943 resultados para SYNTHETIC SPECTRA
The subterranean termite Heterotermes tenuis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a pest of great importance for the Brazilian economy as it causes serious damages in commercial reforestations of Eucalyptus spp. and sugarcane cultures. (3Z,6Z,8E)-Dodecatrien-1-ol has been identified as a pheromone of some species of subterranean termites. The objective of this research was to synthesize (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol and determine by electroantennographic (EAG) bioassays the selectivity and sensitivity of H. tenius antennae to its whole worker extract and to the synthetic triene alcohol.
Purpose - The aim of this paper is to present a synthetic chart based on the non-central chi-square statistic that is operationally simpler and more effective than the joint X̄ and R chart in detecting assignable cause(s). This chart will assist in identifying which (mean or variance) changed due to the occurrence of the assignable causes. Design/methodology/approach - The approach used is based on the non-central chi-square statistic and the steady-state average run length (ARL) of the developed chart is evaluated using a Markov chain model. Findings - The proposed chart always detects process disturbances faster than the joint X̄ and R charts. The developed chart can monitor the process instead of looking at two charts separately. Originality/value - The most important advantage of using the proposed chart is that practitioners can monitor the process by looking at only one chart instead of looking at two charts separately. © Emerald Group Publishing Limted.
In this article, we consider the synthetic control chart with two-stage sampling (SyTS chart) to control bivariate processes. During the first stage, one item of the sample is inspected and two correlated quality characteristics (x;y) are measured. If the Hotelling statistic T1 2 for these individual observations of (x;y) is lower than a specified value UCL 1 the sampling is interrupted. Otherwise, the sampling goes on to the second stage, where the remaining items are inspected and the Hotelling statistic T2 2 for the sample means of (x;y) is computed. When the statistic T2 2 is larger than a specified value UCL2, the sample is classified as nonconforming. According to the synthetic control chart procedure, the signal is based on the number of conforming samples between two neighbor nonconforming samples. The proposed chart detects process disturbances faster than the bivariate charts with variable sample size and it is from the practical viewpoint more convenient to administer.
We show that the conditions which originate the spin and pseudospin symmetries in the Dirac equation are the same that produce equivalent energy spectra of relativistic spin-1/2 and spin-0 particles in the presence of vector and scalar potentials. The conclusions do not depend on the particular shapes of the potentials and can be important in different fields of physics. When both scalar and vector potentials are spherical, these conditions for isospectrality imply that the spin-orbit and Darwin terms of either the upper component or the lower component of the Dirac spinor vanish, making it equivalent, as far as energy is concerned, to a spin-0 state. In this case, besides energy, a scalar particle will also have the same orbital angular momentum as the (conserved) orbital angular momentum of either the upper or lower component of the corresponding spin-1/2 particle. We point out a few possible applications of this result. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
The putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is an essential protein for cell viability and the only cellular protein known to contain the unusual amino acid residue hypusine. eIF5A has been implicated in translation initiation, cell proliferation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and actin polarization, but the precise biological function of this protein is not clear. However, eIF5A was recently shown to be directly involved with the translational machinery. A screen for synthetic lethal mutations was carried out with one of the temperature-sensitive alleles of TIF51A (tif51A-3) to identify factors that functionally interact with eIF5A and revealed the essential gene YPT1. This gene encodes a small GTPase, a member of the rab family involved with secretion, acting in the vesicular trafficking between endoplasmatic reticulum and the Golgi. Thus, the synthetic lethality between TIF51A and YPT1 may reveal the connection between translation and the polarized distribution of membrane components, suggesting that these proteins work together in the cell to guarantee proper protein synthesis and secretion necessary for correct bud formation during G1/ S transition. Future studies will investigate the functional interaction between eIF5A and Ypt1 in order to clarify this involvement of eIF5A with vesicular trafficking. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Phrixotrix (railroad worm) luciferases produce bioluminescence in the green and red regions of the spectrum, depending on the location of the lanterns, and are the only luciferases naturally producing red bioluminescence. Comparison of the luciferase sequences showed a set of substitutions that could be involved in bioluminescence colour determination: (a) unique substitutions in the red luciferase replacing otherwise invariant residues; (b) conserved basic residues in the green-yellow emitting luciferases; and (c) an additional R353 residue in red-emitting luciferase (Viviani et al., 1999). To investigate whether these sites have a functional role in bioluminescence colour determination, we performed a site-directed mutagenesis. Natural substitutions in the region 220-344 and residues in the putative luciferin-binding site were also investigated. With the exception of the previously identified substitution of R215 and T226 (Viviani et al., 2002), which display dramatic red-shift effects on the spectrum of green-yellow-emitting luciferases, only a few substitutions had a moderate effect on the spectrum of the green-emitting luciferase. In contrast, no single substitution affected the spectrum of the red-emitting luciferase. The results suggest that the identity of the active site residues is not so critical for determining red bioluminescence in PxRE luciferase. Rather, the conformation assumed during the emitting step could be critical to set up proper interactions with excited oxyluciferin. Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The comet assay has been conducted with numerous cell lines to assess in vitro genotoxicity. In order to use the comet assay as part of an in vitro test for evaluating genotoxicity, however, there are cell-specific factors that need to be better understood. In this present study we have evaluated some factors that may impact upon the DNA damage detected in whole blood (WB) cells and lymphocytes (ILs). Experiments were conducted comparing responses of both cells, and investigating the effects of the female hormonal cycle, and oral contraceptive (OC) use on DNA damage detection in the in vitro comet assay, at three sampling time. No significant differences were detected in the basal levels of DNA damage detected in ILs and WB cells from women OC users and non-users and from men. Basal DNA damage in ILs was unaffected by gender and stage of the menstrual cycle or the stage of the treatment schedule. Our results also indicated that the H2O2 induces DNA damage in human lymphocytes independently of gender, low-dose OC use and hormonal fluctuation. However, data showed that in 3rd sampling of menstrual cycle, lymphocytes were more resistant to H2O2-induced DNA damage than those from OC users and men. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Beetle luciferases emit a wide range of bioluminescence colors, ranging from green to red. Firefly luciferases can shift the spectrum to red in response to pH and temperature changes, whereas click beetle and railroadworm luciferases do not. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. Through comparative site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies, using the pH-sensitive luciferases (Macrolampis and Cratomorphus distinctus fireflies) and the pH-insensitive luciferases (Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Phrixotrix viviani and Phrixotrix hirtus) cloned by our group, here we show that substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). The substitutions at positions 227, 228 and 229 (P. pyralis sequence) cause dramatic redshift and temporal shift in both groups of luciferases, indicating their involvement in labile interactions. Modeling studies showed that the residues Y227 and N229 are buried in the protein core, fixing the loop to other structural elements participating at the bottom of the luciferin binding site. Changes in pH and temperature (in firefly luciferases), as well as point mutations in this loop, may disrupt the interactions of these structural elements exposing the active site and modulating bioluminescence colors. © 2007 The Authors.
Wollastonite bioceramics prepared from synthetic and natural precursors were implanted in rats in bone and subcutaneous tissues. The implant sites were excised after 7, 30 and 120 days, fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin wax for serial cutting and examined under transmitted light microscope. It was found a very similar behavior for both wollastonite bioceramics. They were biocompatible, bioactive and biodegradable when implanted in rat bone. The synthetic ceramic was more reabsorbable than the one from natural powder. When implanted in subcutaneous rat tissue, both materials elicited a mild initial inflammatory reaction that practically disappeared after 120 days. Both materials were encapsulated with a very thin fibrous capsule and slightly reabsorbed at their surfaces. None of the materials induced ectopic osteogenesis. According to the results, the studied materials seem to be able for manufacturing reabsorbable bone implants.
This paper reports the purification and biochemical/pharmacological characterization of two myotoxic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) from Bothrops brazili venom, a native snake from Brazil. Both myotoxins (MTX-I and II) were purified by a single chromatographic step on a CM-Sepharose ion-exchange column up to a high purity level, showing Mr ∼ 14,000 for the monomer and 28,000 Da for the dimer. The N-terminal and internal peptide amino acid sequences showed similarity with other myotoxic PLA2s from snake venoms, MTX-I belonging to Asp49 PLA2 class, enzymatically active, and MTX-II to Lys49 PLA2s, catalytically inactive. Treatment of MTX-I with BPB and EDTA reduced drastically its PLA2 and anticoagulant activities, corroborating the importance of residue His48 and Ca2+ ions for the enzymatic catalysis. Both PLA2s induced myotoxic activity and dose-time dependent edema similar to other isolated snake venom toxins from Bothrops and Crotalus genus. The results also demonstrated that MTXs and cationic synthetic peptides derived from their 115-129 C-terminal region displayed cytotoxic activity on human T-cell leukemia (JURKAT) lines and microbicidal effects against Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and Leishmania sp. Thus, these PLA2 proteins and C-terminal synthetic peptides present multifunctional properties that might be of interest in the development of therapeutic strategies against parasites, bacteria and cancer. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We analyze here the spin and pseudospin symmetry for the antinucleon spectra solving the Dirac equation with scalar and vector Wood-Saxon potentials. In relativistic nuclear mean field theories where these potentials have large magnitudes and opposite signs we show that contrary to the nucleon case where pseudospin interaction is never very small and cannot be treated perturbatively, for antinucleon systems this interaction is perturbative and an exact pseudospin symmetry is possible. This result manifests the relativistic nature of the nuclear pseudospin symmetry. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
The C 2 * radical is used as a system probe tool to the reactive flow diagnostic, and it was chosen due to its large occurrence in plasma and combustion in aeronautics and aerospace applications. The rotational temperatures of C 2 * species were determined by the comparison between experimental and theoretical data. The simulation code was developed by the authors, using C++ language and the object oriented paradigm, and it includes a set of new tools that increase the efficacy of the C 2 * probe to determine the rotational temperature of the system. A brute force approach for the determination of spectral parameters was adopted in this version of the computer code. The statistical parameter c 2 was used as an objective criterion to determine the better match of experimental and synthesized spectra. The results showed that the program works even with low-quality experimental data, typically collected from in situ airborne compact apparatus. The technique was applied to flames of a Bunsen burner, and the rotational temperature of ca. 2100 K was calculated.
In this work, signal processing techniques are used to improve the quality of image based on multi-element synthetic aperture techniques. Using several apodization functions to obtain different side lobes distribution, a polarity function and a threshold criterium are used to develop an image compounding technique. The spatial diversity is increased using an additional array, which generates complementary information about the defects, improving the results of the proposed algorithm and producing high resolution and contrast images. The inspection of isotropic plate-like structures using linear arrays and Lamb waves is presented. Experimental results are shown for a 1-mm-thick isotropic aluminum plate with artificial defects using linear arrays formed by 30 piezoelectric elements, with the low dispersion symmetric mode S0 at the frequency of 330 kHz. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
The charged particle transverse momentum (pT) spectra are presented for pp collisions at √s = 0:9 and 7TeV. The data samples were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and correspond to integrated luminosities of 231 μb-1 and 2.96 pb-1, respectively. Calorimeter-based high-transverse-energy triggers are employed to enhance the statistical reach of the high-pT measurements. The results are compared with leading and next-toleading order QCD and with an empirical scaling of measurements at different collision energies using the scaling variable xT - 2pT=ps over the pT range up to 136 GeV/c. Using a combination of xT scaling and direct interpolation at fixed pT, a reference transverse momentum spectrum at √s = 2:76TeV is constructed, which can be used for studying high-pT particle suppression in the dense QCD medium produced in heavy-ion collisions at that centre-of-mass energy. Copyright CERN.
The bovine bone and sintetic hydroxyapatite (HA) bioceramics are reference materials to employment as a bone substitute, however, their slow rate of degradation and its low rate of bioactivity index (Ib) are presented as limiting factors for application as bone graft. In contrast, the bioglass is a resorbable and osteoinductive material. the present work objective the development of composites of dispersed bovine bone or sintetic HA in silicate-phosphate bioglass, seeking to obtain a biomaterial with properties suitable for application as bone grafts. The composites were prepared by mixing between the powder components followed by sintering for 1h. Were used HA and bioglass (45S5) with particle size <240μm. The tested proportions of HA/45S5 were 20/80, 30/70 and 40/60 (wt%). The composites characterization was made employing scanning electron microscopy, Infra-Red Spectrometry and hydrolytic resistance test. The test results indicate the potential use of the materials developed for applications such as bone graft. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.