959 resultados para Psychology, Behavioral|Health Sciences, Nursing|Health Sciences, Nutrition
Acknowledgements We are grateful to THERAmetrics for the study management, data collection and analysis. The authors would like to thank the following investigators for their contribution (>30 patients enrolled): F. Fohler, A.G. Haider, J. Hesse-Tonsa, J. Messner, W. Pohl (Austria); G. Joos, J.L. Halloy, R. Peche, H. Simonis, P. Van den Brande (Belgium); B. Bugnas, J.M. Chavaillon, P. Debove, S. Dury, L. Mathieu, O. Lagrange, A. Prudhomme, S. Verdier (France); A. Benedix, O. Kestermann, A. Deimling, G. Eckhardt, M. Gernhold, V. Grimm-Sachs, M. Hoefer, G. Hoheisel, C. Stolpe, C. Schilder, M. John, J. Uerscheln, K.H. Zeisler (Germany); A. Chaniotou, P. Demertzis, V. Filaditaki-Loverdou, A. Gaga, E. Georgatou-Papageorgiou, S. Michailidis, G. Pavkalou, M. Toumpis (Greece); K. Csicsari, K. Hajdu, M. Póczi, M. Kukuly, T. Kecskes, C. Hangonyi, J. Schlezak, E. Takács, M. Szabo,G. Szabó, C. Szabo (Hungary); G.W. Canonica, W. Castellani, A. Cirillo, M.P. Foschino Barbaro, M. Gjomarkaj, G. Guerra, G. Idotta, D. Legnani, M. Lo Schiavo, R. Maselli, F. Mazza, S. Nutini, P. Paggiaro, A. Pietra, O. Resta, S. Salis, N.A. Scichilone, M.C. Zappa, A. Zedda (Italy); M. Goosens, R. Heller, K. Mansour, C. Meek, J. van den Berg (The Netherlands); A. Antczak, M. Faber, D. Madra-Rogacka, G. Mincewicz, M. Michnar, D. Olejniczak, G. Pulka, Z. Sankowski, K. Kowal, I. Krupa-Borek, B. Kubicka Kozik, K. Kuczynska, P. Kuna, A. Kwasniewski, M. Wozniak (Poland); F. Casas Maldonado, C. Cisneros, J. de Miguel Díez, L.M. Entrenas Costa, B. Garcìa-Cosio, M.V. Gonzales, L. Lores, M. Luengo, C. Martinez, C. Melero, I. Mir, X. Munoz, A. Pacheco, V. Plaza, J. Serra, J. Serrano, J.G. Soto Campos (Spain); T. Bekci, R. Demir, N. Dursunoglu, D. Ediger, A. Ekici, O. Goksel, H. Gunen, I.K. Oguzulgen, Z.F. Ozseker, (Turkey); L. Barnes, T. Hall, S. Montgomerie, J. Purohit, J. Ryan (United Kingdom). The authors would also like to thank P. Galletti (THERAMetrics S.p.A., Sesto San Giovanni, Italy) and K. Stockmeyer (THERAMetrics GmbH, Essen, Germany) for providing editorial assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Funding: British Women’s Heart and Health Study is funded by the Department of Health grant no. 90049 and the British Heart Foundation grant no. PG/09/022. British Regional Heart Study is supported by the British Heart Foundation (grant RG/ 13/16/30528). CB (COPDBEAT) received funding from the Medical Research Council UK (grant no. G0601369), CB (COPDBEAT) and AJW (UKCOPD) were supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Unit). MB (COPDBEAT) received funding from the NIHR (grant no. PDF-2013-06-052). Hertfordshire Cohort Study received support from the Medical Research Council, Arthritis Research UK, the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the British Heart Foundation; NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Nutrition, University of Southampton; NIHR Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, University of Oxford. Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study is funded by the Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health Directorates, grant number CZD/16/6 and the Scottish Funding Council grant HR03006. EU COPD Gene Scan is funded by the European Union, grant no. QLG1-CT-2001-01012. English Longitudinal Study of Aging is funded by the Institute of Aging, NIH grant No. AG1764406S1. GoDARTs is funded by the Wellcome Trust grants 072960, 084726 and 104970. MDT has been supported by MRC fellowship G0902313. UK Biobank Lung Exome Variant Evaluation study was funded by a Medical Research Council strategic award to MDT, IPH, DPS and LVW (MC_PC_12010)
Funding The research reported in this publication was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (E007821/1 to M.S.M-G, R.L.C and E00797X/1; BB/K001418 /1 to L.K.H), the British Heart Foundation (FS/09/029/27902 to S.E.O.), the UK Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit (MC_UU_12012/4 to S.E.O and MC_UU_12012/1 to G.S.H.Y), the Wellcome Trust (WT081713 and WT098012 to L.K.H), the European Union (FP7-HEALTH-266408 Full4Health to G.S.H.Y) and the Helmholtz Alliance ICEMED to G.S.H.Y.
