1000 resultados para Produto dose-área
Erosion surfaces are the main geomorphological features of the Hesperian Massif. However, three other physiographic elements define the present state of the landscape. Such are big mountain blocks with polygonal borders building at great scale mountain chains, some more modest ridges following hercynian structural trends, and finally the strong incision of the fluvial net. On the other hand, paleoalterations and associated sediments are the only available ways for relief correlation and interpretation. It consists of a triple relationship giving good results when the regional stratigraphy is well known. Tectonic massifs, differential relief sand incisions are originated by geotectonic alpine disturbances during the Tertiary. The three events are consecutive in time with overlapping lapses which the prior and following element: differencial reliefs as a mesozoic heritage occur first, afterwards morphostructural blocks responding directly to the alpine deformation, and finally the fluvial incision as a delayed answer to the preceding morphostructural changes. The relationship relief sedimentation confirms widely this idea, since an association exists between a siderolitic Cretaceous-lower Paleogene and the differential reliefs, between arkoses from the upper Paleogene and the tectonic morphostructural blocks and between the Neogene Series Ocres and the terraces.
In the Longroiva-Vilariça area, the identification of Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units, the sedimentology and the characterization of its geometric relations with tectonic structures allowed the interpretation of the palaeogeographic main stages: 1) the greenwhitish Vilariça Arkoses (Middle Eocene to Oligocene ?) represent proximal sediments of a very low gradient drainage towards the eastern Spanish Tertiary Duero Basin; 2)Quintãs Formation (late Miocene ?) are brown-reddish coloured piedmont alluvial deposits, correlative of important vertical displacement (western tectonic block relative uplift) along the NNE-SSW indent-linked strike-slip Bragança-Vilariça-Longroiva fault zone, interpreted as a reactivated deep hercynian fracture, with left-lateral movement; 3) the red Sampaio Formation (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?)was interpreted as downhill conglomeratic deposits related with important overtrusting along this fault zone (the definition of the present-day narrow graben configuration) and correlative of the atlantic hydrographic incision stage beginning; 4) conglomeratic terraces (middle and late Pleistocene ?); 5) alluvial plains and colluvial deposits (Holocene).
Significado regional dos depósitos neogénicos continentais da área de Vila de Rei (Portugal Central)
In the Vila de Rei area (Central Portugal) the continental deposits of the Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin lay upon the pediment of the Portuguese Central Chain. Three conglomerate units are recorded from the base upwards, separated by regional or basinal unconformities; Conglomerados de Rio de Moinhos (RM); Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim (SA) and Conglomerados de Vila de Rei (VR). The first two units (RM and SA) have been sites of gold exploitation in huge open pit mines probably during Roman colonisation times. The contact of this units, on the Paleozoic basement or on the Paleogene unit Grés de Monsanto, is unconform, defining in both limits a large nondepositional and/or erosional hiatus. Those conglomerates seal the sedimentation of the Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin along its northern border. Taking into account the significance assigned to their basinal unconformity limits, the uplift of the Portuguese Central Chain, and the fact of this continental units yielded no fossils with chronostratigraphic significance, they have been considered ranging from Upper Miocene to the beginning of the Quaternary. Finally, a lithostraligraphic equivalence with the Neogenic units of the Bierzo and Duerna basins (NW of the Iberian Peninsula), where exploitations from Roman times are also evident, is presented.
The geomorphologic characteristics and lithostratigraphic units of the transition from the Tertiary filling stage to the Quaternary fluvial incision in the Vila Velha de Ródão area (Lower Tagus Basin, NE sector) are presented. Several morphodynamic episodes, which had an important tectonic control, were distinguished. The same main morphosedimentary processes can be identified in other areas of this important river basin. Five periods of Quaternary fluvial incision were characterized.
