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In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA, 16 U.S.c. et seq.), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is required to publish an annual List of Fisheries (LOF) which categorizes U.S. commercial fisheries based on their level of interaction with marine mammals. The objective of this document is to provide a characterization of the six 2001 MMPA Category II commercial fisheries (i.e., those with occasional interactions with marine mammals) in North Carolina (NC). This report outlines the history, fishing method and gear configurations (using the U.S. system of measurement), primary target species, temporal and spatial characteristics including trip and landing statistics, and monthly variations in species composition for each fishery for a five-year period (1995 - 1999). (PDF contains 63 pages)
The use of self-contained, low-maintenance sensor systems installed on commercial vessels is becoming an important monitoring and scientific tool in many regions around the world. These systems integrate data from meteorological and water quality sensors with GPS data into a data stream that is automatically transferred from ship to shore. To begin linking some of this developing expertise, the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) and the European Coastal and Ocean Observing Technology (ECOOT) organized a workshop on this topic in Southampton, United Kingdom, October 10-12, 2006. The participants included technology users, technology developers, and shipping representatives. They collaborated to identify sensors currently employed on integrated systems, users of this data, limitations associated with these systems, and ways to overcome these limitations. The group also identified additional technologies that could be employed on future systems and examined whether standard architectures and data protocols for integrated systems should be established. Participants at the workshop defined 17 different parameters currently being measured by integrated systems. They identified that diverse user groups utilize information from these systems from resource management agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to local tourism groups and educational organizations. Among the limitations identified were instrument compatibility and interoperability, data quality control and quality assurance, and sensor calibration andlor maintenance frequency. Standardization of these integrated systems was viewed to be both advantageous and disadvantageous; while participants believed that standardization could be beneficial on many levels, they also felt that users may be hesitant to purchase a suite of instruments from a single manufacturer; and that a "plug and play" system including sensors from multiple manufactures may be difficult to achieve. A priority recommendation and conclusion for the general integrated sensor system community was to provide vessel operators with real-time access to relevant data (e.g., ambient temperature and salinity to increase efficiency of water treatment systems and meteorological data for increased vessel safety and operating efficiency) for broader system value. Simplified data displays are also required for education and public outreach/awareness. Other key recommendations were to encourage the use of integrated sensor packages within observing systems such as 100s and EuroGOOS, identify additional customers of sensor system data, and publish results of previous work in peer-reviewed journals to increase agency and scientific awareness and confidence in the technology. Priority recommendations and conclusions for ACT entailed highlighting the value of integrated sensor systems for vessels of opportunity through articles in the popular press, and marine science. [PDF contains 28 pages]
Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre as áreas de Comunicação Social e Linguística e é voltado à investigação das interações ocorridas nos espaços dedicados à publicação de comentários de leitores em quatro blogs jornalísticos institucionais: Blog do Noblat, Blog MiriamLeitão.com, Blog do Reinaldo Azevedo e Blog do Josias de Souza. Com ele, pretende-se definir como cada leitor utiliza seus comentários para se relacionar com o jornalista autor do blog (o blogueiro), com outros leitores que também publicam suas opiniões (os leitores-comentaristas) e com o tópico tratado no texto (postagem) escrito pelo blogueiro. Além disso, considerando que autores da área de Comunicação Social discutem os blogs como um dispositivo amplamente conversacional, o propósito desta pesquisa é também esclarecer, à luz dos princípios da Análise da Conversação, se efetivamente ocorre uma conversação entre os participantes no ambiente de troca de mensagens dos blogs. Para a realização do estudo, foi compilado um corpus de 400 comentários cujo conteúdo demonstra a visão crítica de leitores dos blogs acima citados acerca de um mesmo tema: o apagão ocorrido em 10 de novembro de 2009 em 18 estados brasileiros. Tais mensagens foram trabalhadas a partir de um método predominantemente qualitativo e interpretativo, sendo que uma abordagem quantitativa também foi considerada para permitir uma visão mais abrangente e comparativa dos dados. Na ausência de um referencial teórico da Linguística que abrangesse os fenômenos interacionais percebidos nos comentários dos blogs, optou-se por desenvolver uma proposta de análise de base empírica, que norteou todo o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Entre as conclusões preliminares da pesquisa, pode-se dizer que, ao mesmo tempo em que os blogs inauguraram uma nova forma de relacionamento entre o jornalista e sua audiência, há indícios de grande parte dos leitores utilizem os blogs como um espaço restrito à publicação de opiniões isoladas, em vez de enxergá-lo como um ambiente com amplas possibilidades interativas, e, consequentemente, propício à discussão
Español: Ante el creciente impacto que tiene la actividad de los mercados y entidades cotizadas en el entorno económico y financiero, ha surgido la necesidad de que las empresas comuniquen a sus inversores y otras partes interesadas una amplia gama de información. Para atender a esta necesidad ha sido necesaria una evolución de la legislación, de manera que se han producido numerosos cambios legislativos durante los últimos años. Además, la evolución de la legislación no sólo ha tenido como objetivo atender a la necesidad de información sino que también ha supuesto un mecanismo de transparencia de la actividad empresarial. En este trabajo se analizará la normativa específica existente para este tipo de sociedades, con respecto a las obligaciones de suministro de información públicamente. En este sentido, se ha dejado de lado la información correspondiente a las cuentas anuales, centrando la investigación en la información específica que las sociedades anónimas cotizadas deben publicar. Posteriormente, se analizará la información contenida en los informes de gestión de dos empresas cuyos valores están admitidos a cotización, para poder así comprobar en qué medida las empresas cumplen con las recomendaciones de elaboración vigentes.
