903 resultados para Publicitat -- Innovacions tecnològiques
Análisis del Tratamiento Informativo del Jornal Nacional en Brasil en la decisión de la sede olímpica 2016. Una aproximación al estudio de las principales tendencias de la Información en TV, análisis de los contenidos informativos de televisión, desde de la perspectiva de la Espectacularización de la Información. Relación Medios de Comunicación y Juegos Olímpicos.
La integració en el sistema universitari europeu i la implantació dels ECTS suposa un repte tant per als alumnes com per als professors, ja que implica un canvi en la metodologia utilitzada en els processos d"ensenyament-aprenentatge. El Grup d"Innovació Docent Ensenyar a Aprendre Fisiologia, de la UB es va plantejar que abans de la implantació del nou sistema, calia un coneixement objectiu de l"estat actual de les metodologies emprades en els processos d"ensenyament- aprenentatge, i de la utilització real que els alumnes en fan d"aquestes metodologies per tal de contribuir a la reflexió per a l"inici del procés de implantació del nou sistema. Així doncs, mostrem en aquest article els resultats d"un projecte de recerca en docència (REDICE-04) en què, basant-nos en enquestes, vam poder copsar l"opinió dels alumnes sobre els mètodes docents actuals, i conèixer la metodologia d"aprenentatge emprada pels alumnes que cursen el primer cicle de l"ensenyament de Farmàcia.
Companies are under IAS 40 required to report fair values of investment properties on the balance sheet or to disclose them in the notes. The standard requires also that companies have to disclose the methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair values of investment properties. However, IAS 40 does not include any illustrative examples or other guidance on how to apply the disclosure requirements. We use a sample with publicly traded companies from the real estate sector in the EU. We find that a majority of the companies use income based methods for the measurement of fair values but there are considerable cross-country variations in the level of disclosures about the assumptions used in determining fair values. More specifically, we find that Scandinavian and German origin companies disclose more than French and English origin companies. We also test whether disclosure quality is associated with enforcement quality measured with the “Rule of Law” index according to Kaufmann et al. (2010), and associated with a secrecy- versus transparency-measure based on Gray (1988). We find a positive association between disclosure and earnings quality and a negative association with secrecy.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
This communication is part of a larger teaching innovation project financed by the University ofBarcelona, whose objective is to develop and evaluate transversal competences of the UB, learningability and responsibility. The competence is divided into several sub-competencies being the ability toanalyze and synthesis the most intensely worked in the first year. The work presented here part fromthe results obtained in phase 1 and 2 previously implemented in other subjects (Mathematics andHistory) in the first year of the degree of Business Administration Degree. In these subjects’ previousexperiences there were deficiencies in the acquisition of learning skills by the students. The work inthe subject of Mathematics facilitated that students become aware of the deficit. The work on thesubject of History insisted on developing readings schemes and with the practical exercises wassought to go deeply in the development of this competence.The third phase presented here is developed in the framework of the second year degree, in the WorldEconomy subject. The objective of this phase is the development and evaluation of the same crosscompetence of the previous phases, from a practice that includes both, quantitative analysis andcritical reflection. Specifically the practice focuses on the study of the dynamic relationship betweeneconomic growth and the dynamics in the distribution of wealth. The activity design as well as theselection of materials to make it, has been directed to address gaps in the ability to analyze andsynthesize detected in the subjects of the first year in the previous phases of the project.The realization of the practical case is considered adequate methodology to improve the acquisition ofcompetence of the students, then it is also proposed how to evaluate the acquisition of suchcompetence. The practice is evaluated based on a rubric developed in the framework of the projectobjectives. Thus at the end of phase 3 we can analyze the process that have followed the students,detect where they have had major difficulties and identify those aspects of teaching that can help toimprove the acquisition of skills by the students. The interest of this phase resides in the possibility tovalue whether tracing of learning through competences, organized in a collaborative way, is a goodtool to develop the acquisition of these skills and facilitate their evaluation.