1000 resultados para Reservoir sedimentation.


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Although scientific evidence prior to that from ODP Leg 119 indicates the presence of an ice sheet on East Antarctica by at least the earliest Oligocene, the question as to the size and stability of that initial ice sheet is still contested. Current hypotheses include (1) the presence of a small ice sheet in the earliest Oligocene with stepwise growth during the Neogene, (2) the presence of a continental-sized ice sheet in the late middle Eocene with no major evidence of subsequent deglaciation, and (3) the presence of glacial ice in the earliest Oligocene with a major ice sheet during the mid-Oligocene, followed by growth and decay of several ice sheets with characteristics similar to the temperate ice sheets of the Pleistocene of North America but with changes over a longer time scale (millions of years vs. 100,000 yr). Principal results from Leg 119 suggest the presence of significant late middle and late Eocene glaciation in East Antarctica and the presence of a continental-size ice sheet in East Antarctica during the earliest Oligocene. Although the Leg 119 results provide only glimpses of the Neogene glacial history of East Antarctica, they do provide evidence of fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet and the waxing and waning of glaciers across the Prydz Bay shelf during the later part of the late Miocene and Pliocene.


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AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the siliclastic and organic carbon fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge due to the final stage of mountain deglaciation of the Putoran Massif. Increased supply of Yenisei-derived material indicated by peak magnetic susceptibility values probably occurred in climate-related pulses culminating near 11, 10, and 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. As sea level rose, the main Holocene depocenter migrated southward. Based on hydrogen index values and n-alkanes, the organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. Maximum accumulation rates of 1.5 to more than 6 g/cm**2/y occurred in the early Holocene sediments, suggesting more humid climatic conditions with an increased vegetation cover in the source area at that time. In general, high organic carbon accumulation rates characterize the estuaries and the inner Kara Sea as important sink for terrigenous organic carbon. A high-resolution record of Holocene variability of magnetic susceptibility (MS) in an AMS14C-dated sediment core from the northern Yenisei estuary may indicate natural variability of Arctic climate change and river discharge on a centennial to millenial time scale. Short-term maxima in MS probably related to warmer climate, enhanced precipitation, intensified weathering/erosion and increased river discharge, display a frequency of about 300 to 700 years.


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Based on benthic foraminiferal delta18O from ODP Site 1143, a 5-Myr astronomical timescale for the West Pacific Plio-Pleistocene was established using an automatic orbital tuning method. The tuned Brunhes/Matuyama paleomagnetic polarity reversal age agrees well with the previously published age of 0.78 Ma. The tuned ages for several planktonic foraminifer bio-events also agree well with published dates, and new ages for some other bio-events in the South China Sea were also estimated. The benthic delta18O from Site 1143 is highly coherent with the Earth's orbit (ETP) both at the obliquity and precession bands for the last 5 Myr, and at the eccentricity band for the last 2 Myr. In general, the 41-kyr cycle was dominant through the Plio-Pleistocene although the 23-kyr cycle was also very strong. The 100-kyr cycle became dominant only during the last 1 Myr. A comparison of the benthic delta18O between the Atlantic (ODP 659) and the East and West Pacific (846 and 1143) reveals that the Atlantic-Pacific benthic oxygen isotope difference ratio (Delta delta18OAtl-Pac) displays an increasing trend in three time intervals: 3.6-2.7 Ma, 2.7-2.1 Ma and 1.5-0.25 Ma. Each of the intervals begins with a rapid negative shift in Delta delta18OAtl-Pac, followed by a long period with an increasing trend, corresponding to the growth of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet. This means that all three intervals of ice sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere were accompanied at the beginning by a rapid relative warming of deep water in the Atlantic as compared to that of the Pacific, followed by its gradual relative cooling. This general trend, superimposed on the frequent fluctuations with glacial cycles, should yield insights into the processes leading to the boreal glaciation. Cross-spectral analyses of the Delta delta18OAtl-Pac with the Earth's orbit suggests that after the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at about 2.5 Ma, obliquity rather than precession had become the dominant force controlling the vertical structure or thermohaline circulation in the paleo-ocean.