[ES] Es obligatorio para las empresas cotizadas que cuenten con una página web para atender el derecho de información de los accionistas, y donde difundir información relevante y obligatoria. Por ello, se creó la normativa necesaria para regular tanto la información mínima que las empresas debían aportar en sus webs, como los requisitos técnicos y jurídicos que dichas páginas debían poseer. No obstante, todas las empresas no presentan la misma información en sus webs, ya que muchas no se limitan a presentar solo la exigida por ley, y ésta puede ser más o menos útil para los usuarios. Por eso, es imprescindible poder conocer de alguna forma la transparencia que las empresas muestran a los usuarios en sus páginas web y en particular a los accionistas, si existe asimetría informativa o no, y saber cuál es el grado de calidad de la información presentada, así como la confianza que se puede tener en la misma.
Weebly is a freely-available software for creating Web pages without having to know HTML. It is easy to use, with its drag and drop editor, and offers the ability to add documents, Web links, videos, slideshows, audio, forms, polls, etc. It is hosted by Weebly and has no limits on storage space. Many templates are available for Web page design. One can publish and update almost immediately. Combined with usage of the freely-available Google Analytics, for example, it is possible to gather usage statistics. The site can be password protected, if need be. Weebly for Education is a special version for teachers and schools.
Este trabalho é um estudo sobre o poeta Luís de Camões como personagem teatral em três obras: Frei Luís de Sousa, de Almeida Garrett; Que farei com este livro, de José Saramago e Tu, só tu, puro amor..., de Machado de Assis. Em Frei Luís de Sousa será abordado o Camões mítico, pois quando se passa a história, durante o período filipino, este já está morto, só é lembrado através de Telmo. É o símbolo da pátria. No capítulo Camões: uma personagem do imaginário popular, será apresentado o Camões como personagem de Literatura de Cordel, sendo feita uma breve comparação com outras personagens como João Grilo.Em Que farei com este livro? será estudado um Camões totalmente desiludido com a pátria na tentativa de publicar Os Lusíadas. Em Tu só, tu, puro amor..., será visto um Camões romântico sofrendo de amores por uma dama da corte.Em cada uma das obras, estudaremos os aspectos da abordagem do poeta português de acordo com o contexto de época de seus respectivos autores
Service provisioning in assisted living environments faces distinct challenges due to the heterogeneity of networks, access technology, and sensing/actuation devices in such an environment. Existing solutions, such as SOAP-based web services, can interconnect heterogeneous devices and services, and can be published, discovered and invoked dynamically. However, it is considered heavier than what is required in the smart environment-like context and hence suffers from performance degradation. Alternatively, REpresentational State Transfer (REST) has gained much attention from the community and is considered as a lighter and cleaner technology compared to the SOAP-based web services. Since it is simple to publish and use a RESTful web service, more and more service providers are moving toward REST-based solutions, which promote a resource-centric conceptualization as opposed to a service-centric conceptualization. Despite such benefits of REST, the dynamic discovery and eventing of RESTful services are yet considered a major hurdle to utilization of the full potential of REST-based approaches. In this paper, we address this issue, by providing a RESTful discovery and eventing specification and demonstrate it in an assisted living healthcare scenario. We envisage that through this approach, the service provisioning in ambient assisted living or other smart environment settings will be more efficient, timely, and less resource-intensive.
