974 resultados para Remote Control


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Abstract:Through the development of a proposal to categorize accountability into four stages - classical, cross-sectional, systemic, and diffused -, this article aims to identify characteristics of co-production of information and socio-political control of public administration in the work of Brazilian social observatories in relationship with government control agencies. The study analyses data from 20 social observatories and, particularly, three experiences of co-production of information and control, based on a systemic perspective on accountability and a model with four categories: Political and cultural; valuing; systemic-organizational, and production. The conclusions summarize characteristics of these practices, specific phases in the accountability processes, as well as the potentialities and challenges of co-production of information and control, which not only influences, but it is also influenced by the accountability system.


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One hundred and twenty subjects with Chagas' cardiopathy and 120 non-infected subjects were randomly selected from first time claimants of sickness benefits in the National Institute of Social Security (INPS) in Goiás. Cases of Chagas' cardiopathy were defined based on serological test, history of residence in an endemic area and, clinical and/or electrocardiogram (ECG) alterations suggestive of Chagas' cardiomyopathy. Controls were defined as subjects with at least two negative serological tests. Case and controls were compared in the analysis for age, sex, place of birth, migration history, socio-economic level, occupation, physical exertion at work, age at affiliation and years of contribution to the social security scheme, clinical course of their disease and ECG abnormalities. Chagas' disease patients were younger than other subjects and predominantly of rural origin. Non-infected subjects presented a better socio-economic level, were performing more skilled activities and had less changes of job than cases. No important difference was observed in relation to age at affiliation to INPS. About 60% of cases have claimed for benefits within the first four years of contribution while among controls this proportion was 38.5%. Cases were involved, proportionally more than controls, in "heavy" activities. A risk of 2.3 (95%CL 1.5 - 4.6) and 1.8 (95%CL 1.2- 3.5) was obtained comparing respectively "heavy" and "moderate" physical activity against "light". A relative risk of 8.5 (95%CL 4.9 - 14.8) associated with the presence of cardiopathy was estimated comparing the initial sample of seropositive subjects and controls. A high relative risk was observed in relation to right bundle branch block (RR = 37.1 95%CL = 8.8 - 155.6) and left anterior hemiblock (RR = 4.4, 95%CL = 2.1 - 9.1).


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The epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Municipality of Pedro de Toledo (State of S. Paulo, Brazil) since 1980, has been studied. In 1980 the prevalence evaluated by stool exams (Kato-Katz method) was 22.8% and no statistical difference at 5.0% level was observed between rural and urban zones. The intensity of infection was low (58.5 eggs/g of faeces); the highest prevalence and intensity of infection rates were observed within the group of from 5 to 29 years of age, respectively. The transmission of schistosomiasis usually occurred during leisure time. The majority of the carriers of the parasite were asymptomatic. Of the B. tenagophila examined only 0.4% were found to be infected. The control programme has been intensified from 1981 on resulting in a sharp decrease in the prevalence from 22.8% in 1980 to 6% at the present time. This result shows that, in spite of the control programme there is a residual human prevalence. A beginning has been made on the investigation into the possible causes of this residual prevalence (6.0% was maintained through out 1987).


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The susceptibility of field collected Aedes aegypti larvae was evaluated in terms of median lethal time (LT50) and final mortality, when treated with temephos, Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis as well as mixtures of these two agents. Third instar larvae were shown to be more susceptible than early and late fourth instar ones to the entomopathogen. Survival of some individuals when exposed to temephos suggest possible resistance. Temporal synergism in early fourth instar larvae was detected when they were exposed to mixtures of Bti-temephos. The possibility of this integrated treatment is commented on.


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This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, the resulting UPFC has reduced volume and cost, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of DPC-MC method are established based on an UPFC model, together with a new direct power control approach based on sliding mode control techniques. As a result, active and reactive power can be directly controlled by selection of an appropriate switching state of matrix converter. This new direct power control approach associated to matrix converters technology guarantees decoupled active and reactive power control, zero error tracking, fast response times and timely control actions. Simulation results show good performance of the proposed system.


