955 resultados para RNP motifs
The repetitive DNA sequences found at telomeres and centromeres play a crucial role in the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. This role may be related to the tendency observed in many repetitive DNAs to adopt non-canonical structures. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of DNA quadruplexes in chromosome biology, the co-existence of different quadruplex-forming elements in the same DNA structure is still a matter of debate. Here we report the structural study of the oligonucleotide d(TCGTTTCGT) and its cyclic analog d
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 311
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 299
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 730
The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is essential for prostate cancer development. It is activated by androgens through its ligand-binding domain (LBD), which consists predominantly of 11 α-helices. Upon ligand binding, the last helix is reorganized to an agonist conformation termed activator function-2 (AF-2) for coactivator binding. Several coactivators bind to the AF-2 pocket through conserved LXXLL or FXXLF sequences to enhance the activity of the receptor. Recently, a small compound-binding surface adjacent to AF-2 has been identified as an allosteric modulator of the AF-2 activity and is termed binding function-3 (BF-3). However, the role of BF-3 in vivo is currently unknown, and little is understood about what proteins can bind to it. Here we demonstrate that a duplicated GARRPR motif at the N terminus of the cochaperone Bag-1L functions through the BF-3 pocket. These findings are supported by the fact that a selective BF-3 inhibitor or mutations within the BF-3 pocket abolish the interaction between the GARRPR motif(s) and the BF-3. Conversely, amino acid exchanges in the two GARRPR motifs of Bag-1L can impair the interaction between Bag-1L and AR without altering the ability of Bag-1L to bind to chromatin. Furthermore, the mutant Bag-1L increases androgen-dependent activation of a subset of AR targets in a genome-wide transcriptome analysis, demonstrating a repressive function of the GARRPR/BF-3 interaction. We have therefore identified GARRPR as a novel BF-3 regulatory sequence important for fine-tuning the activity of the AR.
Immunotherapy of cancer is often performed with altered "analog" peptide Ags optimized for HLA class I binding, resulting in enhanced immunogenicity, but the induced T cell responses require further evaluation. Recently, we demonstrated fine specificity differences and enhanced recognition of naturally presented Ag by T cells after vaccination with natural Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, as compared with analog peptide. In this study, we compared the TCR primary structures of 1489 HLA-A*0201/Melan-A26-35-specific CD8 T cells derived from both cohorts of patients. Although a strong preference for TRAV12-2 segment usage was present in nearly all patients, usage of particular TRAJ gene segments and CDR3 composition differed slightly after vaccination with natural vs analog peptide. Moreover, TCR β-chain repertoires were broader after natural than analog peptide vaccination. In all patients, we observed a marked conservation of the CDR3β amino acid composition with recurrent sequences centered on a glycyl-leucyl/valyl/alanyl-glycyl motif. In contrast to viral-specific TCR repertoires, such "public" motifs were primarily expressed by nondominant T cell clonotypes, which contrasted with "private" CDR3β signatures frequently found in T cell clonotypes that dominated repertoires of individual patients. Interestingly, no differences in functional avidity were observed between public and private T cell clonotypes. Collectively, our data indicate that T cell repertoires generated against natural or analog Melan-A peptide exhibited slightly distinct but otherwise overlapping and structurally conserved TCR features, suggesting that the differences in binding affinity/avidity of TCRs toward pMHC observed in the two cohorts of patients are caused by subtle structural TCR variations.
The deduced amino acid sequence of Leishmania major sw3 cDNA reveals the presence of characteristic histone H1 amino acid motifs. However, the open reading frame is of an unusually small size for histone H1 (105 amino acids) because it lacks the coding potential for the central hydrophobic globular domain of linker histones present in other eukaryotes. Here, we provide biochemical evidence that the SW3 protein is indeed a L. major nuclear histone H1, and that it is differentially expressed during the life cycle of the parasite. Due to its high lysine content, the SW3 protein can be purified to a high degree from L. major nuclear lysates with 5% perchloric acid, a histone H1 preparative method. Using an anti-SW3 antibody, this protein is detected as a 17 kDa or as a 17/19 kDa doublet in the nuclear subfraction in different L. major strains. The nuclear localization of the SW3 protein is further supported by immunofluorescence studies. During in vitro promastigote growth, both the sw3 cytoplasmic mRNA and its protein progressively accumulate within parasites from early log phase to stationary phase. Within amastigotes, the high level of H1 expression is maintained but decreases when amastigotes differentiate into promastigotes. Together, these observations suggest that the different levels of this histone H1 protein could influence the varying degrees of chromatin condensation during the life-cycle of the parasite, and provide us with tools to study this mechanism.
