691 resultados para Romantic Relationships
The resource based view of strategy suggests that competitiveness in part derives from a firms ability to collaborate with a subset of its supply network to co-create highly valued products and services. This relational capability relies on a foundational intra and inter-organisational architecture, the manifestation of strategic, people, and process decisions facilitating the interface between the firm and its strategic suppliers. Using covariance-based structural equation modelling we examine the relationships between internal and external features of relational architecture, and their relationship with relational capability and relational quality. This is undertaken on data collected by mail survey. We find significant relationships between both internal and external relational architecture and relational capability and between relational capability and relational quality. Novel constructs for internal and external elements of relational architecture are specified to demonstrate their positive influence on relational capability and relationship quality.
Species of the genus Culex Linnaeus have been incriminated as the main vectors of lymphatic filariases and are important vectors of arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Sequences corresponding to a fragment of 478 bp of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which includes part of the barcode region, of 37 individuals of 17 species of genus Culex were generated to establish relationships among five subgenera, Culex, Phenacomyia, Melanoconion, Microculex, and Carrollia, and one species of the genus Lutzia that occurs in Brazil. Bayesian methods were employed for the phylogenetic analyses. Results of sequence comparisons showed that individuals identified as Culex dolosus, Culex mollis, and Culex imitator possess high intraspecific divergence (3.1, 2.3, and 3.5%, respectively) when using the Kimura two parameters model. These differences were associated either with distinct morphological characteristics of the male genitalia or larval and pupal stages, suggesting that these may represent species complexes. The Bayesian topology suggested that the genus and subgenus Culex are paraphyletic relative to Lutzia and Phenacomyia, respectively. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences may be a useful tool to both estimate phylogenetic relationships and identify morphologically similar species of the genus Culex.
Phylogenetic relationships among 21 species of mosquitoes in subgenus Nyssorhynchus were inferred from the nuclear white and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (ND6) genes. Bayestan phylogenetic methods found that none of the three Sections within Nyssorhynchus (Albimanus, Argyritarsis, Myzorhynchella) were supported in all analyses, although Myzorhynchella was found to be monophyletic at the combined genes Within the Albimanus Section the monophyly of the Stroder Subgroup was strongly supported and within the Myzorhynchella Section Anopheles anrunesi and An lutzu formed a strongly supported monophyletic group The epidemiologically significant Albitarsis Complex showed evidence of paraphyly (relative to An lanet-Myzorhynchella) and discordance across gene trees, and the previously synonomized species of An. dunhami and An goeldii were recovered as sister species Finally, there was evidence of complexes in several species, including An antunesi, An deaneorum, and An. strodei (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Scrotal circumference data from 47,605 Nellore young bulls, measured at around 18 mo of age (SC18), were analyzed simultaneously with 27,924 heifer pregnancy (HP) and 80,831 stayability (STAY) records to estimate their additive genetic relationships. Additionally, the possibility that economically relevant traits measured directly in females could replace SC18 as a selection criterion was verified. Heifer pregnancy was defined as the observation that a heifer conceived and remained pregnant, which was assessed by rectal palpation at 60 d. Females were exposed to sires for the first time at about 14 mo of age (between 11 and 16 mo). Stayability was defined as whether or not a cow calved every year up to 5 yr of age, when the opportunity to breed was provided. A Bayesian linear-threshold-threshold analysis via Gibbs sampler was used to estimate the variance and covariance components of the multitrait model. Heritability estimates were 0.42 +/- 0.01, 0.53 +/- 0.03, and 0.10 +/- 0.01, for SC18, HP, and STAY, respectively. The genetic correlation estimates were 0.29 +/- 0.05, 0.19 +/- 0.05, and 0.64 +/- 0.07 between SC18 and HP, SC18 and STAY, and HP and STAY, respectively. The residual correlation estimate between HP and STAY was -0.08 +/- 0.03. The heritability values indicate the existence of considerable genetic variance for SC18 and HP traits. However, genetic correlations between SC18 and the female reproductive traits analyzed in the present study can only be considered moderate. The small residual correlation between HP and STAY suggests that environmental effects common to both traits are not major. The large heritability estimate for HP and the high genetic correlation between HP and STAY obtained in the present study confirm that EPD for HP can be used to select bulls for the production of precocious, fertile, and long-lived daughters. Moreover, SC18 could be incorporated in multitrait analysis to improve the prediction accuracy for HP genetic merit of young bulls.