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This paper presents a predictive optimal matrix converter controller for a flywheel energy storage system used as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The flywheel energy storage device is based on a steel seamless tube mounted as a vertical axis flywheel to store kinetic energy. The motor/generator is a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine driven by the AC-AC Matrix Converter. The matrix control method uses a discrete-time model of the converter system to predict the expected values of the input and output currents for all the 27 possible vectors generated by the matrix converter. An optimal controller minimizes control errors using a weighted cost functional. The flywheel and control process was tested as a DVR to mitigate voltage sags and swells. Simulation results show that the DVR is able to compensate the critical load voltage without delays, voltage undershoots or overshoots, overcoming the input/output coupling of matrix converters.


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One of the major problems that prevents the spread of elections with the possibility of remote voting over electronic networks, also called Internet Voting, is the use of unreliable client platforms, such as the voter's computer and the Internet infrastructure connecting it to the election server. A computer connected to the Internet is exposed to viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, malware and other threats that can compromise the election's integrity. For instance, it is possible to write a virus that changes the voter's vote to a predetermined vote on election's day. Another possible attack is the creation of a fake election web site where the voter uses a malicious vote program on the web site that manipulates the voter's vote (phishing/pharming attack). Such attacks may not disturb the election protocol, therefore can remain undetected in the eyes of the election auditors. We propose the use of Code Voting to overcome insecurity of the client platform. Code Voting consists in creating a secure communication channel to communicate the voter's vote between the voter and a trusted component attached to the voter's computer. Consequently, no one controlling the voter's computer can change the his/her's vote. The trusted component can then process the vote according to a cryptographic voting protocol to enable cryptographic verification at the server's side.


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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were investigated in 40 incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in two age and sex matched control groups, comprising 40 patients with other cancers and 80 healthy individuals, resident in Bahia, Brazil. Serologic tests were done by radioimmunoassay. The study observed high proportion of seropositivity to HBsAg (42.5%) and of those presenting HBsAg or antiHBc (65.0%) among HCC cases, higher in men than women and in those aged 17 to 30 years old. HBsAg seropositivity among HCC patients was greater than in the control group with other cancers (7.5%) and in healthy controls (2.5%), corresponding to odds ratio estimates of 15.0 (95% CI 3.29, 68.30) and 33.0 (95% CI 9.13, 119.28), both statistically significant. HBeAg was not observed and antiHBe was present in 41.2% of cases, suggesting the absence of viral replication, possibly with viral DNA intergration into the hepatocyte genome. The presence of cirrhosis was associated with HBsAg seropositivity among HCC cases. A history of chronic alcoholism is shown to be more frequently related to those cases with cirrhosis. This study highlights the relevant association between HCC and HBV in Northeast Brazil, particularly for young individuals, and the high risk of development of HCC for HBsAg carriers.


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A programme for the control of respiratory diseases in children was conceived for the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, in 1986. Its progress thereafter and the epidemiology of the diseases concerned are examined. Apart from an inquiry into the 64 existing State local health authorities, a sample of 18,255 cases of children assisted by the programme at different levels, including both in-patient and outpatient care, is analysed. Each case record included information about identification (child, doctor and health facility), reasons for calling, diagnoses made and outcome of treatment. Further data were also sought from hospitals and from State mortality records. The programme was found to be poorly implemented in the State but, where implemented, it showed itself capable of resolving problems (only 0.5% of the cases could not be handled) as also of changing ongoing trends (more than 50% reduction in hospital admission rates). Individual assessment of each item of the programme indicated its bottlenecks. Regarding the epidemiology of respiratory diseases, it is observed that the major burden to health services comes from children aged less than five, and that the most important diseases are wheezing illnesses and pneumonia. Morevoer, they were found to be significantly associated (p = 0.000) so that a child in the community presenting wheezing diseases is 5 times more likely to develop pneumonia than a child with any other respiratory diagnosis. Similarly, among the under five deaths it was found that the risk for pneumonia is 3 times greater for children who died presenting wheezing diseases than it is for children with any other sort of diagnosis. In conclusion, the programme is deemed to be efficient and effective but its efficacy is marred by administrative flaws. The successful control of respiratory problems in childhood is related to a proper appreciation of the importance of wheezing diseases.