Humans live in symbiosis with 10(14) commensal bacteria among which >99% resides in their gastrointestinal tract. The molecular bases pertaining to the interaction between mucosal secretory IgA (SIgA) and bacteria residing in the intestine are not known. Previous studies have demonstrated that commensals are naturally coated by SIgA in the gut lumen. Thus, understanding how natural SIgA interacts with commensal bacteria can provide new clues on its multiple functions at mucosal surfaces. Using fluorescently labeled, nonspecific SIgA or secretory component (SC), we visualized by confocal microscopy the interaction with various commensal bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli, and Bacteroides strains. These experiments revealed that the interaction between SIgA and commensal bacteria involves Fab- and Fc-independent structural motifs, featuring SC as a crucial partner. Removal of glycans present on free SC or bound in SIgA resulted in a drastic drop in the interaction with Gram-positive bacteria, indicating the essential role of carbohydrates in the process. In contrast, poor binding of Gram-positive bacteria by control IgG was observed. The interaction with Gram-negative bacteria was preserved whatever the molecular form of protein partner used, suggesting the involvement of different binding motifs. Purified SIgA and SC from either mouse hybridoma cells or human colostrum exhibited identical patterns of recognition for Gram-positive bacteria, emphasizing conserved plasticity between species. Thus, sugar-mediated binding of commensals by SIgA highlights the currently underappreciated role of glycans in mediating the interaction between a highly diverse microbiota and the mucosal immune system.
Abbaye Saint-Maur-des-Fossés ; cf. B. de Montfaucon, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, II, 1739, p. 1141-1143 : "57. 1080. Expositiones SS. Patrum in Evangelia". Ex-libris : F. 64v : « Liber Sancti Benedicti » (IXe s.). — F. 1 : « Ex-libris monasterii Sancti Germani a Pratis Parisiorum ».
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) XIIe s.: cf. n°45, 47; XIIIe s.: n°64; 1621: n°101 Ex-libris : f.2 : « Ex Libris S. Petri Corbeiensis » ; — « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) 1621: n°23 Ex-libris : f.I : « Corbie. St Germain [tom 5 ?] » ; — f.II : « 2um Primum Ms Corbeiense » (« Primum » barré) ; — f.1 : « Liber S. Petri Corbeiensis » ; — « Sti Germani a Pratis »
La présente thèse s'inscrit dans la continuité de la publication des fouilles menées de 1986 à 2002 sur le site de la villa gallo-romaine d'Orbe-Boscéaz/VD par l'Institut d'archéologie et des sciences de l'antiquité de l'Université de Lausanne (URBA I, à paraître dans les Cahiers d'archéologie romande). Elle constitue l'analyse approfondie du corpus des peintures murales fragmentaires -succinctement présentées dans URBA I - appartenant à la pars urbana qui succéda, entre 161 et 180 apr. J.-C, à un édifice plus petit du Ier s. de notre ère -dont les peintures sont publiées dans l'ouvrage sus-mentionné. N'ayant subi que de très rares modifications, cette pars urbana de caractère palatial forme un "ensemble clos" autorisant une analyse globale de la conception architecturale et décorative voulue par le bâtisseur ou son commanditaire. Le corpus pictural, composé d'un matériel assez ingrat remplissant quelque 600 cagettes de stockage, offre de ce fait l'intérêt d'une grande homogénéité chronologique et reflète la cohérence et l'unité de la décoration peinte d'origine. Le travail de discrimination et de remontage des ensembles a permet d'individualiser au moins 220 décors et revêtements muraux; l'ensemble des hypothèses de restitution des peintures donne ainsi une image minimale de l'environnement pictural de la pars urbana. Ce corpus pictural n'est toutefois que l'une des composantes du programme décoratif, aussi l'analyse de ses caractéristiques est-elle confrontée à celle des autres composantes ornementales (architecture, placages de marbres et surtout le remarquable ensemble des mosaïques qui fait la célébrité du site). La conjugaison des divers éléments et leur répartition au sein d'un plan bien connu et très symétrique orientent sur les choix décoratifs majeurs, et permettent sinon de reconstituer, tout au moins d'approcher la conception du programme architectural et décoratif voulu par le commanditaire ou son architecte; ce programme, comme fréquemment, reflète le statut du commanditaire, le met évidemment en scène et tient un discours sur la villa, adressé tant aux habitants qu'aux visiteurs. On trouvera dans le travail six chapitres formant l'essentiel de l'exploitation du corpus pictural urbigène. Le premier chapitre est introductif, et présente dans ses grandes lignes la pars urbana de Boscéaz comme cadre de référence. Il est suivi par un état des lieux des peintures murales retrouvées sur le site, abordant leur répartition, leur état de conservation et la méthodologie adoptée pour leur traitement comme leur étude (chapitre 2). Le chapitre 3 constitue l'étude technique des enduits peints. Il réunit toutes les observations que l'on peut faire sur les techniques de réalisation des peinture murales, de la