998 resultados para Sarpi, Paolo, 1552-1626


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) display plasticity and self-renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells, but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We recently identified CSCs in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFTs) and showed that they retain mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) plasticity. In the present study, we addressed the mechanisms that underlie ESFT CSC development. We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated with 85%-90% of ESFTs and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG in human pediatric MSCs (hpMSCs) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSCs expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWS-FLI-1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene, SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a CSC phenotype.


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Ce travail n'a pas pour but d'établir une histoire du choeur tragique pour ainsi dire 'd'anthologie', mais bien plutôt de tracer un parcours sélectif et dynamique, en suivant l'évolution de ses formes et de ses fonctions dans la tragédie italienne, à partir du début du XVIe siècle jusqu' à la production alfiérienne et au retour du choeur dans le théâtre de Manzoni ; à cela s'ajoute un exercice en dehors du genre dramatique tel que le Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie dans les Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Dans la première partie - la plus ample et complexe, portant sur l'emploi du choeur dans la tragédie de la Renaissance - on essaye de cerner le contexte qui favorise la persistance d'un espace choral en examinant plusieurs commentaires de la Poétique aristotélicienne, et des essais de théorie dramaturgique comme Della poesia rappresentativa de Angelo Ingegneri, ou le Discorso intorno al comporre de Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. À côté de la discussion sur le rôle du choeur on envisage aussi le profil formel des sections chorales, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse métrique, dans le cadre plus général du 'petrarchismo metrico', et en particulier de la réception de la chanson pétrarquesque. Interroger la présence de trois constantes thématiques - par exemple la forme de l'hymne à Éros - signifie en suite relever l'importance de Sophocle pour le théâtre de la Renaissance dans la perspective du choeur. Cette première section est complétée par un chapitre entièrement consacré à Torquato Tasso et à son Re Torrismondo, qui présente un troisième chant choral de grande épaisseur philosophique, central dans l'économie du drame et analysé ici à travers un exercice de lecture qui utilise à la fois les instruments de la stylistique, de l'intertextualité, et de l'intratextualité concernant l'entier corpus poétique et philosophique tassien, de ses Rime aux Dialoghi. La deuxième section, qui commence par une exploration théorique de la question du choeur, conduite par exemple sur les textes de Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella, a pour cible principale de expliquer comment le choeur assume le rôle d'un vrai 'personnage collectif' dans le théâtre de Federico Della Valle : un choeur bien installé dans l'action tragique, mais conservant au même temps les qualités lyriques et philosophiques d'un chant riche de mémoire culturelle et intertextuelle, de la Phaedra de Sénèque à la Commedia dantesque dans la Reina di Scozia, centre principal de l'analyse et coeur du catholicisme contreréformiste dellavallien. Dans la troisième partie le discours se concentre sur les formes de la métamorphose, pour ainsi dire, du choeur : par exemple la figure du confident, conçu comme un substitut du groupe choral dans les discussions des théoriciens et des auteurs français - voir Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - et italiens, de Riccoboni à Calepio et Maffei. Cependant dans cette section il est surtout question de la définition de l'aria mélodramatique compris comme le 'nouveau choeur' des Modernes, formulée par Ranieri Calzabigi et par Metastasio. Il s'agit donc ici de mettre en relation l'élaboration théorique contenue dans la Dissertazione de Calzabigi et dans l'Estratto de l'Arte poetica de Metastasio avec le premier et unique essai tragique de jeunesse de ce dernier, le Giustino, et le livret de son Artaserse. On essaye de montrer le profond lien entre l'aria et l'action dramatique : donc c'est le dramma musicale qui est capable d'accueillir la seule forme de choeur - l'aria - encore possible dans le théâtre moderne, tandis que le choeur proprement tragique est désormais considéré inutilisable et pour ainsi dire hors-contexte (sans toutefois oublier qu'à la fin du siècle Vittorio Alfieri essayait de ne pas renoncer au choeur dans sa traduction des Perses d'Eschyle ; et surtout dans un essai tragique comme l'Alceste seconda ou dans sa tramelogedia, l'Abele). Comme conclusion une section contenant des remarques qui voudrait juste indiquer trois possibles directions