836 resultados para Refugees--Kenya--History--20th century


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"The history of poster art tends to focus on the art of Henri Toulouse-Latrec, Jules Cheret, and Alfonse Mucha, while leaving out or barely mentioning the work of artists such as Wes Wilson, Stanley Mouse, and Alton Kelley. The aim of this thesis is to widen the gaze of poster art by centering on a contemporary rock poster artist: Frank Kozik. By focusing on formal and sociological analysis ofa number of Kozik's posters, I illustrate how he not only fits in with the arc of poster art development, but also influences it into the next century"


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"Some of the finest interpretations ot nature ever to be expressed by an were painted by the Minoan fresco artists of Crete. Discovered only since the turn of the 20th century, the Kinoan Bronze Age civilization was amazingly progressive and notably modern. Apparently, the Minoans gained their high standard of living mainly through economic prosperity and secarity provided by a great navy. Arts, architecture and craft relice uncovered have been numerous, well-preserved and invaluable sources of historical knowledge"


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Like many of her female contemporaries, artist Sari Dienes’s contributions to the art historical dialogue have been largely overlooked in favor of her male counterparts. Often seen as a mentor and mother figure to neo-Dada artists Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg, Dienes was an active member of the New York avant-garde circle surrounding composer/choreographer duo John Cage and Merce Cunningham in the 1950s and 1960s. These social relationships are central to the existing discourse on Sari Dienes, while her work remains little discussed. The fact that her dynamic, ever-changing style lacked aesthetic consistency was commonly lamented by notable figures such as Betty Parsons, however, I argue that Dienes’s diverse oeuvre is unified by her philosophies on art and life. The unification of art and life, denoted clearly by Dienes’s use of the found object, experimentation and chance happenings, and sensory experience, marks her as an innovator and catalyst in the neo-Dada movement as well as in other experimental art endeavors that took place in the aftermath of Abstract Expressionism.


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Within the context of the health reforms introduced in Spain in the early 20th century and the influence of international health organisations on their development, this article analyses the growing interest that surrounded nourishment and food-related problems at that time in relation to healthcare, the diagnosis provided by hygienists of such problems, and the public health measures applied to resolve them. The issue of hygienic diet and the collective aspect of nutritional problems became priorities in the field of healthcare. Two of the most prominent initiatives involved setting up a Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene and Bromatological Technique during the early years of the Second Republic, as part of the National School of Health, as well as a Food Hygiene Service. Spanish hygienists underlined the importance of education and the dissemination of information about food hygiene, health and nutrition, in order to overcome the qualitative and quantitative deficiencies observed in the average diet of the Spanish population.


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A decade before there was getting up the 'Atlantic Wall', there was executed a system of defenses along the Mediterranean coast in Spain (1936-39). The recovery of the same constructions (both of his graphical documents and of the constructed works that stay in foot) and his putting in value it can help to consolidate an own memory of the 20th century. This work considers to inventory, to measure and to draw the planes of these architectures to fix the memory that is diluted by the erosion of the time. The military pieces place in many borders: are these properly architecture? These are walking between two epochs: the one that perpetuates the epic acts in opposite to the one that shows the disasters in order that they do not forget. They are the most modern ruins of our history. In this process of reconstruction of the memory, there turns out to be crucial the graphical restitution. The drawing is a source of knowledge and demonstrates facts that were constructed.


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Comunicación presentada en el XI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Aplicada a la Edificación, APEGA 2012, Valencia, 29 noviemnre-1 diciembre 2012.


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El trabajo aborda los antecedentes históricos de las políticas de alimentación escolar en la España del siglo XX, a través del análisis del corpus normativo y de los textos y materiales que generaron organismos nacionales e internacionales que participaron en su implementación. La investigación muestra el impacto que tuvo el contexto internacional y en particular los acuerdos que se alcanzaron durante el primer franquismo con los Estados Unidos y con la FAO y UNICEF, en el desarrollo de dichas políticas. El carácter filantrópico de las primeras cantinas fue sustituido por una creciente implicación del ámbito público, al incorporar la alimentación de los escolares como objetivo de las políticas sanitarias y educativas de la Segunda República. La Ley de Educación Primaria de 1945 permitió la gradual institucionalización de la alimentación escolar. La creación en 1954 del Servicio Escolar de Alimentación y Nutrición y la necesidad de coordinar la ayuda norteamericana facilitaron la implementación de programas como el de Productos Lácteos pro Bienestar Infantil y Social o el de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición, lo cual permitió implantar el complemento alimenticio en escolares y llevar a cabo un conjunto de actividades educativas coordinadas encaminadas a mejorar su alimentación.