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In this paper, two wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and respectively with a two-level or a multilevel converter are simulated in order to access the malfunction transient performance. Three different drive train mass models, respectively, one, two and three mass models, are considered in order to model the bending flexibility of the blades. Moreover, a fractional-order control strategy is studied comparatively to a classical integer-order control strategy. Computer simulations are carried out, and conclusions about the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the electric current injected into the electric grid are in favor of the fractional-order control strategy.


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This paper presents new integrated model for variable-speed wind energy conversion systems, considering a more accurate dynamic of the wind turbine, rotor, generator, power converter and filter. Pulse width modulation by space vector modulation associated with sliding mode is used for controlling the power converters. Also, power factor control is introduced at the output of the power converters. Comprehensive performance simulation studies are carried out with matrix, two-level and multilevel power converter topologies in order to adequately assert the system performance. Conclusions are duly drawn.


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A transient analysis for two full-power converter wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator is studied in this article, taking into consideration, as a new contribution to earlier studies, a pitch control malfunction. The two full-power converters considered are, respectively, a two-level and a multi-level converter. Moreover, a novel control strategy based on fractional-order controllers for wind turbines is studied. Simulation results are presented; conclusions are in favor of the novel control strategy, improving the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid.


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A controlled trial was performed with the purpose of investigating which factors could be considered of significant risk for the development of basal cell carcinoma. A total of 259 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed from July 1991 to July 1992 were compared with 518 controls matched for age and sex. All subjects in both groups were white. Protocol data were submitted to statistical analysis by the chi-square test and by multiple conditional logistic regression analysis and the following conclusions were reached: 1) light skin color (types I and II of the Fitzpatrick classification), odds ratio of 2.8; outdoor work under constant sunlight, odds ratio of 5.0; the presence of actinic lesions due to exposure to the sun, odds ratio of 4.9, are risk factors perse. 2) Type III skin in the Fitzpatrick classification only represents a risk factor when the patient reports a history of intense sunburns, but not in the absence of such a history. 3) Sunburns per se do not represent a risk factor althorig the point made in item 2 of these conclusions is valid. 4) Other suspected risk factors whose significance was not confirmed by multiple conditioned logistic regression analysis were: residence in rural areas, light eyes and blond hair color, extent of the awareness of the "sun x skin cancer" relationship, familial occurrence of skin cancer, excessive exposure to the sun, and freckles appearing in childhood.


