920 resultados para RNA, Bacterial
Sphingomonas paucimobilis B90A is able to degrade the alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). It contains the genes linA, linB, linC, linD, linE, and linR, which have been implicated in HCH degradation. In this study, dynamic expression of the lin genes was measured in chemostat-grown S. paucimobilis B90A by RNA dot blot hybridization and real-time reverse transcriptase PCR upon exposure to a pulse of different HCH isomers. Irrespective of the addition of HCH, linA, linB, and linC were all expressed constitutively. In contrast, linD and linE were induced with alpha-HCH (2 mg/liter) and gamma-HCH (7 mg/liter). A sharp increase in mRNA levels for linD and linE was observed from 10 to 45 min after the addition of alpha- or gamma-HCH. Induction of linD and linE was not detectable upon the addition of 0.7 mg of gamma-HCH per liter, although the compound was degraded by the cells. The addition of beta-HCH (5 mg/liter) or delta-HCH (20 mg/liter) did not lead to linE and linD induction, despite the fact that 50% of the compounds were degraded. This suggests that degradation of beta- and delta-HCH proceeds by a different pathway than that of alpha- and gamma-HCH.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a proteção antiviral específica via RNA de interferência (RNAi) contra o vírus da síndrome da mancha-branca (WSSV), em camarões marinhos (Litopenaeus vannamei). Os camarões foram injetados com uma sequência dsRNA específica (vp28 do envelope viral), seguida por desafio com WSSV após 48 horas. Avaliaram-se o hemograma às 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas após o desafio, e a taxa de mortalidade durante 30 dias. Nos animais tratados com dsRNA vp28, a infecção viral foi limitada, e a sobrevivência (73%) e a "clearance" viral (80%) foram maiores do que nos camarões infectados, não tratados, que apresentaram 100% de mortalidade em cinco dias. Nos camarões tratados com dsRNA, o hemograma diminuiu até 6 horas após o desafio, seguido por aumento, tendo atingido o nível normal em 72 horas. O tratamento com dsRNA vp28 limita a infecção nos camarões por WSSV, restaura as suas condições imunológicas e promove "clearance" viral na maioria dos sobreviventes. Esses resultados são indicativos de que dsRNA vp28 pode servir como ferramenta molecular para combater o WSSV e que o RNAi representa abordagem promissora para controlar doenças virais em camarões cultivados.
Biocides are widely used for domestic hygiene, agricultural and industrial applications. Their widespread use has resulted in their introduction into the environment and raised concerns about potential deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the toxicity of the biocides triclosan, penconazole and metalaxyl were evaluated with the freshwater bacterium Caulobacter crescentus and with a freshwater microbial community using a combination of single- and double-stain flow cytometric assays. Growth of C. crescentus and the freshwater community were repressed by triclosan but not by penconazole or metalaxyl at concentrations up to 250 μM. The repressive effect of triclosan was dependent on culture conditions. Caulobacter crescentus was more sensitive to triclosan when grown with high glucose at high cell density than when grown directly in sterilized lake water at low cell density. This suggests that the use of conventional growth conditions may overestimate biocide toxicity. Additional experiments showed that the freshwater community was more sensitive to triclosan than C. crescentus, with 10 nM of triclosan being sufficient to repress growth and change the phylogenetic composition of the community. These results demonstrate that isolate-based assays may underestimate biocide toxicity and highlight the importance of assessing toxicity directly on natural microbial communities. Because 10 nM of triclosan is within the range of concentrations observed in freshwater systems, these results also raise concerns about the risk of introducing triclosan into the environment.
The protein kinase casein kinase 2 (CK2) phosphorylates different components of the RNA polymerase I (Pol I) transcription machinery and exerts a positive effect on rRNA gene (rDNA) transcription. Here we show that CK2 phosphorylates the transcription initiation factor TIF-IA at serines 170 and 172 (Ser170/172), and this phosphorylation triggers the release of TIF-IA from Pol I after transcription initiation. Inhibition of Ser170/172 phosphorylation or covalent tethering of TIF-IA to the RPA43 subunit of Pol I inhibits rDNA transcription, leading to perturbation of nucleolar structure and cell cycle arrest. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that dissociation of TIF-IA from Pol I is a prerequisite for proper transcription elongation. In support of phosphorylation of TIF-IA switching from the initiation into the elongation phase, dephosphorylation of Ser170/172 by FCP1 facilitates the reassociation of TIF-IA with Pol I, allowing a new round of rDNA transcription. The results reveal a mechanism by which the functional interplay between CK2 and FCP1 sustains multiple rounds of Pol I transcription.
