872 resultados para Roland-Morris questionnaire
Fil: Bisso, Andrés. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
This paper is an overview of the results from a questionnaire survey and subsequent supplementary interviews of Iran's large apparel firms conducted by the author in 2009-2011. Most of the large apparel firms in Iran are based in Tehran and have been in business for some twenty years. They have a solid business with regular customers, but in general have hesitated to expand the size of their firms. Following the relaxation of restrictions on the procurement of raw materials that existed in the 1990s, the results of survey and interviews show that the firms have developed new channels of procurement although they depend to a considerable degree on imported raw materials and machinery. They have managed to maintain their level of output even with the rapid increase in imports since 2000, although the number of firms has decreased. Low-priced Chinese products have basically not been their rivals; instead, the inflow of foreign name-brand products have hit them heavily.
Multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers (MBCs) are probabilistic graphical models recently proposed to deal with multi-dimensional classification problems, where each instance in the data set has to be assigned to more than one class variable. In this paper, we propose a Markov blanket-based approach for learning MBCs from data. Basically, it consists of determining the Markov blanket around each class variable using the HITON algorithm, then specifying the directionality over the MBC subgraphs. Our approach is applied to the prediction problem of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) from the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) in order to estimate the health-related quality of life of Parkinson’s patients. Fivefold cross-validation experiments were carried out on randomly generated synthetic data sets, Yeast data set, as well as on a real-world Parkinson’s disease data set containing 488 patients. The experimental study, including comparison with additional Bayesian network-based approaches, back propagation for multi-label learning, multi-label k-nearest neighbor, multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least squares, and censored least absolute deviations, shows encouraging results in terms of predictive accuracy as well as the identification of dependence relationships among class and feature variables.
Nouvelle éd. destinée aux maisons d'éducation
This research advocates the idea that although requirements management process is not carried out in many organizations there is some people within the organization that perform some requirements management practices. However, these practices are usually not documented and as consequence are not spread across the organization. This paper proposes an assessment methodology based on a two-stage questionnaire to identify which practices of the requirements management process are performed but not documented, which practices require to be prioritized and which are not implemented due to bad management or unawareness. In order to validate the assessment methodology, the questionnaire was applied to an industrial case study.
This paper aims to obtain a baseline snapshot of the requirement management process using a two-stage questionnaire to identify both performed and non-performed CMMI practices. The questionnaire proposed in this paper may help with the assessment of the requirement management process, provide useful information related to the current state of the process, and indicate those practices that require immediate attention with the aim of begin a Software Process Improvement program.
Validación de un cuestionario socio-emocional en fútbol
El proceso de cambio de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad del conocimiento, que experimenta el mundo globalizado en el siglo XXI, induce a las empresas y organizaciones a desarrollar ventajas competitivas y sostenibles basadas en sus activos intangibles, entre los cuales destacan los sistemas de gestión en general y los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) en particular. Las organizaciones dedicadas a la producción de petróleo están influenciadas por dicha tendencia. El petróleo es un recurso natural con reservas limitadas, cuya producción y consumo ha crecido progresivamente, aportando la mayor cuota (35 %) del total de la energía que se consume en el mundo contemporáneo, aporte que se mantendrá hasta el año 2035, según las previsiones más conservadoras. Por tanto, se hace necesario desarrollar modelos de producción innovadores, que contribuyan a la mejora del factor de recobro de los yacimientos y de la vida útil de los mismos, al tiempo que satisfagan los requerimientos de producción y consumo diarios de los exigentes mercados globales. El objeto de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión de la calidad y su efecto en el desempeño organizacional, a través del efecto mediador de los constructos satisfacción del cliente interno y gestión del conocimiento en la producción de petróleo. Esta investigación de carácter explicativo, no experimental, transeccional y ex-postfacto, se realizó en la región petrolífera del lago de Maracaibo, al occidente de Venezuela, la cual tiene más de 70 años en producción y cuenta con yacimientos maduros. La población objeto de estudio fue de 369 trabajadores petroleros, quienes participaron en las mesas técnicas de la calidad, durante los meses de mayo y julio del año 2012, los cuales en su mayoría están en proceso de formación como analistas, asesores y auditores de los SGC. La técnica de muestreo aplicada fue de tipo aleatorio simple, con una muestra de 252 individuos. A la misma se le aplicó un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc, el cual fue validado por las técnicas de juicio de expertos y prueba piloto. El procedimiento de investigación se realizó a través de una secuencia, que incluyó la elaboración de un modelo teórico, basado en la revisión del estado del arte; un modelo factorial, sobre la base del análisis factorial de los datos de la encuesta; un modelo de regresión lineal, elaborado a través del método de regresión lineal simple y múltiple; un modelo de análisis de sendero, realizado con el software Amos 20 SPSS y finalmente, un modelo informático, realizado con el simulador Vensim PLE v.6.2. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el modelo teórico se transformó en un modelo empírico, en el cual, la variable independiente fue el SGC, la variable mediadora fue la integración de las dimensiones eliminación de la no conformidad, satisfacción del cliente interno y aprendizaje organizacional (ENCSCIAO) y la variable respuesta la integración de las dimensiones desempeño organizacional y aprendizaje organizacional (DOOA). Se verificó el efecto mediador del ENSCIAO sobre la relación SGC-DOOA con una bondad del ajuste, del 42,65%. En el modelo de regresión múltiple se encontró que las variables determinantes son eliminación de la no conformidad (ENC), conocimiento adquirido (CA) y conocimiento espontáneo (CE), lo cual fue corroborado con el modelo de análisis de sendero. El modelo informático se desarrolló empleando datos aproximados de una unidad de producción tipo, generándose cuatro escenarios; siendo el más favorable, aquel en el cual se aplicaba el SGC y variables relacionadas, reduciendo la desviación de la producción, incrementando el factor de recobro y ampliando la vida útil del yacimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación del SGC y constructos relacionados favorece el desempeño y la producción de las unidades de explotación de yacimientos petrolíferos maduros. Los principales aportes de la tesis son la obtención de un modelo de gestión de la producción de petróleo en yacimientos maduros, basado en los SGC. Asimismo, el desarrollo de un concepto de gestión de la calidad asociado a la reducción de la desviación de la producción petrolífera anual, al incremento del factor de recobro y al aumento de la vida útil del yacimiento. Las futuras líneas de investigación están orientadas a la aplicación del modelo en contextos reales y específicos, para medir su impacto y realizar los ajustes pertinentes. ABSTRACT The process of change from an industrial society to a knowledge-based society, which undergoes the globalized world in the twenty-first century, induces companies and organizations to develop a sustainable and competitive advantages based on its intangible assets, among which are noteworthy the management systems in general and particularly the quality management systems (QMS). Organizations engaged in oil production are influenced by said trend. Oil is a natural resource with limited reserves, where production and consumption has grown progressively, providing the largest share (35%) of the total energy consumed in the contemporary world, a contribution that will remain until the year 2035 according to the more conservative trust estimations. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop innovative production models which contribute with the improvement of reservoirs´ recovery factor and the lifetime thereof, while meeting the production requirements and daily consumption of demanding global markets. The aim of this research is to develop a model of quality management and its effect on organizational performance through the mediator effect of the constructs, internal customer satisfaction and knowledge management in oil production. This research of explanatory nature, not experimental, transactional and expos-facto was carried out in the oil-region of Maracaibo Lake located to the west of Venezuela, which has more than 70 years in continuous production and has mature reservoirs. The population under study was 369 oil workers who participated in the technical quality workshops, during the months of May and July of 2012, the majority of which were in the process of training as analysts, consultants and auditors of the QMS. The sampling technique applied was simple random type. To a sample of 252 individuals of the population it was applied an ad hoc designed questionnaire, which was validated by the techniques of expert judgment and pilot test. The research procedure was performed through a sequence, which included the elaboration of a theoretical model, based on the review of the state of the art; a factorial model with based on factorial analysis of the survey data; a linear regression model, developed through the method of simple and multiple linear regression; a structural equation model, made with software °Amos 20 SPSS° and finally, a computer model, performed with the simulator Vensim PLE v.6.2. The results indicate that the theoretical model was transformed into an empirical model, in which the independent variable was the QMS, the mediator variable was the integration of the dimensions: elimination of non-conformity, internal customer satisfaction and organizational learning (ENCSCIAO) and the response variable the integration of the dimensions, organizational performance and learning organizational (DOOA). ENSCIAO´s mediator effect on the relation QMS-DOOA was verified with a goodness of fit of 42,65%. In the multiple regression model was found to be the determining variables are elimination of nonconformity (ENC), knowledge acquired (CA) and spontaneous knowledge (EC), which was verified with the structural equation model. The computer model was developed based on approximate data of an oil production unit type, creating four (04) scenarios; being the most favorable, that one which it was applied the QMS and related variables, reducing the production deviation, increasing the recovery factor and extending the lifetime of the reservoir. It is concluded that QMS implementation powered with the related constructs, favors performance and production of mature oilfield of exploitation reservoirs units. The main contributions of this thesis are obtaining a management model for oil production in mature oilfields, based on QMS. In addition, development of a concept of quality associated to reduce the annual oil production deviation, increase the recovery factor and increase oilfield lifetime. Future lines of research are oriented to the implementation of this model in real and specific contexts to measure its impact and make the necessary adjustments that might take place.
The impact of the Parkinson's disease and its treatment on the patients' health-related quality of life can be estimated either by means of generic measures such as the european quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) or specific measures such as the 8-item Parkinson's disease questionnaire (PDQ-8). In clinical studies, PDQ-8 could be used in detriment of EQ-5D due to the lack of resources, time or clinical interest in generic measures. Nevertheless, PDQ-8 cannot be applied in cost-effectiveness analyses which require generic measures and quantitative utility scores, such as EQ-5D. To deal with this problem, a commonly used solution is the prediction of EQ-5D from PDQ-8. In this paper, we propose a new probabilistic method to predict EQ-5D from PDQ-8 using multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers. Our approach is evaluated using five-fold cross-validation experiments carried out on a Parkinson's data set containing 488 patients, and is compared with two additional Bayesian network-based approaches, two commonly used mapping methods namely, ordinary least squares and censored least absolute deviations, and a deterministic model. Experimental results are promising in terms of predictive performance as well as the identification of dependence relationships among EQ-5D and PDQ-8 items that the mapping approaches are unable to detect
Este projeto tem como tema central o estudo da comunicação corporativa da Philip Morris Brasil, subsidiária da Philip Morris International, uma das maiores industria de tabaco do mundo. Os objetivos desta pesquisa é demonstrar como a Philip Morris Brasil se comunica e se relaciona com seus públicos de interesse, a comunidade, o varejo e os consumidores jovens e que estratégias ela utiliza para estabelecer e manter este relacionamento, garantindo assim a sua sustentabilidade. Outro fator importante é entender como a empresa divulga o seu produto e estimula o consumo do cigarro no Brasil sabendo-se que a legislação brasileira impõe uma forte restrição à propaganda do cigarro nas principais mídias nacionais.(AU)