Due to their detrimental effects on human health, the scientific interest in ultrafine particles (UFP) has been increasing, but available information is far from comprehensive. Compared to the remaining population, the elderly are potentially highly susceptible to the effects of outdoor air pollution. Thus, this study aimed to (1) determine the levels of outdoor pollutants in an urban area with emphasis on UFP concentrations and (2) estimate the respective dose rates of exposure for elderly populations. UFP were continuously measured over 3 weeks at 3 sites in north Portugal: 2 urban (U1 and U2) and 1 rural used as reference (R1). Meteorological parameters and outdoor pollutants including particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were also measured. The dose rates of inhalation exposure to UFP were estimated for three different elderly age categories: 64–70, 71–80, and >81 years. Over the sampling period levels of PM10, O3 and NO2 were in compliance with European legislation. Mean UFP were 1.7 × 104 and 1.2 × 104 particles/cm3 at U1 and U2, respectively, whereas at rural site levels were 20–70% lower (mean of 1 ×104 particles/cm3). Vehicular traffic and local emissions were the predominant identified sources of UFP at urban sites. In addition, results of correlation analysis showed that UFP were meteorologically dependent. Exposure dose rates were 1.2- to 1.4-fold higher at urban than reference sites with the highest levels noted for adults at 71–80 yr, attributed mainly to higher inhalation rates.
This clinical trial compared parasitological efficacy, levels of in vivo resistance and side effects of oral chloroquine 25 mg/Kg and 50 mg/Kg in 3 days treatment in Plasmodium falciparum malaria with an extended followed-up of 30 days. The study enroled 58 patients in the 25 mg/Kg group and 66 in the 50 mg/Kg group. All eligible subjects were over 14 years of age and came from Amazon Basin and Central Brazil during the period of August 1989 to April 1991. The cure rate in the 50 mg/Kg group was 89.4% on day 7 and 71.2% on day 14 compared to 44.8% and 24.1% in the 25 mg/Kg group. 74.1% of the patients in the 25 mg/Kg group and 48.4% of the patients in the 50 mg/Kg group had detectable parasitaemia at the day 30. However, there was a decrease of the geometric mean parasite density in both groups specially in the 50 mg/Kg group. There was 24.1% of RIII and 13.8% of RH in the 25 mg/Kg group. Side effects were found to be minimum in both groups. The present data support that there was a high level resistance to chloroquine in both groups, and the high dose regimen only delayed the development of resistance and its administration should not be recommended as first choice in malaria P. falciparum therapy in Brazil.
Coal contains trace elements and naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th, 238U. When coal is burned, minerals, including most of the radionuclides, do not burn and concentrate in the ash several times in comparison with their content in coal. Usually, a small fraction of the fly ash produced (2-5%) is released into the atmosphere. The activities released depend on many factors (concentration in coal, ash content and inorganic matter of the coal, combustion temperature, ratio between bottom and fly ash, filtering system). Therefore, marked differences should be expected between the by-products produced and the amount of activity discharged (per unit of energy produced) from different coal-fired power plants. In fact, the effects of these releases on the environment due to ground deposition have been received some attention but the results from these studies are not unanimous and cannot be understood as a generic conclusion for all coal-fired power plants. In this study, the dispersion modelling of natural radionuclides was carried out to assess the impact of continuous atmospheric releases from a selected coal plant. The natural radioactivity of the coal and the fly ash were measured and the dispersion was modelled by a Gaussian plume estimating the activity concentration at different heights up to a distance of 20 km in several wind directions. External and internal doses (inhalation and ingestion) and the resulting risk were calculated for the population living within 20 km from the coal plant. In average, the effective dose is lower than the ICRP’s limit and the risk is lower than the U.S. EPA’s limit. Therefore, in this situation, the considered exposure does not pose any risk. However, when considering the dispersion in the prevailing wind direction, these values are significant due to an increase of 232Th and 226Ra concentrations in 75% and 44%, respectively.