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A rápida evolução dos dispositivos móveis e das tecnologias de comunicação sem fios transformou o telemóvel num poderoso dispositivo de computação móvel. A necessidade de estar sempre contactável, comum à civilização moderna, tem aumentado a dependência deste dispositivo, sendo transportado pela maioria das pessoas num ambiente urbano e assumindo um papel talvez mais importante que a própria carteira. A ubiquidade e capacidade de computação dos telemóveis aumentam o interesse no desenvolvimento de serviços móveis, além de tradicionais serviços de voz. Um telemóvel pode em breve tornar-se um elemento activo nas nossas tarefas diárias, servindo como um instrumento de pagamento e controlo de acessos, proporcionando assim novas interfaces para serviços existentes. A unificação de vários serviços num único dispositivo é um desafio que pode simplificar a nossa rotina diária e aumentar o conforto, no limite deixaremos de necessitar de dinheiro físico, cartões de crédito ou débito, chaves de residência e de veículos automóveis, ou inclusive documentos de identificação como bilhetes de identidade ou passaportes. O interesse demonstrado pelos intervenientes, desde os fabricantes de telemóveis e operadores de rede móvel até às instituições financeiras, levaram ao aparecimento de múltiplas soluções de serviços móveis. Porém estas soluções respondem geralmente a problemas específicos, apenas contemplando um fornecedor de serviços ou uma determinada operação de pagamento, como seja a compra de bilhetes ou pagamento de estacionamento. Estas soluções emergentes consistem também tipicamente em especificações fechadas e protocolos proprietários. A definição de uma arquitectura genérica, aberta interoperável e extensível é necessária para que os serviços móveis possam ser adoptados de uma forma generalizada por diferentes fornecedores de serviços e para diversos tipos de pagamento. A maior parte das soluções actuais de pagamento móvel depende de comunicações através da rede móvel, algumas utilizam o telemóvel apenas como uma interface de acesso à internet enquanto outras possibilitam o envio de um SMS (Short Message Service) para autorizar uma transacção, o que implica custos de comunicação em todas as operações de pagamento. Este custo de operação torna essas soluções inadequadas para a realização de micropagamentos e podem por isso ter uma aceitação limitada por parte dos clientes. As soluções existentes focam-se maioritariamente em pagamentos à distância, não tirando partido das características do pagamento presencial e não oferecendo por isso uma verdadeira alternativa ao modelo actual de pagamento com cartões de crédito/débito. As capacidades computacionais dos telemóveis e suporte de diversos protocolos de comunicação sem fio local não têm sido aproveitadas, vendo o telemóvel apenas como um terminal GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) e não oferecendo serviços adicionais como seja a avaliação dinâmica de risco ou controlo de despesas. Esta dissertação propõe e valida, através de um demonstrador, uma aquitectua aberta para o pagamento e controlo de acesso baseado em dispositivos móveis, intitulada WPAC (Wireless Payment and Access Control). Para chegar à solução apresentada foram estudadas outras soluções de pagamento, desde o aparecimento dos cartões de débito até a era de pagamentos electrónicos móveis, passando pelas soluções de pagamento através da internet. As capacidades dos dispositivos móveis, designadamente os telemóveis, e tecnologias de comunicação sem fios foram também analisadas a fim de determinar o estado tecnológico actual. A arquitectura WPAC utiliza padrões de desenho utilizados pela indústria em soluções de sucesso, a utilização de padrões testados e a reutilização de soluções com provas dadas permite aumentar a confiança nesta solução, um destes exemplos é a utilização de uma infra-estrutura de chave pública para o estabelecimento de um canal de comunicação seguro. Esta especificação é uma arquitectura orientada aos serviços que utiliza os Web Services para a definição do contracto do serviço de pagamento. A viabilidade da solução na orquestração de um conjunto de tecnologias e a prova de conceito de novas abordagens é alcançada com a construção de um protótipo e a realização de testes. A arquitectura WPAC possibilita a realização de pagamentos móveis presenciais, isto é, junto do fornecedor de bens ou serviços, seguindo o modelo de pagamento com cartões de crédito/débito no que diz respeito aos intervenientes e relações entre eles. Esta especificação inclui como aspecto inovador a avaliação dinâmica de risco, que utiliza o valor do pagamento, a existência de pagamentos frequentes num período curto de tempo, e a data, hora e local do pagamento como factores de risco; solicitando ao cliente o conjunto de credenciais adequado ao risco avaliado, desde códigos pessoais a dados