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Una década antes de que fuera construido el Muro Atlántico fue ejecutado un sistema de defensas a lo largo de la costa del Mediterráneo español (1936-39). La recuperación de estas construcciones (de sus documentos gráficos) y su puesta en valor pueden ayudar a consolidar una memoria propia del siglo XX. Este trabajo consiste en inventariar, medir y dibujar los planos de estas arquitecturas a fin de fijar la memoria que se diluye por la erosión del tiempo. Estas defensas militares se sitúan en muchas fronteras: ¿son propiamente arquitectura o piezas industriales? ¿Son arquitectura moderna? Estas transitan entre dos mundos: uno que proyecta arquitecturas ligeras, flexibles y con caducidad frente a otro que construye obras compactas, rígidas y eternas. También se mueven por dos épocas: una que perpetúa las hazañas épicas frente a otras que muestra los desastres. Espacio, tiempo y materia. Son las ruinas de hormigón más modernas de nuestra historia que se encuentran camufladas en la topografía: templos y tumbas a la vez. En esta reconstrucción de la memoria, resulta crucial la restitución gráfica que es donde comienza el conocimiento.


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Una década antes de que fuera construido el Muro Atlántico, fue ejecutado un sistema de defensas a lo largo de la costa del Mediterráneo español (1936-39). La recuperación de estas construcciones (de sus documentos gráficos y de las obras que existen) y su puesta en valor puede ayudar a consolidar una memoria propia del siglo XX. Las piezas militares se sitúan en muchas fronteras: ¿son estas defensas arquitectura o piezas industriales? ¿Son arquitectura moderna? Estas transitan entre dos mundos: uno que proyecta arquitecturas ligeras, flexibles y con caducidad frente a otro que construye obras compactas, rígidas y eternas. Espacio, tiempo y materia. Son las ruinas de hormigón más modernas de nuestra historia camufladas en la topografía: templos y tumbas a la vez.


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Biografía, pensamiento y obras de Mouloud Kassem (1927-1990), político y pensador argelino a quien se puede atribuir el haber creado con sus escritos la esencia ideológica del nacionalismo de Argelia tras su independencia. Sus obras son el eje principal de la historia oficial y de la identidad de la Argelia contemporánea.


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The visibility of the term vaccinology has become more pronounced in the 21st century in defining a scientific field that has absorbed aspects from different scientific domains until finally acquiring an identity of its own. As a result, vaccinology brings together a long tradition of researchers who have operated within a linear paradigm and incorporates new generations of scientists who have forged an exciting and diverse network of knowledge within this field. The term vaccinology, which initially appeared in isolation at the time of Jenner and once again with the emergence of the Pasteurian model, acquired further prominence thanks to the efforts of the vaccinologists who chronicled the production of vaccines in the last third of the 20th century. The term has since become truly consolidated, with the appearance of new adjectives during this century. This study provides a historical perspective for the frequency of use and evolution of this increasingly widespread term.


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Carmen Chamizo Vega es un referente de la enfermería española y más concretamente de la Historia de la Enfermería. Su labor docente, asistencial e investigadora seguirá marcando el futuro, así como su infatigable trabajo estableciendo redes y lazos de comunicación entre los estudiosos de la Enfermería en España y en América. Carmen, discreta y serenamente, se ha ausentado por un rato de nuestras vidas; con este texto, cuyo título está tomado de una narración suya, quiero honrarla sin panegíricos académicos, apelando solo a la emoción de la memoria.


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A miscellaneous collection of letter and legal documents relating to Barbados, especially prize causes, inheritance and slaves.


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Important changes have occurred in recent years in the attitude of a majority of the German elite towards the history of the 20th century and the political identity built on collective memory. Until recently, the sense of guilt for the crimes of the Third Reich and the obligation to remember were prevalent. While these two elements of Germany's memory of World War II are still important, currently the focus increasingly shifts to the German resistance against Nazism and the fate of the Germans who suffered in the war. Positive references to Germany's post-war history also occupy more and more space in the German memory. In 2009, i.e. the year of the 60th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany and the 20th anniversary of the fall of Communism, the efforts of German public institutions concentrate on promoting a new canon of history built around the successful democratisation and Germany's post-war economic success. The purpose behind these measures is to build a common historical memory that could be shared by the eastern and western parts of Germany and appeal to Germany's immigrants, who account for a growing proportion of the society.