814 resultados para QUaternion ESTimator algorithm


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Traditional Monte Carlo simulations of QCD in the presence of a baryon chemical potential are plagued by the complex phase problem and new numerical approaches are necessary for studying the phase diagram of the theory. In this work we consider a ℤ3 Polyakov loop model for the deconfining phase transition in QCD and discuss how a flux representation of the model in terms of dimer and monomer variable solves the complex action problem. We present results of numerical simulations using a worm algorithm for the specific heat and two-point correlation function of Polyakov loops. Evidences of a first order deconfinement phase transition are discussed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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The present paper solves the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging (MLCLSPB) combining a genetic algorithm with the solution of mixed-integer programming models and the improvement heuristic fix and optimize. This approach is evaluated over sets of benchmark instances and compared to methods from literature. Computational results indicate competitive results applying the proposed method when compared with other literature approaches. © 2013 IEEE.


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Feature selection aims to find the most important information to save computational efforts and data storage. We formulated this task as a combinatorial optimization problem since the exponential growth of possible solutions makes an exhaustive search infeasible. In this work, we propose a new nature-inspired feature selection technique based on bats behavior, namely, binary bat algorithm The wrapper approach combines the power of exploration of the bats together with the speed of the optimum-path forest classifier to find a better data representation. Experiments in public datasets have shown that the proposed technique can indeed improve the effectiveness of the optimum-path forest and outperform some well-known swarm-based techniques. © 2013 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Multisensor data fusion is a technique that combines the readings of multiple sensors to detect some phenomenon. Data fusion applications are numerous and they can be used in smart buildings, environment monitoring, industry and defense applications. The main goal of multisensor data fusion is to minimize false alarms and maximize the probability of detection based on the detection of multiple sensors. In this paper a local data fusion algorithm based on luminosity, temperature and flame for fire detection is presented. The data fusion approach was embedded in a low cost mobile robot. The prototype test validation has indicated that our approach can detect fire occurrence. Moreover, the low cost project allow the development of robots that could be discarded in their fire detection missions. © 2013 IEEE.


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Feature selection has been actively pursued in the last years, since to find the most discriminative set of features can enhance the recognition rates and also to make feature extraction faster. In this paper, the propose a new feature selection called Binary Cuckoo Search, which is based on the behavior of cuckoo birds. The experiments were carried out in the context of theft detection in power distribution systems in two datasets obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others nature-inspired optimization techniques. © 2013 IEEE.


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Image restoration is a research field that attempts to recover a blurred and noisy image. Since it can be modeled as a linear system, we propose in this paper to use the meta-heuristics optimization algorithm Harmony Search (HS) to find out near-optimal solutions in a Projections Onto Convex Sets-based formulation to solve this problem. The experiments using HS and four of its variants have shown that we can obtain near-optimal and faster restored images than other evolutionary optimization approach. © 2013 IEEE.


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It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of interest to the user. Moreover, with that interface irrigation districts where water consumption is higher can be analyzed as a function of specific seasonal water demands situations. From a practical application, it is possible to conclude that the program provides the calculation originally proposed. It was designed to keep information organized and retrievable at any time, and to show simulation on seasonal water demands throughout the year, contributing with the elements of study concerning reservoir projects. This program, with its functionality, is an important tool for decision making in the water resources management.


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Besides optimizing classifier predictive performance and addressing the curse of the dimensionality problem, feature selection techniques support a classification model as simple as possible. In this paper, we present a wrapper feature selection approach based on Bat Algorithm (BA) and Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), in which we model the problem of feature selection as an binary-based optimization technique, guided by BA using the OPF accuracy over a validating set as the fitness function to be maximized. Moreover, we present a methodology to better estimate the quality of the reduced feature set. Experiments conducted over six public datasets demonstrated that the proposed approach provides statistically significant more compact sets and, in some cases, it can indeed improve the classification effectiveness. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT


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Este trabalho utilizou os dados de precipitação do período de janeiro de 2000 a setembro de 2007 da torre micrometeorológica localizada na Estação Científica Ferreira Pena (ECFP) em Caxiuanã e foram comparados com o algoritmo 3B42 que combina dados de satélites no canal de microoondas para ajustar aqueles do canal infravermelho. Adicionalmente foi feita uma análise da distribuição temporal e espacial da precipitação na Amazônia Oriental utilizando os dados de cinco algoritmos estimadores de precipitação: O Geostationary Environmental SalellitePrecipitation lndex (GPI); o 3B42; 3A12 e 3A25 que são os algoritmos provenientes dos sensores de microondas e do radar meteorológico à bordo do satélite Tropical Rainfall MeasuringMission (TRMM); e o Global Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCC) de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2007. A comparação entre o algoritmo 3B42 com os dados do pluviógrafo da torre mostrou que o estimador 3B42 superestima a precipitação em relação aos dados da torre para todo o período de estudo. Os períodos mais chuvosos foram os trimestres de março-abril-maio (MAM) e dezembro-janeiro-feveireiro (DJF) e os períodos menos chuvosos foram setembro-outubro-novembro (SON) e junho-julho-agosto (JJA). Esta sazonalidade da precipitação se apresenta principalmente devido à influência da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT), que contribui de maneira apreciável para a modulação da estação chuvosa na região. A comparação trimestral entre o algoritmo 3B42 e pluviógrafo da torre, mostra que o algoritmo 3B42 superestimou (subestimou) a precipitação em relação ao pluviógrafo em MAM e JJA (DJF e SON); e DJF é o trimestre que apresenta as estimativas de precipitação com valores mais aproximados a precipitação medida na torre micrometeorológica de Caxiuanã. Na média mensal o 3B42 subestima a precipitação de outubro a janeiro e superestima em relação as dados medidos na torre, de março a agosto. O algoritmo3B42 superestimou (subestimou) a precipitação noturna (matutina e vespertina) do ciclo diurno em relação ao pluviógrafo da torre, nas vizinhanças de Caxiuanã. No entanto ambos estimadores mostraram que em média o horário de maior precipitação é por volta das 1800hora local (HL). Além disso, as análises do ciclo diurno médio sazonal indicam que em DJF nos horários de 0900 HL, 1500 HL e 1800HL têm os valores de precipitação estimada pelo algoritmo3B42 mais aproximados aos valores da precipitação medida pontualmente em Caxiuanã. Os meses de novembro a fevereiro têm um máximo principal de precipitação no período vespertino, tanto na torre como no algoritmo 3B42. No período de maio à julho o horário os máximos diurnos de precipitação passam do período da tarde para os da noite e madrugada,modificando o ciclo diurno em comparação aos demais meses. A comparação entre os cinco algoritmos na Amazônia Oriental mostrou diferentes comportamentos entre os estimadores. O algoritmo GPI subestimou s precipitação em relação aos demais algoritmos na região costeira do Amapá e Guiana Francesa e superestimou na região central da Amazônia. Tanto o algoritmo 3A12 quanto o 3A25 apresentaram menor precipitação que os demais algoritmos. O algoritmo 3842, por ser uma combinação de várias estimativas baseadas no canal de microondas e infravermelho, apresenta padrões semelhantes a Figueroa e Nobre (1990). No entanto, o GPCC mostra menos detalhes na distribuição espacial de precipitação nos lugares onde não há pluviômetros como, por exemplo, no Noroeste do Pará. As diferenças entre os algoritmos aqui considerados podem estar relacionados com as características de cada algoritmo e/ou a metodologia empregada. As comparações pontuais de precipitação de um pluviômetro com a média numa área com dados provenientes de satélites podem ser a explicação para as diferenças entre os estimadores nos trimestres ou ciclo diurno. No entanto não se descartam que essas diferenças sejam devidas à diferente natureza da precipitação entre as subregiões, assim como a existência de diferentes sistemas que modulam o ciclo diurno da precipitação na Amazônia Oriental.


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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a performance comparison between known propagation Models through least squares tuning algorithm for 5.8 GHz frequency band. The studied environment is based on the 12 cities located in Amazon Region. After adjustments and simulations, SUI Model showed the smaller RMS error and standard deviation when compared with COST231-Hata and ECC-33 models.


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Neste trabalho serão apresentados os resultados da avaliação experimental de uma metodologia de controle digital preditivo auto-ajustavel aplicada ao controle de tensão de um sistema de geração de energia de escala reduzida. Um estimador recursivo baseado no conhecido método de mínimos quadrados é utilizado na etapa de identificação do controlador preditivo proposto. A etapa de cálculo da lei de controle é realizada com o algoritmo Generalized Predictive Controller (GPC). A avaliação experimental foi realizada com testes de resposta ao degrau e rastreamento aplicados em diferentes condições operacionais do sistema de potência estudado. Para fins de comparação, também serão apresentados os resultados da avaliação de um controlador auto-ajustável que utiliza o método de alocação de pólos para a síntese do sinal de controle e três controladores digitais com parâmetros fixos.


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ABSTRACT: The Kalman-Bucy method is here analized and applied to the solution of a specific filtering problem to increase the signal message/noise ratio. The method is a time domain treatment of a geophysical process classified as stochastic non-stationary. The derivation of the estimator is based on the relationship between the Kalman-Bucy and Wiener approaches for linear systems. In the present work we emphasize the criterion used, the model with apriori information, the algorithm, and the quality as related to the results. The examples are for the ideal well-log response, and the results indicate that this method can be used on a variety of geophysical data treatments, and its study clearly offers a proper insight into modeling and processing of geophysical problems.


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In this paper, we present an algorithm for full-wave electromagnetic analysis of nanoplasmonic structures. We use the three-dimensional Method of Moments to solve the electric field integral equation. The computational algorithm is developed in the language C. As examples of application of the code, the problems of scattering from a nanosphere and a rectangular nanorod are analyzed. The calculated characteristics are the near field distribution and the spectral response of these nanoparticles. The convergence of the method for different discretization sizes is also discussed.