This Study evaluated the species-level taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship among Kumanoa species from Brazil with other regions of the world based on the plastid-encoded RUBISCO large Subunit gene (rhcL). Partial rbcL sequences were obtained for 11 Kulnanoa specimens. Eight species are recognised from Brazil on the basis of molecular and morphological data: seven previously described (K abilii, K ambignia, K. breviarticulata, K. cipoensis, K. equisetoidea, K. globospora and K procarpa) and a new species here proposed (K. amazonensis sp. nov. Necchi & Vis). The new species has reduced and dense whorls but differs from the two closest related species in lacking secondary fascicles. Previously proposed infrageneric categories were not supported by the molecular data. Species described and endemic (K. breviarticulata, K. cipoensis, K equiseloidea and K. procarpa) to Brazil are not grouped together but are variously related to other species from North America, Europe and Australasia. With the species recognised in this study using molecular and morphological data and those previously distinguished by morphology, 13 species of Kumanoa are Currently documented from Brazil.
Epidendrum L. is the largest genus of Orchidaceae in the Neotropical region; it has an impressive morphological diversification, which imposes difficulties in delimitation of both infrageneric and interspecific boundaries. In this study, we review infrageneric boundaries within the subgenus Amphiglottium and try to contribute to the understanding of morphological diversification and taxa delimitation within this group. We tested the monophyly of the subgenus Amphiglottium sect. Amphiglottium, expanding previous phylogenetic investigations and reevaluated previous infrageneric classifications proposed. Sequence data from the trnL-trnF region were analyzed with both parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. AFLP markers were also obtained and analyzed with phylogenetic and principal coordinate analyses. Additionally, we obtained chromosome numbers for representative species within the group. The results strengthen the monophyly of the subgenus Amphiglottium but do not support the current classification system proposed by previous authors. Only section Tuberculata comprises a well-supported monophyletic group, with sections Carinata and Integra not supported. Instead of morphology, biogeographical and ecological patterns are reflected in the phylogenetic signal in this group. This study also confirms the large variability of chromosome numbers for the subgenus Amphiglottium (numbers ranging from 2n = 24 to 2n = 240), suggesting that polyploidy and hybridization are probably important mechanisms of speciation within the group.
Phylogenetic analyses of representative species from the five genera of Winteraceae (Drimys, Pseudowintera, Takhtajania, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l.) were performed using ITS nuclear sequences and a combined data-set of ITS + psbA-trnH + rpS16 sequences (sampling of 30 and 15 species, respectively). Indel informativity using simple gap coding or gaps as a fifth character was examined in both data-sets. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses support the monophyly of Drimys, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l., but do not support the monophyly of Belliolum, Zygogynum s.s., and Bubbia. Within Drimys, the combined data-set recovers two subclades. Divergence time estimates suggest that the splitting between Drimys and its sister clade (Pseudowintera + Zygogynum s.l.) occurred around the end of the Cretaceous; in contrast, the divergence between the two subclades within Drimys is more recent (15.5-18.5 MY) and coincides in time with the Andean uplift. Estimates suggest that the earliest divergences within Winteraceae could have predated the first events of Gondwana fragmentation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aim We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Brotogeris (Psittacidae) using several distinct and complementary approaches: we test the monophyly of the genus, delineate the basal taxa within it, uncover their phylogenetic relationships, and finally, based on these results, we perform temporal and spatial comparative analyses to help elucidate the historical biogeography of the Neotropical region. Location Neotropical lowlands, including dry and humid forests. Methods Phylogenetic relationships within Brotogeris were investigated using the complete sequences of the mitochondrial genes cyt b and ND2, and partial sequences of the nuclear intron 7 of the gene for Beta Fibrinogen for all eight species and 12 of the 17 taxa recognized within the genus (total of 63 individuals). In order to delinetae the basal taxa within the genus we used both molecular and plumage variation, the latter being based on the examination of 597 skin specimens. Dates of divergence and confidence intervals were estimated using penalized likelihood. Spatial and temporal comparative analyses were performed including several closely related parrot genera. Results Brotogeris was found to be a monophyletic genus, sister to Myiopsitta. The phylogenetic analyses recovered eight well-supported clades representing the recognized biological species. Although some described subspecies are diagnosably distinct based on morphology, there was generally little intraspecific mtDNA variation. The Amazonian species had different phylogenetic affinities and did not group in a monophyletic clade. Brotogeris diversification took place during the last 6 Myr, the same time-frame as previously found for Pionus and Pyrilia. Main conclusions The biogeographical history of Brotogeris implies a dynamic history for South American biomes since the Pliocene. It corroborates the idea that the geological evolution of Amazonia has been important in shaping its biodiversity, argues against the idea that the region has been environmentally stable during the Quaternary, and suggests dynamic interactions between wet and dry forest habitats in South America, with representatives of the Amazonian biota having several independent close relationships with taxa endemic to other biomes.