préparation et la pose des mortiers de support aux tours de main des peintres pour le rendu d'un motif. Ce chapitre s'inscrit dans la perspective, appliquée à Boscéaz, d'études marquantes comme celles sur les techniques de préparation des parois (Allag /Barbet 1972, Barbet 1995) sur l'identification des pigments (PACT 17, 1985, Béarat 1997, Colloque de Fribourg 1997) et sur l'analyse des mortiers (Coutelas 2003). Suit le catalogue des peintures, basé sur une sélection de 3414 plaques remontées et fragments (chapitre 4) : il propose une description rigoureuse et systématique des motifs, ainsi que leur analyse stylistique qui apporte les éléments comparatifs permettant la compréhension du matériel, et justifiant son interprétation, voire sa restitution. Les décors y sont présentés par local de découverte; un paragraphe introductif réunit les données de fouille et des informations sur le local ou le prélèvement des enduits, et donne le nombre et la détermination des décors retrouvés. Chacun d'eux fait l'objet d'une notice regroupant: une détermination par le mortier de support (le tectorium); les observations techniques diverses; la description, la restitution le cas échéant, et l'analyse stylistique. Cette dernière privilégie les comparaisons locales, en Suisse d'abord puis dans les pays limitrophes de façon à mettre en évidence les liens plausibles entre certains sites et les éventuels indices d'une production régionale. La documentation graphique qui accompagne chaque décor dans le volume d'illustrations est constituée avant tout des planches photographiques des fragments à l'échelle 1:3, accompagnés le cas échéant de dessins au trait justifiant la lecture des motifs. Ceux-ci permettent la reconstitution idéale
Matrix attachment regions (MAR) generally act as epigenetic regulatory sequences that increase gene expression, and they were proposed to partition chromosomes into loop-forming domains. However, their molecular mode of action remains poorly understood. Here, we assessed the possible contribution of the AT-rich core and adjacent transcription factor binding motifs to the transcription augmenting and anti-silencing effects of human MAR 1-68. Either flanking sequences together with the AT-rich core were required to obtain the full MAR effects. Shortened MAR derivatives retaining full MAR activity were constructed from combinations of the AT-rich sequence and multimerized transcription factor binding motifs, implying that both transcription factors and the AT-rich microsatellite sequence are required to mediate the MAR effect. Genomic analysis indicated that MAR AT-rich cores may be depleted of histones and enriched in RNA polymerase II, providing a molecular interpretation of their chromatin domain insulator and transcriptional augmentation activities.
En 1991 vió la luz una colección de terracotas arquitectónicas procedentes de la villa romana de El Vilarenc y otras pocas de Tárraco, que fueron identificadas como lastras Campana. Cinco años más tarde en las excavaciones de la Plaça de la Font de Tarragona fueron descubiertos seis nuevos ejemplares. Ahora, el conjunto consta de 14/15 piezas distribuidas en cuatro motivos iconográficos: “Mujeres flanqueando un candelabro”, “Teseo reconocido por su padre”, “Engalanamiento de un hermes” y “Escena de pórtico de palestra”. El interés radica en los siguientes factores: su absoluta excepcionalidad (son extremadamente raras fuera de Italia); su concentración geográfica en la capital y su territorio; y su precisa adscripción cronológica y cultural. Los análisis arqueométricos adjudican un orígen lacial para una y una fabricación local para las restantes. Este hecho permite plantear el tema de la adopción de modelos iconográficos de la capital –Roma– en la Tárraco post-augustea.
Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified the mu 2 subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex 2 as a protein interacting with the C-tail of the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR). Direct association between the alpha 1b-AR and mu 2 was demonstrated using a solid phase overlay assay. The alpha 1b-AR/mu 2 interaction occurred inside the cells, as shown by the finding that the transfected alpha 1b-AR and the endogenous mu 2 could be coimmunoprecipitated from HEK-293 cell extracts. Mutational analysis of the alpha 1b-AR revealed that the binding site for mu 2 does not involve canonical YXX Phi or dileucine motifs but a stretch of eight arginines on the receptor C-tail. The binding domain of mu 2 for the receptor C-tail involves both its N terminus and the subdomain B of its C-terminal portion. The alpha 1b-AR specifically interacted with mu 2, but not with the mu 1, mu 3, or mu 4 subunits belonging to other AP complexes. The deletion of the mu 2 binding site in the C-tail markedly decreased agonist-induced receptor internalization as demonstrated by confocal microscopy as well as by the results of a surface receptor biotinylation assay. The direct association of the adaptor complex 2 with a G protein-coupled receptor has not been reported so far and might represent a common mechanism underlying clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis.