879 resultados para Psychometric instrument
E-Portfolios haben in den letzten Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit in der aktuellen pädagogischen Fachdiskussion erfahren und können als einer der wesentlichen Trends bezeichnet werden. Mit der Bologna-konformen Überarbeitung der Lehrpläne an Hochschulen und Universitäten und der Ausrichtung de Studien an Kompetenzen (Outcome- statt Input-Orientierung) bzw. Lernerzentrierung haben immer mehr E-Portfolios den Eingang in die Curricula verschiendenster Aus- und Weiterbildungsstudien gefunden. Dieses Buch beschreibt die Arbeit mit E-Portfolios in der schulpraktischen Hochschulausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern mit dem Ziel, motivationale und technologische Faktoren der Nutzung von E-Portfolios durch Studierende zu bewerten und E-Portfolios sowohl als Werkzeug als auch als Methode in der Pädagogen- und Pädagoginnenbildung weiterzuentwickeln.
Background: Evaluation of health-related quality of life (HRQL) is important in improving the quality of patient care. The aim of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the HeartQoL in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD), specifically angina, myocardial infarction (MI), or ischemic heart failure. Methods: Data for the interim validation of the HeartQoL questionnaire were collected in (a) a cross-sectional survey and (b) a prospective substudy of patients undergoing either a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or referred to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) and were then analyzed to determine the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the HeartQoL questionnaire. Results: We enrolled 6384 patients (angina, n = 2111, 33.1%; MI, n = 2351, 36.8%; heart failure, n = 1922, 30.1%) across 22 countries speaking 15 languages in the cross-sectional study and 730 patients with IHD in the prospective substudy. The HeartQoL questionnaire comprises 14-items with physical and emotional subscales and a global score (range 0–3 (poor to better HRQL). Cronbach’s α was consistently ≥0.80; convergent validity correlations between similar HeartQoL and SF-36 subscales were significant (r ≥ 0.60, p < 0.001); discriminative validity was confirmed with predictor variables: health transition, anxiety, depression, and functional status. HeartQoL score changes following either PCI or CR were significant (p < 0.001) with effect sizes ranging from 0.37–0.64. Conclusion: The HeartQoL questionnaire is reliable, valid, and responsive to change allowing clinicians and researchers to (a) assess baseline HRQL, (b) make between-diagnosis comparisons of HRQL, and (c) evaluate change in HRQL in patients with angina, MI, or heart failure with a single IHD-specific HRQL instrument.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) had already gained the status of a prominent assessment procedure before its psychometric properties and underlying task structure were understood. The present critique addresses five major problems that arise when the IAT is used for diagnostic inferences: (1) the asymmetry of causal and diagnostic inferences; (2) the viability of the underlying association model; (3) the lack of a testable model underlying IAT-based inferences; (4) the difficulties of interpreting difference scores; and (5) the susceptibility of the IAT to deliberate faking and strategic processing. Based on a theoretical reflection of these issues, and a comprehensive survey of published IAT studies, it is concluded that a number of uncontrolled factors can produce (or reduce) significant IAT scores independently of the personality attribute that is supposed to be captured by the IAT procedure.
The attentional blink phenomenon (AB) represents impaired identification of the second of two targets presented in rapid succession within a stream of stimuli. Despite the well-known association between attentional processes and psychometric intelligence (PI), evidence for a relationship between AB and PI is highly inconsistent. Theory and empirical findings suggest AB to be multifaceted. Hence, relations between AB and PI may be blurred when AB is measured as a single process. Furthermore, different aspects of PI might be differentially related to AB. The present study explored the relationship between processes underlying AB and general PI as well as specific aspects of PI (Reasoning, Speed, Memory, and Creativity) in 201 female students. Fixed-links modeling revealed three processes underlying AB: (1) a U-shaped process positively related to Speed and negatively related to Memory but unrelated to Reasoning, Creativity, and general PI, (2) an increasing process positively related to Reasoning, Speed, Memory, and general PI but not to Creativity, and (3) a decreasing process positively related to general PI and Memory but not to other aspects of PI. Our findings demonstrate that dissociating processes underlying AB and considering specific aspects of PI is required to understand the relationship between AB and PI.
By means of fixed-links modeling the present study assessed processes involved in visual short-term memory functioning and investigates how these processes are related to intelligence. Using a color change detection task, short-term memory demands increased across three experimental conditions as a function of number of presented stimuli. We measured amount of information retained in visual short-term memory by hit rate as well as speed of visual short-term memory scanning by reaction time. For both measures, fixed-links modeling revealed a constant process reflecting processes irrespective of task manipulation as well as two increasing processes reflecting the increasing short-term memory demands. For visual short-term memory scanning, a negative association between intelligence and the constant process was found but no relationship between intelligence and the increasing processes. Thus, basic processing speed, rather than speed influenced by visual short-term memory demands, differentiates between high- and low-intelligent individuals. Intelligence was positively related to the experimental processes of shortterm memory retention but not to the constant process. In sum, significant associations with intelligence were only obtained when the specific processes of short-term memory were decomposed emphasizing the importance of a thorough assessment of cognitive processes when investigating their relation to intelligence.