Funding The IPCRG provided funding for this research project as an UNLOCK Group study for which the funding was obtained through an unrestricted grant by Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland. Novartis has no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. This study will include data from the Optimum Patient Care Research Database and is undertaken in collaboration with Optimum Patient Care and the Respiratory Effectiveness Group.
Acknowledgements This article presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (Grant Reference Number RP-PG-0707-10124). The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing of the report or for the decision to submit for publication.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the HIV nurses and physicians from the two HIV clinics involved in this study (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) for their input and collaboration. We also express our gratitude to the participating patients. Finally, we thank Nicolette Strik-Mulder for her help with transcribing the audio recordings. FUNDING This study was funded by ZonMw (the Netherlands), program “Doelmatigheidsonderzoek” (grant 171002208). This funding source had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report.
Acknowledgments We thank the members of the Trial Steering and Data Monitoring Committee and all the people who helped in the conduct of the study (including the OPPTIMUM collaborative group and other clinicians listed in the appendix). We are grateful to Paul Piette (Besins Healthcare Corporate, Brussels, Belgium) and Besins Healthcare for their kind donation of active and placebo drug for use in the study, and to staff of the pharmacy and research and development departments of the participating hospitals. We are also grateful to the many people who helped in this study but who we have been unable to name, and in particular all the women (and their babies) who participated in OPPTIMUM. OPPTIMUM was funded by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme, a Medical Research Council (MRC) and National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) partnership, award number G0700452, revised to 09/800/27. The EME Programme is funded by the MRC and NIHR, with contributions from the Chief Scientist Office in Scotland and National Institute for Social Care and Research in Wales. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the MRC, National Health Service, NIHR, or the Department of Health. The funder had no involvement in data collection, analysis or interpretation, and no role in the writing of this manuscript or the decision to submit for publication.
Peer reviewed
Acknowledgments Editorial assistance was provided by Ken Kauffman and Patricia Abramo, Adelphi Communications, New York, NY. This assistance was funded by Merck & Co., Inc.
Peer reviewed
Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acknowledgements This study received no specific funding. The study involved the analysis of data collected routinely as part of the national AAA screening programme in Scotland.
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.
The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, as proposed by the Food and Nutrition Board/National Research Council in 1980 and reconfirmed in 1989, is 60 mg daily for nonsmoking adult males. Levine et al. [Levine, M., Conry-Cantilena, C., Wang, Y., Welch, R. W., Washko, P. W., et al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 3704–3709], based on a study of vitamin C pharmacokinetics in seven healthy men, have now proposed that the RDA should be increased to 200 mg daily. I have examined, in brief, the experimental and conceptual bases for this new recommendation and its implications for public health and nutrition policy and programs. Using, for illustrative purposes only, data extracted from each of two recent dietary surveys of noninstitutionalized adult males living in households in the Netherlands and the United States, it is predicted that the prevalence of intakes inadequate to meet the individual’s own requirement would be about 96% or 84%, respectively, if the criteria of adequacy used for derivation of the 200 mg RDA are accepted. Depending upon the particular average requirement value for ascorbic acid that might be derived from their data, the proposal by Levine et al. would mean a desirable increase in mean intakes in these two populations by as much about 2- to 3-fold. Hence, before an action of this kind is to be recommended, an answer must be sought to the question whether current experimental data including the criteria selected (saturation kinetics) are adequate to establish a new set of requirements for vitamin C, which then carry such profound policy implications. This will require critical assessment of all of the available evidence emerging from laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies to determine whether it provides a sufficient rationale for accepting criteria of vitamin C adequacy such as those proposed by Levine et al. and the requirement estimates so derived.
© The Author(s) 2014. Acknowledgements We thank the Information Services Division, Scotland, who provided the SMR01 data, and NHS Grampian, who provided the biochemistry data. We also thank the University of Aberdeen’s Data Management Team. Funding This work was supported by the Chief Scientists Office for Scotland (grant no. CZH/4/656).