Accurate estimation of road pavement geometry and layer material properties through the use of proper nondestructive testing and sensor technologies is essential for evaluating pavement’s structural condition and determining options for maintenance and rehabilitation. For these purposes, pavement deflection basins produced by the nondestructive Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test data are commonly used. The nondestructive FWD test drops weights on the pavement to simulate traffic loads and measures the created pavement deflection basins. Backcalculation of pavement geometry and layer properties using FWD deflections is a difficult inverse problem, and the solution with conventional mathematical methods is often challenging due to the ill-posed nature of the problem. In this dissertation, a hybrid algorithm was developed to seek robust and fast solutions to this inverse problem. The algorithm is based on soft computing techniques, mainly Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) as well as the use of numerical analysis techniques to properly simulate the geomechanical system. A widely used pavement layered analysis program ILLI-PAVE was employed in the analyses of flexible pavements of various pavement types; including full-depth asphalt and conventional flexible pavements, were built on either lime stabilized soils or untreated subgrade. Nonlinear properties of the subgrade soil and the base course aggregate as transportation geomaterials were also considered. A computer program, Soft Computing Based System Identifier or SOFTSYS, was developed. In SOFTSYS, ANNs were used as surrogate models to provide faster solutions of the nonlinear finite element program ILLI-PAVE. The deflections obtained from FWD tests in the field were matched with the predictions obtained from the numerical simulations to develop SOFTSYS models. The solution to the inverse problem for multi-layered pavements is computationally hard to achieve and is often not feasible due to field variability and quality of the collected data. The primary difficulty in the analysis arises from the substantial increase in the degree of non-uniqueness of the mapping from the pavement layer parameters to the FWD deflections. The insensitivity of some layer properties lowered SOFTSYS model performances. Still, SOFTSYS models were shown to work effectively with the synthetic data obtained from ILLI-PAVE finite element solutions. In general, SOFTSYS solutions very closely matched the ILLI-PAVE mechanistic pavement analysis results. For SOFTSYS validation, field collected FWD data were successfully used to predict pavement layer thicknesses and layer moduli of in-service flexible pavements. Some of the very promising SOFTSYS results indicated average absolute errors on the order of 2%, 7%, and 4% for the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) thickness estimation of full-depth asphalt pavements, full-depth pavements on lime stabilized soils and conventional flexible pavements, respectively. The field validations of SOFTSYS data also produced meaningful results. The thickness data obtained from Ground Penetrating Radar testing matched reasonably well with predictions from SOFTSYS models. The differences observed in the HMA and lime stabilized soil layer thicknesses observed were attributed to deflection data variability from FWD tests. The backcalculated asphalt concrete layer thickness results matched better in the case of full-depth asphalt flexible pavements built on lime stabilized soils compared to conventional flexible pavements. Overall, SOFTSYS was capable of producing reliable thickness estimates despite the variability of field constructed asphalt layer thicknesses.
Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
The low-frequency electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an increasingly important aspect in the design of practical systems to ensure the functional safety and reliability of complex products. The opportunities for using numerical techniques to predict and analyze system’s EMC are therefore of considerable interest in many industries. As the first phase of study, a proper model, including all the details of the component, was required. Therefore, the advances in EMC modeling were studied with classifying analytical and numerical models. The selected model was finite element (FE) modeling, coupled with the distributed network method, to generate the model of the converter’s components and obtain the frequency behavioral model of the converter. The method has the ability to reveal the behavior of parasitic elements and higher resonances, which have critical impacts in studying EMI problems. For the EMC and signature studies of the machine drives, the equivalent source modeling was studied. Considering the details of the multi-machine environment, including actual models, some innovation in equivalent source modeling was performed to decrease the simulation time dramatically. Several models were designed in this study and the voltage current cube model and wire model have the best result. The GA-based PSO method is used as the optimization process. Superposition and suppression of the fields in coupling the components were also studied and verified. The simulation time of the equivalent model is 80-100 times lower than the detailed model. All tests were verified experimentally. As the application of EMC and signature study, the fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of an induction motor drive was developed using radiated fields. In addition to experimental tests, the 3DFE analysis was coupled with circuit-based software to implement the incipient fault cases. The identification was implemented using ANN for seventy various faulty cases. The simulation results were verified experimentally. Finally, the identification of the types of power components were implemented. The results show that it is possible to identify the type of components, as well as the faulty components, by comparing the amplitudes of their stray field harmonics. The identification using the stray fields is nondestructive and can be used for the setups that cannot go offline and be dismantled