Tartraatti-resistentin happaman fosfataasin hiljentäminen RNAi menetelmällä: odottamaton vaikutus monosyytti-makrofagi linjan soluissa RNA interferenssi (RNAi) eli RNA:n hiljentyminen löydettiin ensimmäisenä kasveissa, ja 2000-luvulla RNAi menetelmä on otettu käyttöön myös nisäkässoluissa. RNAi on mekanismi, jossa lyhyet kaksi juosteiset RNA molekyylit eli siRNA:t sitoutuvat proteiinikompleksiin ja sitoutuvat komplementaarisesti proteiinia koodaavaan lähetti RNA:han katalysoiden lähetti RNA:n hajoamisen. Tällöin RNA:n koodaamaa proteiinia ei solussa tuoteta. Tässä työssä on RNA interferenssi menetelmän avuksi kehitetty uusi siRNA molekyylien suunnittelualgoritmi siRNA_profile, joka etsii lähetti RNA:sta geenin hiljentämiseen sopivia kohdealueita. Optimaalisesti suunnitellulla siRNA molekyylillä voi olla mahdollista saavuttaa pitkäaikainen geenin hiljeneminen ja spesifinen kohdeproteiinin määrän aleneminen solussa. Erilaiset kemialliset modifikaatiot, mm. 2´-Fluoro-modifikaatio, siRNA molekyylin riboosirenkaassa lisäsivät siRNA molekyylin stabiilisuutta veren plasmassa sekä siRNA molekyylin tehokkuutta. Nämä ovat tärkeitä siRNA molekyylien ominaisuuksia kun RNAi menetelmää sovelletaan lääketieteellisiin tarkoituksiin. Tartraatti-resistentti hapan fosfataasi (TRACP) on entsyymi, joka esiintyy luunsyöjäsoluissa eli osteoklasteissa, antigeenejä esittelevissä dendiriittisissä soluissa sekä eri kudosten makrofageissa, jotka ovat syöjäsoluja. TRACP entsyymin biologista tehtävää ei ole saatu selville, mutta oletetaan että TRACP entsyymin kyvyllä tuottaa reaktiivisia happiradikaaleja on tehtävä sekä luuta hajoittavissa osteoklasteissa sekä antigeenia esittelevissä dendriittisissä soluissa. Makrofageilla, jotka yliekpressoivat TRACP entsyymiä, on myös solunsisäinen reaktiivisten happiradikaalien tuotanto sekä bakteerin tappokyky lisääntynyt. TRACP-geenin hiljentämiseen tarkoitetut spesifiset DNA ja siRNA molekyylit aiheuttivat monosyytti-makrofagilinjan soluviljelymallissa TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymistä odotusten vastaisesti. DNA ja RNA molekyylien vaikutusta TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymiseen tutkittiin myös Tolllike reseptori 9 (TLR9) poistogeenisestä hiirestä eristetyissä monosyyttimakrofaagisoluissa. TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntyminen todettiin sekvenssistä ja TLR9:stä riippumattomaksi vasteeksi solun ulkopuolisia DNA ja RNA molekyylejä vastaan. Havainto TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymisestä viittaa siihen, että TRACP entsyymillä on tehtävä solun immuunipuolustusjärjestelmässä.
A variety of cellular proteins has the ability to recognize DNA lesions induced by the anti-cancer drug cisplatin, with diverse consequences on their repair and on the therapeutic effectiveness of this drug. We report a novel gene involved in the cell response to cisplatin in vertebrates. The RDM1 gene (for RAD52 Motif 1) was identified while searching databases for sequences showing similarities to RAD52, a protein involved in homologous recombination and DNA double-strand break repair. Ablation of RDM1 in the chicken B cell line DT40 led to a more than 3-fold increase in sensitivity to cisplatin. However, RDM1-/- cells were not hypersensitive to DNA damages caused by ionizing radiation, UV irradiation, or the alkylating agent methylmethane sulfonate. The RDM1 protein displays a nucleic acid binding domain of the RNA recognition motif (RRM) type. By using gel-shift assays and electron microscopy, we show that purified, recombinant chicken RDM1 protein interacts with single-stranded DNA as well as double-stranded DNA, on which it assembles filament-like structures. Notably, RDM1 recognizes DNA distortions induced by cisplatin-DNA adducts in vitro. Finally, human RDM1 transcripts are abundant in the testis, suggesting a possible role during spermatogenesis.