This consultation document sets out the proposed future licensing strategy for the Lune Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) area. Following the three month consultation period, the Environment Agency will determine the final licensing strategy and publish it in the CAMS document. The strategy will provide an indication of whether new abstraction licences are likely to be available and the conditions that should be expected on licences. Water plays a vital role in the Lune catchment, providing water for public supply, supporting recreation, such as angling and canoeing, and providing sustainable flows to preserve numerous designated sites. There is minimal abstraction throughout much of the catchment, apart from the lower reaches of the River Lune. The document is split into five sections relating to the CAMS process. Sections 1 to 4 outline the CAMS process, and Section 5 outlines the proposed licensing strategy for the Lune CAMS areas. It is important to note that this strategy deals with groundwater and surface water abstractions separately; Sections 4 and 5 are split to differentiate between the surface water and groundwater results and strategy.
A presente Tese de Doutorado analisa as características e os efeitos da cientometria e bibliometria adotadas no Brasil. Primeiramente, a fim de contextualizar o tema, faço uma revisão de literatura acerca do processo de mercantilização da educação. Meu objetivo é mostrar a inclinação empresarial das políticas públicas educacionais, especialmente aquelas voltadas para a pós-graduação. Além disso, seleciono e analiso alguns conceitos que ajudam a compreender o presente tema, bem como sustento a inadequação da lógica de economia de mercado como forma de gerir a Academia e a ciência. Na segunda parte da Tese, focalizo os critérios adotados para avaliar a hierarquizar Programas de Pós-Graduação e diferenciar pesquisadores. A tese a ser defendida é que o modelo CAPES de avaliação da pós-graduação está baseado numa norma produtividade de cunho periodicocrático que cria uma forte pressão por publicação de artigos em periódicos acadêmico-científicos, uma vez que eles os produtos privilegiados no modelo de mensuração objetivista em vigor. Produzir/publicar artigos torna-se, portanto, a performance acadêmico-científica por excelência. Isso enseja a criação de um mercado acadêmico-científico e de um mercado de publicações, o que cria um contexto propício para a ocorrência de más condutas acadêmico-científicas
Esta dissertação trata de duas obras autobiográficas escritas por autoras nativas que ganharam reconhecimento na década de 70: Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel (1975), da nativo-canadense Lee Maracle, e The Turquoise Ledge: a Memoir (2010), da nativo-americana Leslie Marmon Silko. A importância destas autoras para a Renascença Nativo-Americana/Canadense é inegável, e cada uma delas contribuiu fazendo uso de estratégias diferentes: enquanto Maracle começou sua carreira com Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel, de cunho autobiográfico, Silko esperou mais de trinta anos para publicar The Turquoise Ledge. A problematização de se ver estas obras pelo olhar estritamente ocidental, ou estritamente nativo, é discutida, assim como o aparentemente inevitável tom político dessas narrativas. Ainda que mais de três décadas separem a publicação das obras selecionadas, perguntas como: Estas obras podem ser consideradas literatura?, Elas têm como principal propósito engrandecer feitos pessoais das autoras?, ou Como essas narrativas contribuem para o empoderamento do povo Nativo? podem nunca chegar a serem respondidas, mas, de fato, incitaram a escrita desta dissertação e nortearam nossa análise
This is the 2001 annual report on fisheries in the North West produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2002. This report has four main aims: to inform the Agency’s customers of developments within the Agency, to inform the Agency’s customers of the work carried out by the Agency, to publish information on the performance of fisheries and the Fisheries Department, and to be a source of future reference. The fisheries service is funded in the main by a mixture of rod licence income and government grant-in-aid. The latter has declined substantially since the mid 1990’s and we are increasingly reliant on licence income to fund fisheries work. The environment agency had managed to use some of this money to fund their Urban Fisheries Development Programme, (UFDP). This is aimed at delivering new or improved fisheries in areas where demand for fishing is high, but where available fisheries are few in number or of poor quality. This work is dependent on good co-operation with local angling clubs, councils and other interests.
Gulf of Mexico, white shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, catch statistics have been collected by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service for over 50 years. Recent occurrences such as natural and manmade disasters have raised awareness for the need to publish these types of data. Here we report shrimp data collected from 1984 to 2011. These 28 years of catch history are the time series used in the most recent Gulf of Mexico white shrimp stock assessment. Fishing effort for this stock has fluctuated over the period reported, ranging from 54,675 to 162,952 days fished. Catch averaged 55.7 million pounds per year, increasing significantly over the times series. In addition, catch rates have been increasing in recent years, with CPUE levels ranging from 315 lb/day fished in 2002, to 1,175 lb/ day fished in 2008. The high CPUE’s we have measured is one indication that the stock was not in decline during this time period. Consequently, we believe the decline in effort levels is due purely to economic factors. Current stock assessments are now using these baseline data to provide managers with further insights into the Gulf L. setiferus stocks.
