993 resultados para Quintero Rivera, Angel
Se realiza una reseña histórica de la tomografía computarizada desde su inicio hasta la actualidad, así mismo una exhaustiva revisión de la anatomía, fisiología y patología traumática más frecuente de la columna cervical para finalmente presentar los datos estadísticos de la revisión realizada de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a nuestra institución con sospecha clínica de traumatismo de columna cervical y a quienes les fue realizada una tomografía computarizada multidetector, explicando los hallazgos radiológicos más frecuentes y su relación con los datos estadísticos tales como edad, género, mecanismo de la lesión y tipo de lesión cervical.
We report the molecular characterization of a novel reiterated family of transcribed oligo(A)-terminated, interspersed DNA elements in the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi. Steady-state level of transcripts of this sequence family appeared to be developmentally regulated, since only in the replicative forms the parasite showed expression of related sequences with a major band around 3 kb. The presence of frame shifts or premature stop codons predicts that transcripts are not translated. The sequence family also contains truncated forms of retrotransposons elements that may become potential hot spots for retroelement insertion. Sequences homologous to this family are interspersed at many chromosomes including the subtelomeric regions.
Aplicación para trabajar en un entorno colaborativo con el fin de compartir ficheros xml. Dicho entorno colaborativo se basa en una red peer to peer.
Construcció d'un programari d'entreteniment per a dispositius mòbils que puguin executar una màquina virtual Java J2ME.
La Universitat de Deusto al seu campus de San Sebastià pretén amb aquest projecte gestionar centralitzadament els espais amb cobertura WIFI corresponents a ubicacions concretes i localitzades. Per a això s'acollirà al programa 'Accés a Internet i mobilitat amb WI-FI' promogut per la SPRI (Societat per a la Promoció i Reconversió Industrial), que ofereix subvencions per a la instal·lació de xarxes sense fil amb tecnologia WI-FI ubicades dins de la Comunitat Autònoma de País Basc.
En aquest treball s'amplia la implementació en Java de les estructures de dades iniciada per Esteve Mariné, utilitzant el seu disseny bàsic. Concretament, s'ha fet la programació de les estructures de a) classes disjuntes, utilitzant els algorismes de llistes encadenades i amb estructura d'arbre, b) monticles, amb els algorismes binari, binomial i de Fibonacci, i c) arbres de recerca basats en l'algorisme d'arbre binari vermell-negre, el qual complementa els dos ja existents amb algorismes d'encadenaments i AVL. Per a examinar l'evolució de les estructures, s'ha preparat un visualitzador gràfic interactiu amb l'usuari que permet fer les operacions bàsiques de l'estructura. Amb aquest entorn és possible desar les estructures, tornar a reproduir-les i desfer i tornar a repetir les operacions fetes sobre l'estructura. Finalment, aporta una metodologia, amb visualització mitjançant gràfics, de l'avaluació comparativa dels algorismes implementats, que permet modificar els paràmetres d'avaluació com ara nombre d'elements que s'han de tractar, algorismes que s'han de comparar i nombre de repeticions. Les dades obtingudes es poden exportar per a analitzar-les posteriorment.
Protease secretion by Giardia duodenalis trophozoites upon interaction with epithelial cells and its association with the parasite adhesion was studied in co-cultures of parasites with IEC6 epithelial cell monolayers in the presence or absence of protease inhibitors. Proteolytic activity in supernatants from trophozoites was enhanced when they were co-cultured with IEC6 cells. This activity was strongly inhibited by pre-incubation of live trophozoites with E-64 and TPCK and a concomitant inhibition of parasite adhesion to IEC6 cells was observed. These data suggest that trophozoites secrete cysteine-type proteases that play a role in the adhesion of G. duodenalis to epithelial cells.
We have investigated the temporal distribution of dengue (DEN) virus serotypes in the department (state) of Santander, Colombia, in relation to dengue incidence, infection pattern, and severity of disease. Viral isolation was attended on a total of 1452 acute serum samples collected each week from 1998 to 2004. The infection pattern was evaluated in 596 laboratory-positive dengue cases using an IgG ELISA, and PRNT test. The dengue incidence was documented by the local health authority. Predominance of DEN-1 in 1998 and DEN-3 re-introduction and predominance in 2001-2003 coincided with outbreaks. Predominance of DEN-2 in 2000-2001 coincided with more dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). DEN-4 was isolated in 2000-2001 and 2004 but was not predominant. There was an annual increase of primary dengue infections (from 13.7 to 81.4%) that correlated with frequency of DEN-3 (r = 0.83; P = 0.038). From the total number of primary dengue infections DEN-3 (81.3%) was the most frequent serotype. DHF was more frequent in DEN-2 infected patients than in DEN-3 infected patients: 27.5 vs 10.9% (P < 0.05). DEN-3 viruses belonged to subtype C (restriction site-specific-polymerase chain reaction) like viruses isolated in Sri-Lanka and other countries in the Americas. Our findings show the importance of continuous virological surveillance to identify the risk factors of dengue epidemics and severity.
L'objectiu és implementar un esquema criptogràfic que garanteixi les necessitats de seguretat d'un historial mèdic que pot ser gestionat a través d'una xarxa de comunicacions (per exemple tota una intranet d'un centre mèdic).
Bella Vista City, Corrientes, Argentina, reported an epidemic outbreak of tegumentary leishmaniasis during 2003. The mean age of the 31 cases was 25.0 ± 13.7 years old, with a sex ratio male:female 1.8, and without mucosal involvement. They clustered in two contiguous neighbourhoods, 96% in the periurban border and 4% in the peripheral outskirts. The transmission peak was estimated to have occurred during April 2003. Four species (3608 sand flies) were captured in nine sites: Lutzomyia neivai (90.1%), Lu. pessoai (8.9%), Lu. migonei (0.8 %), and Brumptomyia avellari (0.2 %). The outskirts/rural capture ratio of Lu. neivai was up to 3, and the outskirts/periurban up to 200. Therefore, the 'urban' transmission in this southernmost known focus is still an ecotone-border associated risk. The changes in human distribution or activities, patches of the secondary vegetation, periurban streams, rainfall of the previous year, and river period floods could all contribute to 'urban' outbreaks in the region. Tegumentary leishmaniasis risk should be assessed for any project that involves changes in land use throughout an endemic area.
El projecte que constitueix la base de aquest TFC, consisteix en la construcció d'un magatzem de dades, com a eina de treball, per als tècnics de la Confederació Hidrogràfica Nord-Est (CHNE), que és l'entitat encarregada de la gestió de l'aigua i infraestructures hidràuliques del nord-est de la península ibèrica. Aquest magatzem ha de permetre automatitzar la recollida de la informació provinent de fulls Excel i explotar aquesta informació amb eines de Business Intelligence adients.
Diseño de d'jNeko, un framework basado en acciones para la capa de presentación de aplicaciones J2EE.
The aim of this study was to analyze the external morphology of the scutellum through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in male specimens of Triatoma costalimai, T. delpontei, T. eratyrusiformis, T. matogrossensis, T. infestans melanosoma, T. sherlocki, T. tibiamaculata, and T. vandae. A total of 30 photographs of the scutellum were made. Magnification varied from 50X to 750X. Regarding depth and forms of the central depression, the heart-shaped form was predominant, with some exceptions, so that this shape appears to be a common characteristic for species of genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832. In T. eratyrusiformis, a kind of sensillum with important taxonomic value was observed. The different sizes and shapes of the designs found on the posterior process of the scutellum were also of important taxonomic interest. The study of the scutellum based on SEM showed valuable characteristics, allowing the use of this structure to aid the diagnosis of triatomine species. Thus, more specimens in subsequent studies and analyses of morphometric parameters should contribute to agreement on phylogenetic aspects in this genus. A Key to eight species of Triatoma based on male scutellar morphology is presented.
We present the results of a study on myiasis in Panama during the first years of a Cochliomyia hominivorax eradication program (1998-2005), with the aim of investigating the behavior of the flies that produce myiasis in animals and human beings. The hosts that registered positive for myiasis were cattle (46.4%), dogs (15.3%), humans (14.7%), birds (12%), pigs (6%), horses (4%), and sheep (1%). Six fly species caused myiasis: Dermatobia hominis (58%), Phaenicia spp. (20%), Cochliomyia macellaria (19%), Chrysomya rufifacies (0.4%), and maggots of unidentified species belonging to the Sarcophagidae (3%) and Muscidae (0.3%). With the Dubois index, was no evidence that the absence of C. hominivorax allowed an increase in the cases of facultative myiasis.
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