Molecular monitoring of BCR/ABL transcripts by real time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is an essential technique for clinical management of patients with BCR/ABL-positive CML and ALL. Though quantitative BCR/ABL assays are performed in hundreds of laboratories worldwide, results among these laboratories cannot be reliably compared due to heterogeneity in test methods, data analysis, reporting, and lack of quantitative standards. Recent efforts towards standardization have been limited in scope. Aliquots of RNA were sent to clinical test centers worldwide in order to evaluate methods and reporting for e1a2, b2a2, and b3a2 transcript levels using their own qRT-PCR assays. Total RNA was isolated from tissue culture cells that expressed each of the different BCR/ABL transcripts. Serial log dilutions were prepared, ranging from 100 to 10-5, in RNA isolated from HL60 cells. Laboratories performed 5 independent qRT-PCR reactions for each sample type at each dilution. In addition, 15 qRT-PCR reactions of the 10-3 b3a2 RNA dilution were run to assess reproducibility within and between laboratories. Participants were asked to run the samples following their standard protocols and to report cycle threshold (Ct), quantitative values for BCR/ABL and housekeeping genes, and ratios of BCR/ABL to housekeeping genes for each sample RNA. Thirty-seven (n=37) participants have submitted qRT-PCR results for analysis (36, 37, and 34 labs generated data for b2a2, b3a2, and e1a2, respectively). The limit of detection for this study was defined as the lowest dilution that a Ct value could be detected for all 5 replicates. For b2a2, 15, 16, 4, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. For b3a2, 20, 13, and 4 labs showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, and 10-3 dilutions, respectively. For e1a2, 10, 21, 2, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. Log %BCR/ABL ratio values provided a method for comparing results between the different laboratories for each BCR/ABL dilution series. Linear regression analysis revealed concordance among the majority of participant data over the 10-1 to 10-4 dilutions. The overall slope values showed comparable results among the majority of b2a2 (mean=0.939; median=0.9627; range (0.399 - 1.1872)), b3a2 (mean=0.925; median=0.922; range (0.625 - 1.140)), and e1a2 (mean=0.897; median=0.909; range (0.5174 - 1.138)) laboratory results (Fig. 1-3)). Thirty-four (n=34) out of the 37 laboratories reported Ct values for all 15 replicates and only those with a complete data set were included in the inter-lab calculations. Eleven laboratories either did not report their copy number data or used other reporting units such as nanograms or cell numbers; therefore, only 26 laboratories were included in the overall analysis of copy numbers. The median copy number was 348.4, with a range from 15.6 to 547,000 copies (approximately a 4.5 log difference); the median intra-lab %CV was 19.2% with a range from 4.2% to 82.6%. While our international performance evaluation using serially diluted RNA samples has reinforced the fact that heterogeneity exists among clinical laboratories, it has also demonstrated that performance within a laboratory is overall very consistent. Accordingly, the availability of defined BCR/ABL RNAs may facilitate the validation of all phases of quantitative BCR/ABL analysis and may be extremely useful as a tool for monitoring assay performance. Ongoing analyses of these materials, along with the development of additional control materials, may solidify consensus around their application in routine laboratory testing and possible integration in worldwide efforts to standardize quantitative BCR/ABL testing.
Due to the power of genetics, the mouse has become a widely used animal model in vision research. However, its eyeball has an axial length of only about 2 mm. The present protocol describes how to easily dissect the small rodent eye post mortem. This allows collecting different tissues of the eye, i.e., cornea, lens, iris, retina, optic nerve, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and sclera. We further describe in detail how to process these eye samples in order to obtain high‐quality RNA for RNA expression profiling studies. Depending on the eye tissue to be analyzed, we present appropriate lysis buffers to prepare total protein lysates for immunoblot and immuno‐precipitation analyses. Fixation, inclusion, embedding, and cryosectioning of the globe for routine histological analyses (HE staining, DAPI staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) is further presented. These basic protocols should allow novice investigators to obtain eye tissue samples rapidly for their experiments.