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A critical problem in radiocarbon dating is the spatial and temporal variability of marine reservoir ages (MRAs). We assessed the MRA evolution during the last deglaciation by numerical modeling, applying a self-consistent iteration scheme in which an existing radiocarbon chronology (derived by Hughen et al., Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, pp. 3216-3227, 2006) was readjusted by transient, 3-D simulations of marine and atmospheric Delta14C. To estimate the uncertainties regarding the ocean ventilation during the last deglaciation, we considered various ocean overturning scenarios which are based on different climatic background states (PD: modern climate, GS: LGM climate conditions). Minimum and maximum MRAs are included in file 'MRAminmax_21-14kaBP.nc'. Three further files include MRAs according to equilibrium simulations of the preindustrial ocean (file 'C14age_preindustrial.nc'; this is an update of our results published in 2005) and of the glacial ocean (files 'C14age_spinupLGM_GS.nc' and 'C14age_spinupLGM_PD.nc').


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Holocene and latest Pleistocene oceanographic conditions and the coastal climate of northern California have varied greatly, based upon high-resolution studies (ca. every 100 years) of diatoms, alkenones, pollen, CaCO3%, and total organic carbon at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1019 (41.682°N, 124.930°W, 980 m water depth). Marine climate proxies (alkenone sea surface temperatures [SSTs] and CaCO3%) behaved remarkably like the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP)-2 oxygen isotope record during the Bølling-Allerod, Younger Dryas (YD), and early part of the Holocene. During the YD, alkenone SSTs decreased by >3°C below mean Bølling-Allerod and Holocene SSTs. The early Holocene (ca. 11.6 to 8.2 ka) was a time of generally warm conditions and moderate CaCO3 content (generally >4%). The middle part of the Holocene (ca. 8.2 to 3.2 ka) was marked by alkenone SSTs that were consistently 1-2°C cooler than either the earlier or later parts of the Holocene, by greatly reduced numbers of the gyre-diatom Pseudoeunotia doliolus (<10%), and by a permanent drop in CaCO3% to <3%. Starting at ca. 5.2 ka, coastal redwood and alder began a steady rise, arguing for increasing effective moisture and the development of the north coast temperate rain forest. At ca. 3.2 ka, a permanent ca. 1°C increase in alkenone SST and a threefold increase in P. doliolus signaled a warming of fall and winter SSTs. Intensified (higher amplitude and more frequent) cycles of pine pollen alternating with increased alder and redwood pollen are evidence that rapid changes in effective moisture and seasonal temperature (enhanced El Niño-Southern Oscillation [ENSO] cycles) have characterized the Site 1019 record since about 3.5 ka.


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During Leg 177 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), a well-preserved middle Eocene to lower Miocene sediment record was recovered at Site 1090 on the Agulhas Ridge in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. This new sediment record shows evidence of a hitherto unknown late Eocene opal pulse. Lithological variations, compositional data, mass-accumulation rates of biogenic and lithogenic sediment constituents, grain-size distributions, geochemistry, and clay mineralogy are used to gain insights into mid-Cenozoic environmental changes and to explore the circumstances of the late Eocene opal pulse in terms of reorganizations in ocean circulation. The base of the section is composed of middle Eocene nannofossil oozes mixed with red clays enriched in authigenic clinoptilolite and smectite, deposited at low sedimentation rates (LE 2 cm/ka). It indicates reduced terrigenous sediment input and moderate biological productivity during this preglacial warm climatic stage. The basal strata are overlain by an extended succession (100 m, 4 cm/ka) of biosiliceous oozes and muds, comprising the upper middle Eocene, the entire late Eocene, and the lowermost early Oligocene. The opal pulse occurred between 37.5 and 33.5 Ma and documents the development of upwelling cells along topographic highs, and the utilization of a marine nutrient- and silica reservoir established during the pre-late Eocene through enhanced submarine hydrothermal activity and the introduction of terrigenous solutions from chemical weathering on adjacent continents. This palaeoceanographic overturn probably was initiated through the onset of increased meridional ocean circulation, caused by the diversion of the Indian equatorial current to the south. The opal pulse was accompanied by increased influxes of terrigenous detritus from southern African sources (illite), mediated by enhanced ocean particle advection in response to modified ocean circulation. The opal pulse ended because of frontal shifts to the south around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, possibly in response to the opening of the Drake Passage and the incipient establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Condensed sediments and a hiatus within the early Oligocene part of the section possibly point to an invigoration of the deep-reaching Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mid-Oligocene to lower Miocene section on long time scale exhibits less pronounced lithological variations than the older section and points to relatively stable palaeoceanographic conditions after the dramatic changes in the late Eocene to early Oligocene.