This work presents the development of an in-plane vertical micro-coaxial probe using bulk micromachining technique for high frequency material characterization. The coaxial probe was fabricated in a silicon substrate by standard photolithography and a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) technique. The through-hole structure in the form of a coaxial probe was etched and metalized with a diluted silver paste. A co-planar waveguide configuration was integrated with the design to characterize the probe. The electrical and RF characteristics of the coaxial probe were determined by simulating the probe design in Ansoft’s High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). The reflection coefficient and transducer gain performance of the probe was measured up to 65 GHz using a vector network analyzer (VNA). The probe demonstrated excellent results over a wide frequency band, indicating its ability to integrate with millimeter wave packaging systems as well as characterize unknown materials at high frequencies. The probe was then placed in contact with 3 materials where their unknown permittivities were determined. To accomplish this, the coaxial probe was placed in contact with the material under test and electromagnetic waves were directed to the surface using the VNA, where its reflection coefficient was then determined over a wide frequency band from dc-to -65GHz. Next, the permittivity of each material was deduced from its measured reflection coefficients using a cross ratio invariance coding technique. The permittivity results obtained when measuring the reflection coefficient data were compared to simulated permittivity results and agreed well. These results validate the use of the micro-coaxial probe to characterize the permittivity of unknown materials at high frequencies up to 65GHz.
Power system policies are broadly on track to escalate the use of renewable energy resources in electric power generation. Integration of dispersed generation to the utility network not only intensifies the benefits of renewable generation but also introduces further advantages such as power quality enhancement and freedom of power generation for the consumers. However, issues arise from the integration of distributed generators to the existing utility grid are as significant as its benefits. The issues are aggravated as the number of grid-connected distributed generators increases. Therefore, power quality demands become stricter to ensure a safe and proper advancement towards the emerging smart grid. In this regard, system protection is the area that is highly affected as the grid-connected distributed generation share in electricity generation increases. Islanding detection, amongst all protection issues, is the most important concern for a power system with high penetration of distributed sources. Islanding occurs when a portion of the distribution network which includes one or more distributed generation units and local loads is disconnected from the remaining portion of the grid. Upon formation of a power island, it remains energized due to the presence of one or more distributed sources. This thesis introduces a new islanding detection technique based on an enhanced multi-layer scheme that shows superior performance over the existing techniques. It provides improved solutions for safety and protection of power systems and distributed sources that are capable of operating in grid-connected mode. The proposed active method offers negligible non-detection zone. It is applicable to micro-grids with a number of distributed generation sources without sacrificing the dynamic response of the system. In addition, the information obtained from the proposed scheme allows for smooth transition to stand-alone operation if required. The proposed technique paves the path towards a comprehensive protection solution for future power networks. The proposed method is converter-resident and all power conversion systems that are operating based on power electronics converters can benefit from this method. The theoretical analysis is presented, and extensive simulation results confirm the validity of the analytical work.
The conjugate gradient is the most popular optimization method for solving large systems of linear equations. In a system identification problem, for example, where very large impulse response is involved, it is necessary to apply a particular strategy which diminishes the delay, while improving the convergence time. In this paper we propose a new scheme which combines frequency-domain adaptive filtering with a conjugate gradient technique in order to solve a high order multichannel adaptive filter, while being delayless and guaranteeing a very short convergence time.
Yacon, Smallanthus sonchifolius, an Andean species. is a rich source of dictetíc oligofructans with low glucose content. proteins and phenolic compounds. These constituents have shown efficacy in the prevention of diet-related ehronic diseases, including gastroin-testinal disorders and diabetes |1,2|. Yacon is part of a research program at the National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR) and University of Mississippi Field Station to develop new alternative root crops for Mississippi while attempting to im-prove the diet of low incorne families. Yacon can be easily propa-gated by cultings. Virus and nematode infections have been re-ported on plants propagated by cuttings in Brazil. a country that hás adopted Yacon as specialty crop [3|. We have developed two culture systems. autotrophic and heterotrophic, to produce healthy plants. Herem we describe the presence of endophytic bactéria m micropropagated Yacon. In auxin free media, new roots were induced. Overa 15day period. the average root mduction per expiam was 5.45 to 8.75 under autotrophic and heterotrophic cul-tures, respectively. Root lenglh vaned between 3 and 60mrn. The presence of root hairs and lateral roots was noticed only in auto-trophic condilions. These beneficiai bactéria were identified and chemically ctiaracterized. Acknowledgement: This research work was partially supported by the USDA/ARS Cooperative Research Agreement No. 58-6408-2-009. Referentes; |1) Terada S. et ai. (2006] Yakugaku Zasshi 126(8): 665-669. (2| Valentová K. Ulri-chová j. (2003) Biomedical Papers 147: 119-130. [3| Mogor C. et ai, (2003) Acta Horticulturea 597: 311 -313.
Diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters has been observed with different size and properties. Giant radio halos (RH), Mpc-size sources found in merging clusters, and mini halos (MH), 0.1-0.5 Mpc size sources located in relaxed cool-core clusters, are thought to be distinct classes of objects with different formation mechanisms. However, recent observations have revealed the unexpected presence of diffuse emission on Mpc-scales in relaxed clusters that host a central MH and show no signs of major mergers. The study of these sources is still at the beginning and it is not yet clear what could be the origin of their unusual emission. The main goal of this thesis is to test the occurrence of these peculiar sources and investigate their properties using low frequency radio observations. This thesis consists in the study of a sample of 12 cool-core galaxy clusters which present some level of dynamical disturbances on large-scale. The heterogeneity of sources in the sample allowed me to investigate under which conditions a halo-type emission is present in MH clusters; and also to study the connection between AGN bubbles and the local environment. Using high sensitivity LOFAR observations, I have detected large-scale emission in four non-merging clusters, in addition to the central MH. I have constrained for the first time the spectral properties of diffuse emission in these double radio component galaxy clusters, and I have investigated the connection between their thermal and non-thermal emission for a better comprehension of the acceleration mechanism. Furthermore, I derived upper limits to the halo power for the other clusters in the sample, which could present large-scale diffuse emission under the detection threshold. Finally, I have reconstructed the duty-cycle of one of the most powerful AGN known, located at the centre of a galaxy cluster of the sample.
In the field of industrial automation, there is an increasing need to use optimal control systems that have low tracking errors and low power and energy consumption. The motors we are dealing with are mainly Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs), controlled by 3 different types of controllers: a position controller, a speed controller, and a current controller. In this thesis, therefore, we are going to act on the gains of the first two controllers by going to find, through the TwinCAT 3 software, what might be the best set of parameters. To do this, starting with the default parameters recommended by TwinCAT, two main methods were used and then compared: the method of Ziegler and Nichols, which is a tabular method, and advanced tuning, an auto-tuning software method of TwinCAT. Therefore, in order to analyse which set of parameters was the best,several experiments were performed for each case, using the Motion Control Function Blocks. Moreover, some machines, such as large robotic arms, have vibration problems. To analyse them in detail, it was necessary to use the Bode Plot tool, which, through Bode plots, highlights in which frequencies there are resonance and anti-resonance peaks. This tool also makes it easier to figure out which and where to apply filters to improve control.
In this study, 103 unrelated South-American patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) were investigated aiming at the identification of iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) disease causing mutations and the possibility of some insights on the genotype-phenotype correlation The strategy used for genotyping involved the identification of the previously reported inversion/disruption of the IDS gene by PCR and screening for other mutations by PCR/SSCP. The exons with altered mobility on SSCP were sequenced, as well as all the exons of patients with no SSCP alteration. By using this strategy, we were able to find the pathogenic mutation in all patients. Alterations such as inversion/disruption and partial/total deletions of the IDS gene were found in 20/103 (19%) patients. Small insertions/deletions/indels (<22 bp) and point mutations were identified in 83/103 (88%) patients, including 30 novel mutations; except for a higher frequency of small duplications in relation to small deletions, the frequencies of major and minor alterations found in our sample are in accordance with those described in the literature.
Mutations in the FGFR3 gene cause the phenotypic spectrum of FGFR3 chondrodysplasias ranging from lethal forms to the milder phenotype seen in hypochondroplasia (Hch). The p.N540K mutation in the FGFR3 gene occurs in ∼70% of individuals with Hch, and nearly 30% of individuals with the Hch phenotype have no mutations in the FGFR3, which suggests genetic heterogeneity. The identification of a severe case of Hch associated with the typical mutation c.1620C > A and the occurrence of a c.1150T > C change that resulted in a p.F384L in exon 10, together with the suspicion that this second change could be a modulator of the phenotype, prompted us to investigate this hypothesis in a cohort of patients. An analysis of 48 patients with FGFR3 chondrodysplasia phenotypes and 330 healthy (control) individuals revealed no significant difference in the frequency of the C allele at the c.1150 position (p = 0.34). One patient carrying the combination `pathogenic mutation plus the allelic variant c.1150T > C' had a typical achondroplasia (Ach) phenotype. In addition, three other patients with atypical phenotypes showed no association with the allelic variant. Together, these results do not support the hypothesis of a modulatory role for the c.1150T > C change in the FGFR3 gene.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Aims. In an earlier paper we introduced a new method for determining asteroid families where families were identified in the proper frequency domain (n, g, g + s) ( where n is the mean-motion, and g and s are the secular frequencies of the longitude of pericenter and nodes, respectively), rather than in the proper element domain (a, e, sin(i)) (semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination). Here we improve our techniques for reliably identifying members of families that interact with nonlinear secular resonances of argument other than g or g + s and for asteroids near or in mean-motion resonant configurations. Methods. We introduce several new distance metrics in the frequency space optimal for determining the diffusion in secular resonances of argument 2g - s, 3g - s, g - s, s, and 2s. We also regularize the dependence of the g frequency as a function of the n frequency (Vesta family) or of the eccentricity e (Hansa family). Results. Our new approaches allow us to recognize as family members objects that were lost with previous methods, while keeping the advantages of the Carruba & Michtchenko (2007, A& A, 475, 1145) approach. More important, an analysis in the frequency domain permits a deeper understanding of the dynamical evolution of asteroid families not always obtainable with an analysis in the proper element domain.
Context. It was proposed earlier that the relativistic ejections observed in microquasars could be produced by violent magnetic reconnection episodes at the inner disk coronal region (de Gouveia Dal Pino & Lazarian 2005). Aims. Here we revisit this model, which employs a standard accretion disk description and fast magnetic reconnection theory, and discuss the role of magnetic reconnection and associated heating and particle acceleration in different jet/disk accretion systems, namely young stellar objects (YSOs), microquasars, and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Methods. In microquasars and AGNs, violent reconnection episodes between the magnetic field lines of the inner disk region and those that are anchored in the black hole are able to heat the coronal/disk gas and accelerate the plasma to relativistic velocities through a diffusive first-order Fermi-like process within the reconnection site that will produce intermittent relativistic ejections or plasmons. Results. The resulting power-law electron distribution is compatible with the synchrotron radio spectrum observed during the outbursts of these sources. A diagram of the magnetic energy rate released by violent reconnection as a function of the black hole (BH) mass spanning 10(9) orders of magnitude shows that the magnetic reconnection power is more than sufficient to explain the observed radio luminosities of the outbursts from microquasars to low luminous AGNs. In addition, the magnetic reconnection events cause the heating of the coronal gas, which can be conducted back to the disk to enhance its thermal soft X-ray emission as observed during outbursts in microquasars. The decay of the hard X-ray emission right after a radio flare could also be explained in this model due to the escape of relativistic electrons with the evolving jet outburst. In the case of YSOs a similar magnetic configuration can be reached that could possibly produce observed X-ray flares in some sources and provide the heating at the jet launching base, but only if violent magnetic reconnection events occur with episodic, very short-duration accretion rates which are similar to 100-1000 times larger than the typical average accretion rates expected for more evolved (T Tauri) YSOs.