de recherche ultérieure : une comparaison entre Manzoni et Leopardi - dans la perspective de leur intérêt pour le choeur et de la différence entre le sujet lyrique manzonien et celui léopardien ; une incursion dans le livret du mélodrame verdien, afin de comprendre la fonction du choeur manzonien et sa persistance dans le texte pour l'opéra ; et enfin quelque note sur la réception du choeur manzonien et du Coro di morti léopardien dans le XXe siècle, en assumant comme point d'observation la poésie de Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto et Franco Fortini. Il lavoro non intende tracciare una storia 'da manuale' del coro tragico, ma piuttosto indicare un percorso selettivo e dinamico, seguendo l'evoluzione delle sue forme e delle sue funzioni nella tragedia italiana, a partire dall'inizio del sedicesimo secolo per arrivare alla produzione alfieriana e al ritorno del coro nel teatro di Manzoni; a ciò si aggiunge una prova estranea al genere drammatico come il Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie nelle Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Nella prima parte - la più ampia e complessa, riguardante l'impiego del coro nella tragedia rinascimentale - si cerca di ricostruire il contesto che favorisce la persistenza dello spazio corale attraverso l'esame di diversi commenti alla Poetica aristotelica, e di alcuni saggi di teoria drammaturgica come Della poesia rappresentativa di Angelo Ingegneri, o il Discorso intorno al comporre di Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. La discussione sul ruolo del coro è affiancata dall'esame del profilo formale delle sezioni corali, grazie a un'indagine metrica nel quadro del più ampio petrarchismo metrico cinquecentesco, e in particolare nel quadro della ricezione della formacanzone petrarchesca. Interrogare la presenza di tre costanti tematiche - per esempio la forma dell'inno a Eros - significherà in seguito rilevare l'importanza di Sofocle per il teatro rinascimentale anche nella prospettiva angolata del coro. Questa prima sezione è completata da un capitolo interamente dedicato a Torquato Tasso e al suo Re Torrismondo, che presenta un terzo canto corale di grande spessore stilistico e filosofico, centrale nell'economia del dramma e analizzato qui attraverso un esercizio di lettura che si serve degli strumenti della stilistica e dell'intertestualità, oltre che del rapporto intratestuale fra i vari luoghi del corpus tassiano, dalle Rime ai suoi Dialoghi. La seconda sezione, che si avvia con un'esplorazione teorica della questione del coro nel Seicento - condotta per esempio sui testi di Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella - ha per fulcro la descrizione di un coro quale 'personaggio collettivo' nelle tragedie di Federico Della Valle: un coro ben inserito nell'azione tragica, ma che conserva allo stesso tempo le qualità liriche e filosofiche di un canto ricco di memoria culturale e intertestuale, dalla Fedra di Seneca alla Commedia dantesca, nella sua Reina di Scozia, centro dell'analisi e cardine del cattolicesimo controriformista dellavalliano. Nella terza sezione il discorso si concentra sulle forme della metamorfosi, per così dire, del coro: per esempio la figura del confidente, interpretato come un sostituto del gruppo corale nelle discussioni di teorici e autori francesi - Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - e italiani, da Riccoboni a Calepio e Maffei. Ma qui ci si rivolge anzitutto alla definizione dell'aria melodrammatica, sentita quale 'nuovo coro' dei Moderni da Ranieri Calzabigi e Pietro Metastasio. Si tratterà dunque di mettere in relazione l'elaborazione teorica svolta nella Dissertazione di Calzabigi e nell'Estratto dell'arte poetica di Metastasio con il primo e unico - e giovanile - tentativo tragico di quest'ultimo, il Giustino, e con il libretto del suo Artaserse. L'intenzione è quella di mostrare il profondo legame tra l'aria e l'azione drammatica: è perciò il dramma musicale che è capace di accogliere la sola forma di coro - l'aria - ancora possibile nel teatro moderno, mentre il vero e proprio coro tragico si rassegna ormai a essere considerato inutile e per così dire fuori contesto (senza dimenticare, tuttavia, che al chiudersi del secolo Vittorio Alfieri tentava di non rinunciare al coro nella sua traduzione dei Persiani di Eschilo; e soprattutto in un tentativo tragico come la sua Alceste seconda o nella tramelogedia Abele). In conclusione una più veloce sezione che vorrebbe semplicemente indicare qualche altra possibile direzione di ricerca: un confronto fra Manzoni e Leopardi - nella prospettiva del coro interesse per il coro, e della differenza fra il soggetto lirico manzoniano e quello leopardiano; un'incursione nel libretto del melodramma verdiano, per misurarvi la funzione del coro manzoniano e la sua persistenza nel testo operistico; e infine qualche appunto sulla ricezione del coro manzoniano e del Coro di morti di Leopardi nel Novecento, assumendo quale punto d'osservazione la poesia di Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto e Franco Fortini.


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Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.


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Coletas sistemáticas de abelhas em uma área restrita no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Paraná, no período de outubro de 2002 a outubro de 2003, resultaram em 1552 espécimes pertencentes a 181 espécies. Estas espécies estão distribuídas em 58 gêneros, 24 tribos e 5 subfamílias. As plantas visitadas correspondem a 113 espécies, em 72 gêneros e 38 famílias. Megachile com 20 espécies foi o gênero mais rico e Ceratina o gênero mais abundante dentre os gêneros nativos. Apis mellifera foi a espécie mais coletada, correspondendo a 28% do total de indivíduos, e Bombus atratus foi a espécie mais abundante dentre as abelhas nativas. A riqueza e a equitabilidade nos meses foram variáveis, sendo março o mais rico e novembro o de maior equitabilidade. Apesar de tradicionalmente considerados parte das estepes sulinas, os campos de Vila Velha apresentam uma fauna de abelhas contendo várias espécies típicas de cerrado. O igual número de espécies entre as subfamílias Apinae e Halictinae também apontam para uma peculiaridade de sua fauna. Listas de abelhas e plantas coletadas são apresentadas em anexo.


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We formulate a dynamic core-periphery model with frictions in the job matching process to study the interplay between trade costs, migration and regional unemploymentin the short- and long-run. We find that the spatial distribution of unemployment mirrors (inversely) the distribution of economic activities. Further, we highlight a contrast between the short-run and the long-run effects of trade-induced migration on regional unemployment. In particular, an inßow of immigrants from the periphery into the core reduces the unemployment gap in the short-run, but exacerbates unemployment disparities in the long-run.


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We argue that the procompetitive effect of international trade may bring about significant welfare costs that have not been recognized. We formulate a stylized general equilibrium model with a continuum of imperfectly competitive industries to show that, under plausible conditions, a trade-induced increase in competition can actually amplify monopoly distortions. This happens because trade, while lowering the average level of market power, may increase its cross-sectoral dispersion. Using data on US industries, we document a dramatic increase in the dispersion of market power overtime. We also show evidence thattrade might be responsible for it and provide some quantifications of the induced welfare cost. Our results suggest that, to avoid some unpleasant effects of globalization, trade integration should be accompanied by procompetitive reforms (i.e., deregulation) in the nontraded sectors.


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This paper investigates the relationship between trade openness and the size of government, both theoretically and empirically. We show that openness can increase the size of governments through two channels: (1) a terms of trade externality, whereby trade lowers the domestic cost of taxation and (2) the demand for insurance, whereby trade raises risk and public transfers. We provide a unified framework for studying and testing these two mechanisms. First, we show how their relative strength depends on a key parameter, the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods. Second, while the terms of trade externality leads to inefficiently large governments, the increase in public spending due to the demand for insurance is optimal. We show that large volumes of trade may result in welfare losses if the terms of trade externality is strong enough while small volumes of trade are always beneficial. Third, we provide new evidence on the positive association between openness and the size of government and test whether it is consistent with the terms of trade externality or the demand for insurance. Our findings suggest that the positive relationship is remarkably robust and that the terms of trade externality may be the driving force behind it, thus raising warnings that globalization may have led to inefficiently large governments.


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The resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition of 130 obese and nonobese prepubertal children, aged 6 to 10 years, were assessed by indirect calorimetry and skin-fold thickness, respectively. The mean (+/- SD) RMR was 4619 +/- 449 kJ.day-1 (164 +/- 31 kJ.kg body weight-1 x day-1) in the 62 boys and 4449 +/- 520 kJ.day-1 (147 +/- 32 kJ.kg body weight-1 x day-1) in the 68 girls. Fat-free mass was the best single predictor of RMR (R2 = 0.64; p < 0.001). Step-down multiple regression analysis, with independent variables such as age, gender, weight, and height, allowed several RMR predictive equations to be developed. An equation for boys is as follows: RMR (kJ.day-1) = 1287 + 28.6 x Weight(kg) + 23.6 x Height(cm) - 69.1 x Age(yr) (R2 = 0.58; p < 0.001). An equation for girls is as follows: RMR (kJ.day-1 = 1552 + 35.8 x Weight (kg) + 15.6 x Height (cm) - 36.3 x Age (yr) (R2 = 0.69; p < 0.001). Comparison between the measured RMR and that predicted by currently used formulas showed that most of these equations tended to overestimate the RMR of both genders, especially in overweight children.


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We show how, in general equilibrium models featuring increasing returns, imperfectcompetition and endogenous markups, changes in the scale of economic activity affectincome distribution across factors. Whenever final goods are gross-substitutes (gross-complements), a scale expansion raises (lowers) the relative reward of the scarce factoror the factor used intensively in the sector characterized by a higher degree of product differentiation and higher fixed costs. Under very reasonable hypothesis, our theory suggests that scale is skill-biased. This result provides a microfoundation for the secular increase in the relative demand for skilled labor. Moreover, it constitutes an important link among major explanations for the rise in wage inequality: skill-biased technical change, capital-skill complementarities and international trade. We provide new evidence on the mechanism underlying the skill bias of scale.


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BACKGROUND: The writing of prescriptions is an important aspect of medical practice. This activity presents some specific problems given a danger of misinterpretation and dispensing errors in community pharmacies. The objective of this study was to determine the evolution of the prescription practice and writing quality in the outpatient clinics of our paediatric university hospital.¦METHODS: Copies of prescriptions written by physicians were collected from community pharmacies in the region of our hospital for a two-month period in 2005 and 2010. They were analysed according to standard criteria, including both formal and pharmaceutical aspects.¦RESULTS: A total of 597 handwritten prescriptions were reviewed in 2005 and 633 in 2010. They contained 1,456 drug prescriptions in 2005 and 1,348 in 2010. Fifteen drugs accounted for 80% of all prescriptions and the most common drugs were paracetamol and ibuprofen. A higher proportion of drugs were prescribed as International Nonproprietary Names (INN) or generics in 2010 (24.7%) compared with 2005 (20.9%). Of the drug prescriptions examined, 55.5% were incomplete in 2005 and 69.2% in 2010. Moreover in 2005, 3.2% were legible only with difficulty, 22.9% were ambiguous, and 3.0% contained an error. These proportions rose respectively to 5.2%, 27.8%, and 6.8% in 2010.¦CONCLUSION: This study showed that fifteen different drugs represented the majority of prescriptions, and a quarter of them were prescribed as INN or generics in 2010; and that handwritten prescriptions contained numerous omissions and preventable errors. In our hospital computerised prescribing coupled with advanced decision support is eagerly awaited.


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Essays on the history of Brazilian dipterology. I. The first notices about Brazilian Diptera (16th century). This paper presents a historical resume of the first notices about Brazilian Diptera during the 16th century, given by Francisco Pires in 1552 (the oldest mention known), José de Anchieta, Leonardo do Valle, Pero de Magalhães de Gandavo, Jean de Léry and Gabriel Soares de Souza, ending with Fernão Cardim, who made the last mentions of Brazilian Diptera in that century.