The widespread misuse of drugs has increased the number of multiresistant bacteria, and this means that tools that can rapidly detect and characterize bacterial response to antibiotics are much needed in the management of infections. Various techniques, such as the resazurin-reduction assays, the mycobacterial growth indicator tube or polymerase chain reaction-based methods, have been used to investigate bacterial metabolism and its response to drugs. However, many are relatively expensive or unable to distinguish between living and dead bacteria. Here we show that the fluctuations of highly sensitive atomic force microscope cantilevers can be used to detect low concentrations of bacteria, characterize their metabolism and quantitatively screen (within minutes) their response to antibiotics. We applied this methodology to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, showing that live bacteria produced larger cantilever fluctuations than bacteria exposed to antibiotics. Our preliminary experiments suggest that the fluctuation is associated with bacterial metabolism.
In eukaryotes, heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that associates with numerous client proteins. HtpG, a prokaryotic homolog of Hsp90, is essential for thermotolerance in cyanobacteria, and in vitro it suppresses the aggregation of denatured proteins efficiently. Understanding how the non-native client proteins bound to HtpG refold is of central importance to comprehend the essential role of HtpG under stress. Here, we demonstrate by yeast two-hybrid method, immunoprecipitation assays, and surface plasmon resonance techniques that HtpG physically interacts with DnaJ2 and DnaK2. DnaJ2, which belongs to the type II J-protein family, bound DnaK2 or HtpG with submicromolar affinity, and HtpG bound DnaK2 with micromolar affinity. Not only DnaJ2 but also HtpG enhanced the ATP hydrolysis by DnaK2. Although assisted by the DnaK2 chaperone system, HtpG enhanced native refolding of urea-denatured lactate dehydrogenase and heat-denatured glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. HtpG did not substitute for DnaJ2 or GrpE in the DnaK2-assisted refolding of the denatured substrates. The heat-denatured malate dehydrogenase that did not refold by the assistance of the DnaK2 chaperone system alone was trapped by HtpG first and then transferred to DnaK2 where it refolded. Dissociation of substrates from HtpG was either ATP-dependent or -independent depending on the substrate, indicating the presence of two mechanisms of cooperative action between the HtpG and the DnaK2 chaperone system.
BACKGROUND: The thiomethyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is often recycled as methionine from methylthioadenosine. The corresponding pathway has been unravelled in Bacillus subtilis. However methylthioadenosine is subjected to alternative degradative pathways depending on the organism. RESULTS: This work uses genome in silico analysis to propose methionine salvage pathways for Klebsiella pneumoniae, Leptospira interrogans, Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis and Xylella fastidiosa. Experiments performed with mutants of B. subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa substantiate the hypotheses proposed. The enzymes that catalyze the reactions are recruited from a variety of origins. The first, ubiquitous, enzyme of the pathway, MtnA (methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase), belongs to a family of proteins related to eukaryotic intiation factor 2B alpha. mtnB codes for a methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase. Two reactions follow, that of an enolase and that of a phosphatase. While in B. subtilis this is performed by two distinct polypeptides, in the other organisms analyzed here an enolase-phosphatase yields 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene. In the presence of dioxygen an aci-reductone dioxygenase yields the immediate precursor of methionine, ketomethylthiobutyrate. Under some conditions this enzyme produces carbon monoxide in B. subtilis, suggesting a route for a new gaseous mediator in bacteria. Ketomethylthiobutyrate is finally transaminated by an aminotransferase that exists usually as a broad specificity enzyme (often able to transaminate aromatic aminoacid keto-acid precursors or histidinol-phosphate). CONCLUSION: A functional methionine salvage pathway was experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, in P. aeruginosa. Apparently, methionine salvage pathways are frequent in Bacteria (and in Eukarya), with recruitment of different polypeptides to perform the needed reactions (an ancestor of a translation initiation factor and RuBisCO, as an enolase, in some Firmicutes). Many are highly dependent on the presence of oxygen, suggesting that the ecological niche may play an important role for the existence and/or metabolic steps of the pathway, even in phylogenetically related bacteria. Further work is needed to uncover the corresponding steps when dioxygen is scarce or absent (this is important to explore the presence of the pathway in Archaea). The thermophile T. tengcongensis, that thrives in the absence of oxygen, appears to possess the pathway. It will be an interesting link to uncover the missing reactions in anaerobic environments.