biométricos. É também apresentada uma alternativa ao processo normal de pagamento, que apesar de menos cómoda permite efectuar pagamentos quando não é possível estabelecer um canal de comunicação sem fios, aumentando assim a tolerância a falhas. Esta solução não implica custos de operação para o cliente na comunicação com o ponto de venda do comerciante, que é realizada através de tecnologias de comunicação local sem fios, pode ser necessária a comunicação através da rede móvel com o emissor do agente de pagamento para a actualização do agente de software ou de dados de segurança, mas essas transmissões são ocasionais. O modelo de segurança recorre a certificados para autenticação dos intervenientes e a uma infra-estrutura de chave pública para cifra e assinatura de mensagens. Os dados de segurança incluídos no agente de software móvel, para desabilitar a cópia ou corrupção da aplicação mas também para a comparação com as credenciais inseridas pelo cliente, devem igualmente ser encriptados e assinados de forma a garantir a sua confidencialidade e integridade. A arquitectura de pagamento utiliza o standard de Web Services, que é amplamente conhecido, aberto e interoperável, para definição do serviço de pagamento. Existem extensões à especificação de Web Services relativas à segurança que permitem trocar itens de segurança e definem o modo de cifra e assinatura de mensagens, possibilitando assim a sua utilização em aplicações que necessitem de segurança como é o caso de serviços de pagamento e controlo de acesso. O contracto de um Web Service define o modo de invocação dos serviços, transmissão de informação e representação de dados, sendo normalmente utilizado o protocolo SOAP que na prática não é mais que um protocolo de troca de mansagens XML (eXtensible Markup Language). O envio e recepção de mensagens XML; ou seja, a transmissão de simples sequências de caracteres, é suportado pela maioria dos protocolos de comunicação, sendo portanto uma solução abrangente que permite a adopção de diversas tecnologias de comunicação sem fios. O protótipo inclui um agente de software móvel, implementado sobre a forma de uma MIDlet, aplicação Java para dispositivos móveis, que implementa o protocolo de pagamento comunicando sobre uma ligação Bluetooth com o ponto de venda do comerciante, simulado por uma aplicação desenvolvida sobre a plataforma .NET e que por isso faz prova da heterogeneidade da solução. A comunicação entre o comerciante e o seu banco para autorização do pagamento e transferência monetária utiliza o protocolo existente para a autorização de pagamentos, com base em cartões de crédito/débito. A definição desta especificação aberta e genérica em conjunto com o forte interesse demonstrado pelos intervenientes, proporciona uma boa perspectiva em termos de adopção da solução, o que pode impulsionar a implementação de serviços móveis e dessa forma simplificar as rotinas diárias das pessoas. Soluções móveis de pagamento reduzem a necessidade de transportar vários cartões de crédito/débito na nossa carteira. A avaliação dinâmica de risco permite aumentar a segurança dos pagamentos, com a solicitação de mais credenciais ao cliente para pagamentos com um maior risco associado, sendo um ponto importante quer para os clientes quer para as instituições financeiras pois diminui o risco de fraude e aumenta a confiança no sistema. Esta solução de pagamento electrónico pode também facilitar a consulta de pagamentos efectuados e saldos, mantendo um histórico dos movimentos, o que não é possível nos cartões de crédito/débito sem uma visita a uma ATM (Automated Teller Machine) ou utilização de homebanking.


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An alternative vector control method, using lambda-cyhalothrin impregnated wide-mesh gauze covering openings in the walls of the houses was developed in an area in the Eastern part of the interior of Suriname. Experimental hut observations showed that Anopheles darlingi greatly reduced their biting activity (99-100%) during the first 5 months after impregnation. A model assay showed high mortality both of mosquitoes repelled by the gauze as well as of those that succeeded in getting through it. A field application test in 270 huts showed good acceptance by the population and good durability of the applied gauze. After introducing the method in the entire working area, replacing DDT residual housespraying, the malaria prevalence, of 25-37% before application dropped and stabilized at between 5 and 10% within one year. The operational costs were less than those of the previously used DDT housespraying program, due to a 50% reduction in the cost of materials used. The method using widemesh gauze impregnated with lambdacyhalothrin strongly affects the behavior of An. darlingi. It is important to examine the effect of the method on malaria transmission further, since data indirectly obtained suggest substantial positive results.