The morphology and phylogenetic relationships of a new genus and two new species of Neotropical freshwater stingrays, family Potamotrygonidae, are investigated and described in detail. The new genus, Heliotrygon, n. gen., and its two new species, Heliotrygon gomesi, n. sp. (type-species) and Heliotrygon rosai, n. sp., are compared to all genera and species of potamotrygonids, based on revisions in progress. Some of the derived features of Heliotrygon include its unique disc proportions (disc highly circular, convex anteriorly at snout region, its width and length very similar), extreme subdivision of suborbital canal (forming a complex honeycomb-like pattern anterolaterally on disc), stout and triangular pelvic girdle, extremely reduced caudal sting, basibranchial copula with very slender and acute anterior extension, and precerebral and frontoparietal fontanellae of about equal width, tapering very little posteriorly. Both new species can be distinguished by their unique color patterns: Heliotrygon gomesi is uniform gray to light tan or brownish dorsally, without distinct patterns, whereas Heliotrygon rosai is characterized by numerous white to creamy-white vermiculate markings over a light brown, tan or gray background color. Additional proportional characters that may further distinguish both species are also discussed. Morphological descriptions are provided for dermal denticles, ventral lateral-line canals, skeleton, and cranial, hyoid and mandibular muscles of Heliotrygon, which clearly corroborate it as the sister group of Paratrygon. Both genera share numerous derived features of the ventral lateral-line canals, neurocranium, scapulocoracoid, pectoral basals, clasper morphology, and specific patterns of the adductor mandibulae and spiracularis medialis muscles. Potamotrygon and Plesiotrygon are demonstrated to share derived characters of their ventral lateral-line canals, in addition to the presence of angular cartilages. Our morphological phylogeny is further corroborated by a molecular phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b based on four sequences (637 base pairs in length), representing two distinct haplotypes for Heliotrygon gomesi. Parsimony analysis produced a single most parsimonious tree revealing Heliotrygon and Paratrygon as sister taxa (boot-strap proportion of 70%), which together are the sister group to a clade including Plesiotrygon and species of Potamotrygon. These unusual stingrays highlight that potamotrygonid diversity, both in terms of species composition and undetected morphological and molecular patterns, is still poorly known.
Dendropsophus gaucheri is a recently described species which inhabits open areas of the eastern part of the Guiana Shield and is currently assigned to the D. parviceps species group based on the presence of a subocular cream spot. Herein we investigate its phylogenetic position including material from the type locality and newly documented populations from Suriname and Brazil based on mtDNA sequences. The species, as well as D. riveroi which is assigned to the D. minimus species group, were recovered nested within the D. microcephalus species group which implies the paraphyly of the three Dendropsophus species groups. Such result, along with other evidences, highlights the need for a thorough revision of the genus. The genetic distances among D. gaucheri samples studied are low confirming their conspecificity and suggesting recent connections among populations from open areas currently isolated by rainforest in the lowlands of the Guiana Shield.
A cladistic analysis using parsimony under equal weights is applied to test the phylogenetic relationships of Itatiaya Mello-Leitao, previously described in Ctenidae. The data matrix comprised 25 taxa scored for a total of 47 characters. The cladistic analysis yielded two equally parsimonious trees of 124 steps. The consensus of the two most parsimonious trees is used to discuss the phylogenetic relationships and justify taxonomic modifications. The results indicate that this genus is a representative of Zoropsidae, which is newly recorded from the Neotropical region. The monophyly of Itatiaya is supported by three non-ambiguous synapomorphies and three homoplastic synapomorphies. A new diagnosis is provided for Itatiaya. Itatiaya pucupucu is placed as sister species to the remaining species of the genus. A polytomic clade composed of Itatiaya modesta, Itatiaya iuba, Itatiaya apipema and the clade formed by Itatiaya tacamby + Itatiaya pykyyra is supported by the presence of modified cylindrical gland spigots. Additionally, the male of I. pykyyra Polotow & Brescovit is described for the first time.
