HIV infection. The results from the RV-144 trial are providing the scientific rationale for the future development of the HIV vaccine field and for designing future efficacy trials.
Background: Gout patients initiating urate lowering therapy have an increased risk of flares. Inflammation in gouty arthritis is induced by IL-1b. Canakinumab targets and inhibits IL-1b effectively in clinical studies. This study compared different doses of canakinumab vs colchicine in preventing flares in gout patients initiating allopurinol therapy.Methods: In this 24 week double blind study, gout patients (20-79 years) initiating allopurinol were randomized (1:1:1:1:1:1:2) to canakinumab s.c. single doses of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 mg, or 150 mg divided in doses every 4 weeks (50+50+25+25 mg [q4wk]) or colchicine 0.5 mg p.o. daily for 16 weeks. Primary outcome was to determine the canakinumab dose giving comparable efficacy to colchicine with respect to the number of gout flares occurring during first 16 weeks. Secondary outcomes included number of patients with gout flares and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels during the first 16 weeks.Results: 432 patients were randomized and 391 (91%) completed the study. All canakinumab doses were better than colchicine in preventing flares and therefore, a canakinumab dose comparable to colchicine could not be determined. Based on a negative binomial model, all canakinumab groups, except 25 mg, reduced the flare rate ratio per patient significantly compared to colchicine group (rate ratio estimates 25 mg 0.60, 50 mg 0.34, 100 mg 0.28, 200 mg 0.37, 300 mg 0.29, q4wk 0.38; p<=0.05). The percentage of patients with flares was lower for all canakinumab groups (25 mg 27.3%, 50 mg 16.7%, 100 mg 14.8%, 200 mg 18.5%, 300 mg 15.1%, q4wk 16.7%) compared to colchicine group (44.4%). All patients taking canakinumab were significantly less likely to experience at least one gout flare than patients taking colchicine (odds ratio range [0.22 - 0.47]; p<=0.05 for all). The median baseline CRP levels were 2.86 mg/L for 25 mg, 3.42 mg/L for 50 mg, 1.76 mg/L for 100 mg, 3.66 mg/L for 200 mg, 3.21 mg/L for 300 mg, 3.23 mg/L for q4wk canakinumab groups and 2.69 mg/L for colchicine group. In all canakinumab groups with median CRP levels above the normal range at baseline, median levels declined within 15 days of treatment and were maintained at normal levels (ULN=3 mg/L) throughout the 16 week period. Adverse events (AEs) occurred in 52.7% (25 mg), 55.6% (50 mg), 51.9% (100 mg), 51.9% (200 mg), 54.7% (300 mg), and 58.5% (q4wk) of patients on canakinumab vs 53.7% of patients on colchicine. Serious AEs (SAE) were reported in 2 (3.6%; 25 mg), 2 (3.7%, 50 mg), 3 (5.6%, 100 mg), 3 (5.6%, 200 mg), 3 (5.7%, 300 mg) and 1 (1.9%, q4wk) patients on canakinumab and in 5 (4.6%) patients on colchicine. One fatal SAE (myocardial infarction, not related to study drug) occurred in colchicine group.Conclusion: In this large randomized, double-blind active controlled study of flare prevention in gout patients initiating allopurinol therapy, treatment with canakinumab led to a statistically significant reduction in flares compared with colchicine (standard of care), and was well tolerated.
A simulation model of the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on hip fractures and their consequences is based on a population of 100,000 post-menopausal women. This cohort is confronted with literature derived probabilities of cancers (endometrium or breast, which are contra-indications to HRT), hip fracture, disability requiring nursing home or home care, and death. Administration of HRT for life prevents 55,5% of hip fractures, 22,6% of years with home care and 4,4% of years in nursing homes. If HRT is administered for 15 years, these results are 15,5%, 10% and 2,2%, respectively. A slight gain in life expectancy is observed for both durations of HRT. The net financial loss in the simulated population is 222 million Swiss Francs (cost/benefit ratio 1.25) for lifelong administration of HRT, and 153 million Swiss Francs (cost/benefit ratio 1.42) if HRT is administered during 15 years.
Hi ha molts tipus d’escoles diferents, i fins i tot, podem constatar que cada escola és diferent de les altres. Per aquesta raó, quan parlem sobre l’aprenentatge de l’anglès, no podem generalitzar una manera de fer-ho, perquè cada una d’elles tracta aquesta llengua de manera diferent. A més, pel que fa a l’aprenentatge d’una llengua, hi ha diferents habilitats involucrades, i entre totes aquestes, he centrat aquest projecte en l’habilitat oral. Aquesta recerca esta basada en l’observació de tres exemples de tipus d’escoles, i per ser més precisos, té l’objectiu d’aprofundir com tracten l’Anglès. D’aquesta manera, el principal objectiu d’aquest projecte és comparar l’habilitat oral dels alumnes d’aquestes escoles, tot considerant les seves diferències. Així doncs, amb el desenvolupament d’aquesta recerca, vaig voler descobrir si hi havien alguns alumnes amb millors habilitats orals que d’altres, i trobar-ne la possible raó.
Rapport de synthèseCette recherche s'intéresse à investiguer d'une part si les résidents en Suisse entre 15 et 24 ans suivent les recommandations nutritionnelles actuelles et d'autre part, s'il y a des différences entre ceux en surpoids et ceux en poids normal. Les données sont tirées de l'Enquête Suisse sur la Santé ESS 2007. Pour notre étude, seules les 1813 personnes âgées entre 15 et 24 ans ont été sélectionnées.Dans une première analyse bivariée, l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires a été comparée entre hommes et femmes. Les quantités proposées par le questionnaire ESS sont: 1 à 2 portions de fruits, 3 portions de légumes et 3 portions de produits laitiers par jour, ainsi qu'un maximum de 5 portions de viande et au moins une portion de poisson par semaine. Ces quantités sont en accord avec les recommandations de la Société Suisse de Nutrition.L'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires est plutôt basse quelque soit le genre, en particulier pour les légumes et les produits laitiers. Les femmes ont tendance à manger les quantités recommandées de fruits, légumes et viande, tandis que les hommes ont tendance à manger la quantité recommandée de produits laitiers. Pour le poisson aucune différence n'a été observée entre personnes du sexe opposé.Ensuite, les personnes en surpoids ont été comparées dans une analyse bivariée aux personnes en poids normal, en fonction du sexe. Plusieurs facteurs ont été considérés: participation à une activité physique avec essoufflement pendant au mois 20 minutes et au moins 4 jours par semaine, attitude envers leur poids corporel (satisfaction avec le poids, désir de perdre du poids et régime suivi pour perdre du poids), consommation d'alcool, de cigarettes et présence d'un état dépressif majeur. Finalement, des facteurs potentiellement confondants (âge, nationalité et lieu de domicile) ont été inclus dans une analyse multivariée.Concernant l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires, la seule différence significative est une consommation de légumes plus basse chez les femmes en surpoids. Seulement 4.2% des femmes en surpoids mangent 3 portions de légumes ou plus par jour comparé à 18.1% des femmes avec un poids normal. La consommation de produits laitiers est très basse dans tous les groupes, seulement environ 10% des répondants mangent les 3 portions recommandées de produits laitiers.Pour le niveau d'activité physique, aucune différence significative n'a été observée. L'analyse bivariée montre que les femmes en surpoids mangent moins de légumes, sont moins satisfaites de leur corps et ont plus souvent suivi un régime pour perdre du poids. Cependant elles ne souhaitent pas plus souvent perdre du poids en comparaison des femmes en poids normal. Les hommes en surpoids sont moins satisfaits de leur corps, désirent plus souvent perdre du poids, mais n'ont pas plus souvent suivi un régime que les hommes ayant un poids normal.Ces résultats montrent qu'il est difficile de suivre les recommandations alimentaires pour les 15-24 ans. Une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire afin de déterminer comment ces recommandations pourraient être mieux adaptées à la vie quotidienne des jeunes. La faible consommation de produits laitiers est préoccupante, vu que la période entre l'adolescence et l'âge adulte est un moment crucial pour le développement de la densité osseuse. De nouvelles stratégies doivent être trouvées pour améliorer la consommation de produits laitiers chez les jeunes. Comme le comportement alimentaire et l'attitude envers le poids corporel diffèrent beaucoup selon le sexe, les programmes de prévention de surpoids devraient cibler les jeunes spécifiquement par sexe.