921 resultados para RESISTANCE TO TREATMENT
Adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia remains a major therapeutic challenge, requiring a better characterization of the molecular determinants underlying disease progression and resistance to treatment. Here, using a phospho-flow cytometry approach we show that adult diagnostic B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia specimens display PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, irrespective of their BCR-ABL status and despite paradoxically high basal expression of PTEN, the major negative regulator of the pathway. Protein kinase CK2 is known to phosphorylate PTEN thereby driving PTEN protein stabilization and concomitant PTEN functional inactivation. In agreement, we found that adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples show significantly higher CK2 kinase activity and lower PTEN lipid phosphatase activity than healthy controls. Moreover, the clinical-grade CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) reversed PTEN levels in leukemia cells to those observed in healthy controls, and promoted leukemia cell death without significantly affecting normal bone marrow cells. Our studies indicate that CK2-mediated PTEN posttranslational inactivation, associated with PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, are a common event in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and suggest that CK2 inhibition may constitute a valid, novel therapeutic tool in this malignancy.
This year reviews on the addictions emphasizes five aspects, on a bio-psycho-social perspective: (1) The relationship between methadone and cardiotoxicity. (2) The introduction of Eye Movement Desensibilization and Reprocessing (EMDR). (3) The apparition of a possible specific pharmacotherapy for excessive gambling. (4) A better knowledge of the relationship between cannabis and psychoses. (5) Resistance to treatment in the doctor-patient relationship.
Even though patients who develop ischemic stroke despite taking antiplatelet drugs represent a considerable proportion of stroke hospital admissions, there is a paucity of data from investigational studies regarding the most suitable therapeutic intervention. There have been no clinical trials to test whether increasing the dose or switching antiplatelet agents reduces the risk for subsequent events. Certain issues have to be considered in patients managed for a first or recurrent stroke while receiving antiplatelet agents. Therapeutic failure may be due to either poor adherence to treatment, associated co-morbid conditions and diminished antiplatelet effects (resistance to treatment). A diagnostic work up is warranted to identify the etiology and underlying mechanism of stroke, thereby guiding further management. Risk factors (including hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes) should be treated according to current guidelines. Aspirin or aspirin plus clopidogrel may be used in the acute and early phase of ischemic stroke, whereas in the long-term, antiplatelet treatment should be continued with aspirin, aspirin/extended release dipyridamole or clopidogrel monotherapy taking into account tolerance, safety, adherence and cost issues. Secondary measures to educate patients about stroke, the importance of adherence to medication, behavioral modification relating to tobacco use, physical activity, alcohol consumption and diet to control excess weight should also be implemented.
Adequate supply of oxygen is essential for the survival of multicellular organisms. However, in several conditions the supply of oxygen can be disturbed and the tissue oxygenation is compromised. This condition is termed hypoxia. Oxygen homeostasis is maintained by the regulation of both the use and delivery of oxygen through complex, sensitive and cell-type specific transcriptional responses to hypoxia. This is mainly achieved by one master regulator, a transcription factor called hypoxiainducible factor 1 (HIF-1). The amount of HIF-1 is under tight oxygen-dependent control by a family of oxygen-dependent prolyl hydroxylase domain proteins (PHDs) that function as the cellular oxygen sensors. Three family members (PHD1-3) are known to regulate HIF of which the PHD2 isoform is thought to be the main regulator of HIF-1. The supply of oxygen can be disturbed in pathophysiological conditions, such as ischemic disorders and cancer. Cancer cells in the hypoxic parts of the tumors exploit the ability of HIF-1 to turn on the mechanisms for their survival, resistance to treatment, and escape from the oxygen- and nutrient-deprived environment. In this study, the expression and regulation of PHD2 were studied in normal and cancerous tissues, and its significance in tumor growth. The results show that the expression of PHD2 is induced in hypoxic cells. It is overexpressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas and colon adenocarcinomas. Although PHD2 normally resides in the cytoplasm, nuclear translocation of PHD2 was also seen in a subset of tumor cells. Together with the overexpression, the nuclear localization correlated with the aggressiveness of the tumors. The nuclear localization of PHD2 caused an increase in the anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells. This study provides information on the role of PHD2, the main regulator of HIF expression, in cancer progression. This knowledge may prove to be valuable in targeting the HIF pathway in cancer treatment.
The signaling pathway of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) is critical in many aspects of growth and cell survival. The path of PI3K is stimulated physiologically as a result of many growth factors and regulatory factors. Several genetic alterations such as amplification, mutation and chromosomal arrangements may compromise the PI3K pathway, generating permanent activation in different cancer types have found evidence of these deleterious genetic modifications. Abnormal activation of the PI3K pathway results in alteration of the control mechanisms of growth and cell survival, which favors the competitive growth, and frequently metastatic capacity, greater resistance to treatment. The aim of this paper is to review matters relating to the operation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and its role in the process of carcinogenesis in humans.
Las mutaciones secundarias de resistencia al manejo antiretroviral es una realidad, y determina el éxito o fracaso del manejo del VIH. En Colombia, los casos de resistencia asociadas a mutaciones han aumentado. Para determinar esta condición en nuestra población, se realiza un estudio de tipo casos y controles, en pacientes VIH manejados en una IPS especializada en manejo y seguimiento de la enfermedad. Toman 71 pacientes con fracaso terapéutico por resistencia antiretroviral, y se documentaron las mutaciones confirmadas con Genotipo, pacientes que han manejado los diferentes esquemas antirretrovirales, y se comparan con pacientes controles que no desarrollaron resistencia a pesar de haber recibido un manejo antiretroviral similar e iniciado al mismo tiempo. Se busca evidenciar factores predictivos para controlar presencia de estas mutaciones a futuro. El estudio encontró que en ambos grupos, no existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a género, preferencia sexual, uso de psicoactivos, nivel social y las etapas de la enfermedad clasificadas según CDC. Observando que los pacientes con resistencia al tratamiento, eran más jóvenes que los controles (OR: 0,891; p> 0,001), y con una menor carga viral al momento del diagnóstico. La adecuada adherencia al tratamiento, se mostró como un factor protector al desarrollo de resistencia (OR: 0,030, p< 0,000). Se evidencia que existe mayor riesgo de generación de mutaciones en pacientes jóvenes. Respecto a los tipos de mutaciones evidenciadas por genotipos, se describen múltiples mutaciones, observando mutaciones para inhibidores de la transcriptasa reversa nucleosidos (33 mutaciones) y no nucleosidos (32 mutaciones), principalmente M184V en INTR (81%) y K103N en INNTR (40%), mutaciones para inhibidores de proteasa (57 mutaciones), principalmente L24I (40%); esta prevalencia de mutaciones son similares a estudios realizados y descritos en la literatura médica (1)
El virus de l'hepatitis C (VHC) provoca una hepatitis crònica que afecta a més de 170 milions de persones d'arreu del món. És un virus petit que es classifica dins de la família Flaviviridae i és un virus d'RNA de cadena positiva amb un genoma d'aproximadament 9.600 nucleòtids. A l'extrem 5' del genoma viral s'hi troba una regió no codificant (5'NCR) que comprèn els primers 341 nucleòtids i la seva funció està relaciona amb la traducció. Immediatament després hi ha una pauta de lectura oberta ORF que acaba en un únic codó d'aturada i codifica una poliproteïna de 3.010 aminoàcids. A continuació l'extrem 3' no codificant (3'NCR), que malgrat es desconeixen les seves funcions exactes, s'ha demostrat que és essencial per a la replicació vírica. La única poliproteïna generada és processada co- i postraduccionalment mitjançant proteases de l'hoste i víriques, donant lloc a les proteïnes estructurals (Core, E1 i E2-p7) i no estructurals (NS2-NS5B). Igual que la majoria de virus RNA, el VHC es caracteritza per tenir una taxa de mutació elevada. De fet, el genoma del virus no es pot definir com una única seqüència sinó per una població de variants molt relacionades entre sí. A aquesta manera d'organitzar la informació genètica se l'anomena quasiespècie viral i una de les seves implicacions principals és la facilitat amb què sorgeixen resistents al tractament. Els tractaments disponibles són llargs, cars, provoquen efectes secundaris considerables i només es resolen completament el 40% dels casos. Per aquesta raó es busquen altres solucions terapèutiques per combatre el virus entre les quals s'hi inclouen diferents estratègies. Una de les més innovadores i prometedores és la utilització de ribozims dirigits directament contra el genoma del virus. Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de les noves estratègies terapèutiques basades en ribozims, concretament la ribonucleasa P. La ribonucleasa P és un ribozim que està present en tots els organismes ja que és l'enzim responsable de la maduració dels precursors d'RNA de transferència. El més interessant a nivell terapèutic és que s'ha demostrat que es pot dirigir la seva activitat cap a qualsevol RNA utilitzant una seqüència guia d'RNA que quan hibrida amb l'RNA diana, l'híbrid imita l'estructura secundària del substrat natural. En el cas del VHC, s'han estudiat ribozims dependents de seqüència (ribozims derivats d'RNAs satèl·lits i de viroides de plantes), sempre dirigits contra la regió més conservada del virus per evitar una disminució de l'eficiència del ribozim deguda a la variació de la diana. La ribonucleasa P és una endonucleasa d'activitat molt específica i es diferencia dels altres ribozims naturals en el sistema de reconeixement del substrat, reconeix elements estructurals i no de seqüència. L'objectiu final del treball és tallar in vitro l'RNA del VHC aprofitant la propietat que presenta aquest ribozim de reconèixer elements estructurals i no de seqüència ja que per a un mateix nombre de seqüències, el nombre d'estructures viables que pot adoptar l'RNA genòmic és molt més petit i per tant la variabilitat de la diana disminueix. S'han estudiat dos models d'RNasa P, la RNasa P humana guiada per seqüència guia externa (EGS) i l'RNA M1 de l'RNasa P d'E.coli unit a la seqüència guia per l'extrem 3' (ribozim M1GS). Abans però de dirigir el ribozim, s'han estudiat l'estructura i la variabilitat d'una regió del genoma del virus ja que s'ha descrit que són factors que poden limitar l'eficiència de qualsevol ribozim. Derivat d'aquests estudis s'aporten dades sobre accessibilitat i variabilitat d'una regió interna del genoma del virus de l'hepatitis C, la zona d'unió de la regió E2/NS2 (regió 2658-2869). L'estudi d'accessibilitat revela que la regió 2658-2869 del genoma del virus conté dominis oberts i tancats i que la transició entre uns i altres no és brusca si es compara amb altres regions d'estructura coneguda (regió 5' no codificant). Els resultats dels assajos in vitro amb els dos models de RNasa P mostren que s'ha aconseguit dirigir tant la ribonucleasa P humana com el ribozim M1GS cap a una zona, predeterminada segons l'estudi d'accessibilitat, com a poc estructurada i tallar l'RNA del virus. De l'anàlisi de mutacions, però, es dedueix que la regió estudiada és variable. Tot i dirigir el ribozim cap a la zona més accessible, la variació de la diana podria afectar la interacció amb la seqüència guia i per tant disminuir l'eficiència de tall. Si es proposés una estratègia terapèutica consistiria en un atac simultani de vàries dianes.D'altra banda i derivat d'un resultat inesperat on s'ha observat en els experiments control que l'extracte de RNasa P humana tallava l'RNA viral en absència de seqüències guia externes, s'ha caracteritzat una nova interacció entre l'RNA del VHC i la RNasa P humana. Per a la identificació de l'enzim responsable dels talls s'han aplicat diferents tècniques que es poden dividir en mètodes directes (RNA fingerprinting) i indirectes (immunoprecipitació i inhibicions competitives). Els resultats demostren que la ribonucleasa P humana, i no un altre enzim contaminant de l'extracte purificat, és la responsable dels dos talls específics observats i que es localitzen, un a l'entrada interna al ribosoma (IRES) i molt a prop del codó AUG d'inici de la traducció i l'altre entre la regió codificant estructural i no estructural. La ribonucleasa P és un dels enzims del metabolisme del tRNA que s'utilitza per identificar estructures similars al tRNA en substrats diferents del substrat natural. Així doncs, el fet que la ribonucleasa P reconegui i talli el genoma del VHC en dues posicions determinades suggereix que, a les zones de tall, el virus conté estructures semblants al substrat natural, és a dir estructures tipus tRNA. A més, tot i que el VHC és molt variable, els resultats indiquen que aquestes estructures poden ser importants per el virus, ja que es mantenen en totes les variants naturals analitzades. Creiem que la seva presència podria permetre al genoma interaccionar amb factors cel·lulars que intervenen en la biologia del tRNA,particularment en el cas de l'estructura tipus tRNA que es localitza a l'element IRES. Independentment però de la seva funció, es converteixen en unes noves dianes terapèutiques per a la RNasa P. S'ha de replantejar però l'estratègia inicial ja que la similitud amb el tRNA les fa susceptibles a l'atac de la ribonucleasa P, directament, en absència de seqüències guia externes.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by aerobic metabolism and react with biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In high concentration, they lead to oxidative stress. Among ROS, singlet oxygen (1O2) is one of the main ROS involved in oxidative stress and is one of the most reactive forms of molecular oxygen. The exposure of some dyes, such as methylene blue (MB) to light (MB+VL), is able to generate 1O2 and it is the principle involved in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 1O2 e other ROS have caused toxic and carcinogenic effects and have been associated with ageing, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER) pathway. However, recent studies have observed the involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors in the repair of this type of injury. One of these factors is the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group A (XPA) protein, which acts with other proteins in DNA damage recognition and in the recruitment of other repair factors. Moreover, oxidative agents such as 1O2 can induce gene expression. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the response of XPA-deficient cells after treatment with photosensitized MB. For this purpose, we analyzed the cell viability and occurrence of oxidative DNA damage in cells lines proficient and deficient in XPA after treatment with MB+VL, and evaluated the expression of this enzyme in proficient and complemented cells. Our results indicate an increased resistance to treatment of complemented cells and a higher level of oxidative damage in the deficient cell lines. Furthermore, the treatment was able to modulate the XPA expression up to 24 hours later. These results indicate a direct evidence for the involvement of NER enzymes in the repair of oxidative damage. Besides, a better understanding of the effects of PDT on the induction of gene expression could be provided
Therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer show several limitations, especially when the cancer metastasizes or acquires resistance to treatment. In addition, most of the therapies currently used entails the occurrence of serious side effects. A different therapeutic approach, more selective and less invasive with respect either to radio or to chemotherapy, is represented by the photodynamic therapy (PDT). The PDT is a treatment that makes use of photosensitive drugs: these agents are pharmacologically inactive until they are irradiated with light at an appropriate wavelength and in the presence of oxygen. The drug, activated by light, forms singlet oxygen, a highly reactive chemical species directly responsible for DNA damage, thus of cell death. In this thesis we present two synthetic strategies for the preparation of two new tri-component derivatives for photodynamic therapy of advanced prostate cancer, namely DRPDT1 and DRPDT2. Both derivatives are formed by three basic elements covalently bounded to each other: a specific ligand with high affinity for the androgen receptor, a suitably chosen spacer molecule and a photoactivated molecule. In particular, DRPDT2 differs from DRPDT1 from the nature of the AR ligand. In fact, in the case of DRPDT2 we used a synthetically engineered androgen receptor ligand able to photo-react even in the absence of oxygen, by delivering NO radical. The presence of this additional pharmacophore, together with the porphyrin, may ensure an additive/synergistic effect to the photo-stimulated therapy, which than may act both in the presence of oxygen and in hypoxic conditions. This approach represents the first example of multimodal photodynamic therapy for prostate cancer.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive, high grade brain tumor. Microarray studies have shown a subset of GBMs with a mesenchymal gene signature. This subset is associated with poor clinical outcome and resistance to treatment. To establish the molecular drivers of this mesenchymal transition, we correlated transcription factor expression to the mesenchymal signature and identified transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) to be highly associated with the mesenchymal shift. High TAZ expression correlated with worse clinical outcome and higher grade. These data led to the hypothesis that TAZ is critical to the mesenchymal transition and aggressive clinical behavior seen in GBM. We investigated the expression of TAZ, its binding partner TEAD, and the mesenchymal marker FN1 in human gliomas. Western analyses demonstrated increased expression of TAZ, TEAD4, and FN1 in GBM relative to lower grade gliomas. We also identified CpG islands in the TAZ promoter that are methylated in most lower grade gliomas, but not in GBMs. TAZ-methylated glioma stem cell (GSC) lines treated with a demethylation agent showed an increase in mRNA and protein TAZ expression; therefore, methylation may be another novel way TAZ is regulated since TAZ is epigenetically silenced in tumors with a better clinical outcome. To further characterize the role of TAZ in gliomagenesis, we stably silenced or over-expressed TAZ in GSCs. Silencing of TAZ decreased invasion, self-renewal, mesenchymal protein expression, and tumor-initiating capacity. Over-expression of TAZ led to an increase in invasion, mesenchymal protein expression, mesenchymal differentiation, and tumor-initiating ability. These actions are dependent on TAZ interacting with TEAD since all these effects were abrogated with TAZ could not bind to TEAD. We also show that TAZ and TEAD directly bind to mesenchymal gene promoters. Thus, TAZ-TEAD interaction is critically important in the mesenchymal shift and in the aggressive clinical behavior of GBM. We identified TAZ as a regulator of the mesenchymal transition in gliomas. TAZ could be used as a biomarker to both estimate prognosis and stratify patients into clinically relevant subgroups. Since mesenchymal transition is correlated to tumor aggressiveness, strategies to target and inhibit TAZ-TEAD and the downstream gene targets may be warranted in alternative treatment.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by aerobic metabolism and react with biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In high concentration, they lead to oxidative stress. Among ROS, singlet oxygen (1O2) is one of the main ROS involved in oxidative stress and is one of the most reactive forms of molecular oxygen. The exposure of some dyes, such as methylene blue (MB) to light (MB+VL), is able to generate 1O2 and it is the principle involved in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 1O2 e other ROS have caused toxic and carcinogenic effects and have been associated with ageing, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER) pathway. However, recent studies have observed the involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors in the repair of this type of injury. One of these factors is the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group A (XPA) protein, which acts with other proteins in DNA damage recognition and in the recruitment of other repair factors. Moreover, oxidative agents such as 1O2 can induce gene expression. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the response of XPA-deficient cells after treatment with photosensitized MB. For this purpose, we analyzed the cell viability and occurrence of oxidative DNA damage in cells lines proficient and deficient in XPA after treatment with MB+VL, and evaluated the expression of this enzyme in proficient and complemented cells. Our results indicate an increased resistance to treatment of complemented cells and a higher level of oxidative damage in the deficient cell lines. Furthermore, the treatment was able to modulate the XPA expression up to 24 hours later. These results indicate a direct evidence for the involvement of NER enzymes in the repair of oxidative damage. Besides, a better understanding of the effects of PDT on the induction of gene expression could be provided
La leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) représente environ 25% des cancers pédiatriques diagnostiqués chaque année. Dans 80 % des cas, une rémission complète est observée. Cependant, les patients résistants aux traitements ainsi que les patients en rechute présentent un mauvais pronostique. Les altérations épigénétiques sont des facteurs essentiels dans le développement et la progression de la maladie, ainsi qu’à la résistance aux traitements. Lors d’un criblage de médicaments approuvés par la FDA, nous avons découvert des molécules ayant des caractéristiques anticancéreux et épigénétiques. Pour évaluer l’activité de ces molécules, nous avons procédé à un criblage secondaire sur plusieurs lignées cellulaires leucémiques. Nous avons découvert qu’une de ces molécules, un glucoside cardiotonique appelé la proscillaridine A, avait une activité anticancéreuse spécifique pour des cellules leucémiques. Nous faisons donc l’hypothèse que la proscillaridine A pourrait avoir des effets épigénétiques et anticancéreux dans des modèles précliniques de LLA. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons traité deux lignées cellulaires de LLA Nalm-6 (LLA pre-B) et Molt-4 (T-LLA) in vitro pendant 2 à 96 heures à des doses pertinentes sur le plan clinique. Nous avons alors pu observer une inhibition de croissance qui était dépendante de la dose administrée dans les deux lignées cellulaires, avec des valeurs de 50% d’inhibition de croissance (CI50) de 3.0 nM pour les Nalm-6 et de et 2.3 nM pour les Molt-4. De plus, nos études sur le cycle cellulaire par BrdU démontrent un arrêt en phase G2/M. Nous avons également détecté par immunobuvardage de type western des baisses significatives de l’acétylation de résidus de l’histone 3. Les niveaux d’expression des enzymes responsables de cette acétylation, les histones acétyltransférases CBP, P300 et TIP60 ainsi que de l’oncogène C-MYC étaient également diminuées. Par des analyses de séquençage de l’ARN, nous avons observé une augmentation de l’expression des gènes impliquées dans les processus d’apoptose et de différentiation cellulaire, ainsi qu’une diminution des gènes impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire comme en particulier les gènes cibles de C-MYC. Ces résultats prometteurs suggèrent le potentiel prometteur de la proscillaridine A comme nouvelle thérapie pour les patients atteints de LLA.
La leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) représente environ 25% des cancers pédiatriques diagnostiqués chaque année. Dans 80 % des cas, une rémission complète est observée. Cependant, les patients résistants aux traitements ainsi que les patients en rechute présentent un mauvais pronostique. Les altérations épigénétiques sont des facteurs essentiels dans le développement et la progression de la maladie, ainsi qu’à la résistance aux traitements. Lors d’un criblage de médicaments approuvés par la FDA, nous avons découvert des molécules ayant des caractéristiques anticancéreux et épigénétiques. Pour évaluer l’activité de ces molécules, nous avons procédé à un criblage secondaire sur plusieurs lignées cellulaires leucémiques. Nous avons découvert qu’une de ces molécules, un glucoside cardiotonique appelé la proscillaridine A, avait une activité anticancéreuse spécifique pour des cellules leucémiques. Nous faisons donc l’hypothèse que la proscillaridine A pourrait avoir des effets épigénétiques et anticancéreux dans des modèles précliniques de LLA. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons traité deux lignées cellulaires de LLA Nalm-6 (LLA pre-B) et Molt-4 (T-LLA) in vitro pendant 2 à 96 heures à des doses pertinentes sur le plan clinique. Nous avons alors pu observer une inhibition de croissance qui était dépendante de la dose administrée dans les deux lignées cellulaires, avec des valeurs de 50% d’inhibition de croissance (CI50) de 3.0 nM pour les Nalm-6 et de et 2.3 nM pour les Molt-4. De plus, nos études sur le cycle cellulaire par BrdU démontrent un arrêt en phase G2/M. Nous avons également détecté par immunobuvardage de type western des baisses significatives de l’acétylation de résidus de l’histone 3. Les niveaux d’expression des enzymes responsables de cette acétylation, les histones acétyltransférases CBP, P300 et TIP60 ainsi que de l’oncogène C-MYC étaient également diminuées. Par des analyses de séquençage de l’ARN, nous avons observé une augmentation de l’expression des gènes impliquées dans les processus d’apoptose et de différentiation cellulaire, ainsi qu’une diminution des gènes impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire comme en particulier les gènes cibles de C-MYC. Ces résultats prometteurs suggèrent le potentiel prometteur de la proscillaridine A comme nouvelle thérapie pour les patients atteints de LLA.
Concerns have been raised that universal availability of antiretroviral agents in resource-limited settings might lead to the emergence and spread of resistant strains. We present the largest survey on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) resistance among treatment-naïve and experienced patients followed in small, relatively underprivileged cities in Brazil with universal availability to standard of care antiretroviral combinations. Samples were collected between 2004 and 2006 from 95 patients followed in the cities of Saquarema and Santo Antonio de Pádua, state of Rio de Janeiro. A proviral fragment encompassing protease and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions was generated and drug susceptibility level was inferred. Among 50 strains from drug-naïve subjects, one (2%) had intermediate-level resistance to RT inhibitors. Among 38 patients on therapy as of sampling, 28 (73.7%) had plasma viral load (PVL) below detection limit (26 of whom without evidence of resistance mutations) and 11 (28.9%) harbored strains with reduced susceptibility. Only two strains harbored both protease and RT inhibitor mutations. Among seven patients who were off-treatment as of sampling, two (28.5%) harbored strains with reduced susceptibility to RT inhibitors. The relatively high frequency of undetectable PVL among patients on treatment and the overall low prevalence of resistance-associated mutations are reassuring. Continued surveillance, however, is necessary.
The spread of bacteria resistant to antimicrobial agents calls for population-wide treatment strategies to delay or reverse the trend toward antibiotic resistance. Here we propose new criteria for the evaluation of the population-wide effects of treatment protocols for directly transmitted bacterial infections and discuss different usage patterns for single and multiple antibiotic therapy. A mathematical model suggests that the long-term benefit of single drug treatment from introduction of the antibiotic until a high frequency of resistance precludes its use is almost independent of the pattern of antibiotic use. When more than one antibiotic is employed, sequential use of different antibiotics in the population (“cycling”) is always inferior to treatment strategies where, at any given time, equal fractions of the population receive different antibiotics. However, treatment of all patients with a combination of antibiotics is in most cases the optimal treatment strategy.