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de un proceso de innovación docente que ha llevado a cabo el equipo del practicum de educación social de la Universidad de Barcelona, en dos niveles diferentes: la supervisión y la evaluación en la transferencia de competencias. El primer aspecto centra la mirada en la supervisión de los estudiantes para el desarrollo de su identidad y rol profesional. En este marco, el artículo presenta las funciones, y competencias que le subyacen de la supervisión en los diferentes momentos del proceso de las prácticas. El segundo aspecto aborda la evaluación de los aprendizajes de las prácticas. En este sentido, se presenta un instrumento que permite concretar los estándares de cada competencia con el fin de valorar el proceso de adquisición y aprendizaje. Este instrumento pretende informar a los estudiantes, de forma transparente, de los criterios por los cuáles van a ser evaluados, así como también, establecer un instrumento de registro para que los diferentes agentes educativos recojan el grado de consecución de las competencias en diferentes momentos del curso. En definitiva, se defiende la supervisión y la evaluación como elementos clave del proceso formativo activo y transformador de la formación de la identidad profesional. Palabras clave: practicum, estudiante, tutor‐universitario, tutor‐centro, supervisión, evaluación, transferencia de competencias
L’ús que fan els estudiants de segon cicle d’ESO de la ciutat de Barcelona de les diferents eines de Facebook, per a crear i consumir continguts generats per peers. Quines motivacions hi ha rere l’ús de cada eina i les relacions entre l’ús d’unes determinades eines per part dels usuaris i la concepció que tenen d’ells mateixos pel què fa a la seva popularitat.
La hibridació de les noves tecnologies amb la posada en escena, en obres i espais de representació, està obrint noves formes d'aproximació al fet dramatúrgic. Així s'ha esdevingut en la història del teatre sobre l'escriptura, l'escenografia o l'acció actoral. El que aquí volem tractar és com les tecnologies interactives poden representar un altre d'aquests moments d'inflexió. Aquest article parteix de l'experiència obtinguda en la direcció, juntament amb Montse Figueras, de la instal·lació Prometzeus presentada a la sala Muncunill de Terrassa el 2004. Una aproximació amateur en l’experimentació de noves dramatúrgies que feia ús de tecnologies audiovisuals interactives. Volem presentar una primera reflexió sobre la qüestió i exposar set d'aquestes possibles reformulacions. Set punts on les tecnologies interactives reformulen el llenguatge teatral.
La memoria es un proceso psicológico de gran importancia en la adquisición de mensajes publicitarios. Estudios previos han mostrado el valor de la memoria explícita o estratégica y de la memoria implícita. Otra variable que puede afectar al recuerdo es la disponibilidad de tiempo para el repaso de los estímulos presentados. Con el objetivo de verificar el efecto de la codificación y recuperación extrínsecas, así como del tiempo de exposición, se realizó un experimento con 84 estudiantes de Ciencias de la Información, que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres grupos. Se les presentó una serie de 30 anuncios publicitarios repartidos en tres listas que diferían en el tiempo de exposición. Los resultados muestran que los primeros y los últimos anuncios son los más recordados y que disminuye el recuerdo de los anuncios presentados en los primeros lugares, a medida que aumenta el tiempo de exposición de los mismos. Se interpretan los resultados en relación con la literatura previa y su posible aplicación al contexto escolar.
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer la mejora de la docencia de histo-ria de la Farmacia en la aplicación de las competencias transversales de capacidad de aprendizaje y responsabilidad y capacidad creativa y emprendedora en trabajos de equipo del alumnado. Se ha establecido un foro de debate en el campus virtual, 2 simulaciones de prueba final con autoevaluaciones en cuanto a la clase activa teórica en la cual se distribuyen en grupos de trabajo que interactúan a clase en base a cuestiones que formulan en función del que se ha explicado previamente, aplicando el modelo de cuestionamiento progresivo, en un proceso de colaboración en la adquisición del conocimiento farmacohistórico.
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
Proyecto que plantea dar una solución alternativa a las soluciones tecnológicas existentes de car sharing. Para ello se ha desarrollado una aplicación en plataforma Android que permite poner en contacto a pasajeros y conductores.