Gamma radiations measurements were carried out in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Two different gamma detectors were used to assess the environmental radiation within a circular area of 20 km centred in the coal plant: a scintillometer (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a high purity germanium detector (HPGe, Canberra). Fifty urban and suburban measurements locations were established within the defined area and two measurements campaigns were carried out. The results of the total gamma radiation ranged from 20.83 to 98.33 counts per second (c.p.s.) for both measurement campaigns and outdoor doses rates ranged from 77.65 to 366.51 Gy/h. Natural emitting nuclides from the U-238 and Th-232 decay series were identified as well as the natural emitting nuclide K-40. The radionuclide concentration from the uranium and thorium series determined by gamma spectrometry ranged from 0.93 to 73.68 Bq/kg, while for K-40 the concentration ranged from 84.14 to 904.38 Bq/kg. The obtained results were used primarily to define the variability in measured environmental radiation and to determine the coal plant’s influence in the measured radiation levels. The highest values were measured at two locations near the power plant and at locations between the distance of 6 and 20 km away from the stacks, mainly in the prevailing wind direction. The results showed an increase or at least an influence from the coal-fired plant operations, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Trabalho de projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, área de especialização em Comunicação e Artes.
Para reconhecer a distribuição dos planorbídeos na 8ª Região Administrativa do Estado de São Paulo, 286 lotes de caramujos procedentes dos 85 municípios que a constituem foram examinados e identificados no Laboratório de Malacologia da SUCEN. Biomphalaria straminea, que ocorre em quatro criadouros - um em Altair e três em S. José do Rio Preto, foi a única espécie identificada capaz de vir a comportar-se naturalmente como hospedeira intermediária de S.mansoni. Isto demonstra que são mínimas as probabilidades da esquistossomose vir a instalar-se na área estudada.
A hepatite B é doença de graves consequências quando adquirida no período neonatal. No entanto, a identificação das gestantes, com risco de transmitirem a infecção a seus filhos, pode prevenir essas consequências através da imunização, passiva e ativa, dos bebês logo após o nascimento. Foram estudadas 477 gestantes de primeira consulta atendidas no período de abril a outubro de 1988 nos oito Centros de Saúde da rede estadual que abrangem o subdistrito do Butantan, região oeste do município de São Paulo, considerada carente de infra-estrutura básica. As 477 amostras de soro foram ensaiadas quanto à presença do marcador anti-HBc total, que permite detectar os casos assintomáticos, crônicos e em fase de convalescença. As 44 (9,2%) gestantes positivas para esse marcador foram ensaiadas para os marcadores anti-HBs e HbsAg. Dessas 44 amostras, 2 (0,4%) foram positivas para o HBsAg e 37 (7,7%) positivas para anti-HBs. Do universo de 477 gestantes, 47 apresentaram no inquérito a que foram submetidas respostas indicativas de fatores de risco para hepatite, mas apenas 8 (17,0%) delas faziam parte do grupo de gestantes anti-HBc positivas, 2 delas HBsAg positivas
Ao longo da história, a cólera tem assolado populações sob a forma de epidemias e pandemias com elevada morbimortalidade, que condicionam o desenvolvimento das regiões atingidas (120.000 óbitos estimados por ano a nível mundial). Em 2001, 94% (173.359 casos) dos casos de cólera foram notificados no continente africano (OMS). A cidade da Beira é considerada área de endemo-epidemicidade de cólera. Na cidade da Beira foi realizado um estudo de seroprevalência de cólera (serogrupo O1), em período inter-epidémico, através do doseamento de anticorpos vibriocida, numa amostra de conveniência de 136 indivíduos adultos sem história de vacinação prévia contra a cólera. Obteve-se uma seroprevalência de 2,2%, que não pode ser extrapolada para a população em geral. Ambas as estirpes do serogrupo O1 (Inaba e Ogawa) foram identificadas. A metodologia utilizada é exequível em regiões com suporte laboratorial básico e pode ter interesse como ferramenta de vigilância epidemiológica da cólera na cidade da Beira, dado que a seroprevalência em anticorpos vibriocida traduz a imunidade de grupo da população. A monitorização da seroprevalência pode contribuir para orientar as estratégias de intervenção no sentido do controlo da cólera, nomeadamente na implementação de uma campanha de vacinação. De facto, tendo em conta o impacto da cólera na população e as limitações da estratégia existente, urge equacionar de forma objectiva o papel da vacinação oral na estratégia de controlo da cólera na cidade da Beira.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob a orientação da Doutora Alcina Augusta de Sena Portugal Dias. “Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri”
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica