988 resultados para Ruy Mauro Marini


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Contient : 1 Deux lettres au pape ; 2 Une lettre « à monseigr le caral de Vendosme, le XXIXe de nobre 1548 » ; 3 Une lettre à « Monseigneur » ; 4 Une lettre à « monseigneur le cardinal de Ferrare, le XVIIIe de septembre 1548 » ; 5 Notes, en latin, relatives à des négociations avec la cour de Rome ; 6 Deux lettres, en latin, « à mons. le cardinal Maphée », Bernardin Maffei. 14 et 15 août 1551 ; 7 Lettre au sujet de négociations avec « monseigneur de Crescentiis », Marcel Crescentio ; 8 Lettre « à Mr le card. de Lorraine » ; 9 Note, en latin, pour le cardinal de Crescentiis, Marcel Crescentio ; 10 Trois lettres « à monseigneur le chancellier », François Olivier. 10 octobre 1545, 29 juillet 1548 et 11 juin 1550 ; 11 Lettre « à monseigneur » le maréchal « de Saint André. Le Xe de juing 1549 », par « l'ordinaire » ; 12 Deux lettres « à monseigneur d'Urfey ». 17 février 1548 n. st. et 14 août 1551 ; 13 Deux lettres « à monseigneur le prince de Melphe ». 9 et 26 janvier ; 14 Lettre « à monseigneur de Mascon », Pierre Du Chastel. « Le VIIe de janvier 1549 »-1550 n. st ; 15 Deux lettres « à monseigneur » Guillaume Du Bellay, sieur « de Langey », des 9 janvier 1548 n. st. et 9 janvier ; 16 Lettre « à monseigneur de Montluc ». Saint-Maur, 11 août 1551 ; 17 Lettre « à monseigneur de Morvillier ». Rome, 2 juin 1549 ; 18 Lettre adressée « à monseigneur le conte Ugassion de Rangon, le XIIIIe jour de janvier » ; 19 Lettre « au comte Ottobon Flisque ». Rome, le 24 juin ; 20 Lettre « à monseigneur l'abbé de Flavigny », Philibert Dugny. Rome, « le Xe de nobre 1548 », par « monseigneur de Gyé » ; 21 Lettre « à monseigneur » l'abbé « de S. Victor », Antoine Caraccioli. Rome, « le XXVe de juing ... 1550 », par « l'ordinaire » ; 22 Lettre, en latin, « reverendo domino abbati Sancti Maglorii, Parisiis... E Sancto Mauro, 8 cal. maii » ; 23 Lettre « à monseigneur l'abbé d'Ivry » ; 24 Lettre « au doyen de Paris », Jean Jouvenel Des Ursins. Glatigny, 16 juillet 1545. Copie ; 25 Lettre « à monss. de Neuilly ». St-Maur, 2 décembre ; 26 Deux lettres « à monseigneur de Manne ». 15 et 18 août 1551 ; 27 Lettre « au seigneur Marcel Paloue ». St-Maur, 14 août 1551. En latin ; 28 Lettre « à monseigneur de Fresse. Le XXIIIe de juin 1550 » ; 29 Lettre « à mons. le procureur du roy en Piedmont, le IIIe de juing 1549 » ; 30 Lettre « à monseigneur Bouchier, le XIIIIe d'aoust 1551 » ; 31 Deux lettres datées de St-Maur, le 23 mars 1545 n. st. ; la seconde est adressée à « monseigneur Du Buysson ». Copies ; 32 Lettre « à made » la duchesse « d'Estampes », en faveur du chancelier Poyet ; 33 Lettre « à madame » la duchesse « de Valentinoys ». Rome, 3 juin 1550 ; 34 Lettre à « madame » la duchesse de Valentinois (?) pour demander l'archevêché de Bordeaux


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EI Salvador presents an unfortunate history that includes a military regime and a civil war that together created a legacy of violence in which the country still struggle nowadays. Salud Escolar Integral (SEI) was created in 2005 as a program to combat youth violence throughout the re-formulation of physical education (PE) classes in public schools, promoting life skills learning that supports the resolution of conflicts with nonviolent ways. In 2007, SEI supported the creation of a physical e~ucation teacher education (PETE) degree at the Universidad Pedag6gica de EI Salvador (UPES), having the goal to assist pre-service teachers with a better understanding of humanistic principles. The present research analyzed if after attending all three years ofUPES PETE program, students presented high self-perception levels of competence and confidence related to attitude, skills and knowledge to teach PE within humanistic principles. Taking Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) was the theoretical framework used to analyze the development of humanistic principles. The study had a mixed-method longitudinal design that included questionnaires, reflection templates and interviews. In conclusion, although it is suggested that UPES should provide better support for the development of the teaching principles of empowering students and transfer learning, most of the humanistic principles were highly promoted by the program. At last, it is suggested that future research should track teachers' progress while teaching in schools, in order to analyze if the theory of promoting humanistic principles have also become a daily practice.


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This qualitative, narrative study explored the bullying experiences of young adolescent girls within their same-sex dyadic and group friendships. The participants were 5 female students, ages 11 and 12 years old, from 1 private, religious school in southern Ontario. Each girl participated in an audiotaped, 30-minute, personal interview based on an unstructured interview protocol. Interview transcripts were analyzed for bullying behaviors using Marini and Dane's (2008) subtypes of bullying, including the form, function, and involvement in bullying. Interview transcripts were also analyzed for common and emerging themes using aspects of L. M., Brown and Gilligan's (1992) "Listener's Guide." The findings of this study suggested that within their same-sex friendships girls assume the roles of all participants in bullying, including bullies, victims, bystanders, and bully-victims. The findings also suggested that bullying behaviors within young adolescent girls' same-sex friendships are mainly indirect in their mode of attack and that they are both proactive and reactive. The bully behaviors identified in this study were used to inform the major themes or salient features within the dynamics of girls' same-sex friendships also identified. These themes included acceptance, intimacy, negotiation, inclusion/exclusion, moral character judgements, and power. The findings of this study will be used to inform current theory, personal and professional practice, as well as future research.


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Positive Youth Development (PYD) research has started to shift focus onto how different internal factors such as temperament, dispositions, and/or personality characteristics could influence levels of PYD for youth participating is organized sport. The purpose of this study is to examine how different goal profiles, specifically categorized by diverse levels of task and ego orientation, can influence levels of PYD in an organized youth sport setting. One hundred youth sport participants (mean age = 16.8) completed the short form Youth Experiences Survey for Sport (short form YES-S; Sullivan et al., 2013) to measure PYD, as well as the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duba 1989) to assess each athlete’s goal profile. A TwoStep Cluster Analysis was used to classify each individual’s personal goal profile into 3 statistically different cluster groupings. Results indicated significant interaction between the PYD outcome factor of Initiative vs. Clusters [F(2,95)= 10.86, p < 0.001, p2= 0.19] as well as Goal Setting vs. Clusters [F(2,95)= 3.95, p < 0.05, p2= 0.08]. Post-hoc analyses provided results that suggest that those athletes who are more task oriented have fostered more positive outcomes from sport, therefore having more goal setting skills and initiative.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Botánica) UANL


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This report is intended to shed more light on the ongoing water struggle in Caimanes, a small urban area in the central northern area of Chile, neighbouring Latin America’s biggest tailings dam. Undoubtedly, the water in Caimanes is running out and the conflict between the opponents of the dam and its owner, a multinational copper enterprise, is getting more and more attention by the national and also international media. In the discussion a judgment of the Chilean Supreme Court from last October plays a central role, because it is said to have granted the people from Caimanes their right to water. After a short introduction with some details about Camaines and the tailings from the dam El Mauro, the key points of this judgment shall be outlined. The final part of the report is dedicated to various institutional problems of the Chilean resources law and policy that can become virulent for the water supply and the environmental well-being of many other urban areas in the industrialized north of Chile.


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Compositional random vectors are fundamental tools in the Bayesian analysis of categorical data. Many of the issues that are discussed with reference to the statistical analysis of compositional data have a natural counterpart in the construction of a Bayesian statistical model for categorical data. This note builds on the idea of cross-fertilization of the two areas recommended by Aitchison (1986) in his seminal book on compositional data. Particular emphasis is put on the problem of what parameterization to use


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In human Population Genetics, routine applications of principal component techniques are often required. Population biologists make widespread use of certain discrete classifications of human samples into haplotypes, the monophyletic units of phylogenetic trees constructed from several single nucleotide bimorphisms hierarchically ordered. Compositional frequencies of the haplotypes are recorded within the different samples. Principal component techniques are then required as a dimension-reducing strategy to bring the dimension of the problem to a manageable level, say two, to allow for graphical analysis. Population biologists at large are not aware of the special features of compositional data and normally make use of the crude covariance of compositional relative frequencies to construct principal components. In this short note we present our experience with using traditional linear principal components or compositional principal components based on logratios, with reference to a specific dataset


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Objetivó: Caracterizar los pacientes con heridas cardiacas penetrantes grado II a VI, describir las características del trauma, tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución clínica e identificar los factores asociados a un desenlace. Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio de asociación en 308 pacientes que ingresaron a cirugía con diagnóstico de herida penetrante de corazón entre enero de 1999 y octubre de 2009. Se excluyeron 68 casos. La serie analizada incluyó 240 pacientes con heridas cardiacas. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y de evolución, tabulados en EXCEL® y analizados en SPSS 20®. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 27.8 años, principalmente hombres (96%), lesiones por arma cortopunzante 93% y un 7% por proyectil arma de fuego. El estado hemodinámico al ingreso (según Ivatury) fue normal 44%; Shock profundo 34%; Agónicos 18% y 3% fatales. El 67% (n=161) presentaron taponamiento cardiaco. Los grados de lesión cardiaca según la clasificación OIS-AAST fueron: grado II 33%, grado III 13%, grado IV 29%, grado V 22% y grado VI 3%. La ventana pericárdica fue el método diagnóstico confirmatorio de lesión en 63% y las incisiones de abordaje quirúrgico fueron la esternotomía 63% y la toracotomía anterolateral 35%. La mortalidad fue 15% (n=36). Las diferencias en mortalidad entre el estado hemodinámico al inicio de cirugía, mecanismo de lesión y grado de herida, demostraron ser estadísticamente significativas (valor de p<0.001). Conclusiones: El estado hemodinámico y las heridas por arma de fuego son factores asociados a mortalidad. La ventana pericárdica subxifoidea favorece la preferencia y buenos resultados de la esternotomía como vía de abordaje quirúrgico.


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Este trabajo contribuye al análisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrándose en la discusión y definición de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.


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El tema de las drogas suscita un debate entre quienes defienden la prohibición y la represión, y aquellos que defienden alternativas como la legalización y/o regulación y otras más moderadas como la descriminalización y la despenalización. Aunque ambas posturas muestran datos empíricos que las soportan, desde el ámbito discursivo la visión represiva se ha posicionado como la más aceptada en el continente americano, más específicamente, en Latinoamérica. El presente trabajo, hace un estudio de caso del proceso de securitización del narcotráfico entre los presidentes de Estados Unidos y Colombia durante el período 1986-1990. A lo largo del texto, se analizan discursos oficiales de los presidentes de ambos Estados, resaltando las estrategias retóricas y sus transformaciones que legitimaron acciones represivas de tipo político-militar contra las drogas. Al final se apunta a reivindicar el discurso como un instrumento para reproducir creencias sobre fenómenos, en este caso, la creencia de que las drogas son una amenaza existencial a la seguridad política y militar para los Estados.