Actinobaculum schaalii is a new species that has so far been isolated from human blood, urine and pus. Its importance has probably been underestimated and other Actinobaculum spp. may also have been underdiagnosed. This retrospective study comprises all known cases of A. schaalii infections identified since 2004 in the canton of Neuchâtel (170,000 inhabitants), Switzerland. Strains were cultivated and isolated in the bacteriology laboratory using its routine procedure. Identification included a Rapid ID 32 A strip (bioMérieux) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Twenty-one positive samples were found in 19 patients (11 male, 8 female) of all ages (range 16-91 years): 10 from urine (50%), six from blood (30%), one from both blood and urine (5%), and three from pus (15%). Thirteen out of 17 (76%) cases with either blood or urine specimens had underlying genitourinary tract pathologies. When urine cultures were positive for A. schaalii, leucocytes were found in all samples (10/10, 100%) but all nitrite tests were negative (10/10, 100%). The onset of appropriate treatment was delayed due to the diminished sensitivity of A. schaalii to the antibiotics commonly used for UTIs (i.e. ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) and to the delay in microbiological diagnosis. A. schaalii should specifically be searched in all cases of leukocyturia with a negative nitrite test but with Gram-positive rods in the Gram stain, in patients with underlying genitourinary tract pathology, instead of dismissing these findings as clinically irrelevant colonization by coryneform bacteria. This infection may be much more common than previously thought.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CD4+ T-cell counts and other characteristics of HIV-infected individuals on hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels. METHODS: All HIV-HCV-coinfected Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants with available HCV RNA levels and concurrent CD4+ T-cell counts before starting HCV therapy were included. Potential predictors of HCV RNA levels were assessed by multivariate censored linear regression models that adjust for censored values. RESULTS: The study included 1,031 individuals. Low current and nadir CD4+ T-cell counts were significantly associated with higher HCV RNA levels (P = 0.004 and 0.001, respectively). In individuals with current CD4+ T-cell counts < 200/microl, median HCV RNA levels (6.22 log10 IU/ml) were +0.14 and +0.24 log10 IU/ml higher than those with CD4+ T-cell counts of 200-500/microl and > 500/microl. Based on nadir CD4+ T-cell counts, median HCV RNA levels (6.12 log10 IU/ml) in individuals with < 200/microl CD4+ T-cells were +0.06 and +0.44 log10 IU/ml higher than those with nadir T-cell counts of 200-500/microl and > 500/microl. Median HCV RNA levels were also significantly associated with HCV genotype: lower values were associated with genotype 4 and higher values with genotype 2, as compared with genotype 1. Additional significant predictors of lower HCV RNA levels were female gender and HIV transmission through male homosexual contacts. In multivariate analyses, only CD4+ T-cell counts and HCV genotype remained significant predictors of HCV RNA levels. Conclusions: Higher HCV RNA levels were associated with CD4+ T-cell depletion. This finding is in line with the crucial role of CD4+ T-cells in the control of HCV infection.
BACKGROUND: Human RNA polymerase III (pol III) transcription is regulated by several factors, including the tumor suppressors P53 and Rb, and the proto-oncogene c-Myc. In yeast, which lacks these proteins, a central regulator of pol III transcription, called Maf1, has been described. Maf1 is required for repression of pol III transcription in response to several signal transduction pathways and is broadly conserved in eukaryotes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that human endogenous Maf1 can be co-immunoprecipitated with pol III and associates in vitro with two pol III subunits, the largest subunit RPC1 and the alpha-like subunit RPAC2. Maf1 represses pol III transcription in vitro and in vivo and is required for maximal pol III repression after exposure to MMS or rapamycin, treatments that both lead to Maf1 dephosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data suggest that Maf1 is a major regulator of pol III transcription in human cells.