653 resultados para Saudi-Arabia
Stable isotope records of coexisting benthic foraminifers Uvigerina spp. and Cibicidoides spp. and planktonic G. ruber (white variety) from Site 724 are used to study the late Pleistocene evolution of surface and intermediate water hydrography (593 m water depth) at the Oman Margin. Glacial-interglacial d18O amplitudes recorded by the benthic foraminifers are reduced when compared to the estimated mean ocean changes of d18Oseawater . Epibenthic d13C remains at its modern level or is increased during glacial times. This implies that Red Sea outflow waters which are enriched in d18Oseawater and d13C (Sum CO2) have been replaced during glacial periods by intermediate waters still positive in d13C (Sum CO2) but more negative in d18Oseawater. Glacial-interglacial amplitudes of the planktonic d18O record exceed those of the mean ocean d18Oseawater variation and imply decreased surface water temperatures (SST) during glacial times. Throughout most of the records these cooling events correlate with enhanced rates of carbon accumulation. However, both negative (colder) SST and positive Corg accumulation rate anomalies do not correlate with potential physical upwelling maxima as inferred from the orbital monsoon index. This is in conflict with the established hypothesis that upwelling in the estern Arabia Sea should be strongest during maxima of the southwest monsoon.
North Atlantic climate variations are reflected in sedimentary records from the northern Indian Ocean in which two basins, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, are strongly affected by the monsoon. Contrary to the Bay of Bengal the Arabian Sea plays an important role in the global marine nitrogen cycle. In its mid-water oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) bioavailable fixed nitrogen is reduced to nitrogen gas (NO3- - > N2), whereas oxygen concentrations are slightly above the threshold of nitrate reduction in the OMZ of the Bay of Bengal. A coral colony (Porites lutea) growing south of Port Blair on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal was studied for its response to changes in the monsoon system and its link to temperature changes in the North Atlantic Ocean, between 1975 and 2006. Its linear extension rates, d13C and d18O values measured within the coral skeleton reveal a strong seasonality, which seems to be caused by the monsoon-driven reversal of the surface ocean circulation. The sampling site appears to be influenced by low salinity Bay of Bengal Water during the NE monsoon (boreal winter) and by the high salinity Arabian Sea Water during the SW monsoon in summer. The high salinity Arabian Sea Water circulates along with the Summer Monsoon Current (S-MC) from the Arabia Sea into the Bay of Bengal. Decreasing d18O and reconstructed salinity values correlate to the increasing SSTs in the North Atlantic Ocean indicating a reduced influence of the S-MC at the sampling site in the course of northern hemispheric warming. During such periods oxygen-depletion became stronger in the OMZ of the Arabian Sea as indicated by the sedimentary records. A reduced propagation of oxygen-depleted high salinity Arabian Sea Water into the Bay of Bengal could be a mechanism maintaining oxygen concentration above the threshold of nitrate reduction in the OMZ of the Bay of Bengal in times of global warming.
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).
Esta investigación explora el impacto del coaching de equipos en la mejora de los procesos y la eficacia de los equipos de trabajo. Entre los procesos de equipo se estudia de manera separada el impacto sobre la seguridad psicológica y las conductas de aprendizaje en el equipo. Se basa en un estudio realizado con dos equipos gestores del área de TI (Tecnologías de la Información) pertenecientes a dos organizaciones diferentes del sector financiero-asegurador de dos países distintos, España y Arabia Saudí. Se aplica un diseño cuasi experimental con grupos no equivalentes y medidas pre/post, a través del cual se miden los efectos de un programa de coaching de equipos y se comparan con mediciones de grupos de cuasi control. Se demuestra que existe una relación positiva significativa entre la intervención de coaching de equipos y los procesos del equipo, teniendo un efecto moderado en las conductas de aprendizaje del equipo. En cambio, no se obtiene evidencia empírica sobre el aumento de la seguridad psicológica y la eficacia del equipo. Este estudio se construye desde la revisión de enfoques teóricos y prácticos desarrollados desde la disciplina emergente del coaching de equipos aportando evidencia y claridad sobre estos enfoques, así como indicaciones para futuras investigaciones y para la práctica del coaching de equipos en las organizaciones.
he dragon tree, a peculiar species native to Socotra, southwest Arabia, east Africa, Morocco, Macaronesia, and the Canary islands, possesses an intriguing iconographic history. The first wave of images date from 1470 to 1550, beginning with Martin Schongauer’s 1470 engraving of The Flight into Egypt. These depictions portray the dragon tree in the context of a handful of biblical themes and with apparent symbolic import. After 1550, religious images of the dragon tree vanish abruptly and are replaced by representations of an empirical nature. Dragon tree iconography is notable for the extent to which it did and did not leave an impression on European art. In this paper I examine the inability of dragon tree images to gain the momentum required to propel them into European iconography more permanently, and the forces that may account for the abrupt change from biblical to botanical renderings.
Notebook of unlined pages holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" copied by Harvard student Hull Abbot (1702-1774, Harvard AB 1720). The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects.
Notebook of unlined pages with paper marbled cover holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" likely copied by Harvard student John Wolcott in 1719. The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects. On the last page, the inscription "John Wolcott [the name is crossed over] his geography, 1719" indicates Wolcott (1702-1747), a member of the Harvard class of 1721, copied the book.
The Millennium Development Goals have led to tangible progress in many developing countries. Once adopted, the United Nations' new global Sustainable Development Goals will additionally require industrialized countries to implement such standards beginning in 2016. But the world's first comprehensive stocktaking shows that most industrialized nations are a long way from serving as role models for sustainable development.
Il principale componente non idrocarburico contenuto nel gas naturale è l’acqua che viene rimossa mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico, il processo di trattamento più comune nella produzione di gas naturale. La presenza di acqua libera nel gas deve essere rimossa totalmente, per evitare la formazione di condensa nelle condizioni di trasporto e di distribuzione più critiche cioè a pressione elevata e a bassa temperatura. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi delle cause e dei fenomeni che portano a rilevanti perdite di glicole (TEG) in impianti di disidratazione del gas naturale operanti con elevate concentrazioni di CO2 e H2S nel gas di processo. Le perdite, in relazione alle diverse condizioni operative e concentrazioni dei gas menzionati, possono arrivare a raggiungere valori pari a 3-4 volte l'entità attesa, con punte che raggiungono 10 volte tali valori. Il lavoro di tesi è stato focalizzato su un impianto attualmente in esercizio, situato in Arabia Saudita. L’attività è stata condotta presso la Comart di Ravenna, azienda specializzata nella progettazione di impianti nel settore Oil&Gas. Inizialmente sono state studiate le caratteristiche di un impianto di disidratazione di gas naturale mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico. Dopo l’analisi delle possibili fonti di perdita, la colonna di alimentazione del ribollitore (Still Column) e il relativo condensatore, sulla base dei dati operativi degli impianti, sembra essere il punto su cui si concentrano le perdite. Vengono presentati i dettagli costruttivi di tale colonna al fine di determinarne i possibili malfunzionamenti. Scopo della tesi sarà l'identificazione, partendo dall'attuale configurazione dell’impianto, delle cause che portano a tali valori di perdite e l'individuazione di una configurazione colonna/condensatore (con eventuali altri equipment necessari) in grado di minimizzare le perdite contenendo al minimo i costi aggiuntivi della soluzione.
Appended to v. [8]: Indian treaties (reprinted from the Calcutta review) 1865.
Contiene: Arabia, Turquía.
Reprint of the 1829 ed. published by Rowland Hunter, London under title: An apology for the life and character of the celebrated Prophet of Arabia, called Mohamed, or the Illustrious.
Continued by the author's Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phœnicia and Arabia.
Oriental research and the Bible, by J. F. McCurdy.--The mounds of Palestine, by F. J. Bliss.--Explorations in Babylonia, by H. V. Hilprecht.--Research in Egypt, by A. H. Sayce.--Discoveries and researches in Arabia, by F. Hommel.--The Hittites, by W. H. Ward.--Early Greek manuscripts from Egypt, by J. P. Mahaffy.--New light on the Book of Acts, by W. M. Ramsay.--Indexes.
v.1 Bengal, Assam, Burmah, and the Eastern Archipelago.--v.2 North-Western Provinces, Oudh, Nipal, Bundelcund and Baghelcund.--v.3 Rajpootana, Central India, and the mediatized chiefs in Central India and Malwa.--v.4 Bombay presidency.--v.5 Peishwa, Nagpore, and the Central Provinces, Hyderabad, Mysore, Coog, the state under the Madras presidency, and Ceylon.--v.6 Punjab, Sind and Beloochistan, and Central Asia.--v.7 Turkish Arabia, the Persian Gulf, Arbia, and Africa.