木质素是植物体中具重要生物功能的次生代谢产物。然而纸浆生产主要是将原料中的木质素与用于造纸的纤维素分离,该工艺过程产生了造纸工业的主要污染废液,并且增加造纸成本。本研究目的在于利用反义RNA技术,在分子水平调节木质素的生物合成,降低中国特有造纸树种毛白杨的木质素含量,培育更适于我国造纸工业的原料树种。以下为本研究已取得的相关研究进展: 1.通过RT-PCR技术,从毛白杨中克隆了木质素生物合成的三个相关酶的cDNAs,它们分别为咖啡酸甲基转移酶(caffeic acid O-methyltransferase,COMT)、咖啡酰CoA甲基转移酶(caffeoyl Co-enzyme A O-methyltransferase,CCoAOMT)及香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate: CoA ligase,4CL)。序列分析显示了毛白杨这三个基因与杨属中其它种的相应基因cDNA核苷酸序列高度同源。Northern点杂交分析表明,COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因在毛白杨正在生长的次生木质部中高水平表达,其表达高峰与树木的木质化进程同步;而在叶与叶柄中,这三个基因均不表达。COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL是木质素生物合成的相关酶,该表达特征与其基因功能相一致。本研究克隆的COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因的cDNAs已在GenBank注册登记,接受号分别为AF237777、AF240466、AF314180 (publish on Jan l,2002)。 2.通过一系列的DNA重组,构建了携带反义COMT、CCoAOMT或4CLcDNA的反义表达载体以及同时整合反义COMT与CCoAOMT cDNA的双价反义表达载体,PCR扩增与酶切检测确证构建无误。 3.以田间取材的速生三倍体毛白杨B19、B331及B304的茎尖、叶片与嫩茎为外殖体,首次获得了三倍体毛白杨的组培再生试管苗,并建立了速生三倍体毛白杨的组培再生系统,为通过基因工程改良其造纸性能奠定了基础。 4.农杆菌介导转化烟草,PCR与PCR-Southern检测表明我们获得了整合反义COMT、CCoAOMT cDNA及反义COMT及CCoAOMT cDNA共整合的转基因烟草。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因烟草的总RNA进行NoIthern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA均已表达。转基因烟草的木质素分析将有助于对COMT及CCoAOMT两个甲基化酶功能的认识。 5.通过农杆菌介导,将反义CCoAOMT cDNA转入欧洲山杨与银白杨的杂交杨(P tremulaXP.alba)。经PCR,PCR-Southern及Southern检测,确认获得了转基因植株。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于CCoAOMT cDNA反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因杂交杨总RNA进行Northern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA已在转录水平表达。测定生长5-6个月的转基因杨树下部茎杆的Klason木质素含量,结果显示其中一个株系的Klason木质素含量比野生型对照下降17.9%,表明抑制杨树内源CCoAOMT基因表达可有效降低转基因植株的木质素含量。
The Ag5 proteins are the most abundant and immunogenic proteins in the venom secretory ducts of stinging insects. An antigen 5-like protein (named tabRTS) composed of 221 amino acid residues was purified and characterized from the salivary glands of the horsefly, Tabanus yao (Diptera, Tabanidae). Its cDNA was cloned from the cDNA library of the horsefly's salivary gland. TabRTS containing the SCP domain (Sc7 family of extracellular protein domain) was found in insect antigen 5 proteins. More interestingly, there is an Arg-Thr-Ser (RTS) disintegrin motif at the C-terminus of tabRTS. The RTS motif is positioned in a loop bracketed by cysteine residues as those found in RTS-disintegrins of Crotalidae and Viperidae snake venoms, which act as angiogenesis inhibitors. Endothelial Cell Tube formation assay in vitro and chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) angiogenesis assay in vivo were performed as to investigate the effect of tabRTS on angiogenesis. It was found that tabRTS could significantly inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Anti-alpha(1)beta(1) monoclonal antibody could dose-dependently inhibit the anti-angiogenic activity of tabRTS. This result indicated that tabRTS possibly targets the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin to exert the anti-angiogenic activity as snake venom RTS-/KTS-disintegrins do. The current work revealed the first angiogenesis inhibitor protein containing RTS motif from invertebrates, a possible novel type of RTS-disintegrin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.