Phylogenetic relationships of Croton section Cleodora (Klotzsch) Baill. were evaluated using the nuclear ribosomal ITS and the chloroplast trnl-F and trnH-psbA regions. Our results show a strongly supported clade containing most previously recognized section Cleodora species, plus some other species morphologically similar to them. Two morphological synapomorphies that support section Cleodora as a clade include pistillate flowers in which the sepals overlap to some degree, and styles that are connate at the base to varying degrees. The evolution of vegetative and floral characters that have previously been relied on for taxonomic decisions within this group are evaluated in light of the phylogenetic hypotheses. Within section Cleodora there are two well-supported clades, which are proposed here as subsections (subsection Sphaerogyni and subsection Spruceani). The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis identifies the closest relatives of the medicinally important and essential oil-rich Croton cajucara Benth. as candidates for future screening in phytochemical and pharmacological studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have sequenced genes encoding cathepsin L-like (CatL-like) cysteine proteases from isolates of Trypanosoma rangeli from humans, wild mammals and Rhodnius species of Central and South America. Phylogenetic trees of sequences encoding mature CatL-like enzymes of T rangeli and homologous genes from other trypanosomes, Leishmania spp. and bodonids positioned sequences of T rangeli (rangelipain) closest to T cruzi (cruzipain). Phylogenetic tree of kinetoplastids based on sequences of CatL-like was totally congruent with those derived from SSU rRNA and gGAPDH genes. Analysis of sequences from the CatL-like catalytic domains of 17 isolates representative of the overall phylogenetic diversity and geographical range of T rangeli supported all the lineages (A-D) previously defined using ribosomal and spliced leader genes. Comparison of the proteolytic activities of T rangeli isolates revealed heterogeneous banding profiles of cysteine proteases in gelatin gels, with differences even among isolates of the same lineage. CatL-like sequences proved to be excellent targets for diagnosis and genotyping of T rangeli by PCR. Data from CatL-like encoding genes agreed with results from previous studies of kDNA markers, and ribosomal and spliced leader genes, thereby corroborating clonal evolution, independent transmission cycles and the divergence of T rangeli lineages associated with sympatric species of Rhodnius. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We characterized sequences from genes encoding cathepsin L-like (CatL-like) cysteine proteases from African and South American isolates of Trypanosoma vivax and T. vivax-like organisms, and evaluated their suitability as genetic markers for population structure analysis and diagnosis. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences corresponding to CatL-like catalytic domains revealed substantial polymorphism, and clades of sequences (TviCatL1-9) were separated by large genetic distances. TviCatL1-4 sequences were from cattle isolates from West Africa (Nigeria and Burkina Faso) and South America (Brazil and Venezuela), which belonged to the same T. vivax genotype. T. vivax-like genotypes from East Africa showed divergent sequences, including TviCatL5-7 for isolates from Mozambique and TviCatL8-9 for an isolate from Kenya. Phylogenetic analysis of CatL-like gene data supported the relationships among trypanosome species reflected in the phylogenies based on the analysis of small subunit (SSU) of ribosomal RNA gene sequence data. The discovery of different CatL-like sequences for each genotype, defined previously by ribosomal DNA data, indicate that these sequences provide useful targets for epidemiological and population genetic studies. Regions in CatL-like sequences shared by all T. vivax genotypes but not by other trypanosomes allowed the establishment of a specific and sensitive diagnostic PCR for epidemiological studies in South America and Africa. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work maps and analyses cross-citations in the areas of Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine in the English version of Wikipedia, which are represented as an undirected complex network where the entries correspond to nodes and the citations among the entries are mapped as edges. We found a high value of clustering coefficient for the areas of Biology and Medicine, and a small value for Mathematics and Physics. The topological organization is also different for each network, including a modular structure for Biology and Medicine, a sparse structure for Mathematics and a dense core for Physics. The networks have degree distributions that can be approximated by a power-law with a cut-off. The assortativity of the isolated networks has also been investigated and the results indicate distinct patterns for each subject. We estimated the betweenness centrality of each node considering the full Wikipedia network, which contains the nodes of the four subjects and the edges between them. In addition, the average shortest path length between the subjects revealed a close relationship between the subjects of Biology and Physics, and also between Medicine and Physics. Our results indicate that the analysis of the full Wikipedia network cannot predict the behavior of the isolated categories since their properties can be very different from those observed in the full network. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.