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We infer variations in paleoproductivity and eolian input at ODP Site 1082 in the Walvis Basin from stable oxygen isotope compositions of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia inflata, total organic carbon mass accumulation rates (TOC MAR), and X-ray fluorescence analyses of Fe content. The most pronounced paleoclimatic changes correspond to the time at about 0.9 Ma, when glacial conditions in the northern hemisphere (NH) led to the onset of pronounced 100-kyr glacial-interglacial cycles. We used Fe intensity as a proxy for eolian terrigenous input, and TOC MAR as a paleoproductivity indicator. Paleoproductivity and eolian input show generally higher-amplitude variations of glacial-interglacial cyclicity from 1.5 to 0.58 Ma, indicating pronounced variations in upwellingfavorable winds in this area. At 0.58 Ma, paleoproductivity and eolian input shifted abruptly to lower-amplitude variations with a periodicity of 100 kyr while delta18O values show a trend toward more negative isotope values for the past 0.65 Myr. Especially during glacial periods, oxygen isotope values indicate increasingly warmer sea-surface temperatures toward the end of the Pleistocene. To evaluate the relative influences of NH glaciation and southern hemisphere (SH) insolation as potential forcing mechanisms for variations of eolian input and productivity in the northern Benguela system, we filtered our proxy records at orbital frequencies. The filtered records of Fe intensity and TOC MAR indicate a strong influence of the 100-kyr and 41-kyr frequency bands, supporting our assumption that strong ice buildup in the NH is the dominant trigger for climate changes on the continent and probably in trade-wind intensity. SH insolation and low-latitude precession-related insolation changes were important for paleoproductivity variations in the northern Benguela system, modifying the nutrient supply by southern ocean intermediate waters and the zonal direction of upwelling-inducing trades by the African monsoon system, respectively.


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A continuous age model for the brief climate excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary has been constructed by assuming a constant flux of extraterrestrial 3He (3He[ET]) to the seafloor. 3He[ET] measurements from ODP Site 690 provide quantitative evidence for the rapid onset (sedimentation rate coincident with the return of climate proxies to pre-event values. The 3He[ET]-based age model thus suggests a far more rapid recovery from the climatic perturbation than previously proposed or predicted on the basis of the modern carbon cycle, and so may indicate additional or accelerated mechanisms of carbon removal from the ocean-atmosphere system during this period. 3He[ET] was also measured at ODP Site 1051 to test the validity of the Site 690 chronology. Comparison of these data sets seems to require removal of several tens of kyr of sediment within the climatic excursion at Site 1051, an observation consistent with sediment structures and previous age modeling efforts. The Site 1051 age model shows a ~30 kyr period in which climate proxies return toward pre-event values, after which they remain invariant for ~80 kyr. If this rise represents the recovery interval identified at Site 690, then the 3HeET-based age models of the two sites are in good agreement. However, alternative interpretations are possible, and work on less disrupted sites is required to evaluate the reliability of the proposed new chronology of the climate excursion. Regardless of these details, this work shows that the 3HeET technique can provide useful independent evidence for the development and testing of astronomically calibrated age models.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1119 is located at water depth 395 m near the subtropical front (STF; here represented by the Southland Front), just downslope from the shelf edge of eastern South Island, New Zealand. The upper 86.19 metres composite depth (mcd) of Site 1119 sediment was deposited at an average sedimentation rate of 34 cm/kyr during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-8 (0-252 ka), and is underlain across a ~25 kyr intra-MIS 8 unconformity by MIS 8.5-11 (277-367 ka) and older sediment deposited at ~14 cm/kyr. A time scale is assigned to Site 1119 using radiocarbon dates for the period back to ~39 ka, and, prior to then, by matching its climatic record with that of the Vostok ice core, which it closely resembles. Four palaeoceanographic proxy measures for surface water masses vary together with the sandy-muddy, glacial-interglacial (G/I) cyclicity at the site. Interglacial intervals are characterised by heavy delta13C, high colour reflectance (a proxy for carbonate content), low Q-ray (a proxy for clay content) and light delta18O; conversely, glacial intervals exhibit light delta13C, low reflectance, high Q-ray and heavy delta18O signatures. Early interglacial intervals are represented by silty clays with 10-105-cm-thick beds of sharp-based (Chondrites-burrowed), shelly, graded, fine sand. The sands are rich in foraminifera, and were deposited distant from the shoreline under the influence of longitudinal flow in relatively deep water. Glacial intervals comprise mostly micaceous silty clay, though with some thin (2-10 cm thick) sands present also at peak cold periods, and contain the cold-water scallop Zygochlamys delicatula. Interglacial sandy intervals are characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates of 5-32 cm/kyr; cold climate intervals MIS 10, 6 and 2 have successively higher sedimentation rates of 45, 69 and 140 cm/kyr. Counter-intuitively,and forced by the bathymetric control of a laterally-moving shoreline during G/I and I/G transitions, the 1119 core records a southeasterly (seaward) movement of the STF during early glacial periods, accompanied by the incursion of subtropical water (STW) above the site, and northwesterly (landward) movement during late glacial and interglacial times, resulting in a dominant influence then of subantarctic surface water (SAW). The history of passage of these different water masses at the site is clearly delineated by their characteristic delta13C values. The intervals of thin, graded sands-muds which occur within MIS 2-3, 6, 7.4 and 10 indicate the onset at times of peak cold of intermittent bottom currents caused by strengthened and expanded frontal flows along the STF, which at such times lay near Site 1119 in close proximity to seaward-encroaching subantarctic waters within the Bounty gyre. In common with other nearby Southern Hemisphere records, the cold period which represents the last glacial maximum lasted between ~23-18 ka at Site 1119, during which time the STF and Subantarctic Front (SAF) probably merged into a single intense frontal zone around the head of the adjacent Bounty Trough.


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Oxygen isotopic (d18O) climatic stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology, at high resolution, have been used to establish an age model for Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1017E, a continuous 25-m sequence of hemipelagic sediments from the continental slope (956 m water depth), east of Point Arguella, Southern California. The upper part of Hole 1017E from ~33 ka (7.445 mbsf) was dated using 13 calendar-corrected radiocarbon ages of mixed planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Benthic oxygen isotopic stratigraphy records a continuous 130-k.y. sequence ranging from marine isotope Stage 6 to the present day. The benthic d18O curve, representing the last two interglacial and glacial cycles, closely resembles the well-dated, deep-sea reference sequence, providing a detailed chronologic framework. Sedimentation rates remained relatively constant throughout the sequence at ~18 cm/k.y. and were sufficiently rapid to provide considerable potential for high-resolution paleoceanographic/paleoclimatic investigations. Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic stratigraphy based on the surface-dwelling form Globigerina bulloides defines an almost complete sequence of interstadial/stadial oscillations (Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles [D/O]). Combined use of radiocarbon chronology, deep-sea oxygen isotopic datums, and visual pattern matching has enabled us to identify the sequence of D/O cycles as described for the Greenland (GRIP2) ice core. This has strengthened the stratigraphic framework for the last 60 k.y. in the sequence as a basis for further paleoenvironmental investigations.